Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Its 9.50am and I am tired already and wish I could go to bed.

Dh was working till 2.30 and my brother is here so he is coming to our room to sleep after work and he had been going to the spare room and coming back to our room on days off. He is a pain as he thinks I should get up as soon as kids are awake, our routine so far has been Olivia wakes up, I change her diaper and feed her in bed then we have a wee relax until I get Euan up changed and dressed and head downstairs. He wants me to go downstairs a soon as Livi is awake and do everything down here, so I fell asleep about 1 and Livi was up and making lots of noise by 7.15 and we came downstairs. I feel a bit annoyed at him and am going to speak to him later about it when he is finally up, he keeps me up all night snoring and he wont do anything about it and he will tell me he is exhausted when he gets up about 11.30-12.00 probably. I could tell he was annoyed this morning because I wasnt up fast enough. I know he is tired and wasnt in bed until about 3 and I know its crap when he can hear the kids. Am I just being unreasonable here because I do know that I do that?

Anyway had Livis 6 month injections yesterday they went fine. She weighed 15lb so she has been that for about 3 weeks now, no weight gain at all is a bit of a worry especially when she feeds from me 7-8 times per day and is having breakfast lunch and dinner. Hopefully we get the referral soon and we can find out if something is wrong or if its just the way it is.

Hope your all doing well.
we had to have special pants - so he had the little swimmers, special pant and a little suit!! check on their website as they might insist on certain swimwear......

:hugs: Jo - I think he is unreasonable - he should stay in the spare room and leave you to get on with your routine - and I would stick with my routine if he wasn't prepared to get help with the snoring!! My OH has to sleep facing away from me due to his snoring - he gets turned over he he doesn't!!
Hi ladies

Im up feeding Foley with dh sleeping next to me. Think Foley is going through the 3 month growth spurt, im shattered. Hes been up for 2 hours in the night for a week now feasting, but I really struggle to get back to sleep after being up so long so im not back to sleep long before he is awake starving again in early morning! Not sure how long the growth spurt goes on for! Least we are on holiday. We wasnt sure if being in the travel cot on the floor was waking him up, but hes definately warm and just starving! Hes gone from 5 feeds a day to 10!

Jo hope the appointment comes through soon so you can get some answers. Is the waiting long over there for appointments? No I dont think your unreasonable, dh gets shoved until he turns or wakes if he snores! Im feeding Foley now and dh is asleep so dont think your unreasonable wanting yo keep your routine :hugs:

Rach think waterbabies have a shop on their website , I think they do sell a suit. Have fun tomorrow! Cant wait to start when im back!

Helen when are you due back at work? :hugs:
Rachel - we do waterbabies - Thalia absolutely loves it - they should have sent you a happy nappy and you wear that over a normal swim nappy - all the babies in our class just wear that(disappointing as I'd bought her several really cute tiny swimsuits which she only wore once or twice when I took her swimming!!).

Jo hope you're less tired today - I don't think you're being unreasonable at all, I seriously think men do not realise how absolutely exhausting being a mum is - its not just the night waking - Thalia still wakes twice for night feeds and twice more to be resettled - going in her own room hasn't helped - but its the way during the day we're on call all day - I don't know if Livi is same but Thalia wants attention the whole time shes awake and its exhausting being jolly and entertaining plus fitting in all our normal household chores!!!!!

Lou - we didn't have a 3 month growth spurt but we had a 4 month one which has never ended!!! I'm sure Foley won't be the same. Thalia seems to be only baby I know that still wakes several times a night - I'm the only one still breast feeding so think that might be still something to do with it!

H - we have that monitor - couldn't sleep without it!!

Ah good to catch up with you girls, will be checking in more often now xxxxxxxx
No Lucy - you are not alone - I am there with you in the early hours :hugs: Ollie and Thalia are the same age by Thalia's adjusted age Ollie is a contrary soul and likes to vary his wakings - some days he has 4 or so and others even 0 but they are very rare and I end up awake having been conditioned to be awake over the last months!!

Lou - back 1st Oct but off on hols ( have 8 weeks to take b4 end of December ) just ironing out the final details!! ( our company is up for sale too so goodness knows what is going to happen in the coming months - at least if it is redundancy I have been there 11 years!! ) :hugs: to you - the growth spurts are killers!!!! Lucy and I are there with you in the wee hours!! and yes - the getting back to sleep is hard - Ollie used to do this o me as I had o hold him till he was in a deep sleep b4 I could swaddle him - so an hour to feed and do that then ages to drop off - it's a mare alright!!

Thanks Lucy, hope he goes back - he resettles after, its just me! Mind gets too active. he seems to have eaten less today (ive never expressed so have no idea how much, just go by "boobs' he has had) and suddenly flipped over from front to back for no reason. He has never really done tummy time, just laid there. Then I joked with dh maybe all this feeding is him working on rolling over (as I he been searching growth spurts during the night and said they may be working on something)- popped him on his front and he just did it as I reached for my phone! Very proud moment, but he wanted milk straight after! See what tonight brings.

