Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

incidentally - I made the caramel topping as a dulce de leche - just get a can of condensed milk - pierce the top twice ( hammer and nail job ) then simmer the can in a pan of water ( need to keep topping the water up ) for 4 hours ( 2 - 4 but the longer the darker it is ), when you open the can and tip it out it will be darker at the bottom - just whisk it till it's consistent and it's ready to go and v v v scrummy :)
:hugs: Lauren - I would also think that home birth still births and complications are v rare as a majority of high risk cases are identified earlier on - also - how long away from the hospital are you?
It's best you do have time off Rachel - there's no point being in work feeling like this - and as much as you are doing a fab job of staying level headed you will feel v emotional leading up to the scan - so additional stress really isn't worth it.

Make a list of jobs you want to do around the house, people you want to see and spend the time wisely - this will also help keep your mind occupied :hugs:

Lolly - I don't think your being irresponsible about a home birth. I am hoping to have a homebirth but Steven has not come around to the idea. It does sound like a badly placed chapter indeed in a homebirth book about the still births obviously we know that these things happen and its horrible to think about.

I have a great book about homebirth by a canadian author called birthing made easy and it was really positive. Looking forward to hearing all about it if you go that route. Its a shame though that you have not clicked with your midwife, maybe its different tomorrow when she visits you at home.

Rachel - I think its great that you are spending the week at home, take care of yourself, you may be bored but try to relas, read, watch some movies, have some duvet days on the sofa eating chocolate and just doing what you like to do. Catch up with friend and family. You need to just take time for yourself. Wish I could give you a big hug, I am sure everything will be fine, its understandably an emotional time.
hi Lolly, I don't think a home birth is irresponsible although understandably you will worry about this, and whether your mw would be able to deal with all the complications that may arise, as they would in a hospital.

Best of both worlds could be to do as you mentioned, stay at home as long as possible with the mw/homebirth and then only go in if you feel things just aren't feeling right.

I've posted an update in my journal about my scan today x
Lauren I don't think you are being irresponsible with a home birth. I understand how you feel after the poorly placed chapter. Hopeforly you will click a little more in your home enviroment xx are you far from the hospital?

Rachel Enjoy your week at home and take time for yourself xx it be good for you to avoid the work stress for a week or so. Xx heading over to your journel xx
Rach just posted in your journal yay for the sac.... boo for the stupid man.

I have just finished eating a carton of macaroni cheese for dinner while watching america's next top model...its 9.30 and i am ready for bed with a tummy full of food which is ridiculous and I have to say I have a snickers bar sitting next to me and not sure if I can resist it. I think I may have to go and throw it down the stairs to get it out of the way..maybe after the tiniest little bite.
mmmm macaroni cheese - its 10.30 am but I could really fancy that. I've lost my appetite last few days but that has taken my fancy.

Am off to my midwife at 12.15. LO kicking up a frenzy this morning after a v quiet night - was so worried this morning as hadn't felt anything all night but breakfast got her moving.

Rach and Lauren have posted in your journals.

LOu hope work has gone ok, and sickness easier to cope with, not long till your scan now!! Don't worry about the cramps - they're normal stretching pains, I had them whole time till about 16 weeks - then freaked out when they stopped!!!! Its good to have them.

Lolly - I've had quite a few friends who had home births and they have all been fantastic, some have had home water births. I would hjave liked one except OH is a real panicker and has just said an outright no, and no discussion so thats that. Maybe if my first birth goes smoothly I might get to think about it for number 2(if there is a number 2!!)

I am so Huge girls - my bump is massive, I find it really hard to manoeuvre around, can barely get shoes on now and getting off sofa a struggle, really can't imagine how big I'm going to be in 11 weeks!!! I really will try and post some bump pics this weekend

Better get back to work, still noone here 3 days a week so so much to do. Ive never known in all 15 years of having this shop such a dearth of decent applicants, its really weird. Usually I get someone immediatly someone leaves, in fact I have an overlap so they can pick things up off the outgoing sales assistant!! I don't know, just praying someone turns up soon

Thanks lucy, unfortunalty it did not go well, was sick 3 times while i was there and found out i now have make an appeal about a pay rise i applyed for. Not really what i need right now. Had an appointment with my doc last night, she took one look at me and said i needed to rest up and get fluids (my boss told me i looked pale and shattered), so signed me off for 2 weeks.

