Currently CD 3 and looking for a buddy!

Sorry I've been MIA for awhile, super busy! Sounds like a lot of you have promising symptoms! Fx'd! As for me, I'm pretty sure I'm going to start AF tonight or tomorrow. Feeling very crampy and still BFNs. If this isn't my month, I hope :witch: hurries up and gets here so I can get back to BD'ing!
i havent done any temping myself but just looked it up and it does kind of look like it might have been then instead, do you use opks too? I find them really good to pinpoint the big O.
oh dear, thats no good, sorry to hear it, that damn :witch: curse her! How long have you been trying for? Did it take long to conceive your other children?
I must admit i didnt have any trouble with my first two so this ttc is all pretty new to me, im sure it must get really challenging, mentally, if it goes on for too long.
Baby dust for next month. :hugs:
hiya, how are you feeling today? I was really queasy this morning but I get like that before AF comes on so Im never sure if its morning sickness or just hormones, still tired too, had a sleep on the couch with my little boy yesterday afternoon and feel like i will need another one today. BFN again this morning though :nope: still only dpo8 so still hopefull!
i havent done any temping myself but just looked it up and it does kind of look like it might have been then instead, do you use opks too? I find them really good to pinpoint the big O.
I only had a 4 pack, which I used CDs 12-15 and didn't get a surge, but apparently I wasn't supposed to do them FMU like a pg test, so I dunno how acurate they were. I was considering a 20-pack this cycle.

FF originally put O on CD12, which seemed too early. I let it do its thing though, and it recalculated CD15 which seems to jive, close enough to CD16 last cycle, but so is CD17. In any case, I'm sure that I did O as sore as my BBs are its definitely PMS if its not early pregnancy, not to mention the 98+ degree temps.

My cramps and sore boobies are most definitely real symptoms, but I have a couple more that *totally may be in my head* lol
I keep inspecing my BBs in the mirror and I think my nipples seem bigger. Haha its probably in my head, but I have previously bemoaned that I had tiny nipples that didn't look like could ever be used for bfeeding, and suddenly I think they look like they could manage it! Like I said, I could be imagining that though. Wish I had a "before" photo to compare lol I think I might be crazy, but who knows

I've been off for 3 days when I was supposed to get AF - giving me plenty of time to go crazy. I'm going back to work in the morning and I won't be stalking bnb all day long. I will be sure to update if I get AF though, and Saturday will be my next test if my temp stays up.
All sounds promising! Im more and more convinced i havent concievef this cycle, getting lots of pmt and def do not feel preg! I always suffer with mood swings and the last couple of days ive been very moody! Plus my bbs dont feel sore or a lot bigger at all... Just feels like a completely normal cycle :-( Not helped today by two ladies from work bringing in their new babies and toddlers, im so unstable i nearly burst into tears! A sure fire sign AF is nearly here :-( plus been getting my usual acne which is just GREAT! Sigh... I hope at least one of us manages it this time round!!!
Tested this morning at 13DPO and got a BFN. No symptoms besides being ready to go to bed like at 6pm every day. SMH... Supposed to get AF between today and tomorrow. It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings! Will keep you all posted.
Just got off work. Still no AF, and even though I got up at 6am (instead of 9) my temp was still 98.0!
FX for Saturday test!
AF just got me this evening
Aww I'm sorry to hear that!

I passed out quick and slept like a LOG last night, till about 4:30am, couldn't really get back to sleep very deeply, woke again at 5:40 temped and got up. I had to work early and I guess I was done sleeping. But now I'm tired as heck!! And its only 7! I feel exhausted. I had to force myself to throw the dogs toy a few times. I sometimes am tired from working morning shift, but dang...this is bad! So of course, my imagination is taking it and running with it lol
:hugs:Im so sorry! The cycle begins again huh? I read a funny article the other that that said you live your life in 2 week blocks when you are ttc, so true, except its 3 week blocks for me and other long cyclers. I know its not much comfort but I enjoy a lovely glass of wine, or three, with a bfn and look forward to the next big O.
Sending you positive thoughts for next month
yeah between 10am and 2 pm seems to be the best time but with my last O I tested in the morning and got a negative but tested at about 9 pm and got a positive so if i had waited till the next afternoon i might have missed it. I had lots if ovary pain though and tons if ewcm so i probably could have guessed the day but i like to know exactly when it happens.
I test for about a week, twice a day when im getting close, def recommend at least 20 :)
AF just got me this evening
Aww I'm sorry to hear that!

