Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Well Ollie's def not coming today then - looks like the sweep for me!!

Good news is - further on with the cleaning - woohoo

I tried water last time around and i found it very irritating which was a shame. Helen - I think I will try and get DH to do my massage aswell and yes my midwife asked me about it today aswell... and recommended Vit E too.

Midwife was fine babies heart rate was a bit slower than usual a 130.. midwife could feel the constant BH and she thinks I am having a bit of uterus irritability and she recommended that I buy a belly support belt not a band. So went to a maternity store and founf a velcro one and omg you can totally feel the difference esp when up and about. You wear it under your clothes so will try that, she also told me to take calcium supplements which I have been doing already and double my water intake.

She said that although everything I have is a bit of a pain there is nothing to worry about apart from she wasn't sure if she could feel the head down there or bum so she is arranging a US for the next 2 weeks sometime to check if baby is breech. She said she didn't think so she just could not say for 100% that it was definitely a head as it was turned in a funny angle... (so worried that might mean shoulder dystocia again we will see) It will be nice to see baby on the screen again.

Anyway off work for the next 3 days yippee! Am so looking forward to not getting up at 6am tomorrow.

Anyway girls thanks for listening I feel as all I do is moan a bit these days.

Helen - hope the stretch and sweep went well today. I had a few last time around and it was definitely the 2nd one that put me into labour so fingers crossed.

Lou - hope your feeling a bit better.

Lucy - Hope your first day on your own went well. Its kind of strange when the husbands go back to work.

Hope all the other new mommys are great. Emma has not been on for awhile, wonder if her little one is still breech.
I would go for the sweep too Helen, it can only help, although it might be a ilttle uncomfortable at the time. gl! And have fun supervising the cleaning!

Lucy, hope you enjoyed your first girly day with Thalia. I'm sure you did great xx

Hope he/she isn't breach goddess. Those bump supports sounds like a God send. And only 3 days left at work, you're so lucky!!

We've got a gender scan today!!! Pink thoughts please ladies xxxxxxxx Does anone have any tips for getting the baby to move around during the scan so they can get a good look?!
Hi rachel - nit sure if you will get this in time but I use chocolate as I don't drink fizzy sugary drinks. Kicks in about 20 mins for me and makes lo move. Pink thoughts going your way!

Jo hope he/she is not breech. That bump band sounds good, do you feel it's making a big difference?

Helen hope midwife goes well, I'd go for sweep too xx

That's it for me this week. Had meeting and was told I have 3 months protection when I get back. Just waiting on what support they will give me in order to find suitable employment. Got everything off my chest so feel little better. Going to go on maternity leave earlier so I don't return after Easter anymore. Get out of the stress. So finish 36 + 3 at start if Easter hols, but mat leave would start the first day back, so get 2 weeks extra that way on full pay.
Glad you got it all off your chest Lou, and starting ML earlier will definitely give you something to look forward to as well as reducing the stress levels.

We had the scan. LO was moving about loads! We are on Team :blue: !!!!!!!!
I knew it!!! Ralph is over the moon which I am really happy about. I wasn't as disappointed as I thought I would be. I guess we can try for a girl next time!

We went to Mothercare afterwards and I chose some little bodysuits. And Ralph chose a little monkey outfit - with ears and everything! It's all becoming more real. It's like an actual baby is in there and we may one day get to hold him in our arms. We also bought a baby name book and a book called 'raising boys' (Ralph's choice).

For our second pregnancy we both fell in love with a boys name. And now I am worried we are stuck on that name, and havent considered any other names, and it will end up beig called that! A bit like when we got our second kitten and called her Boo Boo as an intermittent name while we thought of a proper name. And yes, she is now called Boo Boo. It stuck!

It was so exciting walking round Mothercare looking at all the stuff we have to get. Ralph said - we better start saving up as we are going to have to buy all this once the baby comes. I was like, uh, well, we will probably have to buy it all in advance!! Bless him.
Hi girls, sorry I've not been on in a while, need to read back and catch up properly!! Congratulations on the blue bump Rachel!! It's lovely watching them on the scan!! Hope to see photos soon. X
Happy due date Helen! I had a sweep with Jess on the Friday, did lots of walking over the weekend and went into labour on the Tuesday!! Fx'd it works for you!! X
Jo, what a sad situation wig the young boy. I admire you doing that job, I think nurses are angels!! Must be difficult. Really hoping your baby isn't breech :-/ xx
Lucy, Lauren, Dee and Toni - hope you're all doing well xx
Hope M2A is ok too....
Afm, I'm sure Ollie's still breech. Have a scan next Thursday to check and make some decisions I think. I'm really hoping he turns but I don't think he will now:-(
Found a little lump in my breast today, saw doc and she said to come back next week to have another check. Devon started nursery this week too, so busy for me, but managed to get to hairdressers today which was nice :)
I'm on my own tonight as Rob's working away, so think it's an early night for us! Xx
Congratulations Rachel :happydance: !! Welcome to team blue :flower: It's fab getting those first outfits isn't it!!!

