Currently CD 3 and looking for a buddy!

Wow, that sounds really rough, I hope things get better for you soon. Cant imagine how frustrating it must be.
Ive got my finges crossed this cycle but im not holdig my breath, have had some very odd cycles these last few months. normally my cycles are 33-35 days, with no ovulation spotting but looking back have def had some o pain. last month i had a 28 day cycle, with a short & light (for me) bleed of only 4 days (normally im heavy for 6) then very random spotting on days 22-24... before that my cycle was 63 days, and im not sure i even ovulated that time. Im slightly hopeful that i ovulated this time, and i have been checking my cevix every day. it was open for what seemed the longest time but is now definately closed. Trying not to get hopes up yet as i know any 'symptoms' i might be experiencing will just be the normal progesterone induced monthlys as only just 4DPO... but def have fuller breasts... with my first preg, the first thing my husband noticed was that my boobs had got bigger (which was what prompted me to test!) however i must have been a least 5-6 weeks gone then. Plus we werent particularly trying so i wasnt looking for symptoms...! How hard it is when you are actually trying!

Wishing away the weeks here - a simple yes or no seems so elusive!
Well, the witch hasn't shown yet. My temp wasn't really *that* low, so hmmmm I guess I'm still in the wait. My LP tends to be on the short side, 11-12dpo so it wouldn't surprise me if she showed up before FF has it pegged, but of course I'd rather she not show at all!!!
1/2 hour left of work then I can go home. I've been holding my pee for the past 5ish hours so hopefully when I get home and test I'll get some results. Couple more symptoms - nauseous tonight and veeeery tired. Usually in just a little tired at the end of my shift, but I'm literally falling asleep at my desk and while I'm writing this. Fx'd!!!!

I think I decided if I don't get my BFP this cycle, I'm not going to test early anymore. It's too dissapointing, and for me, it makes me soo symptom paranoid. I'll update more later!
My temp was back up over 98 and I almost jumped out of bed for joy. LoL poas, bfn, but at least I'm not expecting af to ruin my day. Maybe tomorrow the witch will get me, but for now I win *rawr* I'm glad my LP has lasted 12 days now.
Boobies are more sore this morning, could be impending AF though, so I'm not too worried about that. Was still having slight cramps on my left side last night, but when I laid down it hurt a little towards my back/hip like a nerve or something, couldda got it pinched a little at work I suppose.
Also, been having creamy CM, not copious amounts, but enough to make me feel wet. Thought it as AF a coulple of times yesterday.
excellent, still hope there then. Hoping it is a bfp. :) im only 5dpo and was tempted to take a test this morning, crazy i know! Probably hasnt even implanted yet if it has been fertilized so wishfull thinking but i just wish i could fast forward to next week so i can test
Well, I feel like I'm in the longest "moment of truth" ever. I'm past my normal-for-me short LP, venturing into more "normal" 2ww range. FF predicts AF tomorrow at 13dpo. I feel like I'm perched on the edge.
BBs sligtly sore, and increasing amounts of creamy CM.

As a side note, my new multi vitamins supposedly had 70 in the bottle and you take 2 daily -- somehow, there's 7 left till Wednesday. Who stole 1? LoL They are nothin special, just basic multis, but they seem to have a good effect on my LP.
AF is supposed to arrive on Thursday. I am 10DPO and almost tested this morning but still holding out. I've had the tests in my bathroom for like two weeks. I'm surprised I haven't given in but testing early can result in a false positive so I'm hanging in there. Part of me wants to test tomorrow morning but DH is helping me wait.

As far as symptoms, nothing crazy here besides the fact that I've been wanting to go to sleep super early. By 6pm I'm exhausted and can barely stay up. I've been going to bed around 8-8:30pm. This Sunday I slept 12 hours straight LOL. Haven't done that in a looong time! I was a bit light headed this morning. That's about it. My breasts look like they might be a bit larger but honestly, I'm not sure. Hubby says yes.

Hanging in there, trying not to over-analyze and praying, if it's in God's will, to get my BFP this week!

