Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Rach - If I were you I would try vaginal birth first, you can start of with nothing and then take what you need to for pain as labour progresses. Its obviously up to you but first time around for me I did have lots of tearing and stitches and they used forceps so all of your fears and although it was very painful I think the recovery was far better than a big abdominal surgery incision. You will make the right decision in the end for you and your family.

Lou - I am sure baby will turn for you. Em's baby was breech remember for quite a time and kept her waiting until the end.

I have a few concerns just now... OH was at a surgeons yesterday getting a growth thing cut out of his back and she said to him that he has a few dodgy moles that need to be cut out and analysed and she thought they might be skin cancer. He is getting them off tomorrow and I am so scared of what it will mean for us. He does not want me telling any friends or family but I feel that I need to discuss it somewhere so here I am. It will take 10-14 days before we get the results. Yesterday was pretty horrible and I thought about it for most of the night, however today we feel a bit better but we are still scared.

Other news is that we had Olivia at the midwife this morning and it turns out that her belly button thing is an umbilical hernia, years ago they used to take small babies and do surgery but now they leave them and most fix themselves anywhere from 3 months - 5 years. If it has not corrected itself by 5 years then it will require surgery. Good news is she is putting on lots of weight... she was 9lb12oz today so she has now put on 2.2lbs above her birth weight in just over 4 weeks so we are very pleased about that.

Better be off and spend some time with DH before he heads off to work.
Jo, hope everything turns out ok with dh x And poor little Olivias babu hernie too x

Girls I am having some pains in my tummy. sort of like aches at the bottom of my bump, a bit like period pains but not as intense. An ideas what it could be? Have googled BH and it doesn't seem to be that. I'm possibly worrying for nothing x
Hi rach it could be streching, I know I had simular pains around the same point you are at. But you can always ring mw and check, always put my mind at rest speaking to someone.

Jo so sorry to hear about Oh's scare. Fxed crossed it will come back all clear, but the waiting is so worrying, we had scare few years ago and waiting was the worse. Xx hope all comes back clear xx hope olivias hernia sorts itself out too, poor little mite! Sending you big :hugs:
Thanks girls your right the waiting is the hard part. He gets the moles removed tomorrow so we will see. Its hard for me being an oncology nurse I automatically think the worst. We have our trip away next week so I am looking forward to that.

We have put a request in with DH work asking for 6 weeks of unpaid leave so we can head home to Scotland and see our families while Livi is still small so hoping that they grant it but I think its doubtful that they will.

Rach I agree with Lou i think its just round ligament pains and lots of stretching. Call your mw though if you continue to worry as she will put your mind at rest.
Hope your all well. AM even more worried about DH now, he got his dodgy moles cut out today and the doctor and nurse made some comments to him so I am not convinced that its going to be a positive for skin cancer. Steven thinks everything is totally fine. He got told today that his 6 week leave of abscence was approved and the plan was to book flights home for May for 3 weeks. I was kind of feeling that we should wait until we get the results of his biopsies but Steven wanted to book the flights so they are booked and paid for, and I am worried that I will be losing all that money if something is wrong. I am not sure if I can handle waiting 10 days its just awful.
Jo... How scary for you both, fx'd it's not anything nasty, and your DH is healthy. Big hugs xx glad livi is doing well with her weight x
Rachel, i'd definately go natural, the thought of birth can be scary, but i've done it 3 times with only gas and air, if it had been that bad i wouldn't have done it 3 times!!! X
Lou, fx'd baby turns for you, Ollie was breech as you know from around 29 weeks, and didn't turn until nearly 38 weeks.i just rocked on all fours as many times a day as i could, and it must have worked! Would you go for the ECV or section? I decided against the ECV, but i was worried about the section x
Afm, what a nightmare week!! Rob's been off work with flu, couldn't even walk it was that bad, we had a home vidit from the GP and he's taking tamiflu, devon's in his full length leg cast still but now has chickenpox, and now i've got a chest infection :-( x
Rachel, have a fab time in Tenerife!! Sooo jealous!! Xxx
Emma it sounds like your having a really hard time just now. Hope Devon is doing ok with his cast on. Your poor hubby sounds really sick, hope he gets better soon and that you all don't get it. Hope your chest infection isn't too bad.
Fxed it's not anything nasty jo, be thinking of You and sending you big :hugs: is it 10 days or working days? Xxxx

em sorry dh is so Ill, hope he feels better soon. Must be very hard at mo, hope you, Devon and oh get better soon :hugs:

the ECV I'm not keen on, I've not read much positive about it, esp for first time mums, and they don't induce straight after so could just turn back if it did work! But then again worried about c section too!! Baby been there since 28 weeks, doesnt move except to turn profile on, rather than front on. Was joking with my mum on phone saying it prob turn day of the planned c section!
I asked dh to find out if it was 10 business days but he forgot. The doctor told him that if he has not received a phone call within 10 days then to call the office. Have just been googling obsessively although not told oh that. Just trying not to think about it too much.

