Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Livi is safe & well, she's just not ready to come out yet, She's starting as she means to go on - letting you know who the boss is! I can imagine it's not great seeing people have their babies before you when all you want is yours, but she will be here before you know it.

I remember when I was in single figures, and it was xmas time. For weeks and weeks we would be singing carols in assembly, making xmas cards in class and practicing for the xmas nativity. Then eventually, after what felt like years of waiting, it was time to break up from school, and we only had to endure 4 nights before Santa came. When it was time to go to bed for that final time on xmas eve, if felt like I had waited an eternity for it, but now it was here, it felt like I hadn't waited that long at all and I was glad of the wait as the morning was going to be SO GOOD! And indeed it almost always was. especially the year I got a scootex AND a bike.

Well when Livi gets here it will go by in a flash and it will be like getting a scootex, a bike, an a-la-carte kitchen, a glow-worm & a tiny tears, all in one xmas. And thereafter, the wait will seem like a blink of an eye x
Livi is safe & well, she's just not ready to come out yet, She's starting as she means to go on - letting you know who the boss is! I can imagine it's not great seeing people have their babies before you when all you want is yours, but she will be here before you know it.

I remember when I was in single figures, and it was xmas time. For weeks and weeks we would be singing carols in assembly, making xmas cards in class and practicing for the xmas nativity. Then eventually, after what felt like years of waiting, it was time to break up from school, and we only had to endure 4 nights before Santa came. When it was time to go to bed for that final time on xmas eve, if felt like I had waited an eternity for it, but now it was here, it felt like I hadn't waited that long at all and I was glad of the wait as the morning was going to be SO GOOD! And indeed it almost always was. especially the year I got a scootex AND a bike.

Well when Livi gets here it will go by in a flash and it will be like getting a scootex, a bike, an a-la-carte kitchen, a glow-worm & a tiny tears, all in one xmas. And thereafter, the wait will seem like a blink of an eye x

A Scootex AND a bike!!? Wow, you were one lucky little madam! :haha: Don't worry, I felt the same when I set eyes on my pink Raleigh "Prima" racing bike AFTER unwrapping my Spectrum + 3 computer in 1987! What lucky girls we were. I did laugh out loud at the A-La-Carte kitchen analogy - I bloody loved that little red plastic kitchenette although all the food and pans seemed to be lost by New Year as I recall.

I just wish I knew when my Livi Christmas was so I could count the days, hours and minutes. At least we knew when Santa was coming grrrrr.
Jealous of the snow Jo!! Could Euan go in the larger room and just sleep in with LO or you if you have guests?

:hugs: M2A - that must have freaked you out! have you always had bp on the lower side?

:hugs: Rachel - it's hard being so nauseous - hang in there - it should ease by xmas as your placenta should be taking over then :)

Glad you had a fab time Lou - did you see a pram you fancied ?

Lauren - at least your not overdue yet :hugs: Rach put it well ( she's a sentimental sausage :) )

AFM - had our water birth class today - v excited and Ollie seems to have been doing lots of stretches today and sticking his little body out :cloud9:

Also my friend that lost her baby in third tri came back to work today - we had a little talk - she's so brave and while obviously devastated she can talk about what happened with her little boy. She was worried about me feeling awkward and I was worried about her feeling upset being faced with pg people so it was good to speak to her and get that out of the way.
H, well done speaking to your colleague. It must be really hard for her coming back so having people like you will be a real bonus.

Lolly, I did indeed get a Scootex & a bike, couldn't believe it! They should bring back the scootex. We had hours of fun playing chase in the back alleys on our scootexes!!

You trumped me with your Spectrum+3 !! I remember we had a spectrum ZX at one point. The games were tapes that took 20 minutes to load. God life was simple back then.

Helen, are you only 2 fruits to go?
Also, I meant to ask you girlies, how many cup sizes have we all increased so far? I'm trying to work out whats in store and when I should start buying new bras. I'm bursting out my current ones already!
AM a bit scared girls.. Have been leaking fluid since this morning clear, odourless and was concerned so called the midwife.. she told me to monitor it and we would touch base in a few hours.. I started having some mild cramping so called her back. Its constant and does not appear to be like contractions but am going to meet her shortly. She said she will put me on the monitor and look for contractions and also will take some vaginal sterile sample to see if its amniotic fluid... baby seems fine at the moment bouncing around in there.

