Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Way to go Ollie - yay. You are making your mummy very proud.
We are all a bit AWOL these days. Everyone is having fun and enjoying there babies.

Hope your all doing good. Not much going on here. Euan is a toddler in the full throws of terrible twos, just you wait girls! Livi same saga continues... still trying to get her to drink more as she takes about 2.5 oz 8 times a day from me and thats it. Still refusing formula, takes a tiny bit water on occasions. She has more blood drawn on Monday and another pee test.. err and thats about it in my life.

Very hot over here, my house right now is 30 degrees with 55% humidity according to my weather station. Didnt go outside today its too hot for Livi and she is struggling with the heat a bit.

What you all doing over the weekend?
Hi Jo!

We are well (well DH has man flu). I'm just downstairs doing the money/surfing the net while my 2 boys sleep, even the dog hasn't moved! Foley sleeps longer than me now, and its uninterupted, i have to get up to go to the loo! Foley is starting to bat and kick things now, but we still struggle with tummy time. If i put him down on a pillow he kinda lifts his head a bit, but flat on the floor he still seems confused and just lays there! Otherwise he is smiling and giggling loads now.

Bank holiday weekend here, so today think we are going to park by the seafront and walk into town to get DH glasses fixed. Then my mum and her husband are down tomorrow, then Monday we may go out for lunch. We go to cornwall on Friday (well saturday but we are staying at my mums friday night to get a head start on the journey). I've got to somehow pack the car up during the week. Foleys 12 week injections are on Friday! So might not get the best night!

Corr thats hot Jo, do you have a fan or anything in the house to help cool it? Hope Euan isn't being too naughty with the terrible twos! Is the tests on Monday routine after seeing your GP, or are they still investigating? How is she doing with the rice? Or is she eating some more bits now. Happy 6 month birthday to Livi for yesterday xxx

Hope everyone is doing well and having a nice time with the babies xxx
Euan is fine. Livi is good just checking her blood and urine again to make sure she is ok.

Its going to be a hot one today 28 I think so going to head out to the beach after breakfast. We have quite a few fans and a portable air conditioner.

Your trip to Cornwall will be great Lou.

My brother arrives on Friday for a week which is nice so this week will be cleaning and tidying.
hi Jo and Lou! Jo, hope Livis tests come back fine, am sure they will hun. And hope she is coping in the heat. Does Euan get on ok with the heat? We could do with some in our bedroom, it was freezing last night! Although the monitor said 18.

Hey Lou, has the man flu gone yet lol?! Just realised Charles is only 3 weeks younger than Foley, didnt realise i was that close! He had his first injections on Friday. I asked them to do them together, he sobbed bless him , it must have really hurt him :cry:

Where in Cornwall are you going? We are going in 2 weeks but havent booked anything yet, whoops

We went to Salisbury for the night on Saturday, it was a really nice hotel, loved being away and relaxing a bit. Had an awesome steak dinner too, yum yum.

Baby has just gone to bed, well about 20 mins ago. He went 6pm til 5am bottle wise yesterday. And slept from 7pm - good boy! Bit annoyed he is in bed already. Not sure if he will wake for another feed today, we shall see.

He's growing loads, he's like a proper little boy now, he's really handsome! well i would say that! He holds his head up really well and stands on his feet if you support him. He seems really strong. Trying to do tummy time a few times a day but he gets a bit bored after 2/3 minutes. He's starting paying more attention to his gym now too :happydance:
Rach - Your bedroom got down to 18? Ours hasn't got below 20, even with the big windows open! 18 is pretty chilly, it's quite surprising. When we was away in june it got down to 16 in our lodge - freezing - i didn't want to get out of bed! We are going to Falmouth for 2 weeks, love it down there - would move if the right job came up. How long you going for? Glad you enjoyed your night away. Yeah there is not much age difference between them, gald he is doing well - they really do turn into little boys don't they! He's doing well sleep wise, hope he doesn't wake too early for you. It's horrid watching them cry at the injections :hugs:

Foley been sleeping 11 to 12 hours since 9 weeks - but he goes a bed late, he has his bath at 7 but cluster feeds on both sides for 2 hours. God knows how we will go in an evening, we have a party in september but just can't work out how i'll 'trick' him into thinking it's earlier than it is! Tried this week, but he just feeds on one and sits awake until he is tired, has 2nd and goes to sleep!

Man flu gone, but he has given it to Foley!

Jo the beach sounds lovely! Hope you had a good time. Hope livi's tests will come back ok, i'm sure they will. You must be excited about your brother coming over! How long is he over for? Any nice plans?
Rach your night away sounds great, and a 2 week break coming up will be utterly fab.
Glad to hear Charles is doing great, they start to grow up quickly don't they? It sounds like he is flourishing, well done!

Lou sorry to hear you both have the cold hope that its gone before you head off to Cornwall. I have never been there.

