Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Was at the midwife this morning and we have now been discharged which is always a bit strange. My little porker weighed in at 5kg which is 11lb so 3 lb heavier than birth weight, quite a bit in 6 weeks. I think i can chill out a bit now about the feeding.
Sounds like she is doing really well jo! Bless her! Such good news xx how are you keeping?

Off shopping today for last few hospital bag bits. Then for late lunch/early dinner with a friend. Do you ladies think it's worth me starting the rasberry leaf while it's still breech? I'm not sure whether to or not?
I am doing ok, still worried about DH but he has phoned the doctor today for results its 2 weeks after the biopsies. The doctor is on holiday till next week. He has an appointment next thursday with her so he will get them then.

Its not going to do any harm at this stage to take your raspberry tea. I never took it either times but go for it. When is your next appointment 36 weeks?
I took it from 36 weeks and Ollie was breech. I dialated quickly but maybe that was because he was my 3rd baby?! It definately won't hurt!! Congratulations to M2A!! Yay!! You next Lou!! Then Rachel then Groovygrl? How exciting!! Ollie's doing fine, smiling and staying more alert now, he's lovely! How is everyone doing? Jo, hope DH is ok, would they leave him this long if it was anything serious? Sorry i've been away, had Devon poorly, and Rob off work with swine flu. Only just got back to normal here!! Started weight watchers and have lost 7.5 lbs so am happy :) we booked our wedding for next October so lots of planning to do!!
still time for baby to turn Lou! Glad everything was fine and you had a nice holiday Rachel!
Emma I think it's time you removed cautiously pregnant from your signature unless your up the duff again ;)
Hi jo, hope all comes back clear next week for dh. Strange they said 2 weeks and she's on holiday. Hope your having a good weekend xxx

em sounds like ollie is doing really well. Glad everythings getting back to normal at home, well done at weight watchers!

Thanks ladies, I brought them when out shopping so will wait till I see mw at 36 weeks then start, just in case baby decides to turn. Had a nice mu
to be massage yesterday. Getting really excited now, so is dh, but have a feeling time may drag!

Hope you all are having a lovely weekend xxx
Lou i found that first time around towards the end time did drag but i found that it did that off on and on most of the pregnancy. This time there was no dragging it just arrived.
Glad you enjoyed the massage.

Emma I see that your set a date for your wedding congratulations, its going to be lots of fun planning.

DH heads back to work on Tuesday so making the most of our few days off together, trying to persuade him to go shopping tomorrow to the states but he is not having any of it so far. He is not at work for long, he is off Friday for easter friday working the next week off then he starts his 6 weeks unpaid leave so looking forward to that again.
Sounds like you have some lovely time together with DH planned. Hope you managed to convince him to go shopping today! Are you planning on visiting home during his 6 weeks off? Thanks, maybe it's because I feel in limbo land at mo with baby breech, time seemed to be flying by but now going slow! DH at home today so thinking of lunch put as it's sunny. Jo have you been to ottowa while you have been over? DH was looking at it for a holiday?

Is it normal now to have period type cramps each day? They didn't go last night, wasn't sure if normal for this time or my irritable uterus or something else?
Not managed to persuade him yet to go shopping and doubt that I will. The 2 stores that I really like are so cheap for kids clothes and you get nice stuff. They have massive sales this weekend and I have 50% off coupons if you spend over a 100$. We are going home to Scotland on the 11 May for 3 weeks so that is going to be very nice really looking forward to it although it will be a bit odd. Neither of our parents houses have enough room for all of us together so I am going to stay at my mums with Olivia and Steven is going to stay at his Mums with Euan. They are only 5 minutes apart by car so not too far but I am going to miss Euan at bath and bed time.

I have never been to Ottawa although it does look very nice, have only been to Toronto and lots of the west coast mainly my province of BC and Alberta. I would thouroughly recommend a holiday to the Rockies its beautiful, Banff, Lake Louise and Jasper are amazing really pretty, restful with lots to do at the same time. I have been there many times, you should check it out.

I had cramps my entire pregnancy but at the stage your at now for me they did intensify a bit, but for a lot of women it can also signal the start of something at the same time. As I said though I had them both times around.
Thanks Jo, think it might just be normal, thinking just leaving it and if something else happens then it's start of it, if not then it's normal. They said you might of had an irritable uterus too didn't they? So maybe it's just that getting a bit worse.

Thanks will look at those places. We went to toronto a few years ago and really enoyed it. Will look up those places, DH would really like to go west coast, but he's worried about the flight length.

