Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Hi girls thanks I know your right its just one of those things and there is not much I can do about it. Steven is off from tomorrow for 6 weeks so will have more help around the house and with the kids which will be good.

I decided that I wasnt going to get up, but Livi was up just before 3am to feed so I stuck the tele on as we have one in our bedroom, so saw her arrive at church and saw the ceremony until they arrived at buckingham palace then put it off again as it was bedtime. I quite enjoyed what I saw, I thought she looked really pretty and they seem like quite a cute pair. My favourite moment was when they arrived at B. Palace a footman helped her out the carriage and he had her train in his hands you could see him looking at it thinking I have no idea what to so with it and then he just dumped it in a pile on the floor.

It has been on the tele non stop as I am sure it has been there too.

Had a very quiet birthday, and going to do a few things on Sunday, never ended up lying in today or having breakfast in bed, went to a lake nearby and fed the ducks and that was about it. Will have some good take away tomorrow night as Steven can bring it home from work. Never did birthday cake or candles either, as Steven ran out of time to ice it etc and sing before Euans nap time so we will do a belated cake on Sunday too,

Rach your doing so well with the house, If it was me I would be quite stressed out by this point. Take it easy and relax when you can, its not much fun with back pain.

Lou yay to almost term... you do get used to having baby in there and feeling them move around. Its very strange when baby is here and your tummy is just empty.
Jo hope you enjoy having Steven off with you. Do you have anything planned apart from your trip home? Hope you have a nice belated birthday day today with the family xxx

Had such bad nights sleep, woke up at 2 thinking i could smell something burning, so off i go around the house looking for it and wake myself up. Then spend rest of night dreaming of corrie, and then dreaming (while i was still in corrie) that i had a bloody show. So i just got up and went to sofa, woke up with period type cramp again, always there not coming and going, so just laying on sofa waiting for DH to wake surfing net!

Hope everyone is having nice weekend xx

Rach you get anymore done with the house? x
Dont really have anything planned in particular, we need to take it easy financially as the flights home and spending money plus hiring a car and the cattery is not cheap, saying that we are not destitute either. Went to the states today to some beaches that are pretty close by and had some fun at the water.

Going to head back into the states again this week to do a little hike up a mountain called Mt Baker, its beautiful always capped with snow and really picture esque...

Euan has been quite sweet all day and has been singing a song that consists of I love Mummy over and over so it was lovely.

Hope you slept a bit better tonight.
Sounds really nice, hope you enjoy your hike. Does it take long to get into the US from where you are? bless Euan, that is so sweet. Bet he enjoyed splashing in the water!

Sleep not better, and constant cramp still there, it's really low down in the bump. Ended up in tears yesterday with the cramp, but think it was because i was so tired i struggled to cope (i'm normally a grin and bear it with pain). Took some paracentamol and had a nap. DH going golf today, so will try have a nap again. Hoping to go cinema later and then a meal. 36+6 today so may go for hot piri piri chicken at nandos rather than medium. Never had hot so not sure how i'll be!
Louise I would so go for the hot curry and try everything to get baby out. Its hard at this stage with all the aches and pains.

It takes about 45 minutes to get to the border then it depends how busy it is it can take anything from instantly to hours to get through. it also depends on what border you are crossing qnd where your going There are 4 borders close to us.
It was 40 min wait for table, so DH said he'd make me hit piri piri chicken tomorrow. Going to walk to and from midwife tomorrow. Wouldnt imagine these aches and pains going on for anouther 5 weeks!

Not too far then, is it certain times it gets really busy?
Your trips ot the US sound fab Jo, I'm jealous!

Good idea re walking to mw tomorrow Lou. Are you still breech? When'd d-day for deciding on c section?

