Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Lou, he bats at things and can't aim for something and then pick it up iykwim. He doesn't let go of things either, so he'll get something in his hand and just hold it there for ages even though he might be lookoing at/doing something else. Googled and babies who are slow to develop their FMS are behind at school. typical!
Has charlie had his development check yet? I know ours is 2 months behind here so ours is next week. My friends have said they ask them to bang bricks, pick up a rasin and put weight on their legs. Not sure what age the intentionally letting go of things are. Maybe have a word with the HV, but think they all develop at different rates. My friends baby is still not moving and she is older than foley. She wouldn't put weight in her legs, so shes getting checked again in a month. I'm sure everything will be fine. but talk to HV if your worried. big :hugs:
Rach - I'll look up the wonder weeks and get a list of things to look for at that age if you like - it also gives you lists of games and toys used to stimulate these skills if that would help?

Am sure all is fine - the wonder weeks book also advises that some babies will excel at one set of skills at a time - so may be slower at one skill while focusing on another - eg fast movers slow communicators - so you might find Charles is excelling in one area - it all catches up in the end and lots of kids find their levels around 2yrs - until then I think it's hard to say - my nephew was walking at 9 mths - but only got speaking properly after 2yrs - he's fine now. And if you offer activities to help him practise new skills at least you'll feel like you're doing something - which I think is important - it's awful to feel so impotent when it's your baby
Rach try not to worry too much... if he is a wee bit behind just now he will catch up and the games etc to encourage FMS will develop. School is a long long way off he will be fine. Euan was quick with some things, walking etc but very very slow in terms of communication so much so that I really thought he had autism at times.

By 18m he had about 5 words and that included mama, dada, hi, bye, cant remember the other. Our health care people wanted to refer him to a speech pathologist and a speacial pediatrician who worked with kids with communication disorders. We said no and now at 3 his language is excellent and we have quite large conversations. He is still behind when I hear other 3 year olds but I think he is doing fine!

Livi on the other hand is a huge communicator and at just over 1 she actually has a lot of words she can say, mama, dada, hiya, byebye, all done, banana, oh oh, milk, and a few others but in terms of movement she is way way behind what Euan was at this stage. She is cruising around furniture and can take about 4 steps on her own but no progression for about 5 weeks.

Anyway I am babbling...very tired..what I am trying to say is children develop different skills at different times and the magic milestone time if not achieved doesn't always indicate something bad. I am sure your little man is just fine! Helen made a great point, with playing games etc that will encourage that. Thinking of you and don't let this get you down. Your little man is ace!
hey ladies

what do you reckon to this wedding dress?

Helen that would be brilliant if you could dig those out for me, thank you so much. He does seem to be improving all the time so it could just be one of those timing isses like you all said. Lou, our DC is in 2 weeks!

Looking forward to the dress pic H! x
haha silly me!

okey dokes will do - Charlie is 9 mths right? Was he on time?
I love that dress Helen... so lovely! I love that retro look. What would you do with your hair, makeup, shoes? Wish you were on FB so I can picture what you would look like in it.
What a great site for dresses.

We are doing ok over here. Wasn't feeling well during the week and managed to faint outside of our emergency department which wasn't fun. It was a bit embarassing and I was made to go inside and get checked out. The good thing was because I worked in the hospital I saw the clerk, saw a nurse, a nurse practitioner, and a doctor. Had blood work and a ECG all in the space of 90 minutes. They could not find a reason for it which was great! I think it might just be tiredness and stress. I took Wednesday off to relax and had a long lie although was awake from 6. As soon as our nanny went out with the kids I was up and downstairs lying on the sofa watching tv which was quite the treat.

Looking forward to next week, I have 4 days off as my building is closed good friday and easter monday. Yay!
helen the dress looks lovely. Very retro! Whats your ideas for shoes and hair?

Jo hope your feeling better now. Glad you had a nice lay down and TV watch. hope your 4 day week goes quick for you!

Rach how you getting on? Hows charlie

we have all been ill this week, i'm so tired. foley had a stomach virus and gave it to everyone, grandparents and an uncle included. me and fo wasn't too bad, but everyone else very bad. been hard week taking care of dh and fo, while feeling crappy myself.

over mum mys good friday, then easter monday is our anniversary. dh has westham that day, so we going the next day to hotel and racing. got fo some shoes so we can walk him around.

hope everyone is having nice weeekend
Love love love the dress! It's a really nice style and shape. Is it THE ONE? Have you ordered? You'll be able ot get some killer shoes to go with it and it will be so great to dance in too.

So glad you're on the mend Jo. Great work getting seen to in 90 mins, 'its not who you know' surely seems appropriate here!

Lou, so sorry you have all been ill. Are you 100% again? Its so tough when you're ill and baby is ill too, I feel for you. Is Fo toddling, what shoes are you getting?

C is vg thank you. He crawls backwards and is constantly on the move/trying to move. Need to get a cushion made pronto to go over the hearth - it has quite sharp edges!
I was thinking black shoes with a black round bouquet (poss black roses) with diamante and diamante facinator (1920's - 1950's style) poss with black beading - what I have in mind is quite specific so may need to make it myself.

Have to lose A LOT of weight tho :( mum suggests weight watchers....
Oh the shoes sound lush.

Weight watchers is really good.. I am loads overweight too and currently would like to lose about 50lb so too much to face. I lost about 4 stone on WW while I was in my nursing training on WW and also used personal training. I put it all back on again!
And maybe a black sash-satin-belt round your waist.. ?!

You will lose whatever weight you want before the wedding. Its the magic of being a bride, you suddenly kick it up a gear! WW sounds a great starting point. Do you exercise much (apart from the obvious up and down stairs 30 times a day plus arm-presses lifting child 40 times a day!). Maybe aim to do one thing a week extra like a class or cycle ride. I find aiming for one small thing better than making a grand plan (which you never stick to and end up getting down about). I am a little obsessive when it comes to losing weight so let me know if you need any motivation!

Hey JO, meant to say, not preggers are you?! Fainting .. I am NOT. We had 2 irresponsible moments this month but AF came yesterday.
I need to get ollie asleep nightly by 7.30 (eventually in his own room) but even if not then oh can sit up with him in the bed and I could get in a couple of swims a week.

I aim to go on more walks and have zumba for the wii (yet to try haha)

I might give ww a go then even just to kick start me -I need to lose about 5 stone so might not make it in a year!
and black sash sounds like a good idea too thanks Rach :)
Saw an ad for 'WW on-line' today so might be worth a google. Also, dont need to worry about fitting meetings in! 5 stone is totally do-able, or at least a good chunk of. Have you seen 'Biggest Loser' >?! I love that prog and have it on series record all the time :blush:
The outfit sound great helen, the sash idea sounds fab too rach! I've never done WW, but lost weight via making sure i ate healthy (but always allowed a treat once a week, i don't cut out carbs as i couldn't, but high portein breakie is good one) and gyming it. The most body shape change was with a personal trainer (i didn't loose as much as i did before but body shape fitted in smaller clothes). But it does cost is only thing. Think 5st is do able, or at least as rach says a fair amount. I lost 1 stone in 12 week gym weight loss course. WW could be good kick start then add in more things as you can x
Helen lets be weight loss buddies... I want to lose about 5 stones too. I am sure with your goal its doable. I want to lose a bunch before getting duffed again! As mush as I can anyway.

No not pregnant Rach, have my period just now. PLanning on trying in June ;)

The black sash sounds really nice Rach good idea!

I love the biggest loser too, although I usually watch it while eating bad food which isnt really the point ;)

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