Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Rach, I'm really not surprised that you're so worried, it's an awful for you to be feeling like that, are you due a scan sometime soon? I really don't think you being upset would hurt baby, when I was pregnant with Jessica I was very stressed out, crying constantly, worrying all the time, etc, and she was fine. Please try not to worry. Are you feeling any movements yet? If not then that won't be helping, but it's really normal. Ask your doc or mw for a check - they'll listen to the heartbeat and hopefully put your mind at ease. It's not a selfish post, that's why we're here!! Xxx
Rachel, if you're at all worried speak to your MW and see what she can do. im sure she'll be sympathetic and listen in for you. i remember feeling like that too and especially horrible when you hear someone like Amanda holden hs lost her baby. I think its a very common feeling and the worry won't affect the baby. Speak to the MW xxx

Helen, well done you for even being on BnB so early. Every day was different at the start, hopefully he'll not want so many cuddles tomorrow. I wore my baby sling so he was able to be close and I was still able to do things.

Jo, hopefully you'll make it in time, sounds like you're in for a quick one .

lou, sorry things are so crap at work, hope you get it sorted and find something better xx

Em, any day now. Hope its not too much longer. Really looking forwarrd to hearing how it all went already xxx
Rachel if your worried call up and speak to your midwife, i'm sure everything is fine, but she is there to listen to any worries xx I spent last week in bouts of tears and anger, but baby is fine and moving, so try not to worry, i know it's hard. When is your 20 week scan?

Jo Happy nesting! Sounds like your getting the kitchen nice and tidy x I could go off earlier, but i'm trying to not lose any more mat leave during school holidays (as mine will be over the 6 weeks), so i'm starting the first day back after easter, but means i get the 2 week holidays before, so start unofficially at 34 weeks. Just need to make it till then.

Helen sounds like ollie is doing well, enjoying some mummy cuddle days too! xx

Em hope Ollie is on his way soon. When do you next see your MW?

AFM feeling a little better, don't really want to go in tomorrow though! Got a 1 tog sleeping bag yesterday, but decided to take my sheets out next time to match up the fitted sheet better, so may venture out again today as meeting DH for nandos at lunchtime. 32 days of work to go and counting!!!
Quick update from. Ralph got up early this morning and went to various 24 hour shops to find a doppler! he came back with one and we could heard thuds which according to the manual was the baby kicking/moving. We couldn't find the hb though so rang the mw who came and listened and all was fine!!! I am so relieved. Can't wait for the day the doppler works well and I can listen all the time (obsessive I know!). Thanks for all your kind words everyone, I had driven myself crazy. It was such a relief today xxx

On a separate note, I seem to have pulled my bum! The muscle in my left bump cheek (sorry!) keeps spasming when I walk, get out of a chair, climb steps. Its bizarre! No idea how I could have done it, I'm just hoping it goes away as quickly as its come.

Also poor poor Amanda Holden. what devestation to have to go through, my heart goes out to herx
:hugs: Rachel - I don't think being upset would harm your baby - women give birth in war torn countries, in drought and famine under the most stressful circumstances try to stay positive. Def get a scan - or can you get in to see your MW?

I really understand - I am now sending myself loopy worrying about something happening to Ollie now he's here.

Any day now Em!! - Sooooo exciting!!

Eeeek!! Ollie's due date is tomorrow!! :) been having those horrible braxton hicks/ period pains all day yesterday and this morning. Must be helping though because I've just lost some more plug! At the midwife on Wednesday so I'm hoping he's dropped a bit, he wasn't at all engaged when I saw her last, and doc said he's still quite high up :-/
Just feels like the 2ww all over again, symptom spotting driving me mad!!
Rach, I'm glad you managed to listen to hb, it's hard to detect isn't it? It was after 20 weeks I managed to find it properly!
Helen, you never stop worrying about them, I worry about Jess and Devon all the time!! I remember constantly checking in their Moses baskets while they're sleeping to check if they were breathing. X
Sounds like everything going in the right direction Em!!

Lou - :hugs: - hope work isn't too bad

Rachel - could be sciatica? glad you heard the hb :)

Toni - how goes it ? How is Thomas doing?

Rachel so glad everything was ok xx how long till your 20 week scan? Maybe sciatica as helen said?

Em hope everything is going in the right direction, signs looked positive yesterday! xx Maybe he'll come on his due date!

Toni how is little Thomas doing?

Helen is your OH still off with you? xx

Hope everyone else is well. xx
Happy due date Em! Hoping no news is baby news x

Just googled sciatica and it sounds exactly like what I have got - random that it just appears! Will try and get in with the doc. I'm walking like my granny at the moment.

How are all our babies doing Mummies! x
OH's last day off today - Ollie has been restless today too - not wanting to be put down - he's now asleep in his moses basket but since yesterday he's really not wanted to be in it - preferring to be held - that's been tiring!!! but at the same time getting lots of cuddles is lovely.

Watched "Hearts in Atlantas" last night - it's a brilliant film but tugs at the old sentimental heart strings - and with the hormones coarsing through me at the mo have been spending alot of time crying - a deadly combination!!

Helen - so nice to hear that your all doing good. ollie is doing wonderful with his weight gain. Its hard when baby has fussy days, but I found when Euan was like that I wore him in a baby sling and I could still do a few things. The next few days will be a bit wierd once OH goes back to work, when it will just be the 2 of you. Its always so hard for the daddy's. He will feel so sad and will feel so left out tomorrow heading back to work.