The long weekend is over! Only 12 more days at work. I'm starting to regret working so latenow but I know I will love the extra time with lo the other end so its just a case of sticking it out

Got a reasonable amount of decorating done today, hurrah! Feel like we have made good progress. I'm looking forward to updating my to-do list

Have a good evening all xxxxxxxxxxx
Pretty certain im still breech, very much a head up there. Im sure midwife will confirm. D day for c section date is Wednesday. Be given date then.

What week does that leave you working up to rach? 12 days should fly by, 3 weeks ish? Glad you got loads done this weekend,love updating to do lists! Suppose I should check.mine! Think its just clean walls were the dog rubs himself!!
Lou - The day I went into labour with Livi I had a stretch and sweep at the midwife and done tonnes of walking and it obviously did the trick.

At least on Wed you will have a date and you will know what is going on.

Rach - your right its better at the other end the leave your doing great and 12 days will go quickly. Well done getting some more decorating done today.

Days at the border that are busier tend to be Fridays and weekends and public holidays. Its fairly busy most of the time at the moment as the Canadian dollar is worth 5c more than the US dollar and buying stuff in Canada is way more expensive so alot of people are doing cross border shopping.
Back from midwife, still breech. She thinks the pain is the baby's bum engaged and thats what the constant cramp is. She think's c section is the way to go, as it's been so persistantly breech there is prob a reason it has not tried to move round. She said my consultant is very nice, and speak through all my worries and fears of the c section with him. Anyway, full term today! yay!

hope everyones having a nice day today! xxx
Happy full term day!!!

Looks like a c-section then and not too long before you get to meet the lo. How do you feel about a c-sec? I think it's absolutely fine - a shame if you wanted a natural birth - but think of all the worry you are foregoing and it will all be over before you know it. Have you got some arnica tablets ?!

Thanks Jo, I think it should be fine too x I finish two weeks tomorrow so not that long. I'm going to work from home tomorrow (and maybe do some more painting!!).

Baby shower on Sunday, yay!
2 weeks will fly by! Time with LO after if def good. Great you can do some working from home too over the next few weeks. What's on your painting list next?

thanks rachel xxx. i know deep down it be ok, just so scared of surgery, as know it's major surgery. Never had any before, and being awake freaks me out (and i know you can feel things, not pain but pulling etc). Just think DH will have to hold my hand tight! Just hope they don't put it near 40 weeks, rather get it over and done with at end of next week or start of following. Maybe they will have loads spare on Friday 13th as no one will want that day!
I've had a few major surgeries (general anast though) and its absolutely fine. The nurses are great and with a planned section, it will be all organised and planned and no-one will be rushing around. Baby will be with you in no time at all, safe and well, and you won't feel a thing!

I would def recommend getting some of the strongest strength arnica and start taking it now to get into the therapeutic window (!).

I'm on pre-eclampsia watch! Had protein in urine yesterday and elevated blood pressure and hands/feet a bit swolen. Hopefully it s not the start of PE. I'm having some bloods on Friday and seeing the doc again on Mnday so we shall see what change there has been.

gl today Lou! xxxxxx
Fixed crossed rach its not start of pe. Was there a lit of protein in your urine? Sounds like they are taking good care of you, will you have blood test results back on Monday?

Awww thanks rach, makes me feel better. Think the being awake will be weird! Will pop by boots on way home to get tablets, are they easy to find?
They are in the homepathy section, come in a little pot, should be near the Bachs stuff. Get the strongest ones, 30, I think they come in 6 and 30 strength.

Yes, bloods on Friday, should be back by my appointment with doc on Monday. I', sire all will be well. BP was 130/90 so not massively high (naturally, I have been googling this today!!)
Had the most pointless consultant appointment ever. Waited for 1 hour 20 mins to be seen, to be then told we will send you a letter with your c section date on it, can't ring over now as it's too late in the day! Date likley to be close to 40 weeks, by time i get booked in for pre op which has to be at least 5 days before op. Then more or less rushed out as they wanted to go home with a leaflet on c sections! 'No can't manually turn baby it's too late'. 'Oh your scared - well some women are scared of a natural birth - you'll be fine'. Been told be in hopsital for 4 days, just feel more deflated than i already did, and my cramp is worst after all that sitting! Sorry for the rant x

Thanks rach - have to look for them tomorrow now as got out so late. Fxed crossed it was just a little high that one time. I always google my blood pressure, as i never understand it! You get much painting done today?
Lou just checked in to see what the info was on your C section. Can't belive you had such a crap appointment they really dont think about us as being people sometimes. I am sure the letter wont come and you will be following up on it, buggers. Sorry it was so crap.

