Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Oh Jo - don't know how you coped for 2 weeks!! I feel like poo and couldn't have gotten in to work!!
poor you Jo, hugs xxxx

Enjoy your long break Em! And only one term left, woo hoo. although is it quite a long one this year with late Easter?

I'm leaving work soon!!!!!! Off for 2 weeks. I have an afternoon of last minute shopping to do. Dh wants to go and look at a car to buy, but I find that stuff really boring so may leave him to it

12 weeks today, can't believe it. Sickness still hanging around but its less of an all day hangover now. Next scan on Tuesday, can't wait to see the little one swimming around again

Hope everyone is in the festive mood & have lovely weekends planned xxxxxxxxx
Wow - happy days Rachel!! Def leave oh up to his cars :) Congratulations on 12 weeks!!! :yipee: and a scan for Christmas - how fab!!

AFM : Still poorly - hopefully will throw this off soon!

Had MW appt today - FH is 40! Ollie is head down and 3/5 engaged, his hb is 150bpm, my bp is 130/84 - slightly higher than normal but I am poorly. Have +1 protein in my sample so they have sent it off - fxd it's nothing..

I am sure its nothing, i found last time for me I kept getting traces of protein or +1 at the end and it was never anything to be concerned about. I hope you start to feel better soon, i had a few days off work but totally went in when I shouldn't have too. IN a way it was almost easier at work as at home I was having to look after a toddler instead, so work was the least work if that makes sense.

It totally sounds like Ollie is getting ready well done, are you starting to feel more pressure down there if his head is 3/5 engaged woohoo.

Rach glad the nausea is settling a bit it makes such a difference. Good that you have the 12 week scan to look forward to.

I am happy tonight, its the weekend so 2 days off woohoo. I have such cramping tonight and I remember that from before too, also having lots of braxton hicks so its maybe more the tightning than the cramping thats a bit uncomfy. I weighed myself this morning and have not weighed myself for about 3-4 weeks and i have lost about 5lbs so i have only put on about 8lb in total so far. Better start trying to eat more... I find that when pregnant my metabolism is much faster it works and it doesnt when I am not. Wish I could have a metabolism like this when I want to go on a diet.
PCOS has a lot to answer for Jo!! I dread to think how much I have put on - my bump is huge!!

Still feeling pants - and can't sleep without sending myself in to a coughing fit which is v painful and takes a couple of hours to get over - so am absolutely shattered!!

Finally got some proper snow - it all looks so pretty - and I've got nowhere to go so it's all good snow wise - if only I could be well and enjoy it!!

hi girls, no news Kanga am still waiting. I had a different MW on Monday (40wk appointment) as my usual one is on holiday. She wouldnt give me a sweep said they only give/offer them after 41wks but am sure my usual MW said 40wks for first baby. Anyway whatever, am a little frustrated about waiting, I now have to get used to the fact that my baby may come xmas day which I really didnt want. Hotpink I havent lost my plug yet but I have noticed a little of it come loose and this started around 38wks. When I told my MW she said it would rebuild and it doesnt mean labour is emanate. Hang in there.

ps promise to keep you all posted, hope we'll be able to make it to the hospital in this snow teehee!!
:hugs: Dee - hope it's not xmas day for you - hope it's soon hx
Your right PCOS does have a lot to answer for.

Dee hope we hear some news from you soon.

Had a nice weekend although can't believe that's it over already..I did nothing yesterday, and today went to safeway and also went to a butchers to get some meat for Christmas day and then went to toys r us... I would love to know how much money there store made worldwide in one day incredible.

We were in 2 minds whether to go or not. We had bought everything for him a little fisher price garage and a car mat from us, a cheap scotter thing from parents with some books, and we decided that was enough since he is not even 2 yet. However my aunt sent over $50 for him and Steven's parents sent over $50 so we were not sure whether to keep it or buy stuff for xmas now with it. Anyway at there wishes they want us to buy pressies for Christmas... so we did that. We both had such firm ideas about not spoiling him and giving him too many pressies esp now when he does not even know about it.

Anyway better get on with making dinner. I so don't want to go to work tomorrow morning but at least my countdown mode is continuing...

Hope you all had a great weekend.
Morning ladies,

Jo hope you had a nice dinner last night. How long do they give you off for christmas? Glad you had a nice weekend xx

Helen hope your cold is better this week. How many days to you have left at work?

You enjoying the xmas hols rachel? did you end up leaving oh to the car looking? Scan tomorrow for you, how nice just before christmas!! Hope you had a good weekend x

Dee hope things happen for you before xmas xx

Em hope your ok x

Hope our cyber babies are doing well xx

AFM nice weekend, so nice knowing no work this week. But come down with a cold! hope it's not too bad and can shake it before christmas.
Hi girls, sorry I haven't been here much, been so busy this week, finally done all the Christmas shopping! Paid for the pram, just need to go and get Ollie some clothes and that's everything! Helen, sounds like your Ollie's getting ready to meet you!! How exciting!! Dee, not long now! All these babies!! Can't wait for birth stories and photos!! Jo, make sure you rest over the hols, I did nursing at uni for 2 years before I fell pregnant with Jessica, so i have an idea of the shifts, you all definately work so hard. Try and put your feet up.
Oh no Lou - I caught Jo's cold and now you caught it off me!!!