Not long now till your off home for a few weeks now then. It must feel strange knowing you will be in two different houses, but least they are nice and close together. Do you have any plans for when you are over? x
I dont have any plans in particular, just catching up with people in general. My best friend had twins on Friday and it was a really risky pregnancy for her and the babies, they were identical sharing the same amniotic sac and the same placenta so they did not expect both girls to survive. They were born on Friday both totally healthy so cannot wait to say her and snuggle her babies. Its always a bit stressfull heading home at the same time as it is exciting because everyone wants to see you and your limited for time. Its hard.

The flight length is not too bad. You would be able to get direct flights to Vancouver or Calgary and its about 10 hours in total. Its pretty boring and I am not looking forward to doing it with 2 kids its going to be lots of fun! Travelling on plane though with a young baby is pretty easy though, I went home to Scotland a few times with Euan and the first time he was a few months old, he slept most of the way and when he cried i would just feed him to sleep and it was great.

I did have an irritable uterus so your right maybe it is something to do with that. Hopefully it stops soon for you.

I have managed to talk DH round to shopping tomorrow so am looking forward to that. Not that we can really afford to spend lots of money but we are always going to need clothes.
That's wonderful news that they are both healthy, bet you can't wait to snuggle them they must be so cute! Must be hard being over and so many people to see! Hope you enjoyed your shopping today!

Sorry if tmi and I'm asking loads of questions at mo, but what does the plug look like? I had some yellowly greeny mucus this morning, only tiny, then more this evening but not a lot. I know it doesn't mean labour round courner, but was wondering if it was the start of the plug and if so at 35 weeks whether I should call mw or just wait it out? I know at antenatal they said just wait, but never specified what week!
For me both times i noticed browny pinky globs of tissue, fairly small that came out. It would be there in the water once I peed or it would be in the tissue with wiping. It can be so variable though for everyone.
Tonight I feel so guilty, DH went back to work and had a terrible time since 5pm, its now 9 and I am tired. Euan had a melt down when he got up from his nap and daddy wasnt home, we built a little wooden train set and he went nuts because he could not get some trains to stick together and I was feeeding Livi, he was hitting, kicking, biting and head butting tonight which was a new one, and basically just driving me nuts. At the same time Livi is so clingy, so different from Euan she does not tolerate being alone at all. As soon as you pop her down the screaming commences and it does not stop. I have to admit at bath and bed time for the kids I was grumpy and shouting. Poor kiddies just cos I was feeling a bit stressed. I will be a better mommy tomorrow.
Had an eventful day. Decided that we really nee to get on a get Euan used to a bed. He is still in his crib and still all over the place and I am not sure he is ready but going to give it a go. We went to Ikea and almost $500 later came home with a toddler bed and rail, mattress, duvet and pillow plus a desk and some chairs for the kitchen going to make a little art station. Looking forward to getting it all built up and trying him in his big boy bed.
Lou, just seen your 35 bump pic! You look great! Less than 2 weeks to term then, is your bag packed?

Hey Jo! Hope the new bed works and the little man behaves. Don't beat yourself up about stropping at the kids, we are all human x

I'm working from home today. Our bedroom ceiling fell down on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It hit my side of the bed but luckily I was in the middle so it missed me. It has written off my lamp and the whole carpet tho. not to metion the massive hole in the ceiling that the plasterer is fixing today. Grrr. Just what I do not need as I try and get the house finished.

Happy Easter weekend everyone x
Rach what a nightmare about the ceiling and thank goodness you were in the middle of the bed. It's good to be home though. How much longer do you have to work?
15 working days left! I finish 3 weeks on Weds it's going to fly by x
Hi rach, omg sounds terrible about your ceiling, thank goodness you were in the middle of the bed. 3 weeks will fly by, what week does that leave you working up till? Yep hospital bag is packed, and car seat at home now. We are all set.

Jo hope the new bed works with euan. Hope everything went well with dh today ( think it was this Thursday) xxx do you have any family plans over the weekend?

Bloody Internet keeps playing up, we didn't even change providers. Grr! Got 4 days till midwife now, don't think babys turned yet. Feeling the heat a bit.

Hope everyone has lovely Easter weeekend
Rach 3 weeks will fly by that is fantastic news. It is just wonderful when you finally finish.

Lou thanks so much for remembering he went to the doctor this morning and everything is fine, it was just benign moles, what a relief. I wasnt very happy with DH though, I was waiting for him to phone me as soon as he had seen the doctor. I sent him a text message saying have you seen the doctor yet and his reply was yes you had better order me a coffin soon. I read it and burst into tears thinking he had received bad news but no he thought it was funny. He came home and I shouted at him...

Hope the midwife can give you some good news about a turned baby. Have you decided what your going to do yet if baby stays breech?
I am very happy.

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