I would recommend the Arnica tablets they are known to be pretty good although I have never tried them myself.

Rach I hope you dont have PE... hope the swelling subsides and your elevated BP was a blip. Good luck on Friday.

Dont have much news. Went to Mount Baker today in Washington it was really pretty i will put a fb pic on later. Really nice and sunny and the scenery was great, we had went once before but it was cloudy and we couldn't see the mountains.

Had Livi at her injections yesterday she is now 12lb8oz so she has put on loads so really pleased about that. She was a little trooper, tolerated the 3 injections really well, she slept from 10pm till 6am this morning so that was nice. She was so much better than Euan with his first jabs I wonder if the whole female tolerating things better starts this young.
Well done Livi with the weight gain & being so good for the injections. What was the weather like in Washington Jo? DH is going to Dallus next week which I think is near by (he is flying to Dallus airport which is where Die Hard 2 was based !!)

Lou. so sorry about your rubbish appt. Was it at the doctors or at the hospital? THat is truly rubbish. You could always go and see your doc for more info and a more detailed chat. If your doc isnt comfortable talknig about c-sections cos its not their area of expertise, they may refer you again so you can have a 'proper' appointment. Its so frustrating when you get fobbed off by people who want to go home, grrrrrrrrr.

At least you can find out lots on here by reading peoples posts and asking questions. A friend had a planned section and said it was fab (she has neck./back issues so couldnt put her body under the pressure of pushing a baby out). And she would recommend it! Surgery is scary, especially going into theatre where it is so cold. But the nurses will really look after you and make you really relaxed and you won't feel a thing. You will probably be shaking as you walk down to theatre but dh will be with you to hold your hand.

Really hope you get your letter soon

No more painting being done this week! I am having a rest, I have decided. Working from home tomorrow so going to catch up on the washing and maybe some gardening and maybe go and order the sofas. And I want to go to Boots to buy my hospitaL BAG STUFF - mUM can come with me, she will enjoy that

Then nany shower on Sunday. Praying for good weather!!!!!!!
Thanks ladies, was really upset by our treatment yesterday. It was the hospital rach, i was quite shocked. Was up late feeling down about it all yesterday, so got up, popped ipod on and took dog for hour and half walk to clear my head. Then got back, rung the hospital and managed to get through to the right person. Pre op 11th, op 17th! So now need to work out what to do with DH paternity leave, as seems silly for him to start it when i'm in hospital for 3 to 4 days, when i'll need him more when home.

Thanks rachel - so nice to hear a positive story about it. Guess once the baby is out i'll forget what is actually happening as i'll be holding my LO!

Great news Jo that livi is doing so well weight wise. What a trooper doing so well with her injections! And a nice sleep after too! Looking forward to see the pics of mount baker, sounds lovely!

Rachel think the weather should be warm on sunday for your baby shower. Know it is suppose to be warming up and the wind dropping. Have fun with the gardening and hospital bag shopping. I got most of my tolieties from the marriott hotel we stayed at!
Rach - the weather is kinda crappy in Washington right now but that is Washington on the North West. Texas is very south and closer to Washington DC. It should be very hot there right now I would imagine as alot of Texas borders Mexico. Have a wonderful shower.

Lou- glad you have some dates. I am so excited for you, at least you know your going to see your baby on the 17th only 11 days away..woohooo..on a positive note you dont have to go potentially 2 weeks overdue.

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