Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

It might be broken.

I had a medela swing with Euan and it broke after a few months of use but I was pumping every 2 hours trying to up a supply but after a few months the tube that connects from the swing to the bottle wasn't doing anything. SO there wasn't really any suction being applied to my boob.

This time it was better, but it was heading for breaking when I quit BF.

Not planning on doing too much. We have 3 showings on SUnday so cleaning mainly but will try and enjoy tomorrow but doing something.

In the morning before Steven gets up will just take the kids for a walk to the park probably.
Thats a pain about your pump Lou but hopefully you can rent a double from your hospital and get a stash for when you're back to work.

Jo, they say you never regret the children you have but you may regret those you don't. I say go for it, it will all fall into place.

C is a nightmare tonight. He has been crying since he went down at 6.45 and its almost 9 now. He keeps sitting up. And generally just crying.

Fridy was the same aparantly - I went out for the night so I bet Ralph was rocking him etc.

And last night Mum babysat until 10pm and I bet she did the same. He didnt slepe at all last night. he would only fall asleep being held. It was awful.

and now ralph thinks he has done a poo so going to have to change him, darn!
ooo yummy helen!

Seems like i fixed my pump! Looks like some milk got it, did a clean through and it pumped fine on saturday before college. Think i wil still rent from hospital though, as be much quicker, and may even get pump in at work so can get stash going. Hoping to get enough stash so i can go outfor a drink on last day of term with my friend who is also being made redundant. Only thing is he has only ever been fed by me before bed. so may need trial run first!

Rach hope Charlie settled in the end. Wonder if it's their age and they are working on something. Foley has been the same, one night would not go down, sleep in arms but scream when put down, other night up at 5, and last night woke up at 10! He is so normally easy to go down, amd wakes up half 6 to 7 everyday. odd. Maybe they are getting ready for a leap!

How did the house showings go Jo? Have you picked an area to move too?

Off to messy play this afternoon. Foley walked across the room for first time today, i totally missed it as was on laptop doing application! Just looked up and he was walking past!
Ice cream farm sounds fun Helen!!! I am taking Devon on a 'bug hunt' this afternoon, with Oliver. Hope it's not raining :-/ Lou, I am an only child, and I never missed out on anything. I do have 2 older stepbrothers (older being 16 and 13 years older) and I hardly see them. I grew up on my own, and was happy!! If you and Paul are happy with Fo being an only child then don't let others opinions bother you!! Xx Jo, personally I think if you want no 3 then you should go for it. I'm mixed at the moment, don't want anymore babies one minute, but the thought of never having 1 more upsets me a bit. I think deep down I would like no 4, but I don't think Rob does. Hope everyone else is ok? I joined WW last Thursday. Seems to be going well, fingers crossed I lose some weight this week!! Am doing Zumba once a week and lots of walking too. I have 29lbs to lose to get to my goal weight!! Xx
I really want to get into Zumba Em, theres one at the end of my road. Whats it like, does everyone where spandex and dance really well? I have terrible coordination and ususally look like a muppet at exercise classes!

C settled finally at 11 and slep til 8.45 waking for a feed about 5. He went down first time tonight with no fudd, but now I have written this I am sure he will kick off any secone

Brilliant re Fo's walking Lou! Proud Mummy Day indeed :flower:
way to go Fo!

Good work on WW Em! 1st steps and all that!

:hugs: Rach -hope C has a better night!

hope the showings went well Jo.

The ice cream farm is fab -'wonderful soft play, lots of outdoor play areas, go karts, animals, mini golf, art den and a cafe and ice cream parlour on a farm - round the corner from my mum's house :-)
I have zumba on the wii but yet to do it - as never without Ollie!
Well done on joining up with WW em. love to know whats zumba is like too, i have no co-oridination either and don't go to classes anymore as i'm always the one 3 steps behind or just standing there going 'how do you do that!'

Helen the place sounds lovely. is it far away?

Rach glad C had a better night. Funny little things aren't they. Think fo was distrubed as he was learning to walk in his head. Went down fine last night, and had 12 hours so back to normal.

Jo hope your doing well x

Just back from tiny talk. Just about to type up some sign language handouts while little man sleeps. I'm going for a private pole dancing lesson this afternnoon (for fitness that is! lol!). I need to find some shorts, not sure i have any. Opted for private lesson first before group, in case i'm terrible at it!
The Ice cream farm sounds lovely Helen.

Rach - your comment there about Ralph and the poo was very funny, I never even read it that way until you mentioned it again.

Emma - I feel sad too about having no more firsts in baby terms, I want to have another go at breastfeeding although Steven and I disagree with that, he doesn't understand why I would put myself through that again but I will tandem nurse after a few days so i dont run into the same issues that happened with Livi. I say go for #4, I have not convinced Steven yet that #3 is a good idea, lets think up strategy.

Lou - sound like Fo is doing great with his walking, its very exciting isn't it. He is quite the early walker. Livi is walking now really well but I would say it was 13 months that she was walking at and Euan was just over a year about 12.5 months.

I would love to try ZUmba as everything else in Canada, ZUmba is just coming here its a bit backwards ;) I am awful at these things too, I am always the one that takes the entire sequence to catch up and learn it then they move on. I did Step for a bit and that was complicated enough for me.

