Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

She did get weighed again and was still 15lb so is now just below the 15th percentile, but the pediatrician said ok she is clearly ok since I have tested for everything so she is going to be long and lean but we can't ignore it. He is going to see her in a month to see what her weight is and I asked if he could refer me to a specialist baby dietician. I called one yesterday like a nhs 24 thing and got some really good advice.

Thanks for all your support girls.

Lou - have given nothing for the teething yet, she is dealing with it ok and chewing on a cold teething ring works well for her. You have done nothing wrong in terms of Foleys sleep, it's just changing as you say.

Rach - hope your doing ok

Helen - thanks. Hope your ok and sorry to hear about your job, either way it's a gamble but if it was me I think I would take the redundancy package and spend it with the wee chap.
Excellent news Jo! So pleased that everything is ok :happydance: fab! Good they are keeping an eye on her too and hopeforly the dietician has good advice. Really happy for you xx

I haven't used anything on him. but other mums i've met do. He seems to chew through it though so think he's fine. I did use his teething gel on my wisdom tooth and it numbed my tongue for a day so don't think i'll use it on him!

Helen sorry to hear about the redundancy. I'm being made redundant too (complusory) so know how you feel. After mulling over trying to find a new job to avoid it - it've decided I'm taking few months off with Foley (i only get statutory) and taking the chance to fit work around him more. Don't think i'll be going back to contract teaching. It's a gamble but it may give you the chance to spend more time with Ollie and fit work into your new lifestyle xx

Foley slept from 8.30 to 4.30. Then from 5.40 to 9.10 so felt much better today. He's finding things very frustrating, it's like he knows what he wants to do in his head by phyiscally he can't do it yet! Bless him.

Off to bed. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend
Helen, whats pupd? I would def take redundancy. A bird in the hand and all that. And you have transferrable skills and should easily get another job when you're ready to go back. A shame though that you would leave your existing company who you preusmably enjoy working for. But as they say, when one door closes another opens!

JO, brilliant news. I just saw on fb too :happydance:

Hows the sleep Lou?

Charlie's started waking in the night for his dummy. Which is v anoying as he sttn from 7pm to 7.30am (sometimes 8!). I have tried comforting him to sleep but he really needs it to suck. I can spend 20 mins trying to comfprt him to sleep then as soon as you put the dummy in, ie give up, he maks satisfied noises and goes straight to sleep. Any advice?
Rachel don't have any advice about dummies, my 2 wouldn't take them and use their thumbs instead. I wish that Euan did as he is a huge thumb sucker indoors and outdoors with no signs of it stopping.

Louise - sorry your being made redundant too but as you say a good thing will be spending more time with Foley.

No news just enjoying the weekend with kids & steven. He is off till Tuesday night so yippee!
Jo, really pleased to hear all good with Livi - must be huge relief. She's just going to be skinny - lucky girl!! Thalia seems to have a fast metabolism(not like me), she eats like a horse but is still tiny though steady on the 9th centile. Anyway just so pleased for you that all is OK.

Lou and Helen sorry about your redundancies.

We're off on holiday to Tenerife tomorrow, really nervous about T's first flight. its at 5 and her bedtime at 7 but I don't think she'll sleep on plane so could be very stressful with tetchy baby. Plus she's started waking again at night last two nights screaming from 3 till 5, nothing settles her except watching TV in the dark!! A habit I don't want her to get into. She has no teeth yet and I'm wondering if its the start of teething though I cant see any coming through.

Yey Jo!!!!

PUPD is sleep training but doesn't involve leaving LO to cry - and it is working!!! Ollie has been nursed to sleep for ages - since around 8 weeks - and napped on me as he would wake up if i put him down - he is now going down in his cot awake - i am in the room but he has fussed less and less each day - and am doing it for naps to. still feeding at night but still putting him back awake - will work on phasing that out soon but one step at a time.....

have an awful headache at the mo tho :wacko:
Have a great time Lucy!

Great news Helen thats it's working. Fxed it keeps improving. Foley is fed to sleep pretty much, i can put him down once he comes off (his eyes tend to be shut) and he'll go off. But won't sleep unless he is full up. Worries me a bit but DH has managed to get him to sleep after i'd fed him and he was still awake one night i went out for dinner. How does PUPD work? How do you know he has had enough to be put down awake?

Hope you had a good weekend with the family Jo

No ideas for the dummy rach - Foley has never had one, sorry x Sleep wise, bit on and off. Pretty certain its his teeth waking him. One night was up for 3 and half hours with him as he wanted to feed but just couldn't. Gave him some calpol for the first time tonight, see if it helps him.
Well done Helen. That's what I did with Charlie, didnt realise it was an actual regime! He goes down awake now and sends himself off to sleep. If he cries I pick him up and settle him and put him back down but he rarely needs this now. Most of the time I can just shush him. Sounds like you're almost there

Lucy I'm well Jel of your tenerife trip! I went there in the spring and loved the weather and relaxation. Hope the flights went well! x
Glad to hear the sleep training is working well Helen.

Rach - It sounds like Charlie is doing great with the sleeping too and I agree I am totally jealous of Lucy heading off on her hols.

I would love to get away.. our last little trip was in April for a few days and of course our trip to Scotland. Steven has a week off at the end of Jan and I am still on mat leave but we won't be able to afford anything. Next opportunity is last 3 weeks of September but it is unlikely that I will get this for my vacation so its pretty depressing, no holidays for us together next year!