Baby dust to all of you! :dust:
ooohh exciting, are you going to test tomorrow?
Yesterday, 12dpo bfn.
I'm gonna hold off a couple of days.

The good news is that my temp was not super high, but still at my coverline, so it doesn't look like AF will be showing on 13dpo!!! Yeah!

Boobies much more sore this morning. Had loads of cm when I went to temp.
Only 6dpo for me, no signs yet apart from that i seem to have a lot of cm, almost like O cm; but slightly creamier... Bb feel fuller but they always do this time in my cycle, last month i was getting all kinds of early preg symtoms.... But then it all suddenly stopped of course followed by a visit from AF a day or two later, i keep telling myself not to read too much into any 'symptoms' but am finding the TWW agonisingly slow!!

Sounds like there are a lot of us with positive signs though, keeping my fingers crossed for all your BFP announcements!!
i keep telling myself not to read too much into any 'symptoms' but am finding the TWW agonisingly slow!!

Sounds like there are a lot of us with positive signs though, keeping my fingers crossed for all your BFP announcements!!

I can't get over the cramps I had 7-9dpo that have mostly gone away now. I've never had that before, so I'm hoping it was implantation!!! The other stuff, sore BBs and such are pretty much par for the course 2WW so I'm not reading much into that. However, the CM is interesting. I've never noticed as much of it before, and apparently lots of creamy CM is a common early sign! The fact that I've made it past 12dpo is also encouraging --- even if I end up getting AF, having a better LP is definitely a GOOD sign for me and I will keep up with the vitamins!!!
So my 2WW is dragging on longer than usual for me too! Its turning into a real two weeks! But I'm happy about that, just not sure what the cause is yet.
FX it turns out good for us!!
great news! Do you usually have quite a short LP? Are you normally quite regular on your cycle too? Before this month i had never really paid any attention to my LP but last month mine was 16 days so i wont actually be overdue untill the 5th october. It just seems like a lifetime away.

If i dont get a bfp this month i will be going for some acupuncture, i had tons of it for morning sickness last time and she recommended that i go and see her before we start trying this time but its really expensive, about $70 a time so i thought i would wait for a bit. Im hoping though that she could stimulate ovulation a bit earlier in my cycle (instead of day 20) so the wait isnt quite so long. Its such a killer huh?

I have tons of cm too, almost like ewcm, im 7dpo today, broke down and did a test this morning, a 10 miu test but bfn. I know its still too early but just had to see, i was in bed by 9 pm which is not like me but i just couldnt keep my eyes open. I dont have any other symptoms yet though so not sure what to think.

Do you have any other symptoms?
I went to bed last night at like 10:30 and fell right asleep!!! Typically I'm a night owl!! I woke up around 2:30am, but went back to sleep till 8:30am. I'm not sure if I'm tired, or if its just because I have 3 days off work.

Yes. I usually have a short LP.

I've been using those new 6 day early First Response tests, and not even a faint line. I was thinking of trying a different brand in a couple of days if my temp stays up.

I'm on CD29 today. I rarely ever go over 30 days. Somethin is due to happen, either AF or a bfp!
Lol, also cd7 and did a test today... Bfn of course!! Headachy, , tired and a little crampy/ back achey.... And tired of waiting! Got a book out the library today called 'getting pregnant faster' lots of interesting facts and advice to keep me occupied for the next few days at least ;-)
I feel slightly sick-ish (just blah, no specific symptoms), I'm tired even though I went to bed early and slept in and lazed around all day, I'm running a low grade fever at times (99.5 tonight), my BBs are sore, and I'm getting AF-like cramps off and on.
All hail the mighty thermometer coz its my only lifeline at the moment!! Praying this all leads to a BFP, coz its certainly not normal!
Sounds promising!! Fingers crossed for you!!
Getting frustrated. Another BFN, but temp still up 15dpo so I'm not out yet!
I think I'm gonna try to hold off a couple more days and hope for 18 high temps, or AF, whichever comes first. Only 3 more days till then.

I'm starting to wonder about my O date. Just looking at my chart, I would pick CD17 instead of 15, and then I would only be 13dpo.

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