Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Rach hope charlies growth spurt goes quick for you. Im sure your sleep training wont have been affected, they are very adaptable.

Helen hope you get the redundancy you want. When would you leave? Not heard of that nursery before. Will have to look it up. Hope Ollie goes back to sleeping better for you. No help on limpet either, I cant take foley off, unless he comes off naturally he wont sleep. He just wakes up 10 mins later like I tricked him into bed before he finished! When ever I let him come off on his own, put him in his cot, he rolls onto his side and sleeps. Very strange.

Big hellicopter going over our house,had just got fo down as he has a teethy night and he woke up crying. We have to keep windows open as still so warm im our room. He rolled off his boob tonight, rolled onto other side and picked up his teething dummy and started to chew it. Was so surpised he knew where it was, and how hes developing and knowing what he wants and needs
Hope you get the redundancy that your looking for. It sounds like you are so sorted out for childcare that's what is so hard about here. There is very little day care and what there is the waiting lists are huge. I put Euan on 4 separate day cares in April 2009 and he still does not have a place and he will be 3 in February. People rely on families and obviously we don't have that so its basically a nanny or nothing.

We are all fine. No news really.

Was supposed to go out for Halloween with Euan this afternoon to the mall but he had a tantrum so was sent to bed instead.

Just sorting out applying for registration right now and trying to make a resume, my computer skills are fairly limited and I hate word. Trying a whole manner of templates and resume builders but so far since last night I have done 5, and they all bugger up in some way so I am very frustrated.
Putting the kids to bed soon, will clean the kitchen and sit down to my 6th attempt which I am sure will keep me up very very late! The problem is I am trying to make a really professional looking one with boxes and tabs and stuff, its not working!
Its a tommy tippee one I got from wilko, its a flat u shape. it goes between gums and they chew.

Jo hope the resume goes well tonight. I find the new Microsoft frustrating! Nothing is where I would expect it to be.

Just fed fo, knew he would be up as didnt feed well yesterday as he has having a teething day. Hes been sleeping much better mist days, around 10 hours then a feed and 2 more hours. Feel bit sick now so just sitting up with a water hoping it will pass.
Think I have it done now. I have a Mac and I find trying to do stuff on it so frustrating even though the boffins tell you its supposed to be intuitive, it isn't. Have a bunch of stuff to do today, uploading videos to my blog right now. I have done it since Euan was born and put on regular updates of pictures and videos of the kids for both sets of grandparents its a good way for them to get a feel for what the kiddies are doing.

Hope your feeling ok Lou.
well after no sleep on sun night ( as ollie woke at 12 so 1.5 hrs but I couldn't't drop off again) ollie woke every hour from midnight onwards = v tired mummy! But lo and behold tooth #7 has errupted today!
Helen glad there was a reason for your sleepless night! Hope Ollie is feeling better now and you are all sleeping sound now.

I am in for some trouble. I changed Olivias diaper tonight and popped her into her crib sitting up to go and put the soiled one in the bathroom and wash my hands, I have an ensuite so really close, as I was going in I saw her turn onto her belly and get onto her knees which is her favourite thing to do. I was gone 1 minute tops, came back and she was standing up holding onto the crib side giggling away and looking very very pleased with herself. My little baby is no longer a baby it seems.

We see her pediatrician on Thursday and I will imagine that we will be discharged from his care. You can see a bit of chub starting to go on now which is great. Looking forward to her being weighed.
Hope Ollie is feeling better now and sleeping better for you. x

Jo glad you got it all done, Wow Olivia is really developing at the moment. Bet she was pleased with herself! Hope the pediatrician appointment goes well x

Feeling better now, just had a few days of just feeling so sick. Got foley weighed on Tueday and he is 15lb 6 now. His teeth are playing up again, it is taking 3 to 4 hours to get him to bed. He doesn't cry but just can't feed so just sits there chewing. Its very tiring but feel very sorry for him.

When we start BLW do i need to offer him any water with dinner and if so what sort of water (sorry if that sounds stupid). I asked the HV on tuesday but she got all flustered as she had put me down as FF without asking so started changing her notes and mumblering i don't think so, so no real answer.

