Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

No - it's raining today - doesn't look like stopping :( OH is doing a load of stuff in the house. Well I just made lunch and he's having a break playing COD black ops ( I got it him for his birthday ) but he apparently has a plan of attack - it's hard as we're only in a small cottage and when you do any major cleaning or sorting it means the house is a state - I will have a blast of hoovering and dusting tomorrow I think.

I will walk to the doctors tomorrow and drop in my repeat prescription request which I forgot to hand in on Friday and might pop in to the chemist and ask them to check my bp again to see if it's still high- Ollie is moving fine - well he can't do much with his head jammed in my pelvis but he still stretches alot - pushes his bum out one way and his feet out the other and he wiggles his legs ( noticeable lack of hiccups so hoping that's a sign as they stop practising breathing a few days before the birth ). But the bp thing is stressing me out so if I can get it checked without having to go in to hospital or wrangle with the receptionists at the doctors then that would be cool.

Rachel - it's the best when they start moving :cloud9: at first you aren't sure if you've got wind or it's the baby but as they get bigger and stronger there's no mistaking it - and it's wonderful - apparently lots of mums really miss the movements after the birth and I can totally understand that!!

The movements are fab. I remember feeling empty once Euan was born and even though I had an actual baby I did miss him in my tummy.

Lou the nursery sounds like its going to be great.

Having a lovely long weekend but now that its done it doesn't feel like it has been so long. At least I know I don't have much time to go now.

Anyway best be off to spend some time with my boys!
I'm loving the movements - just so amazing! You'll love it rachel!

Helen hope your able to get your bp checked out nice a easy tomorrow. Maybe the lack if hiccups is a sign ollie is on the way! X

jo hope you had a nice day with your boys x

hope everyone else had a nice weekend xx
Helen reading about your lack of hiccups made me think oh have not had that yet but baby has just had them for about 15 minutes it's the oddest thing ever.

Had a great day yes and had some friends round for dinner, she brought the yummiest cake and am just about to help myself to a 2nd piece. Yum yum.

So tired now so going to watch a wee bit of tv and go to sleep.
Your LO must've heard your thoughts Jo :) oooo cake - send some this way please :)

Good news - just found the camera/laptop cable so I can upload my bump pics

Bad news - they are too big to upload!

Anyone know how I can make them smaller / how I can upload them please? I have tried winzip but they just stay the same size. Weird. I don't really want to use photobucket

thank you!!!
ooo send some over here too!

I open mine in paint rachel, then save them in there - it seems to make them smaller for me and they will upload on here. Just added mine to my journel - all seemed to upload ok once saved in paint rather than picassa

afm waiting in for baby nursery delivery today, pouring with rain out there. Going to sort through my clothes and vacumn bag them for the loft while i wait.
Sorry Rach, as you know I'm hopeless at uploading pics on here, I can do them to my avatar but apart from that mine are always too big or wrong in some way!! Congratulations on team blue. Boys are always mummies boys so he'll be your special little soldier!!

I know what you're saying ladies about missing your little one inside you, when Thalia was born for the first few days I really missed carrying her in me and feeling her moving round. Even though every day was fraught with worry I really loved being pregnant. I never felt hiccups though but when Thalia was in her incubator she used to get them all the time. Rach I started feeling Thalia at about 16 weeks, felt like bubbles popping to start with then became more obviously baby.

Having a nightmare at mo - I think I mentioned I was worried about my milk supply, well this weekend either Thalia is eating a hell of a lot or I'm not producing enough, its really stressing me out and the lack of sleep isn't helpng. Seeing health visitor today so will talk it over, I really don't want to have to introduce formula - if anyone knows any tips for increasing supply let me know, I've started having porridge since yesterday as oats are supposed to help.