Hope your midwife appointment went well today, looking forward to your bump pics! I hope you find another sales assistant soon, there must be a competent person out there for you xx

Jo you made me laugh with the snickers comment! Those chocolate bars are just too tempting!
Hope everyone else is good today xx
Lou - glad your going to have a few weeks off and it sounds a bit pants that you have to appeal for the pay rise.

Qm - sorry your having such a hard time in the shop, i hope someone pops up soon as it sounds if your so big you need to take a step back a bit and try and relax a bit more. Looking forward to seeing those bump pictures so get them posted.

I am in work have a very busy day ahead and I am sure I will miss lunch again so claiming all my missed lunches this week as overtime. I have a teleconference that I have to do at 10 for an hour, its the first one i have done so will be interesting. Just hoping that I don't have to participate its about a certain type of lymphoma and new approaches in terms of transplantation... its by 2 doctors in the states.

Anyway better bash on girls and get on with some work.. Hope your day is ok.
:hug: Lou - hope you're feeling better soon

So sorry you're still struggling to find a new bod for your shop.

Jo - make sure you get some rest while you can.

Hope you're ok Rachel

AFM - feeling overwhelmed at the amount of stuff I have to do!!

I know what you mean HB, my to do list just grows and grows.

Jo - hope you've coped with your busy day - can you manage ok without lunch? I get starving xx
Lou, sorry it didn't go well today - glad you've got the two weeks off, hopefully you will start to come out of the MS about then, fingers crossed anyway. That is utter pants about having to appeal for payrise - they prob make people do that in hope it puts people off and they give up. Hope it goes well when you do it.

Midwife was ok today - was a new one, she was a bit ditzy, blood spurting everywhere when she did my blood test, spilt my urine sample everywhere, told me to wait while she got me tissues to clean up the gel after hearing heartbeat but never did so I just got up in end but she was very sweet - she booked me in for a growth scan and consultant just to talk about septate uterus, so thats at 32 weeks. Hopefully all will be ok. She did say my bump was one of the tautest she'd seen - not sure what that meant!!!

How's everyone doing on the stretchmark front? I'm really getting through the bio oil now.

Lolly have you had the midwife round today? Hope went well xx
Hi all yes its been a tough week 4 days so far with no breaks and its going to be the same tomorrow. I do eat... I snack and have a lunch while I am working at my desk so i take a bite swallow then answer the phone or do an e-mail or do paperwork.

Have to say tonight i am tired... its 8;40pm i have put euan to bed, did the kitchen and put the bins out for tomorrow and am now in bed about to watch a true blood on dvd and i have a bowl of ice cream and a proper british cadburys half a flake to crunch up in it so its made me happy. At least I only have tomorrow and then off for the weekend.. when i still cant relax as steven works on a saturday till 10pm so i have to get up with the wee one. Our clocks go back on saturday night and as you will all soon know with kids its a pain because obviously they don't lie in an hour longer... so sunday will be a 6.30 getting him up job. I am so tired but there is just no way of relaxing so just need to get on with it.

Anyway off to have my ice cream before it melts.

Lucy - glad the midwife went ok today.
Hi all,

I'm sooooo tired! Barely sleeping at all now (I know, I know, it's all prep for when Livi arrives!) but I'm so damn uncomfortable the minute I get into bed. My back and pelvis are achy as hell and turning over in bed is a major operation these days.

Anyway, the good news is that Livi is 2/5 engaged! I'm booked for a home birth and my midwife seemed a lot more friendly and comfortable visiting me at home. I've just got a few more things to get ready (including a cheap shower curtain to deliver on!) and I'm all set. I'm starting to get a very nervous feeling in my tummy when I think about it.

Lucy - I'm stretch mark free to date. I've been oiled up to the max since about 12 weeks but I'm not sure whether it's that or good genes that have helped so far. Most of my friends only started to get them around their due date or if they went over so I'll keep you posted. I've been using "Derma Mum" Oil which I bought in Boots - It's a bigger bottle than Bio Oil and, at about £10, more reasonably priced. I also use the big tub of body moisturiser from the same range for arms and legs etc.

