Currently CD 3 and looking for a buddy!

cramping can be early pregnancy but ovulation can also feel crampy, particularly if its just on one side, the side that the eggy is being released. Its a bit strange that your monitor is still reading high after all that time, I thought they were supposed to show you the 5 highest days? Must be very frustrating! Hopefully you will get a sign soon. :)

I just read that some women experience ovulation cramping for a few days (before, during and after) so I guess I just never noticed it before :wacko:

As far as the monitor, yes it does give you the right timing but the first month it will be a little "off" since it's getting to know my hormone levels. This is my first month using it.

I am 99% sure I ovulated so I'm excited to test on the 27th :happydance:!! Already got my pregnancy tests in the mail (ordered them on Amazon)

Good luck! Don't you love those IC?? I would be sooo broke if they didn't exist, lol. Btw, with all 3 of my pregnancies, I experienced period like cramping right around when my period was due so if you get that, don't get discouraged!
My temp seems to be holding steady, and I temped at the right time today.
The last 2 days I've felt mild indigestion no matter what I ate, and off and on nausea. It seems too early to be early symptoms, but if I was actually sick I would have just thrown up and gotten over it already. Let's just say, I've not felt that way before and I'll just have to see if it continues or what. And try not to go crazy in thr meantime. If I keep having weird things I may be an early tester this month too! Haha FX

I *do* fully expect to get rather sick when I do get pg, because I often throw up when I start my period. My stomach seems particularly sensitive to hormonal changes.
My temp seems to be holding steady, and I temped at the right time today.
The last 2 days I've felt mild indigestion no matter what I ate, and off and on nausea. It seems too early to be early symptoms, but if I was actually sick I would have just thrown up and gotten over it already. Let's just say, I've not felt that way before and I'll just have to see if it continues or what. And try not to go crazy in thr meantime. If I keep having weird things I may be an early tester this month too! Haha FX

I *do* fully expect to get rather sick when I do get pg, because I often throw up when I start my period. My stomach seems particularly sensitive to hormonal changes.

Which CD are you now?
My temp seems to be holding steady, and I temped at the right time today.
The last 2 days I've felt mild indigestion no matter what I ate, and off and on nausea. It seems too early to be early symptoms, but if I was actually sick I would have just thrown up and gotten over it already. Let's just say, I've not felt that way before and I'll just have to see if it continues or what. And try not to go crazy in thr meantime. If I keep having weird things I may be an early tester this month too! Haha FX

I *do* fully expect to get rather sick when I do get pg, because I often throw up when I start my period. My stomach seems particularly sensitive to hormonal changes.

Which CD are you now?

CD17. Only 5dpo, so it seems too early to be anything conclusive.
I had the ovulation cramps for three days (Mon-Wed) and first month with monitor never registered peak (typical for the first month). I am going to assume that I had my OD on the 2nd day of cramps (Tuesday) so that would make today my 2DPO. I know that some early symptoms are fatigue and gas but I work super early (up at 5am) so I'm always exhausted AND I'm lactose intolerant LOL.

Since it seems we are all at or approaching ovulation, it would be cool to share symptoms soon!
I'm on CD19 and what I believe to be 2DPO and I have a weird rash near my outer wrist area that started two days ago. I'm a teacher and my students have horrible hand washing skills so I wash my hands constantly to avoid getting sick. This has caused my hands to be a bit dry so part of me thinks this is the cause of the rash HOWEVER (errrrrr) I just read online that skin rashes can be an early pregnancy symptom and, since I over-analyze everything, this is just messing with my head.

Just wanted to share my frustration :-/ Anyone know anything about this?
Well I get an odd rash on my hands or wrists from stress, and lack of sleep, but hand washing and chemicals exaberate the problem. Mine is a version of excema. I have worked in food service for 2+ years and any time I get dish duty it can flare up my rash, so that leads me to believe your handwashing might have something to do with it.
Ya never know though! Keep those fingers crossed! My stomach has been feeling a little better. Itwas kinda odd though, felt like I needed to eat crackers or something to settle it, but after I would eat it would come back again later. Might come back again, could be something, could just be a bug that didn't get me bad enough to actually make me sick, but we'll see
I'm not sure about rashes. My biggest symptoms I had with all of my pregnancies were fatigue (I was falling asleep driving), and pregnancy insomnia (I woke up around 11pm and didn't go back to sleep until about 9AM with my first one). Hope you get some more symptoms! It's pretty hard to not over analyze every little thing.
I should clarify that I didn't have pregnancy insomnia with #2 an he's the one I kept falling asleep while driving. That's what led me to test in the first place because we were NTNP buy only DTD like 3 times that whole month, so I didn't test when my period didn't come.
i got a terrible rash all over my body with my second, they reckon its an auto-immune response, but that was in the third trimester. As for the sickeness, with my first i was throwing up before i could get a positive on a test, my second it started at six weeks. Needless to say, i am hoping i get a little more grace this time with a 2 year old and a 4 year old to run around after!

If you do get sick though, i highly reccommend acupuncture, it saved my life with my second. I really dont know how i would have coped with out it, my oldest was only 14 months old when i fell pregnant and i was sooooo ill. It lasted for 6 months with my first and 7 months with my second.

Thats the main reason we have waited a bit longer to have number three, cant wait to get pregnant but absolutly dreading the throwing up.