Helen how you doing? Are you quite relaxed and letting nature take its course or are you on the curries and raspberry leaf tea? I'm so excited for the next CCB. If you can let us know when it starts so we can send good thoughts your way xxx

Jealous of your nurseries Lou and HB, we never got round to doing anything!! Shes just in a crib next to our bed at mo(though she always would have been with us for 6 monthsish) and all her stuff is piled in spare room, and my god there is so much stuff- though she much prefers to spend the night either on my chest or her daddies, hence our absolute exhaustion. Am determined today to get her to settle in her crib. I went into spare/thalias room last night between feeds and got 3 hours straight - oh god it was fantastic.

mmm Goddess cake, I've been eating way too many biscuits and cakes - today is start of healthier eating, its just been so easy to grab a biscuit(or five) as always never time to make something but I reckon I'm putting on weight again instead of losing - I put on 30 pounds can you believe - FOR A 3 POUND baby. God knows how much I'd have put on if gone to term. I've lost 16 but still a stone over and as I was already half stone more than I'd like when I got pregnant I just feel gross.

Right madam is stirring. Feed and then back to bed for the pair of us. Can't believe I'm still not at my due date but I have a nearly 10 week old baby. Madness. Though I've been told milestones wise I have to use her adjusted age(i.e what she would have been) not her real age, so rolling, first smile, weaning etc will all happen when they should have rather than 10 weeks early.


Good Luck HB if it happens today xx
Just been for my walk - still no Ollie buns arrival yet - trying to stay patient - have been on RLT for a while but not to induce as it's not meant to do that -but to tone the old uterus. Can't stand spicy food so that's a no go but have been drinking pineapple juice and walking and have just got an excercise ball to bounce on. If no Ollie by Friday will have a sweep ( cervix allowing of course!! ) as want to avoid induction which would be a week tomorrow if he's not arrived....

Maybe try pumping as well as feeding Lucy? it's meant to be a supply and demand thing so if you demand more would you produce more? the HV might be the best person to ask tho...

Glad she's doing so well.

We had to sort the nursery really - Ollie will be in with us for the first 6 mths - his little crib is all set ready to go. But we're in a 2 bed cottage and the 2nd bedroom was packed with tons of books, guitars, art stuff, trinkets and the like - and we needed a stud wall put in ( as it was open plan to the stairs ) and there was no way I wanted that doing with Ollie here. If we had a 3 bed it would have been straight forward and wouldn't have been so urgent...

Rachel - I also open in paint and save as a JPEG - seems to make them smaller memory wise....

I need to scan in all my scans and bump pic too - will get OH to set me up :)

Bump pics are up! Thanks for the paint tip x

Hope the feeding sorts itself out Q, as Helen suggests try expressing more often too to keep the juices flowing. Is she putting on weight well? I bet its amazing being at home with your baby. I can't wait!

fx'd your cervix is riper for a sweep this week H. Sex is another one although I can't imagine being that up for it at 9+ months pregnant!

Girls I am serisouly struggling with motivation to do ANY WORK. I am working from home today and have done absolutely nothing except watch telly, look on bnb and pretend to work. I just wanna leave and go on maternity!!
My friend who breat feeds was telling me all about it last weekend. She did say it was a supply and demand thing as Helen said, so the more you 'feed' the more milk should be produced the next day. So maybe try expressing too? i'm sure HV have some ideas. Glad she is doing well.

I'm not too sure where all the bits in the spare room will go at moment, need place for tumble dryer (we are open plan downstairs so far too noicey for downstriars) and looks like baby be sharing with the computer! Our box room has our guenia pigs in it, we could use that as nuresery then 2nd bedroom have more space, but it really is tiny!

Fxed you can have the sweep Helen! Sounds like you are keeping busy, have they set that as a date for induction then?

Rachel i'm with you on the not wanting to work! have you decided when to go off on leave?

AFM the delivery did not come, they didn't bother to tell me it wasn't on it's way. Been promised it for next Monday now. Dreading my return to work tomorrow, just have no motivation for it now after last week - and a stack of parents evening in a row
No date yet but they generally look at it from 12 days over so am sure will get discussed on Friday at 41+1 - will ask that if sweep doesn't work by sunday can go to maternity for another one on the Sunday.....

Don't blame you for wanting maternity leave - work can be such a drag when pg!!

