Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Wondered where you'd gone Em, I've been following you on fb!! Sorry Oliver has been ill, is he on the up now? Are the RT probs likely to be long term or is it just something he's going through?

Nothing happening with me & baby yet, although I did just catch my bump in the mirror and he looks lower down than normal. I'm expecting to go overdue by 10 days. I'm not feeling prepared at all and am really busy atm, and could just do with 2 weeks doing nothing! Currently 37+3

Had problems with the nursery furniture. We splashed out on the M&P Orchard range but 2 bits were delivered with faults. And the replacements were also faulty! Grr. So hoping the 2nd replacements this week are ok and we can get the furniture finishe dthis week. Then on to the soft furnishings lol

Does anyone know if I need to sterilise dummies before I give them to baby? Or can you just take them out the packet and put them straight in babys mouth?

I'm not sure, hopefully not a long term problem, it's hard seeing him not well. Definately sterilise the dummies :) hope the furniture problem is sorted soon, won't be long until baby's here! How exciting!! Do you have a name yet? Xx

Helen you should definately get yourself on facebook! I love looking at all the baby photos! Well done on 4 month breastfeeding milestone :) x
Hi em - welcome back. Sorry to hear Ollie has been so unwell, hope he gets better soon for you. He is looking so sweet in his pictures!

Well done Helen for your 4 month BF milestone, how is little Ollie doing?

Great to hear Livi is gaining weight so well Jo. Is your DH still on leave with you?

Rach hope your furniture is sorted this week so you can get your nursery finished. When are you next at the midwife? The dummies do need sterilising, the ones i got could be done in boiling water. But i've not used mine yet.

Had the health visitor today, she was amazed by his weight gain too. 8oz above birth weight at day 11. Breastfeeding going well, he has a long feed late evening after his bath, then wakes around 2 to 4, then again at 6 to 8. DH goes back to work next week, but we have booked a mid week break to suffolk for the week after so just a week to try me, Foley and the dog together.
Emma we are doing great thanks.

Lou sounds like your all doing great and adjusting well to having a baby around. Dh goes back to work tonight and no more leave for him until next year so that's a bit rubbish. Your break will be nice and it's amazing how much you will take away with you for 1 tiny person.

Not much happening here. Thinking about buying a new house but need to figure a few things out first. Don't even know if we would get another mortgage right now with me being on maternity leave.
It's 8.40 am livi woke up about an hour ago and she slept right through the night from 9 last night, she woke up screaming because she was so hungry and ended up doing that mad head bob frantically to get my nipples. She is now lying on the bed cooing happily to herself while I write on here. Euan is still sleeping. Yay for sleepy children.
Em - Ollie had this ( we had it together :( ) and I found Karvol plugins, calpol, saline nasal spray and tilting his crib helped.... good job on the routine :thumbup: - what is your routine anyhoo? I'm not sure I have one lol!

Hope the furniture is sorted Rach - at least you've got loads on to keep you occupied! Sorry you were in hospital - read on your journal - at least they're keeping an eye on you. I didn't get my waterbirth in the end but that all melted away once he was here...

Pants about OH's hols Jo :hugs: I would love to move too but it isn't the time and the cash needed these days is silly along with solicitors and estate agents fees and surveys and stamp duty - will have to stay in the tiny cottage for now!!

Well done on the weight gain Lou and Foley - fab infact!! :thumbup:loving the pic in your avatar - Foley must go to the same hairdresser as Ollie :)

Still haven't done my update - naughty me!! promise will do better!

ps Rach - I found (especially as not sterilising bottles as bf ) that a little tupperware with a milton sterilising fluid is great - it lasts 24 hours and you just pop whatever in there ( nipple shields and syringe for calpol with teething at mo and sometimes his teethers - but also pump stuff when I express ) and it's sterilised in 15 mins - just tip out the water in the morning and refill and add a dash of the fluid and it's ready again
I feel bad now as i havent bothered sterilising dummies. I did before using them the first time but now i just quickly wash it and keep the caps on. I suppose I still should really.

Went to the docs this morning as boob still v sore.. didnt want to go into too much detail on here its all in my journal if your interested... short story
3 1/2 weeks ago blocked milk duct and pain and a big lump, duct unblocked, lump left but had massive milk bleb (blister) on half my nipple , burning and sore for last few weeks and getting worse, its making me dread feeds and it also made me cry last night.

Anyway doc is pretty sure i have thrush in my boob so have lots of ointments to put on now, hope it gets better soon as last night i was close to stopping.
I'll just copy and paste this from my 3rd tri post : .............


My doctor has suggested inducing me before my due date as my bp is getting a bit out of control and he feels the only way to solve that and avoid pe, is to deliver the baby

He suggested induction at 38-39 weeks. I am not keen because:

- if my body was ready to give birth, it would
- it could be a few days of pessarys, drips, pain and end in failure and therefore c-section anyway
- i understand that a high percentage of induced pregnancies end in assisted delivery, which i do not want

So I am thinking, should I refuse induction and just go straight for a c-section. The downsides are:

- could limit the number of future children we have
- harder recovrey (but i am not too bothered about this. I wont be the first person to have a c-section and plently of people have managed to recover adequately with family support!)

What are your opinions please ladies. What would you do and why ?

It's a difficult one Rach but from friends that have had c sections emergency ones after failed inductions and medical interventions vs planned c sections they have told me they recovered much faster from planned one.

Sorry your having to make this choice but if your BP continues then you know you have to do what is safe for both you and baby.

It's a hard choice to make though. :hugs:
Ps I think I would do the planned section based on what friends have told me but you never know an induction might go great and you could have a normal delivery they don't all end in emergency sections.
Thanks Jo. I would love an induction if there was more certainty of outcome. But it just seems I would be setting myself up for a long, painful and intervened labour, with a high probability of ending in a section.

Hopefully he will just come over the weekend!!
Rach - could they not play it by ear??
Jo - hope the breasticles sort themselves out soon!!
Rach - could they not play it by ear??

Good q - I'll ask the consultant on Monday. I guess they could just be wanting to put a fire out before it gets out of control, but whats to say it will get out of control!
Have they said an elective section is an option rather than induction? \it's a difficult one but personally i would defer to the medics preferred option. The way i see it they have much more knowledge to make decisions than us when it comes to the safest option, but thats just me.

it's a tough call. Hope it all works out x
Good Luck on Monday take in a list of questions and ask about the outcomes of everything and in there experience what would they recommend and why. Is your hubby able to go with you?
Yep Ralph is going to come along too. You can refuse induction - it will be interesting to see what they say if I do. They may say, wait & go into labour naturally then (in which case, why are they inducing!) or they may say c-section. If they're telling me there's a medical reason for inducing the pregnancy early then my insurance pays for a c-section.

I am now leaning towards induction. Have read many stories and they aren't all bad! PMA!

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