I am scared that I am going into labour and going to have a baby at 26 weeks.. the hospital I am meeting her at does not have the facility to look after a 26 weeker so i will be transferred if there is any signs of labour. I dont think i am in labour but am a bit scared.. as my midwife seems really concerned.
Good luck Jo - Hoping that it's just discharge and stretching :hugs: you're doing the right thing going in.

I'm up from a EE to GG - and increased back size too - I would go and get fitted - bravissimo do proper fittng.

Yep only 2 fruits - I'm going to be a honey dew melon on Thursday!!

Thinking of you Jo - You're doing the right thing. I know it's hard but try not to worry and keep calm. You'll be in safe hands and they know what they're doing even if you have to be transferred for any reason. Sending lots of love x
Good luck today Jo, you are in safe hands, will be thinking of you today x
Also, I meant to ask you girlies, how many cup sizes have we all increased so far? I'm trying to work out whats in store and when I should start buying new bras. I'm bursting out my current ones already!

Unfortunately, I'm still the same size and wearing my normal bras. I've just invested in a couple of feeding bras (from Mothercare & M&S) and had to go for a much larger rib cage size, if that makes sense. I'm still a B cup but have gone from 34 to 38!!
good luck Jo, let us know how you're getting on. We're all thinking of you xx
Kanga defo go and get measured. You'll probably have to buy a few more sizes aloong the way anyway. I've gone up both back and cup at different times.
Hi Ladies

How are you all - I need to read back pages and pages.

Jo I hope everything is ok - it might just be a bit of leaking and if it is its no problem the amniotic fluid replaces itself so don't worry and keep drinking lots - with me I gushed - I couldn't have believed so much water was in me, my trousers yoga mat back of car seat and then in hospital i soaked through the sheets over and over whilst wearing monstrous pads, my bump halved in size by time I went into labour!!

Rachel sorry you're feeling sick but its all good, reminding you LO is in there, hopefully by xmas you'll be sickness free and can enjoy all the christmas food.

Lolly - I'm sure Livi will be along soon - she'll be getting nice and strong in there, I'm looking forward to logging on and hearing shes arrived!! I realised with me what I thought was Thalia kicking my cervix over and over the few days before my waters broke was actually my cervix starting to soften for birth, have you had any twinges like that?

Helen. I'm glad all is ok with you friend, what difficult situation, I'm crying thinking about what she's going through - I seem to cry a lot at mo!! I hope all is well with your bump - I need to have a proper read through rather than last two pages but I've only got a couple minutes - Thalia is having a brain scan this morning, its routine for all babies born under 32 weeks but I feel sick about it.

Lou, M2A, Em hope all is well with you ladies too and bumps are progressing well. MRs G, any sign of anything happening? Have they said you could be a little early too with your B/C uterus? I'll be looking out for you at Kingston - We'll be there till xmas and prob new year at least.

Dee - if you're reading hope all is okxx

Ladies I'm going to quickly tell you my birth story, it really was the best day of my life despite being 10 weeks early and the terror that came with it. I can't believe how I feel about Thalia - I never knew I could love someone so much.

So I was in my pregnancy yoga class and halfway through at 7.30 i felt some squirts in my underwear - I rushed to loo but there wasn't much there and I just thought normal discharge, at 8 just as we were about to lie down for 15 mins relaxing I gushed - everywhere, I leapt up and said to my friend Della, oh my god something's not right I've got to go, didn't tell anyone else - didn't want a scene. Ran out into the car and phoned Tim, crying and telling him to be at door with pregnancy notes, I leapt into back of car and he drove, poor Tim had to sit on seat soaked in fluid!! I rang hospital to tell them we were on way and they immediately calmed me, told me 29 weeks was no problem these days just relax. Erm, no, I was hysterical.

Anyway we got to hospital - waited an age while they checked me in, then got hooked up to all sorts - baby was fine, soon as I heard that I relaxed a bit. Anyway about 11pm I started getting contractions every 2 minutes - they told me they weren't contractions just tightenings. I said well if these aren't contractions I can't imagine how painful a real one must be. Eventually a consultant appeared- I did have to kick up a fuss for this who agreed I was having contractions and I was taken to a private room, put on a drip to slow them down and maybe stop them and given steroids to help Thalias lungs - I needed the contractions to slow down enough so that I could have another lots of steroids 12 hours later.

So Tim and I were up all wednesday night timing contractions - we heard different stories from each midwife and nurse that came in - some said I might stop contracting altogther and go home for 4 weeks, some said I'd have to stay in for a couple of weeks on the drip but at 6 am the consultant came back and said all that was nonsense and I'd be giving birth that day. The contractions never slowed down to less than 20 mins apart through the night.