Ps, its so hard not to read into every sign and symptom, it drives you mad huh?
Are you guys familiar with the Shettles Method? The one that says if you BD a day or two pre ovulation that you are more likely to conceive a girl? Or the closer to O that you BD, the more chance you have of having a boy? Do you believe it's true?
yeah, trying it again, tried it last time and got a girl. Im not sure about the first time, i knew nothing about it but my boy was a honeymoon baby so there was a lot if action anyway! I know we did BD on O day with him and it was a boy, so it does kind of fit. Evidently girl sperm swim slower but live longer so the 5 days before O are the best to sway for a girl and the day of, and the day after are best for a boy because the swim faster but die sooner. I reckon its worth a try if you are trying to sway
i got a terrible rash all over my body with my second, they reckon its an auto-immune response, but that was in the third trimester. As for the sickeness, with my first i was throwing up before i could get a positive on a test, my second it started at six weeks. Needless to say, i am hoping i get a little more grace this time with a 2 year old and a 4 year old to run around after!

If you do get sick though, i highly reccommend acupuncture, it saved my life with my second. I really dont know how i would have coped with out it, my oldest was only 14 months old when i fell pregnant and i was sooooo ill. It lasted for 6 months with my first and 7 months with my second.

Thats the main reason we have waited a bit longer to have number three, cant wait to get pregnant but absolutly dreading the throwing up.

Ps, its so hard not to read into every sign and symptom, it drives you mad huh?
It will HIGHLY surprise me if I'm not sick at least some of my future pregnancy. I get sick just from plain ole PMS!! Usually it only lasts an hour or two, but once (last November specifically) I was up all night. Bleh!
Meh, Its happened since I was a teenager.
I had morning sickness with mine too, but only for the first few months. I'll definitely welcome it, though! Lol
Thanks for all this feedback girls! I've never been pregnqnt so it helps me know what to expect.

Remember how I thought I ovulated earlier thiw week becwuse of the O cramps? Well, my monitor FINALLY showed a peak this morning at 4am. Woke up DH and we DTD about an hour later. Last time we DTD was Sunday in hopes for a girl but when I saw the peak this morning I panicked thinking our Sunday sperm wouldn't make it. We tried again. So now I have to recalculate my days and today is my official OD!

chelsealynnb, how was your OPK today?
i got a terrible rash all over my body with my second, they reckon its an auto-immune response, but that was in the third trimester. As for the sickeness, with my first i was throwing up before i could get a positive on a test, my second it started at six weeks. Needless to say, i am hoping i get a little more grace this time with a 2 year old and a 4 year old to run around after!

If you do get sick though, i highly reccommend acupuncture, it saved my life with my second. I really dont know how i would have coped with out it, my oldest was only 14 months old when i fell pregnant and i was sooooo ill. It lasted for 6 months with my first and 7 months with my second.

Thats the main reason we have waited a bit longer to have number three, cant wait to get pregnant but absolutly dreading the throwing up.

Ps, its so hard not to read into every sign and symptom, it drives you mad huh?
It will HIGHLY surprise me if I'm not sick at least some of my future pregnancy. I get sick just from plain ole PMS!! Usually it only lasts an hour or two, but once (last November specifically) I was up all night. Bleh!
Meh, Its happened since I was a teenager.

Yeah my PMS is bad too. When I was a teen I used to get it with vomiting. Now, though it lasts for hours, at least I don't have the vomiting problem. As the years have gone by I've gotten to know my body better and know exactly when to pop a Midol!
i got a terrible rash all over my body with my second, they reckon its an auto-immune response, but that was in the third trimester. As for the sickeness, with my first i was throwing up before i could get a positive on a test, my second it started at six weeks. Needless to say, i am hoping i get a little more grace this time with a 2 year old and a 4 year old to run around after!

If you do get sick though, i highly reccommend acupuncture, it saved my life with my second. I really dont know how i would have coped with out it, my oldest was only 14 months old when i fell pregnant and i was sooooo ill. It lasted for 6 months with my first and 7 months with my second.

Thats the main reason we have waited a bit longer to have number three, cant wait to get pregnant but absolutly dreading the throwing up.

Ps, its so hard not to read into every sign and symptom, it drives you mad huh?

Thanks for the acupuncture tip! Will definitely keep that in mind!
Thanks for all this feedback girls! I've never been pregnqnt so it helps me know what to expect.

Remember how I thought I ovulated earlier thiw week becwuse of the O cramps? Well, my monitor FINALLY showed a peak this morning at 4am. Woke up DH and we DTD about an hour later. Last time we DTD was Sunday in hopes for a girl but when I saw the peak this morning I panicked thinking our Sunday sperm wouldn't make it. We tried again. So now I have to recalculate my days and today is my official OD!

chelsealynnb, how was your OPK today?

I'm still at work right now so I haven't tested yet today, but last night before I left for work I took another and it was so positive that the test line was darker than the control line and showed up under a minute. I'm really hoping that I still caught that egg from when DH and I BD on CD15 (one day before I got my first +) if we did, I'll bet it's a girl! :happydance:
What do you suppose my chances of concieving are this cycle? When we BD on CD15, I didn't get up at all afterwords until about 5AM and I managed to keep all the 'stuff' inside me until then. When I got up it came out, then the next day at work in the middle of the day, more came out so I figure it must have been way up there. If I did ovulate either on CD16 or CD17 (when my OPKs were the strongest positive) do you think I have a good chance of the :spermy: still being alive & waiting for the egg to be released?
Okay ladies, here are ALL of my tests so far from this month CD9-CD18 (this morning). I know that I surged on CD16 (third test) and all day CD17 was positive, so I either O'd on CD16 at night or sometime during the day on CD17. CD18 is a lot lighter, so I think that means that I already O'd because my levels are dropping now. What do you think? Could I have caught this egg from BD'ing on CD15?

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