While i have been typing i have just seen Foley roll over to his front for the first time, he is now trying to move but failing and laying back down
we didn't really do anything with water for a while then at 7 mth we got a free flow sippy cup but I think he's only now getting the hang of it - he has one of those valve cups now - we just use tap water.

glad you're feeling better Lou and well done Foley!
Lou - I used tap water, and I offered it with every meal. She took sips from time to time but no real intake. She doesn't drink much water now either, sips!

Just home from the pediatrician and we have been discharged. He said she is perfectly healthy now and has got over her blip of whatever it was. All test results are negative, she is putting on weight and he said she was extremely alert and seems to be exceeding her milestones and he reinfroced that she is probably going to keep us busy and be trouble!

She was weighed again and has put on 17 ounces in 2 weeks which seems a bit much, so she has put on 31 ounces in 4 weeks since he last saw her. If this continues she is going to be such a little chubber ;) You can really see it in her now. She was so lean for ages and her face is totally filling out now!
Excellent news Jo! Must be a relief shes all discharged and doing great now! Wow! She is really catching up on her ounces now, bless her! Well done olivia! X

Thanks Jo and Helen. Do I need to boil tap water, or is it ok straight from tap from 6 months.

He has rolled over 6 times today, even did 2 for daddy when he got home. Fed better tonight but the pain caused him problems getting to sleep. Usually when hes down, hes down, but he just kept waking up crying in pain. Dh cuddled him to sleep in end. Poor mite.
She is catching up and fast. I wonder how long she can keep on putting on 14+ ounces in 2 weeks. I am very very pleased that its all over.

I never boiled it. Just took it straight from the tap.
Foley is certainly on the move. Its always fab when they perform for daddy when they get home.
How is she enjoying weaning jo? Is she adventurous with food?

Thanks, he is rolling over so much. But doesn't know what to do once he is there so getting bit annoyed and crying. You turn him back, and within minutes he's moaning about being back on his front again after flipping over again. Guessing one day he will flip and work it out bless him.
yey Jo! Good work Livi!

got my letter saying I had been accepted for redundancy :yipee:6 weeks in work then I'm free! :dance:
She is thriving on the weaning and will really eat anything. She never seems full, as soon as whatever is swallowed whether its from herself or from a spoon her mouth is open like a little bird. So far she has not pushed anything away.

It was a big day for us today. We put Olivia into her own room tonight which is fabulous. I felt a wee bit emotional as its the end of a little era but I was more excited. She has been in it for 3 hours and its brilliant. I am in my bed with my electric blanket on using the computer and I have the tv on, have not watched the tv in bed since I was pregnant with her. Steven is cleaning the kitchen and coming upstairs going to snuggle and watch something.

I feel a bit guilty as when we put Euan into his room I was so sad and upset and with Livi I was jumping for joy!
I meant to say that Steven was teasing me saying with Euan you had tears running down your face all day and with your daughter you are excited...

Helen so glad to hear your news about the redundancy. I am pleased for you.
Great news on the redundancy Helen. When do you go back for your 6 weeks?

Jo great news she is loving weaning. It must be wonderful to watch her enjoy food so much. Hope your still enjoying your TV in bed, your very good not watching it with her in the room. We are very naughty and watch TV when i feed foley (he likes long feeds on both sides still) - i'm sure the baby whisperer would tell us off! Hope you and Steven enjoyed your TV cuddle in bed.

Been it AWOL as went over my mums for few days, then foley has had really bad teething nights. Yesterday i could hardly get him to feed all day so was getting stressed out about him not feeding and my milk supply as he was not feeding. Finely got some milk down him in the evening for him to cry so hard he threw it all up. So he was up alot last night feeding. Seems bit better today. Well seems like I typed too soon, he has just woken crying. Very strange for him.

Hope everyone is well x
HI ladies,

I've put Foley in his own room tonight. Feel really nervous and seems very strange not having him in with us. He loves to roll over onto his side and get comfy and his co sleeper wasn't letting him do that so popped him in his big cot and he rolled over and slept. Not sure how well i will sleep tonight but sure he will wake up at some point.

Hope everyone is well x
tres annoyed

just typed a v long post to everyone and them pressed the back button :doh:

Here's the v quick version

Olivia - fab - long may it continue

Jo - electric blanket - jealous

Helen - redundancy - jealous also! - fab outcome

Foley - :thumbup:

Charlie - is vg!


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