Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Thanks ladies, going to rest up tomorrow. Its happened 3 days in a row now, so hoping it has stopped now with bit of rest tomorrow. They also took a swob to check for infection as could be a cause. So happy all is well with baby, just wish i knew what was cause!

Helen hope Ollie gets bit more sleep for you tonight

Hope everyone is well :hugs:
Lou - I don't know if you remember but that happened to me too and in the end they did much the same as you and they put it down to extreme watery discharge because they thought I had an infection too and it was my bodies way of trying to clear it. It happened a few times then stopped.

Helen - sounds like your doing well with Ollie. I found that with Euan it was about 6 weeks ish before I could say we were starting to get into a routine, prior to that feeding was all over the place.

Emma - glad your settling in at home with the wee one.

I forget who asked but yes I am from Glasgow, the curry we made was very nice. Mum arrives on Monday so really looking forward to it. Have been continuing to have lots of practice contractions each day... and every day now I have a little moment to myself where I think is this it? Meeting a friend tomorrow for lunch and the cinema, DH does not want me to go as he tells me its too much of a trip. 15 min walk to train, then 25 mins on train and the cinema is in one of the biggest malls in Canada so there will be a lot of walking too but I am sure it will be all fine. We are going to see the kings speech so looking forward to that. Anyway hope your all doing fine.

Oh and I forget who was talking about cats, I have a cat who really is one of the most unsociable cats in the planet and we were worried about her. Pretty much once Euan was born she kept out of the way for the first 5-6 months, she would get upset when Euan cried which she still does. She doesn't love him these days but she tolerates him, she lets him pet her on occasions and pull her tail, and stroke her the wrong way. I am sure everything will be fine with the cat, there are so many myths about cats and babies out there but try not to worry.
I was on house arrest by 38 weeks Jo :haha: Luckily for OH I was having so little sleep with my spd that I didn't have any energy to do anything much anyway - my last journey out was Christmas!! I haven't bought petrol since before Christmas - it was £1.17 a litre then!! and that had gone up from the £1.12/ £1.13 that one place had been charging near my pg yoga class...

My sis says the cat pretty much ignored my nephew too :)

AFM - tanked Ollie up with milk before 11pm ( he had a bath too - we're going to try and make that a nightly thing as it chills him out no end ) and he slept from 11.30 - 3am then from 4.15 - 5.15am ( didn't feed him at 5.15 - think he only woke up as he'd got himself to the top of the moses basket ) and then 5.45 - 7.15 - if it wasn't for the 5.15 wake up it would've been perfect,
Glad you and baby are ok Lou. Enjoy resting up, hopefully its like Jo said and you body just flushing something out. What are the hind waters/where?

Jo, not long now til your Mum arrives, bet you can't wait! Bet she can't wait either!

H, I was talking randomly to this guy the other day who told me he had 14 godchildren. He was single but had one piece of advice for me! He said that bf can be really sporadic because baby falls asleep. Why wouldnt they, they are cosying up next to Mum and have just had their hunger pangs satisfied, so they fall asleep before they have had their proper fill! He suggests putting a damp flanel on their head to keep them awake so they take more milk. I have no idea if it works or even if Ollie falls asleep during feeding but thought I would share x

Anomoly scan today. I am really nervous. Still not feeling movement and the bad memorys come flooding back everytime we prepare for a scan. I don't know how I would cope with bad news at this stage x
Thanks Jo, yeah i did remember and actually used it to make me not think the worst yesterday as i remembered something simular had happened to you too. sounds like you have a nice day planned, i'm sure all will be fine. My DH is asking me to rest up after yesterday and stop doing so much, think they just worry about us bless them.

Helen sounds like a good night for Ollie! How are you feeling today? Little bit more rested?

Rachel good luck at the scan today, i'm sure all is fine. I felt the same at mine. I didn't start to really feel movement until after 20 weeks, picking up at around 22 weeks with proper kicks. What time is your scan? Not dead sure, going to do some internet research on it today.

I'm resting up today in bed, hoping it all calms down and no more leaking so can make baby show on saturday.
Feeling ok - still tired - so looking forward to a 4 hour sleep one day soon hopefully....

Rach - hope the scan went well today :flower:

Lou - enjoy the rest :)

Scan was fine! :blue: confirmed. No issues noted. The sonogrpher was not impressed, he wouldn't turn the right way for her to do all her checking but we got there in the end!

