Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Lou - mum arrives on Monday so reckon everything will be just fine. Friends on call till then.

Lucy - really nice to hear the update on Thalia. Try not to listen too much to what health professionals tell you in terms of development, each child is an individual and I am sure she will be lifting her head up soon. Euan was a big strong boy 99 th percentile for height and weight since he was born so he could do these things early but at his 18 month immunization we had a public health nurse tell us he never had 20 words yet and she was going to refer him to a pediatrician and a speech therapist. A mother knows her child and at this point I knew that he was more interested in motor skills than speaking. 6 months on he has hundreds of words and chatters all day. Your instinct will tell you if there us anything to be concerned about and obviously since she was so little it will take a wee bit longer. Try not to worry she is just perfect.
Lucy - sounds like Thalia is doing well there - ignore the HV - some of them just spout shit as far as I can make out - you get a good one great - a pants one can really knock your confidence - especially having gone through having a preemie 'tis the last thing you need!

AFM - emotional day - Ollie had a bad night last night after having a couple of fab days and nights - so after a 10 - 12 sleep he was up till 2am, then awake again at 3.40 then since then he was up every hour - OH took him at 6 so I could get some sleep ( we were meant to be going to my mum & dad's today and I was going to drive with OH in back with Ollie as my first drive out ). Up again at 8.30 to feed him ( he hadn't settled for OH in that time!! ) and he's been fussing ever since - using me as a dummy - me getting fustrated that he won't settle - coupled with hormones I've been a little weepy...

Plus - got all packed in to my car and had to jump start it ( haven't driven it since xmas!! ) then it won't go - seems that the hand brake has seized up - so that'll need fixing next week - trip to my parents cancelled - we're both shattered and that was the last straw!

Been driven to ordering a takeaway - bleurgh!!!!

HB - we've had nights like that - do you express at all so that OH can do a feed or two? I express quite a bit to have on hand but I got into habit of that while she was in hospital so easy for me. I find that when Thalia has had nights like that she puts on a lot of weight at next weigh in - so think it means huge growth spurt when she literally eats every 90 mins - its very tiring and breast feeding much harder than I thought but I am going to persevere with it!! I always hit the wall at 4pm and just count the minutes till OH gets home and I can have a little rest. Its not even 4 weeks yet since you had Olly so your hormones will still be all over -mine were for weeks!! Fingers crossed you have a better night tonight with him xxx
I'm going to start expressing at 6 weeks so OH can feed Ollie too. We're going to try swaddling again as Ollie does wake himself up with his arms and finds it hard to go back to sleep - this is where I think he's using me as a dummy. It could also be a growth spurt but we had cluster feeding a few days back - maybe it's another one though - it's so hard to know isn't it!!

This time though he's finding it hard to stay in his moses basket - even after he's just been fed - again wakes up when he flails his little arms - hopefully the swaddling will sort it... I've loved the gro bags tho - no chance of him wriggling out in the night - and he does shimmy up his moses basket....

Maybe I'm just tired and grasping at straws.....

post from my journal: x

Baby Show. Done.

What a good day! Even if we didn't look up the exact locaton of the Excel until this morning and realise it was the completely opposite sure of London to us. The journey there was fine, naturally (I was driving). A couple of wrong turns on the way back and here we are at the outlaws waiting for a Sunday roast. Perfect day.

So down to the good stuff! What did we get. Apart from the freebies - numerous dummies (not soothers, I'm not American thank you), leaflets & baby wipes. We purchased:

- Bugaboo Bee in blue with cacoon
- Maxicosi car seat with adaptors for the Bee
- The above came to £560 total - bargain!
- Electric breast pump
- Baby monitor & sensor mat
- A lovely soft blue checked blanket for bringing baby home in
- Muslin cloths

I loved it! Feeling a lot more prepared now. Just need to sort out whether we are going to make a nursery up or leave that room as a guest bedroom. It seems a shame to not do a bedroom for the baby. Similarly, it seems a shame to use a whole room for baby when he will be in with us for 5 months or so. We shall see!

There was a gorgeous M&P nursery furniture set with 30% off that we almost bought but couldn't quite finalise the baby-room debate so we didn't purchase in the end. Still, at least we know which one we want now x
H, how has you day been, hope Ollie-monkey has been better for you today. It seems that newborns like to keep you on your toes! Hope the car gets sorted too without too much hassle.

