Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Been a bit busy cleaning and tidying lately. We are thinking about putting the house on the market and moving across the country to another province so we have a realtor coming this afternoon to look at the house and tell us what we need to do and give us ideas of prices!

Olivia is sleeping just now and I am on the computer and Euan is watching a wee bit of tv. I used to be bothered about kids watching tv but you know as long as its in a moderation he enjoys it and yes it gives me a bit of time too.

My milk is almost gone now and only have enough to feed livi in the mornings so I decided that this morning was the last time that I was going to boob feed her. I am happy that I made it to 8 months I never thought I would acheive that and she is now taking formula from bottles so she is doing well.

Need to get on soon and get some more cleaning done!
Hope euan was easier to get to bed the following night, well done for keeping it up. Excellent supernannying! Well done on your 8 month milestone x I always end up surfing net when I should be tidying, its nice getting a moment to surf

Where you thinking of moving to Jo? Staying the west it going east coast?

Foley has a cold, but apart from Sunday hes been really good with it. Got my friend round tomorrow for lunch and friend text me today saying her boy has chicken pox, saw them Monday so he may have caught it. Just got to wait and see now, hopeforly he didnt catch it s didnt really play with eachother.
Hope he didn't catch the chicken pox too. Sounds like you have a nice day planned tomorrow.

We are planning on moving to the east coast, nova scotia.
Well done getting to 8 months Jo, I imagine its a bit sad seeing your lo move on tho :hugs:

oh no Lou, hope he doesnt get the pox - let us know

Lou, re our convo on fb! Well, he is in a 2.5 tog grobag. I sometimes put a blanky over him in the middle of the night too if its cold. The thing is, his head is often really really cold. But surely he is actually ok in his bag?

He woke about 10 times last night - awful. Ralph didnt go to work today as he was so tired. I decided today that we would ditch the dummy. So I rocked him to sleep for naps 1 and 2. Nap 3 I caved and gave him the dummy for a bit. He has just gone to bed with it too. Its such a dilemma. I dont mind him having a dummy, he gets a lot of pleasure from it. But I hate having to put it in in the middle of the night.

I am thinking his 3rd jabs have unsettled him. Did anyone else have this? And hopefully he wil be back to sleeping through soon.

For the last 2 nights he has woke about 10 times for his dummy (normally its none or one time). But getting rid of it is so hard. He has been really messed up today. I dont want to mess up everything we have established - naps etc - just for the bludy dummy!!!
I don't have any advice re the dummy situation as my 2 never took one.

Yesterday morning was my last BF, and this morning my boobs were quite full. My head told me to keep on with the formula because its such an emotional thing stopping but my heart wanted to put her to the breast this morning. I have had such a time with it that I decided to go with the head so she had formula and I had a wee cry as she was taking it. I miss it already and I feel myself tearing up even writing it down, but I know that its the right decision.
Glad im not the only one who puts a blanket over a gro bag. I think foley's arms get cold, so thinking a ling sleeve vest plus baby grow when gets cold. He likes to be warm. Think I read its the arms with grow bags. What does he wear with it? Maybe heating help as you can time it.

Foley's 2nd jabs was the start of his night wakings. Only tends to be once a night. He has done 5 nights sleeping through from Friday, then last night woke at 1 30 starving! So confusing. He stopped self settling for daytime naps then too, will do it still at night. Just given up trying as cant stand letting him cry.

Not sure what to suggest, will he go back to sleep anouther way without it? Rocking etc? Is he waking when he loses it? Hope its bit better tonight for you. Did you manage to get a nap in today?

Jo nova Scotia sounds lovely. When are you thinking of moving?
just seen your post Jo as I post mine. Big hugs :hugs: it must be so emotional when you stop, end of a little era. Hope your feeling little better xxx
I am ok. its ups and downs i suppose and yes its the end of something but the start of something else. I feel fine now, the only thing is my boobs are really sore its been about 38 hours since she last fed from them. They are not hard or engorged by any manner of the imagination which tells me I am doing the right thing but they are pretty tender.

We are thinking of putting the house on the market in January, since before Christmas is a pretty poor time to sell. Hopefully it sells ok. The job front in Nova Scotia though doens't look too hot! Fingers crossed it all works out ok!

I have gro bags for Olivia but a lot of them have sleeves. The ones that are short sleeved I tend to put a long sleeved sleeper on too when its cold and it seems to be ok. I did that with Euan too and he never seemed cold in the morning.
Lou, how does Foley settle in the day now then?

I got him to sleep yesterday by holdig him and then using pupd. First nap - fine. Second - not! Was there over an hour. I felt like I was replacing a dummy with holding him, how do I then get him off being held to sleep. And with the dummy its instant. He loves it.

It was only 4 times last night. The fourth time I gave him a teetha aswell and that shut him up!

With the temp, I have no idea really! The heating came on at 5. Before that his hands were cold but his body fine.

How is Foley's cold, are you bogey picking?! (one of my favourite past times, ugh!!)

Ah JO, I feel for you :hugs: It must be emotional xx
Glad your feeling ok Jo. Yep a start of a new era now :D How is her moving coming along? Hope the move goes well for you.

Rach in the morning he naps in his pram on our walk with the dog - stays asleep when we get home. Afternoon i feed him upstairs on the bed and he falls asleep there. I take that time to read or watch a DVD. I could pick him up and put him down like i do at night but really want him to nap so just leave him there. If i need to do something i put pillows round him.

If you want to get rid of the dummy you could try a sleep sheep or one of the light show mobiles that play music. It is replacing the dummy with something else though. Foley likes his sleep sheep - calms him down but no sleep! Helps with when he is up teething in the night.

