Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Thanks girls everything was fine... i was just at work so could not lie down but figured a bowl of sugary weetabix would do the trick and after about 20 minutes baby was bouncing around.

Just home from work and need to get Euan up in about 10 minutes from his nap. I cannot believe what a quick week it has been at work... so glad tomorrow is Friday and then I will be off the weekend yay!
Sorry about the ante-natal depression girls, but you're right to get it sorted now and make sure people are aware of it.

Glad the weetabix worked. Its amazing what sugar can do but defo getting things checked if you're ever worried.

Hb i'd be pretty lmiffed too if I were you. It should be your day but know how things can get out of hand sometimes. How are you going with the work at home? Im now 3 weeks without a bathroom and losing the plot bigtime. Had a bit of an emotional breakdown last night, then lost my mucus plug. Lets hope baby stays put until i have a floor and somewher to wash.

Lolly Im pleased you met some nice girls with the nct and in a few weeks you'll all be going through the same thing so will be nice to have some girls near you. I'd defo agree about staying out and about as much as you want. You'll probably be cooped up when the baby comes intially so make the most of it now. Any signs things are starting to happen?

Anyway roll on the weekend, hope everyone has a nice one. xx
Not a sausage from me I'm afraid girls. I saw the midwife yesterday and Livi's head is 3/5 engaged but still no twinges or signs of a show. OH had the day off work today as he had to go to the fracture clinic about his toe. We went out for a nice lunch after his appointment and came home to watch One Born Every Minute on 4OD. Perfect afternoon!

We're settling down for an evening in front of the tv once I've had my bath so I'm feeling very relaxed. We're off to a friend's 40th tomorrow night which I'm secretly dreading as I'm sure to be the only sober (and massive) one!
Glad all is well Jo :flower:

:hugs: MrsG - so sorry about the bathroom - I know your pain well!! your mucus plug can replace itself - fxd LO stays in there - Tell him/her how cold and rainy it is out here - that should help.

Lauren - you're still going in the right direction :hugs: you're not overdue yet. Glad you're having a nice day of it all :)

AFM - shattered!! having a word with my mum has worked - have been assured that sister's MIL will not be with us - yey!!!!

Glad all is well jo! X

sorry to gear about the AND m2a, :hugs: xx your right to get it monitored now and get the support you need xx

rachel I think you should get the scan if you need the reasurrance. I found the 1st tri sooo worrying xx

lauren looks like everythings heading in the right direction xx hope you had nice day with oh

mrsg sorry about the bathroom, hopeforly lo will stay put for you x

Helen glad your day was all sorted for you and now you can enjoy it. I would have Bern miffed too

hope everyone has a nice weekend

asm busy 2 days back at work, off shopping with friend tomorrow to get my bridesmaid dress for July! Plus lunch and a look round mothecare
Mrs G - sorry about the bathroom I am not surprised about the meltdown... its got to bother you.. Hope LO stays in there after losing the plug. I went into labour about 2 weeks after losing my plug last time but there seemed to be more bits coming away for a few days before.

Its all getting exciting, lots of CCS reaching there due dates.
Just back from the shopping trip - all went well - am shattered!! Got TONS of stuff :)

Oh its exciting.... what did you buy? What shops were you in?

I bought my first item today too... too fleecy baby blankets. It was a bit weird but nice.

I went to Wallmart today and bought tonnes of crap from the Christmas sweetie aisle... a massive tin of quality street, a chocolate orange and a big box of walkers shortbread so I am quite excited about the hall of goodies.. which is very sad really.
Oh I just noticed my ticker, I will be in double digits tomorrow with days to go, I am quite excited about that.
Morning all,

I had a really uncmfortable stitch in my lower left side yesterday all day. I thought it could be the start of something but it doesn't seem to have come to anything overnight. Apparently there is a full moon tonight and lots of babies arrive at a full moon!

My NCT friend, who was due the day after me, had her baby last Thursday! We were at our babycare class yesterday and saw her sister arriving to take them home! I'm a bit jealous!
Hi there

Hopefully not long Lauren :hugs:

Good work on the godies Jo :) and yey to double figures!!

Hope you had a nice day Lou :)

We only made it to mothercare and next and toys R us ( as we went to the retail park first ) by then I was tooo tired and my spd was hurting so we went for tea.

I got loads of bedding ( crib and cot ), some clothes - play/sleep suits, socks, hats, mits, snowsuit, few littleoutfits etc, electric breastpump, breat pads, nipple cream ( how cosmopolitan ), breast flow bottles, sterilising stuff, baby monitor, nappy changing stuff, baby bathroom stuff, baby rocker/bouncy chair.

Have to go through my sisters stuff before I go buying any more - then it's planning the hospital bag.

Off to do some work storing "things" then off to my sisters to look trhough the baby stuff :)

Goddess, I'm impressed with your sweetie haul - everything one could ever want, yum! A nice little taste of home for you. And yay to 99 days, you're on the downward hill!

Helen, you have been busy, good work with all your purchases! Hope you are feeling more organsied now. How is the hypnobirthing prep going?

Has your stitch gone now Lolly? I'm sorry things aren't moving for you yet. She will be here before you know it. Have you got everything ready, nursery all done etc? Enjoy your last few days of freedom .. !

Spent lots of time with my niece this weekend, she is such a darling and so well behaved, goes to bed no fuss at all. I hope my baby (all our babies!) will be like that.