Livi had her blood test yesterday and I was crying just a wee bit when they did it, they used a proper tourniquet round her little arm and did a proper blood test in the arm she whimpered a wee bit and then looked up at me with her little loving trusting face. I just kissed and cuddled her and had a few tears. I know its for her benefit just to make sure she is ok as we still have the urate crystals at every diaper change now, but her little face made me sad. I just hope this is the end of it. She isn't peeing much which is worrying and it takes about 2 hours to wait for a urine sample. Bless her!
The beach was great.

It was a bit cooler today which was a nice reprieve although its still 27 right now in the house. Euan doesn't mind it, and doesn't seem to notice. It does seem to bother Olivia though.

I bought a supplemental nursing system yesterday to stick onto my nipples and put formula through hoping it would trick her, it didn't!! She is so utterly determined not to take it.

Brother arrives on Friday, he has a very hectic lifestyle so when he comes to visit us he always ends up sleeping loads and relaxing so we will not be doing that much really. This will be his 5th visit so he has done pretty much everything there is to do here.
Hi jo. Hope the tests come back ok. Must have been hard watching it, but glad it all went ok with only a few tears xxx she really must be able to taste the difference! Does she take a bit then stop feeding, or not even give it a go? 27 in the house! Ekk! Glad euan seems fine in the heat, is it a lot of just being in a nappy for livi with the heat? Relaxing sounds nice, how long is he over for?

Colds seem to be gone, think we got just a very mild version. We both felt terrible yesterday, him crying loads and me feeling shattered and drained. Both woke upuch better. Think foleys was a mix of cold, teething and growth spurt.

Pretty much all packed, put a roof box on the car so made it much easier. Just few bits tomorrow after foleys injections.
Lou glad your cold has gone.

My brother is only coming for a week but I think thats enough for all of us in terms of routine for the kids and he isn't really a child person so I think its more than enough for him.

The tests were fine again, blood tests all normal. Urine tests still had white cells and glucose this time but they tell me its contamination. She still as the crystals so we were bombarding the GP with question after question which he couldn't answer like...
what will happen when she needs more milk and I can't provide it? What other fluids can I give her? What can I do in terms of nutrition if she isn't taking formula and gets half a feed from me? What about the crystals how long can they go on for without being harmful? What will happen if I dry up?
After that he said Errrr I think I will refer you to a pediatrician. Waiting on the appointment now and hopefully someone can give us some answers... she isn't really unwell but there is something not right and I dont want it to just continue until she is really sick.

In regards to the SNS she knew there was something not right because there was tubing there but she still latched on, had 2 sucks and that was what it took to get the formula from the bottle down tube into her mouth and then it was game over. I had a moment of panic becuase it took an hour before she would even attempt to latch on to my nipple again so I was worrying that maybe she wouldn't latch on again and then we would be screwed. She is quite funny but I just wish she would take some.

Anyway best be off.

Have fun on your hols.
Rach - top bombing on the sleep there lady!!! amazing - Ollie occasionally does that but his sleep is still sooo erratic - need to keep a diary - Charles sounds like he is doing
really well!!

Lou - Hope the injections were ok - Foley sounds like he's doing fab!!

Jo - :hugs: sorry you have no answers yet - poor Livi

AFM - been awol - Ollie pulling up to standing is a FULL time job - his personal safety net!! he is always wanting to stand and pull up on anything - and having seperation anxiety isn't helping - I walk away from him he cries.......

Helen good to have an update it sounds like Ollie is doing great, it certainly is a full time job when all they want to do is stand, just you wait till he is walking. :)
Helen - sounds like Ollie is doing great! Great to hear from you.

Jo - hope you dont have to wait too long for the aappointment and you can get some answers :hugs:

Down in cornwall, Foley was a star at his jabs, just 2 little crys then smiles. Hes developing so much, finding his voice, rolling onto his side and holding toys proper now. He is very good with his feet! Had lovely walk this morning.

Hope you all had a good weekend
Glad your having a nice time. We have livis 6m jabs on Tuesday.
Oh Ladies - sorry haven't posted for ages - keep up with most on FB - but have put my little baby in her own room tonight for first time and I'm in floods. I'm going to miss her so much though I know its for best.

Hope you're all well xxxx
:hugs: Lucy - keep meaning to sort fb!! - we have a movement sensor - so I can see the light flashing and i feel better as i know it's Ollie so that might help?
Lucy I know how you feel. When we moved Euan into his room I was crying too intact I felt emotional all day from seeing his face waking up till bedtime. Hubby didn't get why I was sad about it. I have to admit after the first few nights it was nice to have our room back.
It's normal, an end of a stage, our babies are growing up.

My brother is visiting right now but when he goes home livi is going into her own room too. I have to say don't feel so emotional this time.
How did it go Lucy?

I took baby swimming again today and dunked him under again! He's starting waterbabies on Friday, can't wait! He is absolutely shattered now and still snoozing. He was due a feed at 1, and its half past now the little monkey x
Yey for swimming - Ollie loved it - our new term is starting this week too - we're going for a sunday as I will be back in work soon :cry:

you'll love it :)

do you think he'll be ok in just the nappy or would you recommend a suit aswell?
I used a suit with both of mine, not sure if it makes much difference but I always thought that it kept them a little bit warmer, maybe that's a myth.

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