Rach - It sounds like you have had a horrible time over the past few days. Its natural for us all to have bad days still and think the worst, its important to remember that its entirely normal to feel this way at times. I know that I had plenty of days both pregnancies when I thought the worst. Even now I can feel baby moving around like crazy but you still can't help thing bad things at times. I am so glad you got a doppler. I have one too and there have been lots of times that when I have been feeling down, or lack of movement I pop the doppler on and heartbeat is there nice and normal.

Lou - I agree if you can stick it out at work longer it will be better for you at the other end. Its not going to be long before you reach that goal anyway. I am excited for you.

Emma - thinking of you. Hope Ollie is engaged a bit more.

News from me is I lost my entire plug last night when I peed. I spent a few hours convincing myself about labour and panicking a bit thinking I am not ready yet. My mum does not arrive until the 21st so a bit to go. I know losing your plug does not necessarily mean anything but have sent 3 friends an e-mail tonight who have offered some support to ask lots of questions so I am a bit more prepared. Have been doing lots of work in the house and am feeling a bit exhausted so taking a bit more time to relax over the next few days. That's about it for me. Think of me and hope that baby can stay in till the 21st, but then I will be hoping and praying that he/she comes out quickly.
Is losing your plug called the show? Hope it's a another few weeks for you before the action begins ;)

Glad you enjoyed the film Helen, even if it it did open the flood gates! Have you got one of those baby slings? Youc ould pop Ollie in it & multi-task at the same time (just what every new mother needs to be able to do!). Seriously though, hope you are finding time to chill out. How long has dh got off work x
Jo hope he/she holds on for your mum to get there, i have read that it does not neccessarly baby is on the way. Glad you managed to sort some bits out to make you more prepared if need be, but fxed he/she stays put until 21st! xx

Rachel hows your aches today? Did you end up booking in to GP?

Helen hope your first day at home with Ollie without OH is going well xx My friend swears by the baby sling, not sure if you have one xx Glad you enjoyed the film.

AFM needing bit of advice. Had back pain last night on sofa and been getting pins and needles. Woke at 2am in pain and didn't sleep much since, when i sit down i get pins and needles in my right foot, and when i walk i feel like my right leg is numb. Went to GP this morning, she said she thinks it's just pressure from the weight of the baby etc causing the pain, and try to lay down as much as i can on my sides, if it gets worst to go back or to a&e. The thing is she gave me a gel to apply to ease the pain, online says it should only be used if deemed necessary in 2nd tri, and never in 3rd. I'm getting very close to 3rd so reluctant to use it. Also she said my blood test came back that im anaemic, and gave me iron tablets, however the information inside say not suitable for pregnancy, and online it's a bit conflicted! So i have no idea whether to take either!! Arr!!
I have a baby bjorn that my sister handed down so will give that a go :)

Take it easy Jo :) fxd for the 21st!!

OH had 2 weeks and 2 days off :( I couldn't imagine going back now!!

Lou - I was on iron tablets throughout - being anaemic is also bad for baby - maybe go back to the doctor for reassurance?

Know what you mean on the analgesic gel - it'll be because it contains aspirin I would imagine - I had antihistamine prescribed to me in June - I never took them as it had the same advice - only if benefits outweigh risk - I decided I could cope with my heyfever - so I guess it depends whether you can cope - if not and you are worried maybe ask dr about the risks and if there are alternatives?

thanks helen, shes given me ferrograd tablets. think i will take them, as you said not great for baby either, just trying to get hold of the community midwife's for reasurrance. going to get oh to get bump support band and see if that helps.

hows ollie today?

nothing from em for a few days, fxed its good news and baby on way or here xx thinking of you em xx
She might be in the throws of childbirth!! v exciting!

Ollie's been v good today - much more restful - my sis came over this morning and we got him in his rocker chair - he seemed to quite like it :)

Lou - I would take the iron, I am anemic too and have been taking iron for awhile. Pretty much on all medications it says you should not take while pregnant and thats basically because no studies have been done on pregnant women it would not be very ethical, so most drug companies are just being cautious. You always have to weigh up the consequences and in this case I think its best for you and baby.
In terms of the belly band, don't get one of the lycra ones they are no good and will provide very little support for you. You need one with velcro straps that are way more supportive.

Em - hoping your in labour or your little man has arrived and your too busy.

Helen - glad Ollie was a bit more chilled out today. Each day is so different right now.

Am doing ok today. Sent an e-mail last night as you know, one of the girls called and the other 2 sent back fantastic messages so I am feeling happier now about everything. I went out today with a friend for lunch and had a massive walk, and on the way home I was in so much pain down below with pressure from baby and lots of tummy pain and back pain, I really thought I might have been in labour, but got home and had a little lie on the sofa before DH went to work and everything was fine, so I guess being out the house walking for about 6 hours chasing a toddler has taught me that it was a bit much activity for one day. Going to try and take it easy for a bit. I have the midwife tomorrow, wierd to be on weekly visits now.
Just seen on fb that Em had her baby Oliver this morning. Congratulations!! xx :happydance:
I saw too - Congratulations again Em :happydance::thumbup::happydance:, I thought you must be in labour as you'd gone AWOL from facebook. Looking forward to all the details xxxxxxxxx

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