Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Rach I agree with the others its definitely growing pains, its enough though to worry you I know. As everyone else says too the dicharge comes and goes and will vary in quantity pretty dramatically. I have to wear panty liners all day now as there is so much of it. Just another attractive part of being pregnant.

Sorry about the other girl stealing your thunder, I can imagine its difficult but remember that your family and friends are who are important and I bet they are all over the moon for you and super excited. Everyone is so different in pregnancy try not to worry about it. I was tiny with Euan and never showed to very late on and even then it was not that much. This time I started showing much early but of late even though I know baby is growing my bump is not really showing it too much I don't think. I must take a picture and pop it into my journal.

Work is tiring now and I wish I could be done, I am training my replacement which is great but I almost wish I could do it myself too. I am just sitting at my desk, letting her answer the phone and do the e-mails and all the work as that is what I am supposed to do, but it makes it a long day and I find that I am getting tired just sitting there.

Helen how are you doing?
I'm tired - bad nights sleep last night - going for a morning nap I think. Have discovered that I can fend of my renewed morning nausea by having a more substantial breakfast than I'm used to.

I found that limbo part of waiting for maternity leave weird - and in my run up I was off sick for 2 days and worked from home for 3 - I had loads of wrapping up to do as well.

I'd been training my replacement for a couple of months - she didn't really have a lot of the right skills so had to start from scratch!!

Rachel - also thinking - it will actually be nice for both of you to be pg together - you're both PAL and will have the same stresses and being due close together you'll be able to compare notes.

Hope you enjoyed your nap Helen. I tend to have a large breakfast on the weekend and also find it good for keeping sickness at bay

It will be nice to be pg together. Only problem is we haven't really talked for 5 months. Will have to see how it goes.
Just pop over to say congratulations - am sure you'll both be gabbing away within mins!!

Had a good nap, OH works from home in the afternoon so I woke up at 2 when he got in and had lunch - right old lady of leisure!!!

We're setting up Ollie's baby monitor this afternoon and his moses basket for downstairs was brought over on Sunday so we're making that up to and a practise session for the hypnobirthing - I think that's plenty of activity for today!!

Jo - sorry it seems to be dragging, can't be much fun just watching someone do your job all day. not going to make the days go faster!

Rachel i agree with Helen just go up to her, congratulate her and i'm sure you'll be chatting away in no time!

Sounds like a nice afternoon Helen, did you manage to get it all set up ok.

AFM almost told all my students now, most are shocked at how far gone i am. One class gave me a round of applase with was sweet, and my cheeky older ones said 'you couldn't tell, just looks like you had a bit to much over christmas!'. I did tell them that was not the look i was going for! Some girls asked if my baby was big enough as i was so small! bless them, told them baby was fine. Othewise got some rubbish news, was told that my job will be redundant when i return for maternity leave, no redundancy notice given now as i'm going on mat leave, but told be gone by next summer. So not great, means job hunting when on mat leave!
Helen sounds like you had a good day planned today. It is dragging a bit but I am taking Friday off as a time back day as I still have about 9 hours of overtime due to me. I will be in the OR most of tomorrow doing a bone marrow harvest so tomorrow will be over quickly. I may take a sick day next week just so I don't have 5 work days in the week as I am finding it hard. I am having a day off in my final week too as that is my earned day off so woohoo.

Rach - I agree with the others you should try approaching her and see how it goes.

Lou - that totally sucks about your job. SO sorry and job hunting while on mat leave isn't much fun.

I had quite alot of painful BH again today its certainly pretty intense at times. Its settled now that I am in bed lying down. DH has not read any of the literature on homebirth so I think we will be going to the hospital for the birth. I feel that it might be a good idea as my varicose veins down there are just getting bigger and bigger as the baby gets bigger and there is more pressure from the uterus. Its so much fun ;) but I am actually a bit worried that it will just explode trying to give birth. I know that sounds a bit dramatic but I guess since I had 3rd degree tears last time I have it on my mind.

Anyway speak to you all tomorrow.
:hugs: Lou - that really sucks about being made redundant - have you been working there long enough to make a good payout? Can you appeal it - especially being pg? What is the job market like there?

Jo - 10 working days left including today!!!!! :yipee: Where - if you don't mind me asking - are your varicose veins? Don't blame you for feeling worried about the birth - shoulder dystocia is meant to be very scary and the tearing would have been so traumatic - are you doing your perineal massage? Are you finding it is helping? I think mine is.