I had the second steroid dose and at 12pm on thurs a doctor looked to see how dilated I was - 8 cm!!!! And they'd still been going on about tightenings and not taking it seriously - apart from the consultant who just appeared now and again and contradicted everyone else. Anyway all hell broke loose then with neonatal people coming in and setting up incubators. They did a scan to check Thalias position - she was fully engaged. By 1pm I was fully dilated and contractions were every 10/15 mins - I was off the drip but things were still a bit slow - bloody painful the contractions were. I started on the gas and air at 2, I thought she'd be born at 3 and Tim thought 3.45 - my mum had arrived by now and was in charge of brow mopping, Tim was there for hands to squeeze. I spent all the time up to last 10 mins kneeling on bed gripping the head board, It was how I was most comfy, and sucking on the
gas and air - they took that away once I started pushing - and I had to lie down as she was so small they needed to catch her, She was only just over 3 pounds but I really didn't think I was going to get her out - it took 4 lots of pushings till she appeared - best bit she was screaming. They'd said she wouldn't. She was whisked away so quickly I only got to see her for seconds.

So a lovely natural birth - no stitches, I was really worried as hadn't had any ante natal classes but midwives were amazing and talked me through it all, what breathing to do when etc. Oh God the night I lay there on the drip, the screams Tim and I were hearing from other rooms just put fear of God in us but when we heard the baby cry at the end of each it made us cry every time.

Horrid thing was my placenta didn't come out - so after no pain relief and no stitches I ended up with a spinal anaesthetic and stitches after they had to pull it out manually - they think the premature labour and placenta not coming away all to do with septate uterus. Its all such a blur but if I had my time again I'd do it he same way - just gas and air as I felt totally in control and you do forget about the pain after.

I've still got some placenta inside so being monitored for infections and got another scan in 2 weeks to hopefully find its disolved - otherwise I'm going to have to have an erpc to get it out!!

Anyway Thalia is doing well, she's having my milk only now and been breathing on her own since 2 days old, she's still not back to her birth weight yet but weigh in on thursday. I'm terrified about this brain scan but hopefully it will all be ok. Right I have to express milk - every 3 hours!!! It'll be about 2-3 weeks till they try her at the breast. Can't wait for that. I'm just living for the day she's out of that incubator and then the day we bring her home.

Thanks for reading - bloody long post xxxxxxxxxxxx
Lucy... I was crying reading that! What a scary time. I'm so glad Thalia is doing so well, Devon had a brain scan so I know how worrying they can be, will be thinking of you, she's so beautiful!! Xx
Jo, hopefully it's not amniotic fluid, and just horrible discharge, but you're doing exactly the right thing being checked, will look out for your update xx

I really need to check in more during the weekend, I pop on and there's so many posts, so I apologise if I miss anyone out.
Lauren, I know how you feel watching everyone's babies coming before yours, Jessica was 11 days late! I'm sure Livi's just comfy, hopefully you'll meet her soon, looking forward to reading your homebirth story!! X
M2a, sorry to hear you're not well. Hopefully resting will sort you out xx
Oh Lucy, I was crying with Em reading that! I'm so glad you got chance to post the story for us.

I have been getting what I would describe as little electric shock type "owch" feelings which I've thought were kicks / headbutts in my cervix. Do you think this could be softenings? Other than that, and a painful stitch in my left hand side, nothing. Nada. Zip.

My favourite midwife and her trainee are on duty tomorrow until Friday so fingers crossed!

Sending you lots of love Jo x
Awww, Lauren! I had no sign at all with Jessica until I woke up in the morning with mild contractions the morning I had her, so sometimes there's no warning at all!! Really hope Jo's ok, guess we might hear later with the time difference. I hope so! X
Lucy - wonderful story - very emotional and beautiful - can't wait to see some pics. :hugs: :hugs: :flower:

Yey to cervical softenings Lauren!! :happydance: - I reckon a due date birth for you!

I pm'd The Key to check all was well and she replied this afternoon. I think she'll pop in here to find us and say hello but she seems fine - due 13th December.
Jo hope your ok, sending you lots of love xx

lovely story Lucy, thank you for sharing, soglad Thalia is doing well xxx

rachel I've gone up 2 cup sizes and a back size so far

lauren really hope it's not too long now xx

glad dee is well x
oooo - you're a lemon Lou :)

Glad Dee is well :)

Hope Jo is ok


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