Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Thanks everyone, it was a bit of a shock to hear but I don't feel that she could be that sick, let's hope my intuition doesn't totally suck. Have no date yet for all the tests hopefully we hear something this week.

Had a nice day at a fall (autumn) festival lots of music, dancing, food, and tonnes of kid stuff so it was lots of fun. Didn't get home till late and by the time both were bathed and fed they were not in bed till 9.30 which is super late. You would think this means they will wake up later in the morning, they won't.

Starting a 6 week art class on Tuesday with euan 90m every week. We start dance classes the week after.

Hope you all had a good weekend.
Just wanted to let you know that we got a call this morning from the hospital. We have all our tests booked for Wednesday, we have to be at the admitting department at 10am. Pretty pleased that we dont have to wait to long for them.
Hi Jo, is it this wednesday or next? So glad you don't have to wait too long for the tests. Fxed crossed everything comes back ok. The fall festival sounds lovely. Hope you enjoy the art and dance classes.

Back home now - stayed at my mums for a few nights to go shopping. Really looking forward to being back in own bed.. Been awake for 4 hours last few nights, not Foleys fault - i just can't get back to sleep.

Rach not got any tips for the dummy in the car - Foley doesn't have one. He does have a kick frog on the back seat to kick plus a toy to play with. However we are luckly that he tends to sleep or play unless he has been to the toliet or hungery.
Jo - massive :hugs: I hope Livi gets the all clear hx
All the tests are tomorrow which is great. I feel so bad putting her through this and I am not looking forward to it at all.

One of our friends is taking Euan for the day so at least we don't have to worry about him, he would be so bored. It sounds like he is going to have lots of fun anyway, she has a little girl who he loves and an older boy of 5 who is a bit intimidating but it will be just him and the little girl in the morning, then they are going blueberry picking so that will be good. Was organsing his bag tonight of food items for the day,clothing changes, diapers and wipes and a few toys. Hope the day is over with quickly.

Had a great class today with Euan he had lots of fun, it was dancing, singing, story time, playing with toys and different arts and crafts and he actually did really well. It was a 90 minute class with snack time in there too, he was only really bored the last 10m or so and the rest of the kids seemed to be really restless at that time too. Looking forward to going again next week.
Hi girls!!
finally got the internet sorted, i've had to read our thread from my iphone which wasn't accepting my password, but i'm back now!
Jo...massive hugs for today. have everything crossed for you and olivia xxx
Everyone sounds like they're doing great! a few hols too! i'm so jealous!! OH is really busy at work right now, working between 70 and 80 hours a week, and has only been home at the weekends :-( feeling a lot like a single mummy atm, which is hard as Oliver and Devon are not well just now. I started a Cache Diploma in Childcare last week too, my second class is tonight and i had 1hr 20mins sleep last night... i was just sat downstairs crying at 4am when OH left for work. i'm just hoping they feel better soon :shrug:
Em xxx
Jo - hope the tests went well. Was thinking of you. Do you have to wait long for the results. Got everything crossed for you xxx Hope euan enjoyed his day out. The craft class sounds really good.

Em great to hear from you. Sorry to hear your oh is working so much. Is it going to be going on much longer. Sorry to ghear your boys are unwell, hope they feel better soon xxx

Just back from our first water babies lesson. We both loved it!
Emma massive hugs :hugs: it sounds like your having a terrible time with both of your boys and especially hard since your doing it alone right now. It must be hard for your hubby aswell working so many hours per week, he must be exhausted. Hope things start to get better for you soon. Hope your class went well, it sounds like it will be a great thing to do well done! Great to see you back here.

Lou thanks a bunch, we have to wait around 2 weeks before our next appointment that reminds me I should really go and make it right now before I forget. Glad you enjoyed the water babies class.

Our tests went fine yesterday, the day was better than I thought it would be and Euan had a great time with my friend and her daughter, they went berry picking so he was covered in berry juice and had quite the tummy full of them too. Olivia tolerated all the tests really well, she cried at times but on the whole she was so brave, she really is quite the tough little girl, at one point when they were trying to get blood she started to cry pretty hard but at the same time she was trying to smile and blow raspberries, it was funny to see her little red teary face blowing raspberries but heart breaking at the same time. Anyway its over now, and we just need to wait for the results.