Had a good afternoon - got my bits done. Cleaning the bathroom and giving the kitchen a sqiz today - my friend is popping over for a visit tomorrow so want it looking relatively nice.

Was awake for a couple of hours between 2 and 4am - nothing new there - but during that time I did have some period pains and tightenings - was exciting but obviously came to nothing.

its a strange thing really, as i techinally work for the council it's my length of service for them rather than the school. So be 8 years, so 8 weeks pay. But you can't take anouther job for 4 weeks as techically you are going back to work for the same employer, and for teachers its quiet hard as start dates are always at start for terms. So think it's best i try my best to find something. Only problem is schools are not hiring due to government cuts! But maybe in a years time things may have changed.....

I've been having pain the last few days in my lower bump in the middle. Gotten worst today and doesn't feel like the normal ligimate pain i get as not sharp and it stays for ages, felt very crampy out on walk with the dog. Feels bit better now i'm sitting again. Don't want to ring the midwife for no reason so going to see how it goes today.

Jo it's totally understandable to be a bit worried about the birth. Have you found the perineal massage has helped?

Helen hope you enjoy your day of a little cleaning. Are you feeling much better about the house now? did you get most of what you needed done?
Yeah - the conservatory needs an over-haul as we've cleared everything out to that - but OH is doing that - he made a head start yesterday and as I want all the windows cleaned he'll do that as he goes on so when that's finished it's finished. I want the whole downstairs cleaned thoroughly but it is generally clean - I'm taking pulling everything out and scrubbing, top of kitchen cupboards, clean out cupboards etc etc and then we're pretty much done - you'll always find more to do but hopefully when we're in more of a routine I might have some more time to do stuff - and be physically able also!!

Can you ask your work to make you redundant when you go on leave Lou? I think they still have to pay you your maternity pay and your redundancy pay but when you get back you would be able to look for work straight away? Can you speak to the teachers union to get an idea of your rights?

sounds good Helen, hopeforly OH will sort the conservatory out. Think our garden is like your conservatory - it's where everything has been moved too - now needs moving out. Your very good cleaning on top of cubboards!

I've contacted union, and they said they can not make me redundant whilst on leave, which they did say they wouldn't do. So i'm just trying to get a more definate date from them for when it might happen, so i can get my head round what to do for the best, guess it also depends when i return. I like to have everything planned - so not knowing stresses me out a bit
That would stress me out too. Hope they can sort it so the dates work out - will they owe you holidays too? Like when I get back I will be owed 8 weeks - 6 weeks + 2 days hols and 9 days bank holidays.

If the dates don't work out could you do private tuition and substitution work till the next chance to apply for jobs comes round? It might even be good to be flexible with LO there...

we get the school holidays, we don't get any extra days for other things so be no holiday due. Going to try and arrange a meeting and go through my concerns with them and try and get some sort of definate answer on dates. Yeah my back up is supply working, which could work out well with LO, as could do 2 days one week, 4 next depending on our needs. Just really want to know so i can sort out a plan then i'll feel ok i think
Sorry to hear about your job Lou. So will you be made redundant before you go on ML, I'm confused? You will probably have to have the next school year off and just supply if you need to. Then apply for a perm job for Sept 2012? What's your subject?

Helen, sounds like you are in full on cleaning mode! I could do with some of your energy adn enthusiasm. I don't think the floor under my sofas has seen a duster for months.

Jo, hope you are feeling better about the birth. Hopefully you will be like the books all say, and have an easier time this time around. Was it difficult recovering from a 3rd degree tear (that's one of my main worries)

afm, very tired today, looking forward to home-time, will probably grab a pizza for tea then snooze it off by 7pm! Had a nose bleed on the train this mroning, sightly embarrassing. Esp when it was still bleeding as I was queueing to get off! Oh the joy ..

Haven't heard from M2A in a while, she is MIA
It's not my energy at the mo - tis OH's ;) There's no way I could get on top of the cupboards or do the lower cupboards ( I'd never get back up ). I will only be able to move the sofa's with aid of OH too - he would shout at me if I tried bless him - so I'm doing the "usual" cleaning - bathroom, kitchen, hoovering, dusting and he's doing the heavy stuff, plus the shopping, cooking, and washing - he's a sweety :)

Hope M2A is ok.

Rachel :hugs: keep an eye on the nose bleeds, and enjoy leisurely evening - mmmmm pizza!!!

It will be I return so 2012, I'm hoping to afford to take 9 to 11 months off with lo, so return feb or march. So yeah prob supply for a term then fxed for new job sept 2012. I teach quiet a bit, business, ict, pshe and law. What I'd really love to do is change to primary teaching after lo here. Secondary is very stressful with results and amount of students. One year I had 220 students that I taught!