A friend has asked me to meet her in Bristol at the end of next week for lunch and a look around he shops but OH and my Mum don't think it's a good idea for me to go that far in the car on my own. I'm not sure what to say to her though as I don't want her to think I'm being silly. She met me a long way from home when she was 38 weeks and had such bad SPD, she was on crutches!
Hi everyone, thanks for you lovely messages in my journal, much appreciated x

I have a great weekend planned, nice & relaxing. Christmas shopping today, family day tomorrow finished off iwth dinner & fireworks. I'll get to see my little niece again, so very exciting! we bought her an ark from Hamleys when we were in London last weekend. All the animals have their own sounds when you press them!

Lucy how is the recruiting going? Do you use recruitment websites? my brother has one, I could ask him to post your ad if you like?

Your mw sounded very faulty towers, situations like that are annoying at the time but you can laugh about it later!

Goddess, try and grab some lunch today hun! hope the video conference goes well x

Lou, hope you feel better soon x

Helen, sounds like time to start delegating your to-do list hun!
Oh lauren lucky you with no stechies yet! ive alreayd got a collection developing even with my bio oil and cocoa butter lol.

Rach hope you have a lovely weekend :)

2 days till we hopefully find out what team we're on :happydance:, and me and OH getting keys to flat this weekend :) so should be moved in by end of november :) x
Sounds like you have the stretch marks well under control Lolly. If I get to 12 weeks, I'll take a look for the Derma Mum.

Do what is best for you re the Bristol trip, don't worry about seeming more cautious than your friend. Also, exciting times re the homebirth booking! Are you having a birthing pool?

Friend had a baby today and called it Xanthia. Quite unusual!

afm, I have an early scan booked via 'Silver Stars' at the hospital (essentially a clinic for recurrent mc people), for a week on Monday. It will be good to see how much it has grown since then and to compare to the scan I had earlier this week. The person I spoke to also told me they do bloods, and may put my on baby aspirin 'as it has been shown to reduce mc'. I know it hasn't though and also that I have no blood clotting issues, so not sure if I will go with that or not. It feels good to be bein looked after by them though!

Other news just in, dh has just been offered a job he has been interviewed for over the last couple of weeks. The boss couldn't deicde between dh and another candidate so he flew over from the US on Wednesday to interview them both yesterday! And dh got it, I am so proud of him right now x
Kanga - congrats to your OH, sounds like he has done very well getting the new job, you must be very proud. Hope you're enjoying your time off and really relaxing and not thinking about work. Its good you're getting the extra scans - it will always put your mind at rest and its amazing to see how they change.

Xanthia is nice - I like unusual names like that - unusual but not made up if you know what I mean.

Lolly thanks for the tip on derma mum - might save me a bit of money as have really upped my bio oil use since my bump increased - have been using since week 12 too. So far no stretchies but as you said I can just imagine them arriving week 39 - I won't complain though!!! I've promised myself no complaints as I'm just so lucky to be where I am.

Jo - glad you're getting some food during the day but I hope you get a chance of a break too!!

M2A - have you bought a new house? I must have missed all that - congrats and very exciting!!

Had some good applicants this week - all for part time, got 3 coming for trial days next week, fingers crossed one will be perfect.

Just recorded that natalie cassidy program so going to catch up with it now as OH is out - hope he comes back soon as he's bringing chocolate with him!!
Rachel :happydance: good news all round for you and OH - you're going to have a fabulous end to the year!!!!! ( albeit very sober for you :) )

Lauren - yey to the homebirth :happydance: see how you feel about seeing your friend - maybe let her know you'll play it by ear - if you're feeling like something's going on then obviously your friend might have to come to you....

M2A - can't believe you're already finding out the sex!!!!!!! :happydance: Have you moved to a new area then or just a new flat? - v exciting times for you to :)

Jo - rest up please - even if you take 30 mins in a day that'll be better for you - I know you're under resourced but yours and LO's health comes first - don't drive yourself in to the ground :hugs:

Good news there Lucy :) What a mad MW you have!!! Are you looking forward to your next scan? :)

AFM - went round to a friends after work - we got a dominos ( have a 50% off voucher ) ate too much and then fell asleep on his sofa!!!! If I wasn't going to see my gran tomorrow / today ( Saturday ) and getting picked up my my sis and co at 10.30 then I would have just stayed there - it was a 40 mile drive but I'm glad now I'm home!!

So tomorrow I have a 1 and a half hour drive down to my gran's with my nephew in the bag - hopefully a little play and we'll drop off for a nap :)


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