Phew x
Brilliant Rachel!!! So happy for you!!!! X
Jo, hope you had a lovely day! X
Glad everyone's doing ok, keep popping on for updates, not long for Jo now!!! Who's after Jo? We registered Oliver yesterday... Decided on Oliver John Mark Smith, after my dad, and Rob's stepdad. I'm so tired! Ollie had us up every two hours last night, Devon kept waking too and has been really grumpy this week. Hopefully he'll be fine once we settle in to a routine. X
Great news rachel, so pleased for you!

Think it's m2a in April, then me in may and rachel in July I think. So we have some gaps months wise!

Lovely names em xx
Glad all is well Rach!! :happydance: :)

Am sure all will settle down for you Em - you're a pro :) Obviously I love the name :)

Ollie had tummy time and really lifted his head up - at one point he had his head up and one leg in the air. He already holds his head really well but this was from flat face down!! I think he's going to be in 3-6 months clothes in a month's time - he is already at the limit length wise of his 0-3 months - he is ultra long!!!

Lou - it sounds like having a bit of bed rest is not a bad idea. Glad there has been no more leakage since Saturday that sounds great.

Helen - I had forgotten aswell when I used to feed Euan in the early days, he would not eat too much as he just fell asleep from boobage happiness and I remember my midwife telling me to use a cold cloth over his head at times too to keep him more alert for longer, I know Rach brought this up. I totally forgot it did work but seemed cruel and he slept a bit longer in between feeds.

Rach - I am so glad the scan went well. Its wonderful to see them on there again. Congratulations on your blue bump I am so excited for you. Woohoo! You can start thinking about names now that you have your colour confirmed.

Em - Was wierd to read on your post that I am next... looking forward to it.

Well had a lovely day today, saw 'the kings speech' I was not sure what it would be like because of all the hype, but I really enjoyed it. The movie is slow and is really character driven and is basically just the relationship between Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush they were both pretty fantastic. Loved it and all the awards are well deserved.

I have the midwife tomorrow so looking forward to finding out how much of a change to my cervix there is if any.

On Friday it's Euan's 2nd birthday so we will do something fun. Steven works to 3.30 am so going to get some balloons, going to make a birthday cake tomorrow and we are going to spend a few hours at the aquarium then come home for his afternoon nap. Can't believe he is going to be 2. He is just growing up so incredibly fast.
Go Ollie :happydance: bet he looked well cute swimming on the floor!

Happy 2nd Birthday Euan :cake: You've got a lovely day planned, I'm sure he will love it. It sounds so exciting having family time, I can't wait til that's me :)
Hi everyone

Congratulations team blue Rach and also that everythings grand from your anomoly x

Helen, looks like Ollie is going to be a wee strong man, an long. Thomas is onl on the 9th centile for lenght but guess im only 4'11 so shouldnt be so shocked. We used to have to rub iced water over thomas to wake him up in the early days to keep him awake while feeding.

Glad you're restinh up lou, take every oppourtunity now as when they arrive you'll be running round like a mad thing.

Cant believe Euan is onlt 2, you'll have 2 under 2 basically, good luck with that. One 12 week old is more than enough for me at the moment.

better scoot, him is making noises on the monitor and don't want him to wake fully.

Take care everyone xx
Hey MrsG, thanks for stopping by. Can't believe he is 12 weeks already, where does the time go!

Jo, how did your mw appt go x

Lou, how re you doing, lost any more fluid? Only 2 days to Baby Show!

I've made a list of the stuff we need to buy, see below. Do you think we definitely need all this stuff. Is there anything anyone would suggest doing without. It adds up to a lot of money & I also don't want to be left with loads of stuff to store in the loft either!

Bed nest or crib
Car seat
Changing bag
Chair thing
Floor mat gym thing
Wow kanga time has flew by! 22 weeks!, glad all was fine at your scan :) everything on your list we have, i think we'll need it all.

Glad all is ok for you lou, some rest sounds good :flower: cant believe how time is flying for you as well, everyone seems to be having very fast pregnancies lol

Hope everyone else is doing ok :flower:

All is ok here, still showing signs of pre-eclampsia, and babys head is engaged already, so on bed rest 95% of the time to hope he stays put a while longer. x
Rach - I got my crib of ebay £50, we got a cotbed second hand - £80 ( both mama's and papa's ) - just bought new mattresses, got my moses basket and pram ( travel system including car seat ) from my sis ( cool getting car seat second hand as know it's not been involved in a car accident - other wise car seat does have to be new... ) We got a changing box, change mattress and baby baths for free from a friend. Got those play matts free from my sister too and a ton of clothes for a variety of ages too and gro-bags. Used furniture we already had for his nursery - might consider getting a wardrobe when we move around again as he goes in to his nursery... got the mobile free from a friend... change bag - got free from boots parenting club.