Glad to hear thalia is well. Does the movements monitor still work when they move bit more? My hv told me the alarm goes off when they do, but seemed bit weird to me. Hows it going with thalia in her own room?
Thanks Helen, I was treated before with his sleeping - its a shock waking again (mind you I never slept through as all the water means needing the loo). Cam you take your holiday in a straight block or are you going to space it out? Sorry to hear that you could possibily face redundancy :hugs:
Ok glad you think I wasn't being unreasonable. I am now back to feeding Olivia in bed and then when it's time to get euan up I have been going downstairs so a bit of a compromise. He was telling me today that he is exhausted and I know that he is but he seems to forget that yes I am not at work but looking after a 6 month old who is very demanding and a demanding toddler isn't exactly easy. Going to a concert tomorrow night with my brother and we are leaving about 6 getting home roughly 1 so he will have to do both dinners, playtime, bathtime and bedtime alone. Am worried that Olivia won't take BM in bottle from him and have been going on at him to practice but he hasn't. He is quite looking forward to a night alone but I fear he may have quite the struggle on his hands.

In regards to all of you and your lack of sleep, I have lucked out with both my kids they like to sleep overnight and the strangest thing is neither of them have seemed hungrier at any if the documented growth spurts.

Livi has her appointment with the pediatrician next thursday. They are pretty good here it doesn't take too long for most referrals. She has had no crystals in her pee for almost a week so I hope they don't think I am just being a overly paranoid mum because that's not me at all. It will be good to go and discuss it all with him anyway.

Lou hope your enjoying your holiday.
Lucy I was always a bit scared of that monitor as I heard it has tonnes of false alarms.
Helen hope everything goes ok with work. That's a bit of a worry.
just a quickie to say Charlie loved water babies and so did i! Can't wait to go back next week. I'm going to take him at least once swiming in the week as well to practice what we are taught. I bought him a wrap around wetsuit today too so that will come in handy at the local pool which is freezing

Also we booked a holiday today. And we are going tomorrow! Booked a cottage in Fowey Cornwall, can't wait. It is forecast rain sun/mon but I don't care, just looking forward to being away with my boys

oo, also, got Charlie a jumperoo and he loves it! He will sit in it for ages thus allowing me to get some jobs done. Brill

love to all, se you when I get back, i'm off to pack now :)
Glad he enjoyed himself. Ill have too look up a jumperoo! You wont ne far from us! We are in falmouth! Says not had next week, just a wind storm Sunday night to Monday! Hope you have a great time!

Changing barns today, same place just across the way. Should be nice today, Foley slept to 6! Thinks its start of day now, but I dont mind, need to gather our bits together.

Hope everyone has nice weekend
Glad he enjoyed himself. Ill have too look up a jumperoo, what is it? You wont be far from us! We are in falmouth! Says not bad next week, just a wind storm Sunday night to Monday! Hope you have a great time!

Changing barns today, same place just across the way. Should be nice today, Foley slept to 6! Woohoo! Maybe end of growth spurt but wont get excited yet. Went back to sleep at 7, we woke at 9, whoops, should have been changing over at 10!

Hope everyone has nice weekend
Fxd for Livi's appt Jo - hope you get some answers

Have a lovely hol Rach :) I wish we'd had space for a jumparoo - Ollie would've loved it - but too big for our little home!! Glad the swimming went well :)

Lou - Have a lovely hol too -- fxd the weather's good

afm - upset with oh - he's been snapping recently - whenever I ask for an opinion on something - eg what room divider to get to keep Ollie in the lounge or that something needs doing ( even things he said he'd do 3 weeks ago - so poss has forgotton ) and makes me feel like I'm nagging - and i really am not - the list of things we need to do is getting longer as he really isn't helping - and i feel like i'm treading water - with Ollie napping on me and needing ALL my attention and really bad nights I'm too tired and busy to get it all done on my own - and I feel I have to make all the decisions and think of all the things that need doing or sorting myself - yes he cooks the dinner and does the shopping but there's more to running a house and looking after a baby than that - it isn't all fun and play - and when I had t out with him he continued to make me feel like shit - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - I am most pissed off with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! am going to write him a letter as I doin't think he listens or appreciates what I am saying at all!!

sorry for the rant :(

Am looking forward to the appointment she is such an odd little girl at times... today we took my brother back to the airport which was sad, I always feel a bit lost for a few days when family have been to visit and leave. Anyway the point was we ended up being stuck in traffic for a few hours on the way home so it ended up by the time I was able to feed her it was 5 hours after her last feed, you would think she would have been ravenous by this point but honestly she didn't seem bothered at all. She sat with my nipple in her mouth barely even using it. We have so much to ask the doctor I think we need to write a big list of questions.