Jo - it's so hard to know what to do for xmas - like you say at 2 there isn't much point getting loads - I got my nephew ( 15 mths ) a wooden music set and a couple of books ( one is nursery rhymes with a cd ) so it's more educational and should last a while...

Em - good job on the xmas shopping - I felt great once mine was done ( but am sure mine was easier being you already have children!! )

AFM - cold turned to a chest infection but I started antibiotics as soon as I got the burning sensation in my lungs and although I was worried about paracetamol I looked in to it - the worry they have about it is it may stop testicles decending - but that should happen by 35 weeks so I decided to go for it - I don't think I would have coped otherwise - I also had to go for strepsils ( advice seems to be that these are ok ) and I got some vicks spray for my nose - which has become a biological disaster zone - and that is helping - nothing is as good as day nurse tho!!

Ollie's still moving loads so think he's fine in there - Hoping i'm ok for tomorrow / Wednesday as I want to get some crappy nightdresses and towels from matalan for my currently non-existent hospital bag as well as popping in to mothercare for the lovely disposable pants and maternity pads etc etc - really need to pack that bag - I am soooooo disorganised - which is helping make it feel it's going really fast as we are starting to panic that there isn't enough time - 24 days left on my ticker!!

OH is making progress on the nursery - hopefully it'll be painted by Thursday and we can start moving things back in and really clean everything up - I really really want this all done!! I keep thinking about getting a cleaner in for a one off spring clean once all our belongings are back in situ - as it's still feeling overwhelming!!

Dee, hope you're enjoying your last few days, not long now! x

H, what does fh+=40 mean, is that good?! Sounds like Ollie is gearing up for his entrance. Are you feeling better?

Lou, hols ok so far but snowed in so running out of things to do. Making some Nigella red pepper & chilli jam today. Got my Dad coming for 2 nights tomorrow. I'm worried the weather will mena he can't get home. Heaven forbid, 2 days is more than enough with him. Think I will go mad if he gets stuck here!

Godess, sounds like you had a lovely shopping trip. Can't wait til I can do that sort of thing ;)

Think I am going to get the flu jab this week, will ask about it at the hospital tomorrow. I really hope the scan goes well. It normally takes an hour to get there in rush hour, think we will have to set off 3 hours early in this weather!

Hugs to all our CCM & CCB's xxxxxxxx
wow, triple simultaneous post!

Helen, I think feeling less organised is good sometimes, it makes you focus! You can probably nail all the bag stuff in an afternoon, enjoy. So sorry its developed in a chest infection, rubbish. Am sure the antibios will do their job soon and you'll be feeling perkier.

Pink, I share your excitement. I'm exicted for all the babies too, its all so real now, our lives are changing. Are you claling your little one Oliver too, I love the name, v cute xxxxxxx
your fundal height should be there or there abouts the number of weeks that you are - I have always been 2 weeks ahead on my FH but now apparently am 40 weeks according to my FH even tho Ollie's engaged - was too tired and ill to bring it up with MW on Friday but might call them tomorrow to check I shouldn't be concerned ( as I previously had too much amniotic fluid... )

Good luck for your scan - and getting there!!

Hope your Dad's visit is just the perfect length :)

Rach, yes, we both love the name Oliver!!! Has anyone else thought of any names?? Had an eventful day today, first Jessica's school had a gas leak so had to rush to pick her up, then I went to see my mw, mentioned I had not felt Ollie move as much. She checked and I also had protein in my urine so was sentvto the hospital for monitoring. Had a scan to check fluid and placental blood flow and was fine. He then started moving so I felt silly! I have a anterior placenta which may be why I couldn't feel as much. He's also breech, sat on his bottom!! Just glad he's ok. Xx
Glad all was well x

Names ... we pretty much picked Ruben for out 2nd pg. I am convinced this one is a boy but not sure I want Ruben now. I really like Thalia (not going to steal it ;) ) so would be interested to find out more names like that, quite unusual but pretty, my baby name book only has traditional names however. Ideas welcome!
I like Ruben, especially spelt like that. Thalia is beautiful, I'd never heard it before Lucy's baby! We picked Devon because it was not that common, and I still love it, it suits him. We always get asked if he was conceived there, or if this baby will be called Cornwall :-/ Jessica and Oliver aren't unusual, we just liked them!! My brother called his daughter Seraphine, and my other niece is Adelaide!! Unusual! X
I knew a Thalia in Uni.

Girls names I like :


Boys - we had real problems - the only one we liked was Oliver - although we liked Oscar but couldn't have it for a particular reason...

Glad all is well em! Xxx

we like morgan and rose for a girl. Also lexi, but Morgans was our hotel in new York on the start of the cycle we concieved so has a little meaning.

Boys names so far Boston, Denver, Riley, Finn, leon, Eli and Austin. Was thinking of Morgan for boy too but not sure if more femine

I bought a book frommothecare 400000 baby names - has some unusual ones in there and some that made me giggle!
Lovely names!! I don't think Morgan is just feminine, at Jessica's nursery there was a little boy called Morgan! X

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