Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Hi girls,

Sounds like the baby show was ace, we never made it but certainly like the idea of bargins and freebies.

helen sounds like ollie is keeping you on your toes,thats boys for you! I put everything down to growth spurts. Fingers crossed he sorts himself out.

Lucy, its always difficult with prterm and premmies as you never really know when they are going to reach their milestones and you'll alwasy find people still disagree about it. Thomas has fallen from the 75th percentile to the 9th but everyone says its fine and he's just finding his natural weight/lenght, so who knows.

Im glad you're mums here Jo, you know the score pineapple, curry, ect etc. It must be nice to have her about for company, those last fews weeks must try you mad with suspence.

AFM, mr Thomas is having a growth spurt I think, he fed every 2 hours yesterday and was very clingy, not wanting to be put down at all. He slept in our bed as he wouldn't settle in his bed nest. It can be quite draining. anyway at 4 am I was changing his nappy and my mobile fell from the bed post on to his head. He went bananas and I felt so guilty. he's sporting a lovely bump this monring. It just shows you howaccidents can happen when you're tired.

he's kipping now in our bed again, cheeky monkey. anythiing for quite life.

Cant wait to hear your news Jo, hope everyone else has a good weekend with plenty of sleep!!!!
Yay!!! Just read facebook, Jo's had her baby GIRL!! Congratulations Jo!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!! (and see photos!) seems the sweep went well then!! And great that your mum's with you!! Lots of love!! X
Rachel - you def want Ralph home - I am lucky that OH USUALLY works from home in the afternoon so is home 1.30 - 2pm the latest ( sometimes has to go elsewhere ) and that has been a blessing - unfortunately it's coming to an unexpected end soon as someone at his work is leaving and that'll mean he's not back till 6.30-7ish every night and has to work in Bradford :( - there's an opportunity for him to move jobs though but that'll still be a 9-5 so he won't be back till 6 ( he won't have to drive as far either ) - but yes - 4 hands are better than 2 and the sooner your OH is home after work the better!!

Lou - don't see why they wouldn't measure you - a 2 min job!! sometimes they are like that for no reason!! Hope that it's just discharge :hugs: and LO is fine in there :flower:

Thanks for the update Em!! Congrats Jo :happydance: :yipee: :wohoo: and another girl - the boys numbers really do need to be evened out slightly!! Looking forward to pics and the birth story!! Hope you are having lots of lovely cuddles with your LO :hugs:

FXD it is a growth spurt Toni - sounds like Thomas is in synch with Ollie :) you'll look back on the mobile incident and laugh - but yes can understand the guilt - my sisters little boy grabbed her straightners the other day ( he's 17 months old ) and was rushed to the drs - got a blister on his hand now bless him..... these things are sent to try us!!

AFM - Ollie would not settle at all yesterday - on us or otherwise - I desperately tried to get him to nap all day and he got gradually more and more overtired - ended in a meltdown in the evening - OH eventually got him to sleep and held him while I got a nap - he slept on OH 9-12 and then I held him till 1am and we got him in his moses basket till 2am - so a good sleep for Ollie in the end it was just a nightmare getting there!! he's been touch and go today but better this evening thank goodness ( touch wood )

Oh - and he was weighed yesterday - 11 lb 1.5 oz!!!

Congratulations Jo! Hope your enjoying lots of cuddles. Looking forward to hearing all about and pics.

Helen glad Ollie finely had a good sleep, fingers crossed for this evening and tonight xx Sounds like Ollie is doing well weight wise xx I know, she then went on to say they won't measure until 28 weeks, so i have no idea why she even bothered to mention it!

Toni fxed it's a growth spurt and he's been a bit more settled today. xx

AFM still having mild cramps on and off. Baby moving loads so just Trying to just rest up and not stress out. We brought a new car today, traded our clio in for a scenic, so we have a family sized car now!
:dance: yay!!!!!!!! congratulations Jo. And perfect timing by the little princess!

Hope it all went well, look forward to hearing all about it. And seeing piccies of course :)
HI Ladies! How are all our CCM's and CCB's? hope you are all well xxxxx

Rachel how are you doing? You decided when to start mat leave?

Back down hopsital for me today, Doc very dismissive, said your cervix not dilated so must be ligament pains, but as i have had those and these feel so much diferrent. So spoke to MW about the concerns i had with what he said and MW agreed with me and said it's prob urine infection (waiting for results), an irritable uterus or the start of something (not done anything yet) and suggested i should stay at home to be able to rest and keep track of times of pains and length's but not sure as worried about my students.