I bought a bouncy chair, blankets, sheets, bathtowels, baby monitor, electric breast pump, bottles, steriliser, breast pads, maternity pads, nipple cream. wipes, sudocream, nappies, dummies ( will introduce at 5 weeks I think ) cotton wool pads and prob other bits and pieces and that came to £350 in mothercare.

def check out the nct nearly new sales.

:hugs: m2a - hope LO stays nice and snug in there :flower:

will look a bit more in detail later, midwife was fine. Am now 2.5 cm dilated before labour even starts so that is good and almost completely effaced. I had a bit of bleeding in the afternoon yesterday after the cervical exam and had a period of about 3 hours when I really thought i was in labour and had a mini meltdown thinking baby was going to born the same day as Euan and I would have to spend his birthday in the hospital and not see him but the contractions never got closer together or more painful so I am guessing a practice run after the exam too.

We will see what happens over the next few days... MW seemed to think I may go midweek or towards end of next week so just before DD. Pretty sure I am more then 2.5 dilated now though. Guess its a good starting platform. I was 3.5cm with Euan before going into labour so this time i think the fast labour is a good prediction.

Had a lovely birthday with the wee chap. DH is just bathing him just now he is now off for 4 weeks ish which is fantastic. I was struggling last night with the bath and bed and kitchen clean up. Off to bed soon as pretty tired.

Will check in soon.
Rachel I have got pretty much what you have there. I got my co sleeper from eBay, just going to get new mattress. I also been getting few bundles of clothes from there too. Hoping to get steraliser, pump etc today. Then its just a cotbed and some drawers really. Been trying to get a few bits each month so it isn't too much at once. Had little leak on Thursday, but nothing yesterday. So excited about today!

Jo hope euan had a good birthday yesterday! That's lovely dh has a nice break off now. Fxed that baby can hold on till your mum gets there, it's only a few days now isn't it?

Toni can't believe Thomas is 12 weeks already! Time really flys, hope he's doing well xxx

Helen How long did your boots parenting club stuff take to come through? Hope ollie is well today

m2a hope bubs stays put a bit longer for you xxxx

afm half term!!! Thank god! Went back on Thursday but asked not to do parents evening. Just 6 weeks when I go back. Off to baby show today! Just hope dh gets up on time, he's sleeping next to me at mo after night out with work. He has promised to be up at 8, so fxed!!!
a couple of months!!

Go Jo - most exciting!!

Hi ladies

Havent had time to read everything since was last on but hope everyone ok.

Jo - good luck, sounds like it won't be long now, will be looking out on facebook for LO's arrival.

Saw someone was talking about cats - my two haven't been at all interested in Thalia, they had a look in moses basket when she first came home and I got some funny photos but since then they've ignored., I think they just think shes part of me especially since she's attached to me most of the time.

HB thats fantastic that Olly lifts his head already - Thalia refuses to move when lying on her changing mat or play mat, if shes lying on my chest and i'm lying flat she lifts her head right up and from side to side - i think my boobs give her a helping hand!!! but she won't do it from a flat surface. Horrid Health visitor says she should be doing it by now too but when I asked other mums with older babies they said they couldnt do it either yet. HV made me feel something was wrong with T and I was really upset about it.

T is still growing afst - though shes just out of bewborn and going into 0-3 clotthes now, shes probably going to be 8 pounds at next weight in. For her corrected age shes on 25th percentile for weight and ahead for her length - her dad is 6'3 so taking after him I think!!!

Rach we have all teh stuff you've mentioned - though not bought cot yet going to order next weekend - think she'll be in crib for another 3 months at least. Just go easy on teh clothes and toys, you'll get so many and Thalia even though tiny only worse somethings once before she grew out of them she was given so much. She especially didn't wear outfits, even though they look cute I find sleepsuits just so much easier and I feel shes more comfy.

Rach really glad all well with scan - can't believe already 22 weeks!!!!!!! Where's the time gone.

M2A hope LO stays put a bit longer. Bed rest must be boring - but my god what I've give for a bit of bed rest now - madam had me up all night last night, massive growth spurt I think and wanted food every hour or so.

LOu, hope all ok, didn't read all properly but saw something about leaking, really hope all ok xxxxxxxxxx

Speak soon xxxxxxx

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