Am feeling a bit crap just now very up and down emotionally.. its been a tough time and I am really tired as Euan is up super early these days typically 6-6.30 the past few days and I feed Livi about midnight. I am reaching the end of BF as I have very little milk now that she is eating lots of real food and the supply/demand thing isn't there. Tonight at bed time she pushed me away and didn't want to nurse, normally at bed time she gets nice and sleepy nursing and is super happy and I am so incredibly sad that this is ending soon. I feel like it was the our special bond and it was the only special thing I could do for her as a mummy. I know I am being hard on myself and I know I am just tired, but I just feel lost and sad!
Lou- I give him a feed before I put him down - he finishes the feed himself - if he starts drifting off before i take him off then he wakes up more as I move him to his room so goes down awake....
Ta Helen. x

Was slightly over emotional last night... feel better tonight. I know that I did remarkably well considering the circumstances and I never expected it to last this long anyway so every day that it still lasts is a bonus.

Had a good day with the kids today... they are fun!
Big :hugs: Jo, you have done a wonderful job feeding her and should be very proud of yourself. I can imagine how your feeling, i think i'll be very sad when i stop bf. Glad your feeling better today and had a fun day with the kids.

Thanks Helen, i feed him, when he comes off i pick him straight up and put him down. He tends to rubs his eyes a bit then roll onto his side and sleep. I tried to really wake him up tonight, but once he is full he will not open his eyes - he stays in his semi sleepy state. DH keeps telling me to stop worrying about it as he's got him to kip before once he was full. Hope Ollie is still doing well with his sleep xx

Had one of those days today, always running late and forgetting things, glad to be in bed now. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
I am proud thanks! Still BF a few times a day which is fine. She is now taking formula from a bottle which is great.

Not too much to report on. Euan has finally dropped his afternoon nap and seems to be napping about 1-2 times per week. It's s long day and I miss them both napping at the same time but on the up side no more 5.45 am wake ups.

It's been gorgeous weather past few weeks so have been outside quite a bit which is great.

Hope your all doing well.

Taking Olivia to get weighed tomorrow, 2 weeks since we upped her diet.
Hope olivia's weigh in went well. What time is Euan now waking without his nap? Is it normally so nice in October out there?

Foley's just gone to bed, early night for me as he was up late last night and for 3 hours in the night with his teeth. Had so much fun a swimming today, he was so happy and splashing me. Looking forward to the weekend and DH being home.

Hope everyone is well x
The swimming did sound like fun, it's great when the babies like the water.

Euan is getting up about 7.30 now which is much better. I am finding it hard with no naps though, it's 4.20 now and he is driving me nuts. He is tired and playing up but won't stay in his room. He was making too much noise upstairs so had to bring him down. I am really tired but it's time to get on with house and dinner stuff.

On a good news front it's been 2 weeks since we really upped olivias food intake. She got weighed this morning and she has put on almost 14 ounces which is loads after being static for 8 weeks. Very happy with that.
2 sick kiddos = not fun!

Euan would not sleep in his own bed last night and finally at 11.30 he said Euan wants to sleep in Mummy's bed on Mummy's pillow. I brought him into bed and he was out in 2 minutes but for that 2 minutes he couldn't get any closer for cuddles. He was stroking my face, giving me kisses and big cuddles then he passed out. I was awake till Steven got home at 3.30am as he was too hot and smelly and uncomfy, every time I tried to move him into the other side of the bed he still wanted to be attached to me in some way.
Steven moved him into his own bed when he got home and then he was awake and up!

Tonight so far he is still in bed and has been there for a few hours... he is such a typical little man and can't handle it at all. Granted he looks like crap and his nose is constantly dripping but he handles it like a man :)

Little Livi on the other hand also has the cold and apart from her sneezing, coughing and snot you wouldn't know it. She isn't moaning that much, the poor little pet. Euan get so much more attention. ;)
Meant to say:

Olivia is on the move kind of.

I was busy with Euan this morning, wiping his nose and generally having all my attention when I noticed Livi was half way across the room. Sad that I missed it however she still moved and was pretty pleased with herself. She seems to be pushing herself backwards and then doing a funny little leapfrog move to go forwards.

So proud of her.. little miss is getting mobile!
Hi Jo, hope the kids are feeling better today and you got more sleep last night. Great news on livi weight gain and woohoo to her starting to get around! Bless her!

Been trying to practice Foley sitting but he moves his head to look at me and falls over bless him! Either that or he just falls forward then gets annoyed as hes on his front. He is getting better each day, practice makes perfect!People keep telling me he be off soon as he moves a lot when you hold him or on his back. But he still hates his front so im.not so sure. Though think we do need to start thinking of baby proofing, we are open plan and all our wires are out for the tv as its a open glass cabinet. Might do some internet shopping tomorrow
Its always nice when they become mobile but you do miss the pre mobile days too. There are lots of good items on the market now for baby proofing no need to go overboard but wires and plugs are a good idea.

Euan is driving me batty, he has all sorts of issues with bedtime the past few weeks. He is generally fine with me all week and its the nights that Steven is home that he plays up, i think he just wants to stay up and not go to bed. Last night I bathed him and put him to bed and it took 71 times of picking him up and putting him back to bed before he stayed there it was exhausting. I hope that he doesnt do that tonight because we are having a nice dinner together tonight and watching a dvd!

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