Thanks for all your kind thoughts.
hi all you may not remember me i havnt been on in what feels like forever !! im glad to see you are all well and are/about to be mummys x congratulations all xx

since i was last on we have been having fertility investigations, the last of which was yesterday (laparascopy) which has uncovered endometiosis, pcos and both tubes are blocked devatstated is an understatement but it could be worse couldnt it any who we have been ref'd for ivf so am trying to stay positive hopefully we will be lucky and have a baby aswell :) xx
Jo glad the day went better than you thought. Sounds like Euan had a whale of a time. Big :hugs: to livi for being so brave. Fxed crossed for the results x

Danni - good to hear from you, sorry to hear about the fertility results but fxed your IVF wait won't be too long and you'll be joining us with your own baby soon xx

Sorry been bit awol last few days. Foley has been teething bad, now has a cold. He is being pretty good with it - but - he need entertaining to keep him happy! Had nice day out today with a mummy friend walking along seafront and then lunch, then letting the boys play on a picnic blanket in the park.
Danni lovely to hear from you, I am sorry to hear about the results of all the fertility testing but at least now you know what is wrong and which road you need to take. I wish you all the luck in the world with IVF and I hope you don't need to have too many tries. Hoping to hear some good news from you soon.

Lou poor Foley and his teething its tough for them isn't it? Hope he is feeling a bit better now, it sounds like you had a nice day out walking.

Not much from me, was at a class with Olivia yesterday a movement class and she seemed to have a good time, she was very vocal. There were about 10 mums, 1 dad and there babies all very quiet, Olivia was either screaming and crying if she was in a position she didn't want to be in, or she was babbling loudly or squealing in excitement or laughing. Had Euan at his busy bee class today too so that was nice. Not up to much else.

Its 9pm and both kids are in bed but I can hear Euan hitting the side of his bed so I wonder if there is something up with him, he isn't crying so am going to ignore it.

We have the results of Olivia's tests next Thursday so hoping that all the results are in by then.
Hi Jo - hope your doing ok. The movement class sounds fun and sounds like livi had a good time too. Did you do much over the weekend? teething is hard as feel so helpless with him. He had been sleeping better again, then last night he cried so late with his teeth he managed 10 mins if milk then flaked out. So up in night again.

Dh is off today so we are going to go out to see if we can get few new bits for Foley. He loves to sit now so going to try see if we can get on if those bumbo type chairs
hi Danni. Of course I remember you hun, lovely to hear from you :flower:

I'm really sorry about your test results but agree its probably a positive that you have answers and an action plan. So many people have unexplained infertility. And ivf success rates are really high at some clinics - choose yours well! Any idea when it may all kick off?

Jo, gl for the test results, not long to wait now. Hopefully no news so far is good news.

Lou, what did you recks of the teetha powders?!

Alls well with us. I seem to know what I'm doing (most of the time!) now! Charles has loads of naps which means he is far less grouchy in the afternoons, yay. And he's in bed by 7.30 and gets up at 9am (with a feed at 7am!).

Mums here atm, fab. I'm going to a funeral tomorrow, not fab. Baby is gurling away loads right now on his playmat, yay. And he's loving waterbabies too. but omg, how spenny are their underwater photos ?!!
hey Sisters!

This is our buddy group as we go through our journey of coming to terms with our losses, ttc again, getting those :bfp: and then baking those little buns until they hit our bellies crying out and filling us with absolute elation. After which we will never sleep again but we will not care as it will all be worth it.


ttc we have:

:sex: :wine: :sex: :dishes: :sex: :iron: :sex: :wine: :sex: :laundry: :sex:

:plane:Dannib247 awaiting IVF cycle

:dust: :dust: :dust:

Baking their buns we have:


Our Cyber Cycle Sister Babies:


:cloud9: Mummy Lucy gave birth to her princess Thalia :pink: on 11 Nov 2010, weighing in at 3lbs 4oz. She was a tiny bundle of perfection.

:flower: Mummy Toni gave birth to her bundle of joy Thomas :yellow: on 24 Nov 2010, we look forward to hearing all about it!

:kiss: Mummy Lauren gave birth to her little beauty Olivia :pink: on 1 Dec 2010, at home on the sofa!

:baby: Mummy Dee welcomed baby Kaiden :blue: into the world on 21 Dec 2010 weighing in a whopping 8.5lbs. Congratulations!