I passed out quick and slept like a LOG last night, till about 4:30am, couldn't really get back to sleep very deeply, woke again at 5:40 temped and got up. I had to work early and I guess I was done sleeping. But now I'm tired as heck!! And its only 7! I feel exhausted. I had to force myself to throw the dogs toy a few times. I sometimes am tired from working morning shift, but dang...this is bad! So of course, my imagination is taking it and running with it lol

You never know...I was convinced I wasn't pregnant with DS2. The only reason I took a test was because of extreme fatigue!
:hugs:Im so sorry! The cycle begins again huh? I read a funny article the other that that said you live your life in 2 week blocks when you are ttc, so true, except its 3 week blocks for me and other long cyclers. I know its not much comfort but I enjoy a lovely glass of wine, or three, with a bfn and look forward to the next big O.
Sending you positive thoughts for next month

Thanks :) sounds so true about the two week block thing. I checked the calendar and thankfully I'm not working the days I should be ovulating in October. I'm going shopping tomorrow, so I think a treat to Olive Garden and some wine at lunch is in order :) I'm just glad that this wasn't one of my 42 day cycles!
The witch got me too. And I was really hoping the Preseed did the trick...Somehow I went from an 11 day LP to 16 days? I'm still doubting my chart a bit, Oing on CD17 would make better sense to me.

And apparently I'm sick, is why I was soooooo tired. I had been having some throat irritation, but it started after I had to talk all night at work so I dismissed it, but I woke up coughing last night and had to take medicine to be able to sleep. I have zero energy today, despite going to bed before 8 last night!

At least maybe my boobies will calm down, they were getting really annoying!!! And yes, I do think they swelled up a bit. And my nipples really did look different, darker/redder, as they are back to pink this morning. Darn PMS! What was up with all those cramps though?? That was weird!

Here's to hoping for a better chart next month!
Anybody still waiting?

I know me and chelsealynnb are out.

Prgirl? Bec2? Tryfor1more? Anybody have any news?
hiya, I feel a bit bad because you guys are out but i got a veeeeery faint positive this morning in a FR 6 days sooner. Interestingly it didnt show up on the 10 miu strips which makes me not trust them. My husband reckons i shouldnt get my hopes up too much as i have had two m/c's, which i think is good advice, but im hopeful.
I dont really have any symptoms apart from extreme tiredness and im really hungry, i feel like i have been eating all day and im still hungry. No sore breasts yet or anything else, i hope thats not a bad sign. :)
hiya, I feel a bit bad because you guys are out but i got a veeeeery faint positive this morning in a FR 6 days sooner. Interestingly it didnt show up on the 10 miu strips which makes me not trust them. My husband reckons i shouldnt get my hopes up too much as i have had two m/c's, which i think is good advice, but im hopeful.
I dont really have any symptoms apart from extreme tiredness and im really hungry, i feel like i have been eating all day and im still hungry. No sore breasts yet or anything else, i hope thats not a bad sign. :)

Well one of us should get lucky this go round!
Hope it gets darker and that this one sticks!!
I'm only on CD3 but my period is dwindling fast. 8+ hours at work and all I got in my Mooncup was a small amount of brownish blood.
It seems like my periods have gotten very light and short. Which is nice to "deal with" but I'm a little concerned that I'm not making a thick enough lining for implantation???
Eh, off to do some research

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