Thanks Ladies - saw health visitor today, my monkey's been having a massive growth spurt which is why my milk not quite keeping up - but shes put on lots weight so HV told me not to worry I wasn't starving her, shes told me to express every couple hours to try and up milk flow - thing is Thalia eats every two hours at mo so there's be nothing left for her. Think I'll express after every feed and try to let body know we need more rather than bewteen feeds. All very confusing but i feel a bit better now I know she's had a good gain this last week - she's 5'9 now! Have also bought some cartons of formula for emergencies, hopefully i won't have to use it but I feel better knowing its here next time i'm in tears at 4 in teh morning because shes screaming and my boobs are empty!!

HB fingers crossed you won't have to be induced. Am sure little chap will make his own way out very soon.

Finally going in for op tomorrow to remove last of placenta, hope they get it all. Have been non stop bleeding since birth and I'll be glad when that stops. Don't like idea of leaving my baby - also trying to express enough for while i'm under general which is adding to the stress.
HB all the best for Friday, am sure the sweep will do the trick. I had two sweeps, the first one was done by my MW then the second one was done at triage the following day and contractions started the early hours of the next morning. So dont loose hope hun.
Gosh Queenie, I cant believe your little princess is 10wks old already, time just seems to be flying past dont it. Am very weepy, I cried during last week's 'one born every minute'. Keep us posted on how the op goes tomorrow :hugs:
Good luck with the op Lucy :hugs:

Hey Dee - I hear it's normal to be emotional at this point - goddam hormones :hugs:

Lucy I feel for you. I had massive supply issues when euan was born and gave in too soon and started formula in conduction with BF. I hope its better this time. I saw a lactation consultant and she told me to pump or express for 10 minutes each boob after every feed, I ate oatmeal every day, I took blessed thistle and fenugreek capsules four times a day and I was taking 140 mg of domperidone per day. Unfotunately none of that worked for me and for months I only had enough milk to feed euan once per day in the morning. For the longest time I really punished myself about it, I cried every day I felt so guilty that I could not provide that basic need for my child. Now he is 2 he is so happy, healthy, smart and is thriving and I see that I punished myself when there was no need. Saying that I am so hopeful that I can feed this child and I know that once baby is born and if I can't the same issues will happen.

Helen - the day I went into labour I had a sweep, had a long strenuous walk and managed to have sex twice. So take your pick what worked. I had a sweep the week before.

Dee - please remember what your feeling right now is normal. It's really tough.
Lou - sorry about your nursery, they should have called you. I hate that!! X
Lucy, good luck with your surgery, my placenta with jess only the middle came out - the edges stayed in and the bleeding and clots were awful, luckily it came out in the end though!
Jo, not long for work now, you must be so fed up.
Helen! Fx'd for sweep on Friday!! Walking really helps after the sweep! X
I'm sooo uncomfortable at the moment. Yesterday I had braxton hicks all morning, and just feel so tired. Have a presentation scan finally on Thursday so will know more then, can't believe I only have 21 days left :-/ x
Emma - Thanks I am a bit fed up at work yes. I have 8 days to work now, am here at work on the 8th so technically 7 which sounds great. I need to leave early today and sort out my nursing registration and think I might book a massage for tomorrow. My replacement is doing well but we have quite a challenging workload so she still needs a wee bit of input. Have a 2 hour meeting today so that will waste a bit of time and then next Wed I will be in the OR most of the day doing a marrow harvest so the time is going to go pretty quickly. I find that although I am tired in the mornings I am not too bad, its about 2 in the afternoon that I am struggling, usually pretty sore at that point, feeling sick and just feeling exhausted.

Anyway better get on with some work.

Lucy - like Helen was saying drink tonnes of water, and try to eat well too.
lucy hope the op went well today :hugs:

Dee sorry your still feeling tearful, it's completly normal i hear xxx

Em sorry your so uncomfortable today, hopeforly the scan will have shown he has turned . 21 days! Wow your almost there!

Jo hope your final days go nice and quick for you xx

How you doing today helen?

My delivery turned up this morning at 7.30!! Shocked the hell out of me and my dog over breakfast. But slowed me down as was too busy looking in the box when i should have been getting ready for work!!

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