Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Ladies - Thalia is 1! And I am TTC again. So will be on here lots again.

Scared, terrified but I really want to give it a go.

Will face the pregnancy when I get there but first I am chasing the BFP.

Anyone joining me????

Lucy!! We are ntnp (not that we are having much sex atm!) and plan to be actively trying from the new year. How very exciting for you ttc again. Wishing you a speedy :bfp:

Happy first birthday Thalia. I tried replying to the facebook thread a few days ago when the ccsers were talking about a year ago, but bloody fb kept crashing on me. We were all here waiting for news of our first ccs baby. She is looking so grown up on all your photos, what a star.
Congratulations Lucy on Thalia's first birthday. It sounded like you had lots of fun! I am so exciting for you TTC your 2nd baby, its wonderful having two kiddies but very very hard work. Hope you get your BFP quickly. Euan had just turned 2 when Olivia was born and it seems to be a good age gap.

Rach wow your NTNP, excellent. Hope you get a BFP too.

Lots of exciting things to come.

I will not be joining you for the mean time. I want another child but Steven has told me in no uncertain terms that it isn't on. He doesn't want a third child and he feels that since we have a girl and a boy that we are done. Watch this space ;) Hoping to bring him round. I have to get a new job first and a new house and then see. I will be 38 in April so will be close to 39 if I manage to get duffed quickly. Its risky these days. Even being pregnant with Olivia I had to have loads of different tests for advanced maternal age.
Hope thalia had a wonderful first birthday! The piccys looked great. Shes so grown up bless her!! Ooo exciting! Wishing you a speedy :bfp:

Ekk exciting rach! Npnp! Hope your :bfp: comes quick for you too

Any luck on the job and house front Jo? Hope your able to bring dh round x

No ttc in near future here. Think if we end up wanting 2nd be big age gap. Need to sort out what I want to do job/career wise as not sure I want to teach anymore. Also, know this is going to sound strange, but my dog makes me feel like I have 2 children! Hes a big boy and needs 2 decent walks plus play, think I need Foley to be at an ages where he can play with him! Foley loves watching him!

Off to Fuerteventura Tomorrow. Bit nervous bout the flight, but only a period of time that will end. Foley has caught a cold though, doh!
Thanks Ladies - am expecting it to take ages m/c chemicals etc but am looking forward to all the poas'ing - have missed it!!

Lou - I was so nervous before flight to Tenerife but it was fine - plus there were loads babies on plane who all cried at some point. Hopefully you will get three seats to yourselves which we did - I think they try to do this with babies and teh extra room helps. V jel of your hols, I'm ready for another now. Have a fab time.

Kanga that is so fun NTNP _ wish in a way I'd started already, like 6 months ago but I've been too scared but on T's birthday I realised I really really want another.

Ah Jo I hope OH comes round, one of my dearest friends has just had 3rd baby after 4 year gap and it took her a couple years to talk her OH round he was adament he just wanted the two but she got there in the end and he's over the moon now.

CD2 today!
Lou so jealous that your going on holiday tomorrow, its going to be fantastic, Enjoy every minute of it. Your dog does sound like lots of work and when the time is right for you for another if you want one then if its a big age gap thats fine. It sounds like there is a lot you want to sort out first. I am getting on in years so didn't have the luxury of waiting.

Lucy - woohoo CD2. I bet its funny to be thinking like that again and thinking about ovulation. I am sure everything will be just fine.

Lou you were asking about move and job.. nothing much happening right now. We are going to put the house on the market in January and just hope that it sells, but the market is rubbish just now so it might be on for awhile. I spoke with my current manager this week and it sounds like I will have to go back to the ward but I will need to change my contract to casual and hope that I get the work that I need to pay the mortgage. I have contacted a bunch of people about jobs in NS. I am confident that it will all work out.

Maybe once we get settled in our new house we might be in a position to TTC next autumn, if Steven changes his mind but I cannot see it.
Just had a little chuckle at your ticker Lucy, its like 2 years ago all over again. Gl this cycle x Lots of :dust: !! Hope you've put your extra large order in for sticks.

Jo, I bet he will change his mind in a year or so and you'll get your wish. Hope so anyway! Gives you time to sort out all the admin anyways x

Lou, v jel of your holiday. Have a great time. Will be thinking of you on the beach while I'm freezing my hands off pushing the pushchair round ;) (still need to dig out my gloves).

Hmm, well we dtd last night without protection. In the throws of passion, all I kept thinking was trying to work out when the baby would be due if I got pregnant. Oh dear.
Then this morning decided ntnp/ttc was a bad idea. And shit, just worked out that I am about CD10.

We are going to see Santa at Harrods tomorrow. Might pop into Hamleys too and get the little man something. x
Just had a little chuckle at your post Rachel. I can just imagine you thinking about it while you were dtd. I have so been there. You never know CD10 ;)
:flower: hullo ladies and babies!!

It's been a long time since I posted here but I wanted to jump on and say that I delivered a healthy gorgeous little boy on Sept. 27th.

every pregnancy related complication known to man: significant bleeding event at 8 weeks, emergency/rescue cervical cerclage placed at 20 weeks, gestational diabetes diagnosed at 28 weeks, carpal tunnel syndrome at 32 weeks.

had stitch removed at 37 weeks (OB said be prepared to deliver at this procedure) but I held on. I was scheduled for an induction at 39 weeks because of my 'advanced maternal age' and the gestational diabetes. The night before my induction, my water broke and I started labouring on my own.