:cloud9: Mummy Helen welcomed a late Ollie into the world on 25 Jan 2011, 9lb 7oz and perfect in every way. Well done Helen!

:flower: Mummy Em gave birth to Oliver on 10 Feb 2011, 2.17am, weighing 8lb 3oz congratulations!

:kiss: Mummy2Angel welcomed baby Mason :blue: into the world, 13 days early on 7 April 2011 at 16:00, weighing 7lb 3oz. Congratulations!

:flower: Mummy Jo gave birth to Olivia :pink: on [?]. Congratulations!

:baby: Mummy Lou gave birth to baby Foley :blue: on [?]. Congratulations!

:cloud9: Mummy Rachel welcomed baby Charles :blue: into the world on 25 June 2011, weighing 6lb 2oz. Life begins!

We are really churning them out now girls.

Congratulations CCM's!

Please help me fill in the gaps! x

HJas anyone heard from groovy?
I gave birth to Livi on the 25th February 2011 @ 7:07am weighing 7lb10oz.
Lou - we didnt do too much over the weekend, it was pretty rainy and there isn't that much to do indoors apart from shopping centres and very very busy play centres so we stayed in doors most of the time. It was nice anyway as Steven was off. I hope Foley feels better soon with his teething, its hard I know. Livi has one tooth through and it looks like she has another next to it that looks like it might be through soon. She was a bit moany tonight, she was really tired but didn't want to lie down, she would however go to sleep with her head on my shoulder standing up so it took a few attempts to get her down.

Rach sorry to hear your going to a funeral tomorrow :(
I am glad though that your mum is there just now and it sounds like your enjoying it. Charles sounds like he is doing great that your now firmly in the routine of things. Your sleep sounds wonderful.

My days of sleeping are over. I put Livi to bed at 7.30 and I dreamfeed her at 12, because the doctors told me with her poor weight gain I couldn't afford to leave her till the morning so I wait up till midnight, feed her and she is generally up by about 6.30 for her next feed. No more sleep after that as Euan has decided that 6.45 -7.00 is going to be his getting up time, so he usually gets out of his bed and comes into our room at that time, demanding diaper change, water and breakfast! The days are very very long!
Jo - thinking of you yesterday (my brain has only just remembered its Friday not Thursday today, meant to post yesterday). Hope it all went ok xxxx :hugs: have you used anything for the teething? Ive held off so far

Rach Foley was born in 2nd June at 9.42am weighing 8lb 3

Sorry to hear about the funeral xx well done on the sleep. Foley stopped sleeping through at 14 weeks (he slept from 9 weeks 11 hours and from 6 weeks he was 9 hours). Im lost why he seems to only do 5 to 6 now. But was talking to 2 other mums today whoes babies have done exactly the same, so think i need to stop beating myself up to what ive done wrong. Guessing his needs have changed :shrug:

Shattered today, growth spurt last night, feeding every 3 hours for an hour. Don't think I had more than 4 hours in end. Hoping its just our new normal if 1 wake tonight
Lou I've heard of the 4 months sleep regression although not sure what it is exactly or what causes it. Hopefully its a phase

Hope all is well with the results Jo xx
fxd all is well Jo :hugs:

Hope your IVF brings you your forever baby Danni - after years you more than deserve your LO - you may even get multiples - like buses and all that - chin up - knowledge is power - if they know what's wrong they can fix it - or at least help - I have pcos and my Aunty has bad endo - so all is possible.....

Lou - hope the sleep sorts itself out - the growth spurts are harsh!!

Rach - hope Charles is fab as ever :)

AFM - 1st night of pupd - it's hard !!! Also - they're offering vol. redundancy at my work - would get over £25k if I got it - really don't know what to do for the best - and as it's up for sale staying is as much a risk as going - a new company might still make us redundant but on the statutory package - which is far less than £25k - decisions decisions - a free year off with Ollie is v tempting - plus a chance to fit my work around my lifestyle..........................

Fab news - All of the tests came back negative, so no coeliac disease, no cystic fibrosis, kidneys,liver,thyroid,electrolytes, regular blood work all normal, immunoglobulins all normal, poo test was fine, sweat test fine and another contaminated urine sample. Basically she has a thorough investigation and she's not sick. I am so utterly relieved, while waiting in the doctors office we were both feeling so sick and I could see how stressed and worried Steven was too although he has been totally down playing it for awhile. I am the happiest mummy tonight

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