Hi everyone, sorry been away. Busy last week, but on plus side I got new job! Start September, 3 days a week, teaching in nice school bit further out but where we'd like to move to in few years.
Rach loving the dtd schedule! Hope you catch it this month.
Jo date night sounds great. What did you do? How's the bump? Weathers been bit rubbish and wet here too.
Helen totally hear you. We've been doing a lot of our old stuff recently (we are lucky my dad is close and he lives alone so loves having him) and left him with dh to go out drinking twice last few weeks, so feeling like old time but with a tiny person. do you have family for friends close by that you could use to babysit and do one of the old things you used to do?
I know this was few weeks ago but farm was good, but foley was not well so didn't want anyone near him so bit hard going. got friends round for his birthday get together today. Just trying to be quiet in hope he sleeps in.