Currently CD 3 and looking for a buddy!

I have promised myself (and my DH) that I will not test early. After reading up on the amount of false positives with testing early and how much more accuracy you get when you wait, I decided to wait until next Friday. By waiting I have 98% accuracy.

I've been doing pretty good at staying busy and not really thinking about symptoms. Plus, from what I've read you don't really experience any symptoms until about a week or two, usually fatigue which is pretty common anyway. Been organizing and cleaning a lot and work certainly helps the day go by super fast since I have fun with what I do.

So here it is. I am 4DPO I am waiting until the day of my expected period. If I experience any symptoms I will update otherwise, I am limiting my baby obsession researching and forum posting to no more than 30 minutes a day. ;-)

Baby dust to all! XOXO
Man, I am having serious o pains, cramping like period pains at the moment. Im sure I have had them in the past but not this bad, I wonder if I am conceiving as I type!
Sounds promising! Also wishing away the days now. Managed to bd twice yesterday after +ve opk so hoping we have done enough. Will however bd again tonight to try to catch that egg! The next couple of weeks will be a killer im sure!

Baby dust to all!

And Nat, my DH is just the same, i swear he thinks gettin preg is as easy as flipping a switch!!
Hmm just took todays opk just to check, a definate -ve, really hoping we bd'd in time last night... Does anyone know how long the LP normally lasts? I did another opk yesterday afternoon and it was still +ve. How long is it that u have to catch the egg after the +ve opk? Worried now that we left it too late :-\
Well, according to my "new chart" AF is expected next Tuesday.
The earliest I will test will be Wednesday, 9/26 if my temps stay high and it doesn't look like AF is impending.

I'm still crampy, and a lil gassey. I get pms every month, yes, but anything more than a passing cramp never starts until within hours of my start, and this has been 2-3 days now...its kinda annoying
theres a really good chance you caught that egg, bd on the day and the day after gives you a great chance and cos you also did, was it 3 days before, even that could have worked too. Also remember that the positive opk detects the surge before it happens, about 24-36 hours before the egg is actually released so if you got a couple of bds on the day you tested positive you would def have caught it, now its just up to that little egg to stick, good luck, we are both on the 2ww, yay!
Hey, everyone! I've been really busy lately with work & DS's football stuff.

It sounds like lots of you have been busy BD'ing! Fx'd you caught that eggy! Sounds like you did :wink:

Your symptoms sound very promising! I too am having a lot of cramping. Not painful, just low and dull cramping. I tested this morning (not sure why - I'm only 6DPO...I knew it was going to be a :BFN: ) I want to know exactly which day I can get a BFP if this is my month, so I decided to test every morning from here on out.

Good luck everyone!
Well we bd'd last night too, so im hoping we caught a sticky one! Fingers crossed for everyone- officially in the TWW! thanks for your support and advice everyone, i hope to hear everyones bfp announcements soon! Now i just have to find something to fill the time...! (and not obsess over early preg symptoms!)
Well we bd'd last night too, so im hoping we caught a sticky one! Fingers crossed for everyone- officially in the TWW! thanks for your support and advice everyone, i hope to hear everyones bfp announcements soon! Now i just have to find something to fill the time...! (and not obsess over early preg symptoms!)

Haha, good luck! I think we all obsess over early preg symptoms. I took another test this morning, BFN. Trying to chalk it up to be being so early, AF isn't due until Friday the 28th, lol.
I think its impossible not to obsess when you are ttc, I just spend the whole day thinking about it and am amazed when I realise its been a few minutes since it crossed my mind! Then again, when im pregnant i spend the whold time thinking "im pregnant, im pregnant" maybe thats just me but i just cant seem to turn my brain off, drives me slightly mad sometimes. Thats probably why I could never wait the full two weeks to test. I dont know how people can be so calm about it and just go on with their lives like nothing has changed ( i have a friend who is pregnant with her third and its like nothing has changed) oh to be so calm!!
Most months I don't obsess until AF is due. However this month, I've been crampy and bloated only 7-9dpo and that has never happened before. Also still experiencing constipation. Last night in the late evening I had a low fever of 99.2 so today I checked around 4pm and it was only 98.2.....just checked at 8pm and its up to 98.9.
I broke down and poas this morning at 9dpo and got bfn, but its early yet. I feel less crampy, but more bloated today. My boobies are actually less sore so nothing exciting about them. I really want to be pg, but I would settle for knowing positively that I'm not. Not knowing suuuuucks!! But I just can't figure out any other reason for my cramps!?! And I just realized that FF thinks AF is due Monday, at 13dpo. I think I said Tuesday in an earlier post. It seems SO close, yet SO far away!! Yep, we're crazy!

Update: well, I had a cyst and it burst tonight. I feel kinda sweaty and feverish. I hate my body so much right now, I'm thinking about throwing in the towel. The only thing they can do for cysts is BC pills.
Now, I never know if I have a cyst until it bursts, so it has never caused me cramps or bloating before.....but I suppose it could have, so now I doubt I'm pg. And I only have 4 more Meloxicam. I guess I've got to call my doc about meds - maybe I will just have him give me the pill, I dunno. I always avoided it because I didn't want it to impact my future fertility, but it looks like I don't have any fertility to protect anyway. I'm physically hurting and I feel hopeless right now.
Most months I don't obsess until AF is due. However this month, I've been crampy and bloated only 7-9dpo and that has never happened before. Also still experiencing constipation. Last night in the late evening I had a low fever of 99.2 so today I checked around 4pm and it was only 98.2.....just checked at 8pm and its up to 98.9.
I broke down and poas this morning at 9dpo and got bfn, but its early yet. I feel less crampy, but more bloated today. My boobies are actually less sore so nothing exciting about them. I really want to be pg, but I would settle for knowing positively that I'm not. Not knowing suuuuucks!! But I just can't figure out any other reason for my cramps!?! And I just realized that FF thinks AF is due Monday, at 13dpo. I think I said Tuesday in an earlier post. It seems SO close, yet SO far away!! Yep, we're crazy!