Lou - it sounds like your having a nice time, and that Foley is letting you sleep a bit more now after the growth spurt (hopefully)

Rach - Have lots of fun with the boys and look forward to hearing some news about it.

Helen - I know exactly how you feel, it would be good if we could trade places with the menfolk for a few days they would soon see and feel how hard it is. I think they are all like this at times. Sometimes letters are good ideas, it gets everything down that you want to say and generally after a bit of time thinking about it they usually realise that they are not being supportive enough. Hope things are better soon.
h, so sorry you're unha\ppy with dh atm :( Letter def seems like a good idea. That way you can really consider what you want to say and how to say it. Am sure he will respond to it *appropriately* and hopefully support you more. It is hard getting the men on board with alk the little things that we have to deal with, that all add up to being a LOT of things to do in running a house and family!

5 hours is a long time to go Jo, very odd that she wasnt more ravenous. Let us know what doc says

Hey Lou, yeah we were near you! We r home now - we wer ein Fowey for 5 days. We had a lovley time away. Think we'll do holiday cottage again as you can get up when you like, and you have a living room to chill in and a washing machine so you dont have loads of washing to take home!

we basically did lots of wlaking and drinking coffee in the day. And eating out then watching tv (back to the cottage for 8 most nights!!) in the evenings.

Started (and finished) reading the baby whisperer too. Used her tips to get baby to sleep to 6am. hurrah. So he sleeps 8-6 now :) And actually usually goes to bed by 7.30 so we cant complain.

I have a car issue though. He cries A LOT in the car unless he has his dummy. I can give him his dummy. Fine. But when I am in the car on my own, i have to keep pulling over to administer the dummy. Slightly ridiculous. Any tips/words of wisdom? Feel like I have made a rod for my own back really, grrrr.

this is the jumperoo Lou. Baby sits in it and bounces up and down. LOts to look at in there. Charlie is mesmorised by the lights and the parrot that dangles down. he absolutely loves it!
Jo - hope appointment goes ok with doc, I know Thalia would have been screaming the place down without food for 5 hours however sometimes in the car she gets really sleepy and chilled and maybe Livi was nice and relaxed and sleepy and too chilled to get hungry? Really hope all is ok - NB Thalia is 15 pounds too!!!

Oh god the jumperoo was a total lifesaver for me - and still is, she still loves it though now bounces so bloody hard in it I think the thing will fall over, its the only thing that keeps her busy for over 5 minutes without me having to entertain her. Lou you should get one -or better borrow one off someone which is what we did - put a call out on facebook.

I've only had two false alarms with the angelcare, both times I literally flew up the stairs but all was ok and it doesn't seem affected by her moving more. I'm very happy with it.

Thalia slept from 7-6 last night - first time ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What tonight will bring i do not know, I kept waking and panicked at 3 am and was almost too scared to go in to check her but she was snoring away. Going to bed now - you never know I might get 8 hours in - first time in over ten months!!!! Not getting my hopes up though

Not quite sure where to start really.

Went to the pediatrician today who was really lovely, he spent along time discussing her, asking a tonne of questions and then finally doing a big examination. He has ordered a massive bunch of tests and we are going to have to spend the day in the sick kids hospital getting alot of them but he told me that all her symptoms and specific answers to questions and her poor growth may indicate that she has cystic fibrosis so this is what he wants to investigate. I was a bit shocked as I wasn't expecting anything like this. I started to ask him a bunch of questions and he told me not to panic about it right now until we have results of tests, he is also testing her for coeliac disease and looking at thyroid, liver, kidneys, and tonnes more blood tests, plus a huge urine collection and 3 poo samples. I am trying to stay away from google and not look at CF because I don't want to scare myself all I know is that kids usually die in there late teens from lung failure and they need daily physio. He said that it all points to that, but he also said that his gut tells him that she doesn't have it, that she is healthy and her growth etc is just genetic. We just have to wait for the tests to come in, I hope its soon as I am scared for my little girl.

Anyway that's it from me right now.
Oh Jo - I am thinking of you, Livi and your family, this must be shocking news. I am keeping everything crossed that the doctors hunch is wrong.

You are right not to look at Google - it will terrify you(I looked up all sorts during pregnancy and when T was born and it gave me nothing but nightmares none of which came true).

Praying for you Jo xxxx
Just want to mirrow all what Lucy has already said to you Jo. Praying for you and your family and that it turns out to be ok. Great that they are testing for everything they can think of, at least you should get answers either way. When is your hospital visit xx
Jo my thoughts and prays are with you, livi and your family. Xxx fxed everything turns out to be ok, glad they are doing lots of tests and taking good care of her. When are the tests due back?

Thinking of you xxx

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