Hope everyone is well xxx
hi Lou! I'm good thanks - just had my new chair delivered at work - hoping it helps with the sciatica!

hmmm, seems you still don't have definitive answers. But I guess the good news is that all is staying put and it could be an infection which can be treated. When do you get your results? Are you still working or putting your feet up?

I think I will go on ML in May. It seems like ages away but soon it will be 'next month' !

I don't really feel pg anymore. I feel fine health wise, am not overly tired and not overly hungry. I am quite annoyed that I never have time to do bio-oil in the evenings so am paranoid I am going to get stretch marks :( have you got any?

Also havent really felt baby move properly yet. He is really lazy!!
Yeah dh was not happy with doc, they are very dismissive, like well unless your in labour go away! Mw was much better. Results for urine infection come back Thursday, so if that treatable, which is good. But no real answers today, getting worse each day so prob stay off work till get results at least.

Glad your doing well. Is it a special chair? How is the siatica? I felt really good during 2nd tri, not preg at all. I've been trying to remember the bio oil, but forget my iron and prenatal tablets all the time!

May should fly by, you going near start or end? I'm going 26th April. Have you felt any flutters?
Flutters - a few. Do you get any proper kicks yet? We listen with the doppler and can't hear the hb. But we can hear kicks. I think our doppler is rubbish - its one that you strap round your belly.

I forget my vits all the time too, nightmare!

Glad to hear you are staying off work for now. It can't be many working weeks left anyway?

I'll probably go towards the end of May. Not completely sure yet, I need to look into it. Everyone keeps asking me when I am going!
Yeah get proper hard kicks now, baby loves to kick dh in the head when he tries to listen! Think dh managed to hear hb via ear to belly at 27 weeks! It's got very much harder last week!

We never ended up getting Doppler, I just to try and poke it to try and get reaction! Arr I think I know which one you mean, kicks can be quite load on them, hospital told me that they only start using the on the belly ones at 26 weeks as babies move too much before that so too hard to get the heartbeat.

6 working weeks, but 8 really as 2 weeks are Easter hols. I didn't make my final decision until 24 weeks I think, but wanted out sooner rather than later. Seems weird that legally I can start next week if I want!

When you next due at mw? How's your bump coming along?

My bump did end up measuring small, but had scan which put baby small but within the bit either way they give. It's 2lb 5
Hi girls!! I kept forgetting i was pregnant at your stage Rachel!!! And the doppler is whst i had and you're right, i only heard big kicks, not hb.
Lou, hope the pains stop soon for you. Have you had any more leaks? Good that cervix is closed!
Afm, just getting into a routine with Oliver and Jess and Devon. Oliver's doing great, 8lb 10oz at last HV visit, he's not bringing his wind up properly so our GP prescribed colief, fingers crossed it works. I hate seeing him so unsettled :-( he still sleeps lots during the day, and he's getting longer!! His skin was dry and peeling..looks like he was really overdue but he was only 2 days. Maybe the dates were out? Olive oil seems to be working though, so it's clearing up!! I'm loving having a newborn, i'm tired but i don't mind at all!! :) hope everyone else is ok too!! Xx
Hi Em, lovely to hear that all is well in your camp. Sounds like Olli has fitted in perfectly with your brood! Hopefully his prescription will sort out the windy pops x
Just posted this in pregnancy club, thought my CCS may find it useful also!

The rules for this are changing.

Anyone in the scheme by 1 April 2011 will continue to receive tax relief at the higher rate forever (if applicable to you).

So it will cost you roughly £60 for £100 of childcare vouchers.

If you join the scheme after 1 April 2011, you will only ever get relief at the basic rate.

So it will cost you £80 for £100 of vouchers.

Even if your child hasn't been born yet, if your work offer this scheme, purchase some vouchers before 1 April to get yourself into the scheme. Just £1 of vouchers should get you in the scheme.

Any vouchers you purchase get put in a bank for you to use as and when you like. They don't have an end date and any unused vouchers can be refunded if you decide to not go back to work or if you hand your notice in.

So the moral is, sign up now if you are planning on paying for childcare!

Hope someone finds this useful! x
Hi em, great to hear olliepops is doing well and settling to the family! Fxed the colif works for him xx no more big leaks, just one ikle one. No idea really, dh been net searching and thinks it's irritable uterus like mw said. Guess tests results Thursday rule one cause out or prove it!

Thanks for that rach, I'll have to see if my work does it. Not so sure as it's council, but worth a check! X
Lou - any results yet?

Ok sorry have been a bit MIA.

As you already know I gave birth to a girl on the 25th February at 07.07 am. I am so chuffed with her. We have called her Olivia Anna and her birth weight was 7lb 10oz.

