Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Rach where are you going for your hols? Hopeforlly it will break it up for you and 8 weeks won't feel as long! Did you decide on a theme for your shower?

Jo sounds like olivia is doing really well weight and sleep wise. Hope you enjoy your hold to Vancouver island. Is it a far drive from you?

Helen sounds like ollie is heading in the right direction sleep wise, well done xxx hope he keeps it up. Glad you and him enjoyed grandparents visit.

Em hope your little one is doing ok xx

Lucy hope you enjoyed your birthday

hope I haven't missed anyone xx

afm back home after little break away. Was nice relaxing away from home, and watching dh play with the dog on the beach, soon he'll have 2 to play with! Had a few contractions last night, they've got more painful today. Just had a bath to see if they will ease off - not worked yet. Still irregular so hopeforly another sleep will get rid.
Lou glad you had a nice break away. It must have been lovely watching OH on the beach knowing that you will have a child there soon too. I hope you have had a good sleep abd that the contractions you have been having have stopped.

Rach 8 weeks is not so long for your ML to start hopefully the time flies in quickly.

In answer to your question Lou Vancouver island is a ferry ride away and it will take about 5-6 hours to get to our first place. Bought some new wellies and waterproofs for the wee chap and must look mine out as we will be spending a lot of time on the beach. Google long beach Tofino if your interested it's beautiful.

Having a crap night tonight it's 1.20 am and Olivia has been awake and screaming since around 7.30. She has fallen asleep finally attached to my nipple I don't want to wake her but I want to rescue my poor boob. I am so tired and I will be up soon with euan.
Hi! Sorry i've been MIA, Rach, thanks for asking about Devon, he's doing well, had to be put in a full leg cast for two weeks, then it changes to a below knee one - poir little man, i feel so sorry for him. I'm not able to get out much so mil is coming next week to stay to help.
Jo, Olivia sounds like she's doing well :) your break away sounds great! I hope you do manage to come over for a visit, i bet it will be strange for you! X
8 weeks isn't long Rachel! Ollie's 6 weeks tomorrow, it's passed so quickly! X
Lou, hope the contractions pass really soon for you, sleep and baths are supposed to help, so you're doing the right things! X
Helen, glad you and Ollie are doing well x
M2a is next isn't she? Hope she's doing OK!
Lucy, how did your tea with Toni and Thomas go? Thalia looks beautiful on her photos!! X
Hi ladies, Im just on very briefly and havent had time to catch up on any news but wanted to just remind you to be extra careful with your little ones in car seats. \i'm sure you are already but I thought I was too until I picked up Thomas' and he wasn't strapped in and fell onto a wodden floor face first from waist height. I nearly died. Luckily he was alright apart from a split lip and I know accidents happen but just wanted you all to be careful. Id hate the same thing to happen to your little one.xxxx Sorry to post and run
Toni, thank you. Accidents happen. Just hope thomas is ok now. Nice to hear from you xx
Toni your right accidents do happen. We had an incident with euan when he was about 3 months old. We were out for the day at some beaches and we kept taking him in and out the car seat, it was attached to the pram for pictures so after a few times we didn't do the harness up. We got back to the car after a few more hours walking and because we had not done up the harness while walking we forgot as it was unusual. Half way home on the motorway steven happened to look back at him and he was hanging out the car seat about to plop out of it onto the car floor.

We dont mean for this to happen and its little mistakes.
Rach - start trying to work out what you need to finish off before you leave and organising leaving meals etc - time soon starts to fly when you have to get things done for the deadline!! The holiday will be fab :)

Hope you got some sleep Jo :hugs:

:hugs: Toni - sorry you had such a shock and glad Thomas is all ok

Poor Devon Em - healing hugs from Me and Ollie :hugs:

Rest up Lou - thinking sticky thoughts for your LO :flower:

AFM - one not so brill night ( he woke up at 3am and didn't really go back down for more than 30mins at a time after that. Then last night he woke up at 2.38 - I thought that was it but he was back asleep for 3am and in his crib for 3.20 and woke again at 6am!! fab!!

Had his jabs today so will see how he fairs - could go either way for the next couple of days - calpol is at the ready just incase.

Today my tummy has hurt and after getting back from his jabs I held my hand on it - and felt something pop in - OMG I thought I could have a hernia!! back to the drs - it is seperated muscles due to either the pregnancy or labour - apparently I should have been given excercises - basically sit ups - so will get going on them....

Helen hope your tummy feels better soon. It sounds like we are having similar problems with our sleep with variable nights. Olivia finally went to sleep at 2 this morning was awake again by 5 asleep again at 6.30 and then euan was up at 7.20. Feeling a bit spaced out finding if hard with DH back at work.

The plan was that he was going to take both kids out today for a few hours so I could nap in a kid free zone. It's almost 1.30 pm euan is eating his lunch and it's his nap time at 3 so looks like that's not going to happen. Our partners have no idea how easy they have it.
Helen hope Ollie isn't too bad after his jabs xx Hope your tummy feels better soon with the exercises :hugs:

Jo hope you get your nap today :hugs:

Toni sorry you had a shock, glad Thomas is ok :hugs:

Em bigs :hugs: to your little man from me and the bump! xx

AFM back to doc's today, due back at work tomorrow. She wants me to have altered shorter hours for last 2 weeks due to the contractions - so need to go in and see tomorrow. Contractions stopped by morning but had all i can describe as a sore bump today, like a period cramp. felt quiet productive today while sitting on laptop resting, carpet for nursery due tomorrow, nursery furniture ordered and got a quote and date for a man to come do our grass and fences
Lou - hope you got everything sorted out at work and are going to do a modified schedule.