Lucy, sounds like Thalia is coming on great with her feeding and the weigh-ins, well done x I agree with H, ignore mardy-HV - you are her Mummy and know whats best so don't let the HV make you question yourself or Thalia. Sounds like she will be tall and slim when she grows up if she carries on like this - jealous much!! hehe

We are really struggling with names. I like Isaac atm but nothing else. Ralph like Ranulph (not sure i have spelled that correctly) - like the explorer. I'm not sure if its too much to lumber a child with!
helen hope Ollie has been sleeping bit more for you today, hoping the swaddling helped him settle. Hope the car gets sorted easily for you.

Lucy glad to hear Thalia is doing well, my friend says HV's are just full of rubbish some times and i agree with the others, mummy knows best so try not to let her upset you. xxx

Rachel glad you had a great time at baby show. Are you shattered? i was, i slept for 3 hours after! Sounds like you got some great stuff. We got steriliser, breast pump, bottles, sling, breast feeding cover up, movement and sound montior plus nappy bin. feel much more prepared too. Love both names, we are struggling to come up with one, just keeps changing!

Jo hope your doing ok xxx

AFM have my mum and friend shopping trip tomorrow. Gotta get up at 7.30 to drive to surrey, know M25 be mad! Just trying to get together list of whats left to get. Had tiny leak of fluid again today, really hoping it's just watery discharge, but feeling much more prepare now.
Ollie has become a dream baby again - thank goodness - he slept 10-1, then 2-5 then 6-8 - the 10-1 he was on me 10-12 so I didn't sleep then - wanted to feed him at 12 so popped him in his moses basket while I popped to the loo thinking that he would wake up having been put down ( this is his usual MO ) and he slept through till 1 - had to wake him up to feed him ( as breast was getting FULL ) and got him back down for 2 in his moses basket ( took a couple of attempts ) was so chuffed when I woke up at 5!!

OH took him down just before 9 - after a feed - so I got another 1 1/2 hours sleep. Feel more human tonight - FXD for a good night tonight!!

Rach - good bargains :thumbup: am sure you can pick up all your other bits cheap too - as I said the NCT nearly new is great and ebay is fab - also speak to friends who already have children - they probably have stuff hanging around that they'd happily pass on to you - and if you know the household is a good one and the stuff has been looked after then you're quids in....

Lou - have a good shopping trip - am sure that it is likely just discharge.. Tried swaddling but he threw up all over his swaddling blanket! will have to persevere....

Sounds like the baby show was fab rach and Lou, you both bought lots of stuff. It's so much fun buying baby items.

Helen sounds like Ollie is doing great he will chop and change his sleep for a few months yet before a true pattern emerges. It makes such a difference though to get a good night in.

I am doing ok. My mum is on her way and we pick her up in 4 hours at the airport.

Was absolutely positive I was in labour yesterday. Felt a bit odd and uncomfortable about 2 went for a bath, back pain increased and felt really sick plus did massive poo. From 4-5.30 had contractions that started at 9 minutes and went to 7 minutes apart. Was about to phone the midwife and arrange something for Euan when I felt it all subside and was just left with Braxton hicks for the next few hours. In some ways I am glad it wasn't the real thing because I don't want euan disrupted at someone elses house overnight etc but I forgot how hard it was just waiting and having this uncertainty about it being the real thing or not. Had a little emotional moment too and was very sad thinking that it's the end if a little era with the 3 of us. Hubby was saying you always make it sound like it's bad like it's an end but it's a beginning.

Anyway after a crappy sleep feel not too bad today and looking forward to seeing my mum very soon.
Ah Jo will be so lovely to have your mum there when LO arrives, glad he/she has held on - I wouldn't be surprised if you go into labour very soon after your mum arrives once your body knows you're ready!! Good Luck hun xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi, hope everyone's ok? Lucy, Thalia's doing great! Loved the photo of her in the tummy tub on fb!! Super cute!! X
Rachel and Lou... Sounds like you both had a nice day at the baby show!! And got some bargains!! X
Helen, sounds like your Ollie's doing well too!! How are you feeling?? X
Jo... Sounds like you'll be a ccm very soon!! How exciting! And great that your mum will be there with you too x
Yes mum here now yay! However I now fear that baby is not going to cooperate.. and I am now worried that it will stay inside until 42 weeks and its mums home time.

I do feel much more relaxed now though... maybe a bit too much. I am ready!
It's great that you're ready Jo and feeling mroe relaxed. Baby may surprise you and come soon! x
Hey All

Couple of hectic days - Ollie not wanting to be put down all day and last night another bad night. Wanting to try and do the baby whisperer techniques to get him to fall asleep in the crib by himself ( without needing to be hugged, rocked, walked to sleep or sleep on us... ) but feel we are no where near that - and with OH at work it's hard to go through all the pain to get him doing it - but in the long run it's better for Ollie.... OH is booking a week off in April ( hopefully ) so if I can't ease him in to it by then we will attempt to do it then.....