20 hours of labour and a cesarean section later, Alexander Samuel Cathan was born at 8:20 in the evening weighing 3.1 kg. 7 weeks on and he's 4.5 kg and smiling and cooing. I'm exhausted but over the moon!

I wish you joy with all your beautiful children and lots of love and laughter as your families grow. Best of luck to those entering round two of the TTC journey!

xxx Donna
GROOVY - that is wonderful fantastic news :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

CONGRATULATIONS - he's beautiful. I'm so so so so happy for you - what a lucky thread this has been. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:yipee: Congratulations Donna, brilliant news. Hope you're having a fab time with baby Alec (love the name) and thank you so much for updating us! You look so chilled, happy, in love in your avatar! A lucky thread indeed xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just updated our front page again. We are almost all Mummies. Danni is still awaiting her ivf cycle and will hopefully be back with us to share her journey. Thinking of you Danni even if you're not here and hoping you get your forever baby soon :kiss: xxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations groovy. So happy for you, your picture is beautiful. We have all been lucky, wierd to think within such a short time we are almost all mummies. I hope Danni's IVF cycle goes well too.

Steven went to Halifax this morning and I am missing him like crazy already. He only left at 7am... its going to be a long time till Sunday morning. I am going to surprise him and collect him at the airport with the kiddos. I was thinking we will make a big placard saying Welcome home daddy.. and have Euan hold it up as he walks out. Can't wait to see his face.
Aah Jo that sounds lovely, I want Tim to go away now so we can do the same for him!!

Children in Need on here - The Woge must be exhausted he's been hosting all night. All the sad stories are making me cry though, especially they had a little boy with cerebral palsy on - when Thalia was in neonatal they told us she could have it( I didn't tell anyone at the time as I didn't want people to pity her) thankfully it has turned out she hasn't got it at all but seeing the little boy with it has made me realise how lucky we've been.
That must have been so hard Lucy thinking that Thalia might have CP. No one would have pitied you, you would have gotten a tonne of support. So glad that she is ok and also glad that I am missing CIN. Now that I am a mummy it would be hard to see all the sick kiddies.
I had to turn CIN off. Each time I turned it on there was a newborn who looked just like Charlie and sad music in the background. I thought "this isn't going to end well". I have purchased some CIN raffle tickets tho and so feel like I have done my bit!

:flower: Lucy
oh Donna! Congratulations! What a cutie! And you look v relaxed after all that!

cheering Danni on, I think she is destined to be a mummy what with the ccs luck - we have v good stats for a ttcal group!

Happy 1st bday Thalia! And good luck ttc#2 Lucy! If I can sort my tummy muscles out I'll join you! Ps she looks cute in your avatar :)

have a lovely hol Lou!

lol Rachel at dtd and calc cyc date - you're v brave!
hope all is well Jo :)

afm - been in a bit of a tiz - got my redundancy :yipee: started back at work - ollie has had his 1st tummy bug (from nursery) whole family got it ( lots of dettol later we're ok!), had an emotional wobble going back to work what with the redundancy after 11 yrs. Although I have been happy and comfortable in my job (analyst at a bank ) it wasn't my dream job so now I have the chance to spend time with ollie and try and do what I want to do (art as per my degree - god knows how I got into doing analysis!) but it's scary after 11 yrs you know and I will miss all the people that I guess you get used to seeing every day!

Also this week my gran has gone into hospital - she's 92 and recently been diagnosed with dementia so had to move to a particular home which I think may have finished her off, going to see her tomorrow but apparently she is vvvv I'll :cry:
Sorry to hear about your Gran Helen, not much I can say. Thinking about you. Thinking about my Gran too she is also 92.

I know that you can do something with your art degree, its going to be a huge change but I am sure it will work out.

Everything is fine here. Steven got back home this morning, we collected him at the airport with our poster. Never made it in time, so I had to text him and tell him we were coming. We were ready in plenty of time, but just before we left Euan pood, so he needed changed, a change later and ready to leave when Livi decided to have a poo too. We got there and he had just got out into the arrivals hall, so made Euan hold up the sign and he was so excited to see daddy, Steven looked so happy and chuffed to bits and I felt a bit teary really watching Euan running towards his daddy for a big hug.
It was lovely.
Hi all

I could really use some seriously large hugs please.

I will try and keep it short but I am feeling sad because:

1. Charlie used to sleep 7-7 no peep. For the last week he has been waking 10+ times a night for his sodding dummy. I just want him to sttn again. I really really really really need my sleep.

I simply do not know how I will ever get him off the dummy without using CC which I detest (tried last night, caved after 17 mins). Do you think I should just bite the bullet and CC? They say it takes less than a week :cry:

It doesn't help that my best friend is quite smug about the fact that her bf baby self settles and sttn. And she thinks Charlie must be crying as he wants something (food, teething comfort). But I know he just wants his sodding dummy (henceforth "SD").

2. I am super super tired and argue with Ralph a lot. Our wekeends are basically spent arguing now. I am still mad at him for this weekends argument and will not be cooking for him or doing his washing this week.

3. My new sofa was supposed to arrive today and didn't.

4. The sky man is coming tomorrow to put sky in the backroom (new living room) but as we dont have a sofa, we won't be able to watch bloody telly anyway. What's the point.

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