Hope you enjoyed your pizza rachel! Keep an eye on the nosebleeds. Xx

bless you OH Helen, sounds like he is taking good care of you!

Strange question but what did/are you doing bout knickers? Did you get proper maternity ones or just go size bigger? Mine are still fitting at mo, but seemto be growing everyday now
Helen - you were asking me where my Varicose veins were and its a bit embarrasing but basically they have appeared over the entire vulval area... they came early and continue to get bigger. At the moment my entire vulva is just a bit hard bulbous bulging vein and its getting bigger with more pressure... it can happen and its just something to put up with. I am looking forward to getting baby out so hopefully down there will return to some semblance of normal.
It sounds like your ready now and 1 more day to go till due date woohoo.
Thanks for your support about the birth I am doing ok, I was fine last time and I will be fine again.

Rach - recovery from the 3rd degree tear was ok. It was obviously painful and i was a bit slow getting round. I didnt rest as much as I should have done as my parents were over on holiday so we went out for walks every day and that was the hardest part but it was my own doing. I had to take lots of painkillers and stool softners but it slowly returned to normal and it wasn't that bad. There was plenty of other stuff to keep me busy like a new baby :) try not to worry what happens will happen and we will get over it.

I have to confess girls that I am crap at the perineal massage I should be starting it now. I had to see an obstetrician for all the swelling down there and she told me there was lots of scar tissue and specifically to concentrate on that, but have I done it..errrr that would be a big fat NO.

Lou - a meeting with your employer sounds like a good idea so you have more of a fixed idea what you have to deal with.

Had a shitty day today at work, spent 5.5 hours in the OR with my patient, first of all I turned up to meet with him and he tells me that he has a swelling in his leg. He is 18 and was there with his parents, he has a really aggressive form of lymphoma so I told him and his parents that it was most likely his lymphoma that was relapsing and that we may not be able to proceed with the getting his bone marrow for transplant. They were pretty upset, his doctor arrived and confirmed the same with him although we went ahead with the surgery which was good. I hate having to tell people such bad news, it never gets any easier esp a young boy. Anyway on the work tomorrow then off till Monday which is ace and getting to the end quickly. I find that i am starting to get more tired despite having a desk job, so looking forward to it.

I have my midwife appointment tomorrow to discuss lots of issues about birth so I think I will tell her that we are just going to go ahead with hospital birth... DH has read nothing about homebirth anyway and I really don't think he will come round.

Its 8.30 and I am in bed and actually thinking about going to sleep pretty soon. Hope your all doing ok.

Helen - Happy DD. :hugs:
Jo - that sounds v painful re VV. I know what you mean about the perineal massage - it isn't the most fun thing - my poor OH does mine - we have now got in to a routine but it isn't our fave part of the day. Also rubbing in vit E oil - one that can be taken orally anyway so it is fine to use down there - that might be useful for the scar tissue. Would they offer you a waterbirth also? only as that is meant to prevent tearing?? :hugs: sorry you had a horrible day at work - dealing with such emotional times in people's lives must be so so hard - not least when you're pregnant.

Lou - I got maternity "over the bump" knickers from mothercare - v v v comfy :thumbup: am way past sexy anyway - comfort gets my vote!!

AFM - D day!!!! still umming and ahring about whether to have the sweep tomorrow - was advised I could have it at my 40 week appt when I saw my mw last time - am totally in 2 minds!!

happy due date HB - I keep checking in to see if the next ccb has arrived!!! So exciting!!!

Jo - the VV sounds painful, hope you can get a bit more rest after the birth this time and recover nicely - though with Euan too that might not be too possible. I didn't get the chance to do any massage or anything in the end and I didnt get any tearing - though I know she was just tiny but the midwife said just to follow her breathing instructions and I shouldnt get any tearing, it was something I was really scared about.

Lou - sorry about your job - really pants to happen now. Maybe will be good in long run though so you can switch to primary? Hope it works out for you - and talking of pants I bought mothercare maternity pants and I Loved them - the ones like shorts. Still wearing them now!!! My bump was massive though and I needed them pretty early on.

Rach - I got loads nosebleeds too, something to do with blood vessels dilating due to pregnancy. Mine often happened at work in shop - v embarrassing!!

First day home alone with Thalia today - Tim is back at work. She's napping next to me on sofa. Its exciting and daunting.

Shes just started stirring so better get ready to feed the little monkey xxxxxxxxxxx

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