Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Lou has had her baby. She posted it on facebook. I will let her fill in all the details.
Congratulations Lou.
Just seen! Congrats Lou, hope the birth went well and you're feeling good xxxxxxxxx
Just poping by to say hi :flower: hope everyone and babies and bumps are doing ok :) x

And you too - v cute avatar btw :)

Lou :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: congrats""

must join everyne on fb as i need to see all these babies!!

Helen you should join us all on facebook, I think we are all on it and its nice to see all the new pics of the babies.

Hope your all having a good weekend, Euan and Livi are still a bit poorly with there colds but going to head out to the beach just for an hour to get them outside then will head home again for lunch time. We have an eventful day tomorrow, going to a Thomas the tank engine themed day and having a ride on Thomas so Euan should be very excited by that, and I cant wait to see his little face. He will either love it or be a bit overwhelmed and a bit scared. I will let you know.

Rach - how are you feeling?
I'm doing 'ok'. Just come back from a spa day which was fab, I feel really relaxed now and even had a 2 hour snooze this afternoon!!

Baby doing somersaults on the way home & loads of bh, so i was really uncomfortable on the wya home. I'm hoping he goes to sleep now so I can get some rest

Building his furniture tonight/tomorrow, exciting!!

I'm looking forward to reading Lou's birth story xxxxxxxx
Me too.

It is really exciting getting everything ready for the baby. Not too long now until your due date.
Hi ladies,

Finely got a moment to sit down and write my birth story, its a long one but be nice to get it all down into words. Thanks for all the congrats!

So i had the sweep at 11am on Tuesday 31st, and at 11pm i started to get bad period pains, so i took a paracetamol and went to bed. I woke at 2.30am in pain, contractions coming every 7 minutes. I got up and ran a bath and relaxed in there for an hour and half. Once the water had gone cold i got up and went downstairs on my ball. By 5am it was getting more painful and 5 to 6 minutes apart so went and woke Paul. I laid with paul until 7.30, holding his hand each time a contraction came. Decided to try get back on the ball. They started to come every 4 minutes so called the hospital and they asked me to come in.

We got there and got put over in a room on the high risk area, as the room in low risk was being cleaned. They kept putting off examining me to see how far i had gone. The contractions had changed to 6 minutes apart while we were in there. When she finely checked me she said i was still 1 to 2 cm, exactly the same as 11am the day before, and gave me anouther sweep. I felt gutted! The midwife was really pesimistic and said it was unlikley to be anything, and maybe i should do a walk and see if it developed into something.

So home we went. I tried to nap, but the contractions were too painful. So we decided to walk to the pub for a drink, then head back. About 30 minute walk there, then same back. On the way there they were coming every 3 to 6 minutes, just having to stop as they came and went. about 1 minute long. We had our drink then headed back. The moment i started to walk the pain was intense, and i couldn't tell what were contractions and what weren't. I had no idea how i was going to get home, i couldn't walk. Paul was trying to get me to breath slowly and help me along. Somehow we got back, i had to stop so many times, i had my eyes closed when walking as was in so much pain. But i could not work out the timing for the contractions.

Paul ran me a bath when i got back, and it was a relief. Worked out they were 5 minutes apart. Paul cooked dinner, then we watched Blue Bloods but i couldn't face dinner, the pain that never stopped had started again. I decided to make my decision whether to call the hospital after the apprentice, but i made it too 9.50 and started crying as i just couldn't cope with the pain anymore. I rang the hospital, said i had no idea how long and how often as i was in constant pain. They said to come in.

When we got to the hospital at 11pm on 1st June (24 hours since it first started) we got sent to the low risk birthing unit and i got the birthing pool room. I had a midwife and a student examine me. The student went first and said 3cm, i felt deflated. The midwife then examined me and said no a definate 4cm, then asked if she could do a strech and sweep. I said yes, and OMG what she did in there i have no idea, but it felt like she was ripping the baby out! Paul was in shock! We were told we could stay and i felt so relieved as i was so tired and in pain already.