I am doing ok, we have all had colds so have had quite a few sleepless nights. OH leaves home at 6pm and he gets home about 4 so I have a long long night. Euan is in bed, but I have been into his room 3 times so far and its only 9.45pm so it does not bode well. He is coldy and he keeps informing me via screaming that his nose is running. Lets hope its a better night tonight than I am expecting.

Getting a bit worried about BF... I am still BF Livi exclusively but my boobs are soft and never feel full, although she seems satisfied after feeding so am taking that as the signs. I have not drank much water the past few days so thinking it might be that.

Hope you all have a great weekend.
:hugs: Jo - hope Euan is feeling better and the BF is ok - mine are only hard after a good 5 hours of no feeding - def get on the fluid train - I am on about 4 litres a day at least. Am also upping the protien - adding in lentil soup in the afternoon.....

So - how do you like Ollie's picture for his thankyou cards??


Try this one :doh:



  • bunso.jpg
    20.2 KB · Views: 3
I think his thankyou card looks great. Really nice picture.

Helen your right about the fluids I drank alot on Saturday and overnight and yesterday's supply was great. She is having a quiet spell today which I worry about. She fed at 2.30 am from one boob only then again at 7.00 from one boob. She is normally a 2 boob girl.

Not sure I mentioned before That I am worried about her belly button, it's crusty and red and smelly and there is this bit that comes out and it's pretty raw underneath, there is also clear discharge coming out of it. I called the mw last we'd night about it and she said it sounded like an irritation do wash it, don't let anything rub on it and to put on a antibiotic ointment which we have been doing since Thursday. It had cleared up but is worse than ever this morning and I am worried it's an infection. We have a mw appointment at the clinic in the morning so will see.

Euan is ok he likes to kiss and cuddle her but at times he also likes to make her cry by lying on her or touching her a bit hard. He is still hitting, biting and doing his regular tantrums. Steven and I need to discuss what discipline we are going to use and stick with it which is hard. He has been totally losing his temper and slapping him back which I don't think is the way to go. Was on the supernanny website last night and it looked pretty good will look at it more in depth later.

Anyway have a good day. Need to get kids up and dressed as we skype Stevens parents on a Monday morning.
Helen, Ollie's photo is gorgeous!!! Awwww!! :) x
Jo, Devon's been a bit bad tempered too, smacking and sulking and being rude. It is difficult to know what to do isn't it?
Hope everyone else is ok and had a nice weekend x
Helen, Ollie's photo is gorgeous!!! Awwww!! :) x
Jo, Devon's been a bit bad tempered too, smacking and sulking and being rude. It is difficult to know what to do isn't it? Oliver was weighed again today : 11lb 5! Chunky little man! :) measuring perfectly in proportion between 50th and 75th centile! X
Hope everyone else is ok and had a nice weekend x
That's a really great pic H, he's got lovely eyes and there is definite character in that shot! Where hae those 2 months gone!

Jo, gl with your supernanny stuff, hopefully Euan will calm down and adjust soon x

Hows it going at work Lou? I think I only have 5 working weeks after this one!

I can't decide between c section and natural birth, any tips? I am petrified of both. Natural because of tearing and maybe needing forceps. C section because it's major surgery. This baby is in now, I just don't know how I'm going to get him out!!!!

I'm off to TAN-arife on Sunday, sun tan here we come :)
Personally Rach I'd go natural unless c-section was necessary - I couldn't imagine recovering from an operation and looking after a baby - also better for subsequent births.... to be honest - 4 days of labour, large baby back to back and tears hasn't put me off - the contractions were bearable and the pushing - while physically hard work wasn't that bad - and i had no real pain relief......the stitches was the worst bit but g&a was fab. But just go with what's best for you :flower:

Fab weight Em!!!

Hopr Livi's button is ok Jo...

OMG I popped Ollie on his back on his play matt/gym and looked up at oh getting in the car to go to work, looked back down and Ollie was on his front!!
Morning ladies!

Jo good luck with your supernanny stuff, hope Euan settles down for you xx Any news from the mw on Olivia's belly button?

Helen love the picture of Ollie for his cards! Wow he can roll over already! How amazing, can't believe he is 2 months already!

Rachel personally i would avoid c section unless it was nescassary too, as it stops you getting up and about as quick as with a natural birth and you need a lot of help as can't pick baby up yourself in first few days. But go with whats best for you xx Hope your enjoy your holiday! x

Em Ollie's weight is great, and he is looking so cute on yoru FB pictures!

AFM i'm signed off for last 2 weeks of term, and just doing some admin work from home. Got MW this afternoon, find out if baby is still breech (i'm pretty sure baby still is!). Any tips for turning? I'm still suppose to be resting so can't do too much, but need this baby to turn over! I was trying an inverted tip yesterday, and using the ball. Need to ask her what will happen if i go into labour and baby still breech, i don't think they do breech delivery at my hospital. I know she will say thats miles off, but i like to know the options just in case.
Back from MW - baby still breech. She said it still have time, sometimes they are just comfy that way and then turn later, or may be reason it can't turn. They will scan at 36 weeks, if it hasn't turned then i'm offered the ECM/EVM (manual turning) at 37 or a C section at 39. Turn baby Turn! So more walking around on all fours with my bum in the air!

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