I wonder how Thalia is doing x
Lauren - Don't worry your baby is going to be here soon. Try to get some relaxation in while your waiting.

Helen - It sounds like you had a fantastic shopping spree.. well done on getting all that in one day. Yay! I am lucky don't really have to buy anything... We have tonnes of stuff in the garage so need to bring that up at some point.. like the bassinet and get lots of stuff washed.

About to head out to a Christmas fair which will be nice, its pretty cold today -1 at the moment and its to go to -5 throughout the day..

Hope you all have a nice Sunday.
Holy moly, beware of the full moon. Legs crossed girls!!

Glad you got loads of stuff Helen, I bought my monitor, steriliser, baby bath and other bits and bobs yesterday. I love John Lewis. Its blooming hard work shopping though, absolutely wrecked now.

i was getting this stitch too on both sides for a few days but nothing had happening. TMI but my bowels are a bit looser too!!!

Go on the double digits Goddess and make the most of the sweets. I've got Ferrero Rocher and heros which might not last until christmas.

As for the bathroom, we'll hopefully get it sorted for next weekend, just in time for my 86yr old granda to come over from Ireland and stay for a week. Its going to be a busy week. xxx
Hope you had a nice time Jo :) Is it snowing there then?

Rachel - glad you had a fab time with your niece :)

Fxd for the bathroom Mrs G :)

AFM - from my sister I have play mats, another bouncer, shawls, more crib sheets, blankets and tons of clothes ( up to 9 months ) and my mum has loads of the newborn clothes which we need to get yet along with some toys - more organising to do !! I am off in 2 weeks for a week so will at least be able to do that then.

It was snowing on Friday night... they are anticipating that its going to be a very wintery winter.... if that makes sense.. this side of the country and especially the south west coast where I am never usually gets snow... although its been here every year that we have been here. Euan seemed to like walking and playing in it, it was so cute viewing it through his eyes.

helen - you got loads from your sister excellent. Your right too it does take a lot fo organising.. I am not sure what to do with all the babies stuff. We have 3 bedrooms and the 3rd bedroom we keep as a guest room for our friends and families however Euan,s room is pretty small.. bigger than a box room but not too much, it has a built in wardrobe and we have some drawers in there its pretty full with all of Euan's clothes.. I think we will need to buy some more drawers and pop them inside the wardrobe for the babies items as its mainly sleep suits, onesies, hats etc..blankets and i better look out all the burp blankets again which will be wierd.

Mrs G hope you get the bathroom organised before your grandad arrives.
Helen sounds like you have a got lots of lovely stuff! Do you go on mat leave straight after your week off? Or are you going back for a bit?

Jo hope you had a nice time at the christmas fayre, i love the snow, Euan must find it so magical! Loving all the sweets! Yummy! And Yay to double digits!!

Rachel glad you had a nice time with your neice x

MrsG hope you get your bathroom done in time, not too much longer for you now! x

Lauren hopeforlly not too long now :hugs:

AFM had nice weekend shopping with my friend. Had a play with the buggys in mothercare and managed to get some christmas presents and OH birthday present. Been having sharp pains in my 'bump', hoping just ligiment pains, mananged to tame my belly iching with the derma mum a bought at weekend (Thanks Lauren!)
Sorry ladies not been around for a few days, hope you are all ok, not had a chance to catch up yet.

Not been very well here, we had a new store opening here on sunday so me and mum went to get some stuff for flat, standing in the que and i remember telling my mum i didnt feel very well, next thing i know im outside. Fainted and fell straight down while in the que, mum got me home and phoned nhs 24 who called maternity unit and midwife and said either to go to hospital or rest and get to gp first thing, I got to the doctor this morning, very low blood pressure which becomes more low when i stand up, just to take it easy just now and if i have any more dizzy spells to call nhs back and get to hospital. x
oh dear M2A, that's not good. No quick standing up for you! Hope you didnt bang anything when you fainted and fell over and you're feeling a bit better now.

I feel crap today. Getting a tad sick of it. I know shouldn't moan and should be grateful but boy, do I miss enjoying food and being able to consume something without feeling sick. This is the longest hang over ever!!

Supposed to be working from home today but I can't be bothered to do anything and am just mega bored!

Has anyone heard from groovygrl or the key recently?
M2A - So sorry to hear about your funny turn. What have they said about the blood pressure? Is there anything they can do or are you just resting up?

Rach - I know what you mean. I really didn't enjoy much for most of the 2nd tri but it improved for a while and it's only the last couple of weeks I've been off certain foods again. It does feel exactly like a hangover for me too so I can completely relate! I had Appletise in a champagne flute last night to feel all grown up and then spent all night burping as I obviously can't take fizzy drinks right now! OH had to sleep in the other room as I was gurgling away until the early hours :blush:

Not heard a sausage from Groovy or Dee lately - I'll do some stalking and see whether they've been posting elsewhere. I really hope they're ok. I think Dee was due just after me - maybe she's had the baby! :baby:

My friend had a baby boy this morning and she called him Isaac. I don't know anymore than that as she just posted it on my FB wall! I can't remember whether I've already said but my NCT friend who I met for coffee last week also had a boy (after leaving me in Costa Coffee!) and called him Elliott. He was 7lbs 11 oz and she just used TENs and a bit of gas & air at the end - what a girl! I'm a tad envious of these new arrivals particularly as both friends were due after me. I know it's just hormones, I'm over the moon for them but I want to know my Livi is safe and well :shrug:

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