Contractions started coming every 4 mins and by 12 i asked for pain relief. She gave me gas and air and it made a load of difference. I was having contractions in 3's (a mild one, a strong one, and one i called a sneaky one -mild go away then come back strong). Gas and air made me feel like i was drunk, think i was talking rubbish to Paul which he found funny but made the contractions bearable. I was due another examination at 3am.

3am came and no midwife, they were starting to hurt more, so i got on the bed for a rest (i was on the ball before). A midwife came in at 3.20, and we were told my midwife had gone for her break, so i could not have my examination until 4am when she got back. When she returned she examined me, my waters broke and she said i was 5cm, she said it is around 1/2cm an hour (so in my head i worked out anouther 10 hours, how will i cope). Gutted again, she ran the birthing pool. It was becoming very unbearable as i was so tired by this point.

I got in the pool but it did no good and i asked paul to call the midwife as i wanted an epidural so i could get some rest from the pain. We was informed my one had been called out, and i could not have an epidural as the high risk ward was full, so it was pethidine or nothing. I said no as it was something i never wanted. Paul asked if i was sure as he knew how much pain i was in. It was constant again, i couldn't tell contractions from no contractions. I got out the pool as i needed the loo (and this is where it goes blurry). We had to share a toliet with the next door room, i was locked. Paul said i started shouting 'i need to go, get out my toliet (i'm never like this). Temp midwife came in, guess they opened the door and said again, pethidine for nothing, Paul said she really was horrid. I just said yes as i couldn't cope.

The next 4 hours are a drug filled blur, Paul said it was the bit he hated most as it wasn't me anymore. I can remember coming round for a contraction, attempt to suck on gas and air, saying 'i'm so sorry, i can't do this'. Then out of it again. Paul said he felt helpless, but finely at 8am a new midwife came in and spoke to him about this and that which he said calmed him down, saying my check was late again as the midwife who was assigned to me was delivering anouther baby.

I then remember coming round and saying i really needed to go to the loo. Paul started to help me go to the toliet when the midwife came in. She said to let me go, but it is properly the baby. I remember trying to go, and saying it felt weird. So she got me up and examined me. I was well on the way to delivering him before they had even got into the room.

They popped me on a stool and i started pushing. 25 minutes later my little boy was born, i do remember this which i'm pleased about. They popped him up straight on me, then while she was sorting out the cord all of a sudden he was taken from me and rushed out the room. a code Blue was called and Paul rushed out after them. The midwife tried to calm me down, but i was so worried. A few minutes later Paul returned crying saying he was ok. He had needed oxygen due the the pethidine as his breathing had laboured and he was blue. He was then returned to my arms all warm in a blanket and the midwife helped me feed.

Baby Foley weighed 8lb 3oz and was born 9.42 am on Thursday 2nd June. I have no tears or stiches and am feeling very well and up and about. We were kept in for obs for a day, and came home Friday at 4pm. He is now feeding very well and is bright and alert. I still feel bad about the pethidine due to the scare as it was that which caused it, but now he is home and feeding well i know he is fine and he won't remember.

Despite a long painful labour, i am so pleased he was born naturally rather than c section, as i am feeling so well and up and about already, though the midwifes are still amazed he turned as he was not small!

Sorry it was such a long story, some pics of my little boy.


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That's a lovely birth story Lou. Sounds like the middle went a bit hazy (I didnt realise pethidine had that sort of dramatic effect, thanks for the info!!) but you remember all the important bits.

I bet you can't believe its happened and Foley is here, is it all a bit surreal atm?

Congratulations Lou on the birth of Foley.

You certainly had quite the journey and you must have been so scared when they called a code blue. Try to remember and know that Foley is fine, dont beat yourself up about the Pethidine you did what you had to do to get through it. I can't believe they wouldn't arrange an epi. I am glad that you went a bit hazy in the middle it sounds like you had a hard time of it.