The labour itself was pretty intense. I woke up at 1.30am on Friday morning needing a poo and just feeling 'off'. I came downstairs and put on some tv as I was suspecting that something was going to happen soon. At 3.30am I felt my first contraction, 5 minutes later another one came. I called the midwife right away as 2/3 of my midwives had told me to go to the hospital early. The MW that was on call did not want me to go that early and told me that I was in early labour and it could be awhile yet. I went upstairs and woke up Steven to tell him that I was in labour, he was concerned. About 5 we looked out the window and traffic was getting heavier on the highway so we left and went to the hospital. I got there at 6am and was 4.5cm dilated and 1 hour later I started pushing Olivia out. She was born in the sac which everyone seemed very excited about, its rare 1:80,000 births and is called 'in the caul'!

SO basically I had a 3.5 hour labour so it was a bit intense because I went from 4.5cm to pushing in an hour, although it was pretty perfect. She has quite a bit of black hair and is so very sweet, I was over the moon for a girl popping out.

On the downside... the hormones have well and truly kicked in and I have come crashing down to earth with a bump. Big brother Euan is really sruggling and has latched onto Daddy... he is going through a tough time and is not sleeping at night or nap times. He has an awful cold right now which we are all going to get and I am worried about a week old baby getting a cold too.

Anyway thought I had better update you all on what has been happening with me. I will probably be a bit more MIA until Mum goes home, I feel bad about using the computer when she is here for a short time.
Hi Jo, so great to hear from you, what a lovely name. So glad the labour went well xx Must be a big change for Euan, i'm sure he will settle into being a big bro and really enjoy it. xx Hope the hormones settle down for you and you enjoy your mum being around. When is she over until? xx

Tests for UTI came back clear, and no labour, so leaves just 1 other thing they gave me which was irritable uterus. Been given a website with info on it by a midwife, and seems that rest is really best thing. More i do, the more the pains get worse, and i get some painful BH contractions too. Website mainly says rest as much as you can and it may be many trips to hosptial as it can be hard to tell when it's the real thing or not!

DH is being great, and doing loads for me. He should start painting the babies room tomorrow which i'm excited about as can get the furiture and start putting things away a little at a time.

Hope everyone is well xx
Wow Jo - amazing birth!! after your birth with Euan I bet it was a releif to be so straight forward!! enjoy this time with your mum and LOs - it is pretty special. Euan will udjust - it'll just take time!!

At least it's not bad news Lou - I know it's not the best but it's not early labour and LO is all ok in there :hugs:

AFM - Think Ollie is having another growth spurt - he's extra irritable and hungry - v tired!! but he is smiling and it is a beautiful smile :cloud9: it's definately not wind and is totally amazing - that def makes up for all the irritability and then some!!

Thanks girls.

Lou so glad that all is well. The mw told me that I may have had it and I found that the more I wore the belly support band it seemed to help. So glad that your getting lots of well earned rest and dh is looking after you. Saw your bump pic on facebook you look fab.

Helen glad that Ollie is doing so well. It's amazing how often they go though there growth spurts and so wonderful that he is smiling.

One more thing I forgot to mention about my birth experience. I had NO tears it's utterly wonderful not to be in that much discomfort after. What a relief.

Mum is here for another week and I am already thinking about the goodbye. I always spend too much time thinking about this it's silly. Really thinking about heading home to scotland to be closer to everyone but right now is nor the right time to make the decision, I best wait until the hormones settle ;)
Thanks Helen and Jo. I'm so pleased LO is ok and it was not the start of anything. Baby kicks me so much! It's sitting breech so feels like it's swinging it's legs!

Jo thats brillant you had no tears! Must be hard knowing you don't have long with your mum, but try to enjoy the time you have xx Hope your really enjoying having her over. Thanks, it's measuring small but baby is not, so it's all good! I'll try the bump band round the house to see if it keeps the pains at bay, thanks for the tip x

Helen glad Ollie is doing so well, and is a little smiler! He must melt your heart when he smiles. xxx
Welcome to the world baby Olivia! Congratulations Jo. That's pretty good timing by the little princess, I hope you max out the mummy help while you can! So glad the labour went well for you all, and no tearing, yay! How are the hormones doing, I hope they have settled down a bit now x

Glad things looking up for you Lou. How long left at work now? What colour are you painting baby's room? I think that is next on the agenda for us - well, once we have painted the hall, stairs and landing :(

afm, not much to report. Still not feeling many movements which I am annoyed about. Someone 3 weeks behind me saw a babys foot come ot of their stomach the other day. No fair!

How are our CCBs doing, is Ollie still on his growth spurt H, Thalia still loving her new bouncy chair, Oliver stil being good as gold Em? updates please! xxxxxxxxx And Dee, Toni, Lauren, hope all is well wit you guys xxxxxxx

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