Hope baby turns Lou. I don't think I would fancy the manipulation much either but who knows it's maybe worth trying rather than c section. I do hear though that it's pretty unpleasant. When is your scan is it booked yet?
Maybe call in 10 normal days, as can only be told it's not back yet. Think some labs work weekends. Hope you have a nice weekend with DH and the little ones xxx

I keep thinking that, should i try it, then i read about it and it puts me off. I really dont want C section, more for the recovery period. Will speak to my MW at 34 weeks, saw a stand in last week as she was at a home birth. Think she will book me in for a scan next time. I know the lady who was breech at antenatal had already had scans by 36 weeks and she had same MW as me.
Lou, you've got plenty of time for baby to turn. When do they normally turn? 32 weeks seems quite early to me ...

Jo, gl with dhs results xx

afm, 27+1 today, which I think means 3rd tri, eek!

And its tan central for me tomorrow so you won't hear from me for a while. Have great weeks all xxxxxxxxx
Lou, i was scanned between 37-38 weeks. Ollie only turned 2 days before, and my friend's baby did literally turn the day of her section. Check out spinning babies website, it really helped me. Oh, and swimming. I decided to opt for c section if he hadn't turned, really didn't want ECV. Have a fab holiday rachel! x
Have a fab holiday rachel!

I was the only one breech at antenatal at my stage, everyone else was turned so not sure. It was just me and the other lady who was 4 weeks ahead of me. Think she said that it gets harder for them to turn from 32 weeks. I seem to have grown over night!!

Thanks em, going to do lots of swimming and been doing few exercises from that website. Just have feeling it will be a late turner!!
LOts to catch up on - am waiting by monitor for to wake for a feed, hurry up T mummy needs bed!!

Jo - really hope your OH is ok, sounds pretty scary and the waiting must be horrible. Fingers crossed all will be ok and doctors are just being cautious.

Thalia has an umbilical hernia too - well she had, it was MASSIVE but its already resolving and nearly gone, this has literally happened in the last few days so hopefully Olivias will too. My ridiculous HV told me it was an outie belly button - I then went to doc as it got huge and she properly diagnosed it. Said it would likely go by 1 year but its much sooner. Was very glad it wasn't an outie!!

Lou, really hope your little monkey turns, I think up to 34 weeks they can turn quite easily, I have definitely known friends whose babies have turned even later though so hope yours does too.

Rach, have a fab holiday - where are you going? I've only had a chance to read back two pages, am v v v v jealous, I WANT SUN!!!

Any news from M2A?

Emma, hope Devon is ok, have seen facebook posts re chicken pox and
broken leg, that poor poor little boy - and you, you must be exhausted!!!

Helen, hope all good with you xx

So excited - my first mothers day tomorrow, I remember last year being so down after m/c and thinking I'd never get to be a mummy on mothers day. What a difference a year makes.

T is doing well, still slowish on the weight gain- about 5oz per week - but resolutely in the 9th centile, GP and HV all happy with progress. Got our first hospital follow up in 10 days so bit nervous about that but hopefully all will be ok.

Happy mothers days all xxxxxxxxxxxx
Lucy I thought she had an outie to begin with too but after a few weeks knew it was something more. Googled and figured it out before I went to the midwife. Hope Thalia woke up quickly and your now sleeping.

Happy mothers day to you all. Have a lovely day. Our mothers day is not until may sometime and I hope dh remembers he forgot last year and I told him the year before. Your right what a difference a year makes.
Happy mothers day everyone! Hope everyone is having a nice day! Xxx

Lucy lovely to hear from you, so glad Thalia is doing well. Hope she didn't keep you up too late last night xxx thanks, I'm feeling quite ok about it at moment as have 3 more weeks until they start asking me to make choices. Going to try at get some swimming in this week, though last time it didn't move at all so prob sent it to sleep!

Dh has put the waldrobe and cupboard together, and I've washed all the baby clothes. Now I'm making him a nice roast to say thanks. Hope everyone is well xxx

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