Anyhow Foley is here and enjoying snuggles and love. I am so very happy for you.

Rach - its your turn next.
Thanks Rachel and Jo! He is so lovely and doing really well so i am very pleased. Having a bit of a growth spert today i think as he is feeding a lot, but it's quite nice to just put feet up and feed.

Think the problem was my actual midwife who knew i did not want pethidine left at the wrong time. She got called out for a home birth so i got the sub, who wasn't very nice at all. She came back to check on me, and told Paul to push for the epi, but by then i had pethidine so was no point as i was out of it. Wanted the epi so i could rest a bit and remember it.

Rach - the midwife that came and spoke to paul at 8 was talking to him about the pethidine. He was worried i was too out of it to push. She told him that the body will use the drug until it needed it no more, then the person should just come round. Its the same family as herion! I only had a single dose, god knows what a double dose does!

No long now Rach! How are you enjoyng maternity leave?

Are you enjoying being back home Jo? Hope the colds have got better x

Helen be great for you to join us all on facebook. its lovely being able to see all the pics x
Oh Lou, what a story, you must have been so exhausted by the end. I'm glad you remember all the good bits, and no tears/stitches is fantastic. The code blue must have been terrifying but glad they got Foley(gorgeous name)back to you quickly. Sounds like he's doing really well. Give Foley a big kiss and a cuddle from me - oooh I'm broody for another newborn!!!!!

Rach, how long now??? Can't wait for your birth story

And yes Helen get yourself on facebook xx

That sounded all very dramatic Lou but really glad you remembered the important bits. I'm glad wee Foley is doing well, you'll be amazed at how quickly time will fly.
All sounds like it's going great with foley. How are you finding the feeding?
HI everyone. I'm 37 weeks today :happydance:

Had a few days in hospital this week (full story in my journal!) but now home. I advertised for a cleaner last week and she is here and cleaning upstairs. It feels weird having someone clean the house for me!!!

How are all our babies doing? xxxxxxxxxx
A cleaner sounds wonderful. Go for it. Its amazing your at term now, well done.
Cleaner sounds great rach! I had one once for one off clean, it was weird but lovely when finished. Wow 37 weeks! Not long now, glad alls ok. Xx you getting excited?

Feeding going ok thanks Jo, he put on weight in first 5 days! Wonder what he will be on Monday! Just a little cracked and sore, but hopeforly healing now. No longer hurts when feeding so think we have our positing right now.

Hes a funny boy feeding side, seems to like long 3 to 4 hour cluster feed late evening, then long 5 hour sleep. So up late, but getting good period of kip, so feeling ok.

Thanks Lucy and toni! X hope Thomas and thalia are doing well x
Sounds like Foley is doing fantastic with the feeding. I saw your status update on FB about his weight gain, well done! He is probably going the same weigh as Livi, no one can believe she is exclusively breast fed cos she is pretty big for her age.
Fab Lou!! It's such a relief when they put on weight :) and getting good sleep so early on - must be fab - well done Foley too :)

Rach - 37 weeks :yipee: you'll be writing your birth story b4 you know it!! v jealous of the cleaner - i think i may insist on one nce a week when i go back to work!!

Hope all is well Jo

Hope everyone and their LOs are doing fab :)

Hi H! Hows Oliver doing. Congrats on your 4 month bf milestone, gosh is it 4 months already ?!

Hello girls :) sorry i was mia, bnb wouldn't let me on :-( i've had to re register!!! Anyway, i'm back now!! Congratulations on baby foley Lou, he's gorgeous!!! Xx i'll have quite a few pages to go back to catch up on, although i have been reading, but not allowed to post! Hope everyone (and babies!!) are well? Oliver is 4 months old now (17 weeks) but he's been poorly recently. He has reflux, and upper respiratory tract problems which means he's constantly coughing, blocked up, and his throat is really inflamed. He's a lovely baby though, always smiling and we've all settled into a routine nicely! Rachel, you're next!! Anything happening yet? Em xx

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