Update: well, I had a cyst and it burst tonight. I feel kinda sweaty and feverish. I hate my body so much right now, I'm thinking about throwing in the towel. The only thing they can do for cysts is BC pills.
Now, I never know if I have a cyst until it bursts, so it has never caused me cramps or bloating before.....but I suppose it could have, so now I doubt I'm pg. And I only have 4 more Meloxicam. I guess I've got to call my doc about meds - maybe I will just have him give me the pill, I dunno. I always avoided it because I didn't want it to impact my future fertility, but it looks like I don't have any fertility to protect anyway. I'm physically hurting and I feel hopeless right now.

Wow, you are definitely going through a lot :flower: I hope that you can get some answers from the doctor. I will be thinking about you!
Wow, you are definitely going through a lot :flower: I hope that you can get some answers from the doctor. I will be thinking about you!
The doc didn't seem to think my cysts were an infertility problem themselves, and my sis said she had a cyst on one ovary when she had her first scan at 6.5 weeks preggers, so I guess I'm really not out till the fat lady sings. Just, seems like so much at times. I've felt so optimistic this month.......and I think I lost it. But hey, it makes the waiting easier if I'm not hoping so much.
Glad you're here to talk to!!
You poor thing, can you actually feel the cyst burst? Thats crazy, are they on your ovaries? I cant imagine how tough it is to deal with something like that. I know, waiting is sooooo hard, if you just know one way or another you can just get on with planning next month. My cycles are about 37 days long, ovulate about day 20 then have a 16 day lutel phase so the wait its pretty painful.
Have you been trying for awhile?
Im crampy too, only dpo 3 though so not reading too much into it but there is always hope. I just wish i could see what is happening in there!
Anyway, i just wanted to say dont give up hope and if you ever want to have a rant go for it, thats what we are here for. My fingers are doubly crossed for you for the BFP!:hugs:
You poor thing, can you actually feel the cyst burst? Thats crazy, are they on your ovaries? I cant imagine how tough it is to deal with something like that. I know, waiting is sooooo hard, if you just know one way or another you can just get on with planning next month. My cycles are about 37 days long, ovulate about day 20 then have a 16 day lutel phase so the wait its pretty painful.
Have you been trying for awhile?
Im crampy too, only dpo 3 though so not reading too much into it but there is always hope. I just wish i could see what is happening in there!
Anyway, i just wanted to say dont give up hope and if you ever want to have a rant go for it, thats what we are here for. My fingers are doubly crossed for you for the BFP!:hugs:
I get blood filled cysts, usually on my left ovary but it can vary. Supposedly it indicates a hormonal issue, but the cysts themselves don't affect fertility. Lots of people get them. When they are just there, you can't tell it, they don't hurt. When they burst, the blood leaks out and it hurts comperably to appendexicitus. Sometimes simply walking is enough to "jar" it into bursting, but a lot of times BDing during my LP causes them to burst. I've been walking around at the store and all of a sudden it hurts sooooo bad, so even avoiding sex at that time of the month isn't enough to keep them from hurting. It seems to make every muscle south of my diaphram cramp up into a knot, which makes it hurt to breathe even and hard to relax enough to urinate, and even standing upright or walking stretches those cramped abs and hurts! Usually the worst of it is only a few hours so I lay around in the fetal position with a heating pad, but lingering cramps for up to 2 days after especially when I use the batheoom.
Basically, you can go on BC pills to cut out the hormones causing the cysts, or take high strength NSAIDS to help with the pain. My doc said if I was TTC then I'd just have to treat the pain.
I used to get them occasionally, and just deal with it, but it seems this past year it's been almost a monthly thing.
I haven't been back to the doc since the diagnosis, due to financial reasons. I was VERY glad that all he saw was cysts on the scan, doesn't look like endo. With my job promotion, I should get insurance soon and intend to see what else he can recommend, if anything, and get more fertility testing. The next thing he wants to do is the dye to check my tubes, and its expensive! But its the next logical thing, we're pretty sure that I O regularly and have nice regular cycles. I don't get a lot of CM so I'm trying Preseed, but all the lube in the world won't help if my tubes are blocked....but its something I can try while I'm waiting on the test. FX that I just need more CM and will fall pg soon and not need to spend a fortune at the docs!!
So, do I test in the morning at 11dpo or hold off till Monday? Decisions, decisions!
Oh the insanity. Think I will run out to Walgreens and buy a couple early response tests lol
I would test but i have no patience! Just thought back to my first and i got a bfp on 8 dpo so its def possible you could get one, remember it could still be too early too. :)
Hubbs woke me up early, but my temp is down. I'm not gonna waste my pee stick. If I were a bettin man, I'd bet my next paycheck AF will arrive this afternoon. I haven't even cried or gotten brain fog yet. This has been an odd cycle.

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