Jo - I don't reckon you'll go over, and if so by much - you're already dilated etc and been getting promising signs and BH. Get your mum to take you on a couple of good walks to see if that helps....

Hope everyone's ok - so sorry been AWOL but Ollie is a little minx :) ( :cloud9: but don't tell Ollie that ;) )

Hi girls,

Sounds like the baby show was ace, we never made it but certainly like the idea of bargins and freebies.

helen sounds like ollie is keeping you on your toes,thats boys for you! I put everything down to growth spurts. Fingers crossed he sorts himself out.

Lucy, its always difficult with prterm and premmies as you never really know when they are going to reach their milestones and you'll alwasy find people still disagree about it. Thomas has fallen from the 75th percentile to the 9th but everyone says its fine and he's just finding his natural weight/lenght, so who knows.

Im glad you're mums here Jo, you know the score pineapple, curry, ect etc. It must be nice to have her about for company, those last fews weeks must try you mad with suspence.

AFM, mr Thomas is having a growth spurt I think, he fed every 2 hours yesterday and was very clingy, not wanting to be put down at all. He slept in our bed as he wouldn't settle in his bed nest. It can be quite draining. anyway at 4 am I was changing his nappy and my mobile fell from the bed post on to his head. He went bananas and I felt so guilty. he's sporting a lovely bump this monring. It just shows you howaccidents can happen when you're tired.

he's kipping now in our bed again, cheeky monkey. anythiing for quite life.

Cant wait to hear your news Jo, hope everyone else has a good weekend with plenty of sleep!!!!
Helen hope Ollie has been sleeping bit more for you last night and today. Hopeforly he will fit into a little rountine for you soon. Sounds like a good plan to try and tackle together in April, if he hasn't eased into it by then xxx

Jo great news your mum is there now and your feeling nice and ready. I don't think you'll go that over due, your having such promising signs. Hope your enjoying spending sometime with your mum!

Ordered my bridesmaid dress for July today, be roughly 2 months after the birth. The woman who measured me said she didn't even realise i was pregnant! Gone for a size 12, fingers crossed i fit in!

Hope everyone else is well xx
Ollie will settle soon it's tough at first but a routine will soon be in place.

Lou glad you have your bridesmaid dress and a bit weird that she never knew you were pregnant Its pretty obvious. I am sure after 2 months you will fit your 12 I am eternally jealous perhaps I may fit a size 60. ;). Don't even know if you get that.

I am loving my mum being here and it's nice to have a few days of relaxing first. Heading to the midwife this morning so will find out the changes from last week. Will fill you in later.
Hello all.

Had a nice day, at the midwife today. Cervix is now at its lowest point, am 3.5cm dilated before labour and not much of the cervix left. MIdwife did a fairly long stretch and sweep so we will see what happens, I asked her based on my cervix etc what she thought about birth. She told me that you would guess the weekend at some point so we will see. I hate waiting around as we are all so ready now.

Hope your all having a good day.
That's exciting Jo and very promising. Great that you're at the second phase of the first stage (!) already (you can tell I've been reading the birth chapters of my book this week). We may have another CCB by the time the weekend is out x

Sounds like all our babies are doing well. It's great hearing actual stories of what actually happens with a baby, helps me think about the reality of it all. It sounds the most rewarding experience ever albeit a bit of a challenge at times.

I've been nudging Ralph to read his 'Daddy's first year' book this week. Mainly so he can get to the chapter about work/life balance. He is well into his new job (which is great) but he has been home late every night for the last 2 weeks pretty much :( I am going to need to him to get home and relieve me when the baby is here!

Lou, I'm sure the dress will be lovely, you can always get it taken in if you need to x

Em, how is Oliver doing x
Sounds very exciting and promising Jo! Hopefoly you won't have too much longer to wait for your LO!

Rachel hopeforly raplh will read his book soon, maybe he could read a bit before bed at night to help him sleep? Hopeforly when baby comes he won't work as late. What books have you got?

Em hows little ollie doing?

AFM back down hospital day stay again after completly soaking my knickers twice in 2 hours. Was sure whether to ring or not, but OH said i should. Been having on off pains too, quite mild. Doc did look at cervix and said he couldn't see a leak, and said go home and if pain gets worst or happens again call back. Just as i was leaving my mw changed, and she randomly said 'if your bump measures small at your next mw appointment we will need you in for a scan'. But then wouldn't measure me! Why worry me for no reason, i didn't bring my bump size up! Didn't get drink or food for 5 hours either, grr!

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