I am ok, showings rubbish no good feedback. Steven and I need to talk about stuff, we are both struggling with our current situation. I hate not seeing him during the week and having limited time together at the weekends. I know its the only answer that works for us right now, but we need to discuss if this is what we want. I miss him desperately. I see him for approx 5 minutes from Mon-Sat noon. Enough time to say hi and bye.

Don't think my job will be getting made permanent so back to square one..
Jo it must be so hard not seeing Steven very much during the week, you must miss him so much. Can you think of another solution so you can see eachother more? Job wise is there other positions you can go for? big :hugs:

Yeah it is very exciting - he's still favoring crawling, but it is funny to watch him go, when he falls down onto his bum he looks round like 'who did that'.

Well ladies if your looking for some good all body excercise i'd reconnmend pole dancing! oh my word my whole body ached, and my arms are still killing me now. I wasn't very good at the spins, bit scary taking feet off the floor, but could hold onto the pole! Just can't lift anything now!
It sounds like you did well with the pole dancing...well done on being able to hold yourself off the pole I would not have been able to do that. Going to try and not moan too much on here, going to leave that to my journal.. Had a crap couple of days but its the weekend yay!

Hope your all doing well.

Its my 38th birthday on Sunday so looking forward to that. I have 2 requests a lie in and breakfast in bed!
Hello all. Loving that you did pole dancing Lou, sounds very tiring though!

Hope you can get something sorted to see Steven more often Jo. I empathise as Ralph has worked late all week and went to the football today, so tomorrow will be the first time I've really seen him apart from to pass him his dinner!

Just posted in BC about fine motor development. C is no further along and gets confused/frustrated if you try to get him to hold 2 things at once. I would love a specialist to just view what he does to get their opinion but we have to jump through the HV/doctor hoops first - hopefully that will happen this week x
Hopefully they can sort something out for your Rach, just to put your mind at rest! I am sure C is totally fine though.
keep stamping your feet till you get somewhere- I reckon that all will be fine but this is worrying you and you need someone to at least check him out - what do the hv and dr say?
What are his other skills like? How is he with communicating? Other moving? How does he play?
Still waiting for the hv meeting so I may just pop in on Weds if not heard anything by then.

Speech he seems really good at, he has quite a few sounds and his own little words that he likes to say like pob, pub, bab, gab and he babbles. He's crawling and pulling up too so no worries with the gross. It may be that he's just not focusing on the fine but I just havent seen any improvement in a long while and 'mothers instinct' and all that

Someone suggested he is ambidextrous so I can look out for that. Aparantly a cause of that is stressful births including a number of the following - induction, mother restricted movement during labour, continuous fetal monitoring, forceps. And a few other things that we had. Not sure how much I buy all that though as those sorts of births happene everyday!

Just trying to sort a few house things out atm to get my stress levels down. You know when you have a load of things in the back of your mind to do .. Heres my list!

- paint front room
- sell dining table
- buy new dining table (done) - basically a smaller extending one to take less room
- sell Charlies bouncer chair
- curtains up in his room (its way too light nowadays at bed time!)
- new sofa for living room (have been living with just one for almost a year! fine for us but when people come round its a bit embarrasing)
- shelves up in kitchen
- hooks up in c's bedroom for towel/coats

What do people generally do with their towels? We always seem to have damp towels strewn over the banister and it drives me mad!!

Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend. Personally I am SICK TO DEATH of the bloody rain xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p.s. AF due today. I thought she was here last week as had some dark dc but turns out it wasn't af afterall. Really hoping it wasnt IB!!!!
eeeeek Rach - :test: !

sounds good on other fronts - you probably leave his room at night and he get a colouring book out he's stashed in his cot haha - have a look around for games to encourage these skills in the meantime.

We have a tall towel radiator - fits 4 towels easily so 2 for me (I have long hair so need 1 for hair) 1 for oh and 1 for Ollie - I was fed up of the bannister towel thing and our bathroom is downstairs -'replaced radiator in bathroom with heated towel radiator - it's brill..
lol re colouring book!

His new bedtime thing is standing up and poking the tomy light show. Pretty sure he has worked out how to turn it back on as it is still going and I pressed it for 10 mins about 40 mins ago! I keep having to go in and lie him back down the monkey.

Will look into new towel rail -we do have one but its small and fits 2towels max (not even big ones) xx

I am too chicken to test!!
:test::test: RAch come on.

We have towel rails and they are quite big, and the wet towels we usually leave over the shower rack!

It sounds like C is doing really well with everything else, I bet its because he is focusing on everything else and it will come but if you are still worried then yes i would still persist in getting him checked out.

We are fine over here, it was my 38th birthday yesterday and we had one of those simple but fab days. We dont do birthday presents for each other but Steven had taken a really nice picture of both kids together for me and put it in a frame to take to work, I started crying not because i was sad but I think it was the most thoughtful present ever! It was really sweet of him, its unlike him to be like that but most welcome.

Kids are find, Euan is going through a I hate Olivia phase and wants to bully her at every opportunity he can, he had settled for a bit and they were starting to get chummy for periods so not sure what has happened the past few days.

I have my driving test tomorrow and I am bricking it! Send me all good thoughts for 11:30pm tomorrow your time!

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