:hugs: Lou - glad you got stuff off your chest - and sounds like you might get more support too so that would be good.

:hugs: Em, hope Ollie's moved for you, glad you got some you time at the hairdressers.

AFM - MW appt fine - FH 42 so back on track for the growth. BP was high - she had to do it 3 times to get under 90 - going to keep an eye on it - any symtoms like swelling etc etc. We decided against the sweep but asked her to check my cervix - it was high and posterior so no good for a sweep anyway - looks like Ollie isn't planning to come out in the next couple of days anyway - will be going for a few walks I think.

Have not tried the belly support belt yet only bought it yesterday and am off work today so still relaxing at home. I could feel a difference in the store though.

Helen it does sound like you need to get on the move but your right I think it will be a bit longer to go by the sounds of your cervix.

Lou glad you had your chat with work and your going into mat leave sooner sounds great.

Rachel. Congratulations on being team blue little. Little boys are awesome. I am so happy for you and Congrats getting the first outfits very exciting. I was laughing at your post about dh and getting everything once baby is here.

Emma hope Ollie has turned when you have your scan. My midwife seems to think it's probably ok she just could not tell for sure.
Helen hope everything is ok with the blood pressure even though you need to walk, take it easy too.
Congrats rach on joining team blue :hugs: buying those first blue or pink things is great :thumbup:

Helen hope your feeling ok, hopefully not long till ollie makes an apperance Fx'ed :)

I can't get on much anymore since moving into new house with OH, but when i get round to mums like just now lol i try and pop in. Hope all you other ladies are doing ok, who's next after helen?

Me and bump doing ok, we have decided on a name for him - Mason and Max will be his middle name, we were supposed to have our 4d free scan from baby bond tomorrow as we didnt get good pics last time but they have double booked and as we were getting it free they asked us to move it to next sunday so next sunday at 11.15am, here's hoping my monkey shows us his face :)

Ive been keeping a bit better with the low blood pressure and fainting etc, had a bad fall on the ice last saturday so been very sore, not been out of bed all week really.

Anyone else having problems with nipples? mine have been leaking now for about 3 weeks and ive used breast pads and just got on with it, but on wednesday there was rather alot, alot as in i fell asleep and woke up and it was away down my arm and everything :blush: sorry TMI lol, and ever since my nipples are so sore its agony, ive got some cooling breast pads and nipple cream but its not helping, anyone have any ideas ?

Hopefully the next time i get on we'll have a couple more cyber cycle babies :).

Take care everyone :hugs: x
ooo Glad all is well M2A - I love the name - great choice :thumbup:

Sorry about your fall :hugs: must've been scary!!

Glad the bp is better tho!

Don't know about the breasticles tho - I would ask your MW.

Enjoy your scan - would be fab to see the pics!

AFM - Ollie still a baby in waiting - went to supermarket and shopping in town with OH this morning - had to keep having breaks - but was good as my walk. Had to have a nap when I got back tho!

M2A glad to hear your doing ok and feeling better in terms of your BP. Your name is great hope you are starting to feel a bit less bruised after your fall, it's certainly a bad time of year for all of us ESP with some balance issues going on. After Helen its Emma she is due in about 4 weeks.

Helen glad your getting out and about. I know how your feeling I went into labour at 40+2 with euan sending lots of labour vibes your way.
Em hope ollie turns for you em. Hope the lump is nothing and just a pregnancy change. xx Did devon enjoy nursery?

Jo hope your enjoying your long weekend xx

Rachel congratulations on team Blue! it gets so exciting when you start buying things, so glad it's starting to feel real for you. many possible strange feelings for baby movements?

Helen - hope you enjoyed your walk and nap. hopeforly ollie will start to come soon xx

M2A glad your doing well and BP is better xx

AFM got the nursery paint today in homebase as they had 15% off. And brought a support pillow for the bed so i might stop throwing myself on my back!
a very pale yellow, and a boarder which matches our set. Then we are going to stencial it which things more gender specific, which i'm attempting to make!
Sounds fab :)

We went for a light sage colour - love it!! :)

Ooo sounds lovely! Must be so lovely to look and gaze at! X

just saw baby kick me and move my belly for first time! Made DH stop the DVD so could watch my belly move! Was so amazing!
:happydance::cloud9::happydance::cloud9: go Lou's bean!!

Ollie's currently shoving his little foot out of my side - ooooph!!

Hey M2A, great to hear from you. Sorry you have been in the wars recently, look after yourself. You have shot up to 26 weeks! Great name choices xxxx

Lou the nursery sounds lovely. Ours is staying the grey/blue it currently is. I may need to replace the pink curtains! We already have the perfect wardrobe so just need drawers and a cot-bed. I'm also painting today - we are aiming to get the back room finished by end of Jan.

Yay for all the kicking, v exciting!!! Does it make it click that the baby is actually in you when they do that? I'm still in the place where I think the baby is being grown elsewhere and I will be united with it on birth day!

Do you have more walks planned today Helen x

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