Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Did everyone see the scandal in girl sanct the other day about Divine Beauty. She made it all up, the beast.
I know, I had told oh about her story as it was unfurling - he was aghast that it turned out to be a troll
I missed it all as I never look there but read a little bit about it on someone's FB page. Missed the majority of it. Was she the one lying about a very sick child?
A friend of hers told everyone that she had bacte-rial meningit-is and posted on here asking for everyone to pray for her. I assume the friend was genuinely taken in. Updates then came 'via her husband' about her condition, which the friend relayed on here. Including a plane hospital transfer, being put on various wonderdrugs, slipping in and out of coma, life support etc. It was clearly a load of BS because one day they would post about her being on life support, then then next it would be 'we need to decide whether to put her on life support'. Wobbls posted a load of stuff about their investigation which was v amusing to read.

The wobbs update page 267 - - - -
Also, members would often see her online when she was supposed to be in a coma. Muppet.
Oh no... sounds horrible. At least she was caught and everything was sorted out. I bet there were a lot of people hurt by this. Very sad!
I don't get why people do that -it's bonkers!

anyway Rach - finally got my wonder weeks book upstairs while Ollie is napping.

So going by Charlie being 9 mths will look at ww 37 (between 32 and 42 weeks) after this developmental stage skills emerging are (and some will have lots of ticks and some areas may be unticked)

Recognising animals and objects:
shows that can recognise a category eg animals in rl,toys and pictures
shows that he can distinguish shapes
shows that he thinks something is dirty
shows that he thinks something is fun or good by making a characteristic sound or movement
shows that he understands the name of animals or objects (eg will look for it if you ask where it is)
repeats words after you now and then

Recognising people as people
relates more to other people with sounds and gestures
imitates other people more often
clearly wants to play games with people more often
calls family members - each might have their own sound or gesture

recognising people in different circumstances
makes silly faces to his mirror image and laughs
looks at a thing or person in the room and then looks for it or them in the mirror

recognising emotions
shows jealousy when another child gets mummy's attention
comforts a cuddly toy when dropped or thrown
acts extra sweet when wants something
exaggerates mood to let everyone know how he is feeling
starts to cry when he sees another child cry

switching roles
can initiate a game by himself eg peepo
uses bottle to feed mummy
asks mummy to sing a song and claps along
asks to play hide and seek (eg by crawling behind something)
asks to play building blocks by handing you a block

Will do the toys and activities next time :-)

Ollie by no way had everything ticked and the 1st section only 2 were ticked - have loved the ww book - when Ollie is going through a fussy phase we look it up and it is amazing to see him develop!
No idea why people do things like that. Can't get into link

What age does wonder weeks go up to helen?
1 & 1/2 years - it's great, it explains what development is going on as they learn to perceive the world and their understanding develops. It advises when to expect fussy phases which lead up to a developmental leap, what to look out for, skills they develop and toys and games to help and encourage them- it's scarily accurate - and you can see where your lo is developing faster and slower.

Ollie is definitely more of a mover than communicator but I think he's relatively on time - some things come easy and some slower.

He is going through a cute phase so he blows kisses and high 5's, takes you to the thing he wants you to do, he had some words before christmas but went quiet on that front for a bit but very recently some words coming back, he plays nicely by himself but wants you near, he loves exploring and climbs and walks everywhere, he eats with a preloaded spoon and eats most food - still no sttn tho
Helen - you put me to shame.. I dont really notice what Livi is doing. I know that she doing ok but certainly no where near Ollie... I think it must be 2nd child syndrome, poor little thing.

Ollie sounds quite advanced he is doing great!

Sounds like a great book too.
but I bet Livi is talking before Ollie! And I wish I wasn't so tired from the sleep issues so I could enjoy it more - am thoroughly exhausted!
Go Oliver, you little star. Mummy and your CCA's (Cyber Cycle Aunties!) are very proud :plane:

I might see if they have the WW book in the library, it sounds really good. was it expensive to buy? I saw it on Amazon but it seemed a lot (£15ish I think)
I bought it on my kindle today for 6.49, quite a bit cheaper than paperback. Just bout to have a read while fo feeds.

Well done ollie, sounds like he is doing fab! Thanks will request access

Jo im sure livi is doing great! Has she had any first words yet? X

went to a farm with her boys today, had lovely time but both shattered now Fo walked across the park today pushing the pram. Getting few more steps without support between us too.
You are right Helen, she has a really large vocabulary.

SO far we have mama, daddy, banana, cat, miaow, moo, doggie, teddy, bed, no, yes, all done, bye bye, hiya, bed,cracker, cup, sky train :), grandpa, and today she attempted to say Olivia. She is walking pretty well now too around the house. She is attempting to sing twinkle twinkle.

Euan had about 2 words at this age and while most people would not clearly be able to understand what she is saying, its pretty clear to us.

Lou - it sounds like you had a really nice time on your time away with the boys. It sounds really fun.

Rach - I love that you described us as cyber cycle aunties.... I do feel so close to you all since we have grown together as a little group. I love being a virtual auntie....:)
Sounds like she has a fab vocab already Jo! What a great little communicator you have! Well done livi!

Anyone have any ideas for a good foldable pram/pushchair/stroller (whatever they are called!). Need one for holidays, but needs to be one with wheels that don't puncture as we walk the dog in parks/woods etc. Had ordered a silver cross one but canceled order as it was never in stock and took them a week to tell me, despite telling me it had been dispatched twice!

Fo had his friend round today, and his mum told me he could tell animals apart in books (like where is the dog and he points) and shape sort. Worried i don't play/read with fo enough now! He is very good at play by himself, and worried i've taken advantage of it. I've always never looked in books and just marvaled in what he is doing rather than comparing to books. Hope my relaxed approach isn't holding him back! DH thinks i'm being silly as he knows some words like light, which he loves to blow on and off!
that's why I liked the ww- it underlined little behaviours and very subtle skills that pass you by if you don't look for it- I never worry about Ollie's development or compare with others
I dont think your holding him back. Euan loved books from a really early age about 9 months he liked to try and turn pages etc.. but Livi is not really interested. This week she has started bringing me books to look at but for 5m or so.

Foley sounds like he is doing great Lou. I used to always compare Euan to his little friends and he was always behind. At that age neither of mine could point at animals in a book. Livi cant do it now... although she will point at a picture of a cat and say cat, miaow but that is the only one I think.
Not sure if I mentioned that I didn't think I was ovulating since CMetc is different post Livi. This month got some OPKs and decided to chart this month not that we are trying this month. Well it appears I am ovulating got the surge on D15 Friday and a big + yesterday so very pleased.

Having a nice weekend so far hope you all are too.

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