His cold is better thanks, still be snotty. but getting better. On the look out for spots though! We go away in 3 weeks, it can take up to 21 days to come out. Really hope he hasn't caught it!

Bought some shiny foil that they use at baby sensory today and he's playing with it now. He pulled my apple to his mouth yesterday and sort of 'teethed' on it. Wasn't sure whether to let him as he's not even 5 months yet, but he is starting to show signs that he's interested in what i'm eating.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend
Jo meant to ask where do you get long sleeve sleeping bags from? Sounds like that might be a plan if it gets too cold in winter as we have warm air heating so no radiator or timer for heating. Not sure what temp it will go down too.
I bought my long sleeved sleeping bags from a US store called Carters... they are fleecy. My mum bought me a really good thick one that is fab from Ikea in the UK, its short sleeved but I put a long sleeved onesie or sleep suit on underneath and its great. Our winter temps here are about 0 so much the same as home and it was fine.

We have baseboard heating with no timer, I tend to put it on to heat the room up before bed time and once they are in bed turn it off again.
Thanks Jo, will have a look online. Still 23/22 in our room at mo with little window open as not getting that cold at night here, but know it will get cold soon.

Not sure what to do bout his current gro bags, he has about an inch of length left, but is still over 2lb off the 6 to 12 month ones. Know he will out grow the length before he meets the min weight, if he continues ti follow his line on his red book it predicts 18lb (the min weight) at 8 months.

Hope your having nice weekend
ha ha ha @ bogey picking - a new fave pastime esp when he was napping on me

sorry been awol - only 2 weeks till I go back to work so lots to sort and ollie not sleeping well - quite a few night wakings so v v v tired!

will have to go back and catch up with the Goss!

How is the pupd going Helen? HOw long did it take, how many times a night were you up? Tell me everything! Charlie has been a little monkey sleep wise since his 4 week injections. I tried pupd a few times to get him off the dummy but always caved as it is SO HARD.

How are you feeling about going back to work and what are you doing for childcare x

Great tip Jo, am off to ikea in a few weeks so will check out their baby section x
pupd going fab, easier for going down in evening, harder for naps but I think I need to work on wind down time. Only difficulty is night feeding as he is like a limpet and when I try to unlatch him he sucks harder and swipes my hand away so often goes back to sleep on the breast - one to work on.

I do not know why he is waking a lot at the mo, 1st week of pupd he went down to 1 wake up which was bliss but now it's a bit of a mare.

dreading going off to work, find out if I get vol redundancy next Friday - so hoping I get it as 2 years off with ollie will be fab! For childcare I am:

Mon -my sis - oh will drop and pick up and I will work 7.30 - 4.30
Tue - my mum, I will drop off and pick up and work 8am-4pm
wed - nursery - me doing the run and working 8-12.30 so afternoon will ollie
thurs - nursery full day, me doing the run working 8-4.30 so ollie will have dinner there too
Fri - my sis - as Monday really

but till Jan will do 8-4 mon,tue,Fri and have half days hol wed third so doing 8-11.30 so only half days in nursery - my flexible working request kicks in in jan.

the nursery is beautiful and on the edge of a village near where I grew up and is a Montessori nursery - v happy with it. In fact - happy with the childcare just don't want to leave ollie!

hard going with the dummy, I think consistency is key with any training so if you decide to get rid then stick to your guns iyswim - but as you know I more than know how hard that is in the wee small hours

Well done with the pupd so far. It is so hard, but well worth it I imagine. Good that he is better with it for nighttime, in the day I guess you can cope with the old habit. Its when you're trying to sleep that you really want him to play ball! hmm, no suggestions re the night time limpit habit I'm afraid. I would only say that you're bf and that is amazing and won't last forever and it must feel so amazing to be wanted by your lo in that way. I would savour it aka grin & bear! Wish I had that problem :hugs:

Sounds like you're all sorted on the childcare front. Hope you get your redundancy wish, when would you finish if so? I've heard of Montessori nurserys and like the sound, Only problem is, ours is about 6 miles away in hte wrong direction to the office. I still have a bit of time to think tho

Well, on the nightamre nights front, I think he was just hungry :blush: Silly Mummy. I was so used to him sttn that I didn't even think to think he might want food.

I fed him at 11pm and 4.30am and he went down stright after as normal, no dummy. And only woke once otherwise for his dummy. Hopefully its the 4 month growth spurt and will be over next week. I just hope I havent wrecked all my previous hard work of naps ad night time settling with all the inconsistent actions of the last 5 days. I'm back doing what I did before however, so hopefully he will be settled in a few days.
you know what rach I came on to say do you think he could be growth spurting, do you increase the oz in his daytime bottles - that's the bit of ff that I am jealous of, the be are killer for bf.

I think I might have figured ollie's wakings too - he is right in the middle of a fussy period b4 a leap and poor sleep is one of the symptoms - hope so anyway!

I like the fact that Montessori have a learning philosophy - it's about more than just herding the children
I went to look round my nearest nursery last week (which is supposed to be the *best* in Abingdon) and was so disappointed. I didn't see the staff interact with the children much if at all. It was def like herding. I felt like the staff were there to just see their days out and go home. Poor babies. I definitely like the montessori philosophy. Maybe I should set one up near my house lol!

I tried increasing his oz last week but he didnt take it which is odd. Will do the extra feeds this week and try upping again next. He projectiled his bedtime feed tonight. All over the new carpet and the sofa bed in his room which is a nightmare to clean!! Which reminds me, I need to go and hang the washing up!!

Night all x

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