Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Awww, rach, I remember feeling that way, in between scans and movement. Try not to worry, easier said than done I know. My downs risk was 1:100000 so low again. I've had a busy day, had a consultant appointment today, can come off the aspirin!! Was v scary though, consultant and nurse took about ten mins to find Oliver's heartbeat, we were all worried till he finally found it. :-( he's still breech, so I bought a birthing ball today to use to try and turn him. Jess and Devon are both Ill with a stomach bug too, so it's not been much fun. I had my flu jab today too.
Anyway, sorry for the rant girls!! Hope you've all had a great Christmas and a happy new year!!! Xx
Awww, rach, I remember feeling that way, in between scans and movement. Try not to worry, easier said than done I know. My downs risk was 1:100000 so low again. I've had a busy day, had a consultant appointment today, can come off the aspirin!! Was v scary though, consultant and nurse took about ten mins to find Oliver's heartbeat, we were all worried till he finally found it. :-( he's still breech, so I bought a birthing ball today to use to try and turn him. Jess and Devon are both Ill with a stomach bug too, so it's not been much fun. I had my flu jab today too.
Anyway, sorry for the rant girls!! Hope you've all had a great Christmas and a happy new year!!! Xx
Rachel maybe its worth paying for a private scan, its a long time to worry until your next one and till they an hear the heartbeat for sure. I feel so bad for you we have all been there and we all know how you feel.

Emma - sorry that you had such a crappy time trying to find Ollie's HB our babies like to keep us scared don't they and I really hope that the birthing ball gets him turned, did they say they would section you if he stays breech.

Lou - what did you see at the cinema?

I got away at 12 today so it was very nice and went shopping, had lunch and came home via the video shop.. Steven is working tonight until 3am so I will be home alone on new years eve so thought i would get some dvds out. I have 6 that we can watch over the next few days. I am about to watch a girlie trasher called Easy A and then I am going to go to bed and watch a documentary called Babies it looks fab its basically a look at the first year of 4 babies from 4 corners of the world,Mongolia, USA, Europe somewhere and Africa so I am really looking forward to that one.

Had a few hours there that I thought I might be going into labour, you would think that having done it before it would be easy but no.... having pretty intense BH and never really had them first time around till the very end.

Anyway Happy New Year everyone! Its funny to think the rest of us will be having babies this year.
Rach I meant to say you are low risk of downs... this time my risk is so low that i don't even remember taking notice of the number but I was 1:350 with Euan and I worried about it a bit but all was well.
DH is at work so just catching up with some stuff. Hope your all having a good day. Am watching wall street on dvd which is not too bad so far although thought it would be crap.

The BH continued last night for about 5-6 hours and even though deep down I knew it was just intense BH I was starting to get a bit worried and was close to calling the MW when I fell asleep. Woke up today and have a few periodic ones but nothing like last night.
Jo, if you're not sure you should maybe ask for advice? I've never had bh that last 5-6 hours before...maybe just get it checked out?? X
Jo - I would get that checked out - I know how you feel - Ollie's been having a quiet day yesterday - OH has gone to the supermarket just now so I've asked him to get a couple of cold cokes so I can do a 2 hour kick count - if he's still quiet I will be going in.

Haven't told OH ( as he's prone to stressing and stressing about the kick count is enough at the mo ) but woke up this morning with mild period pain - in back and tum so will see if that develops in to anything. Could do with a few more days really - we're getting there but not there just yet - if I could get to Wed /Thursday I am sure we would be in a much better position - although I've probably jinxed myself into going overdue!!!

Em - have heard going on all 4's or the "polar bear" position - where you go on all 4's but then go down at the front so your bottom is in the air - are all good for turning Ollie :)

Thanks girls for your concern but I am pretty sure they were BH, had a few yesterday and a few today so far but just little ones here and there. So I am pretty sure its nothing, baby is moving around like mad. If it happens again like that I will call my midwife, I see her next week again so will be sure to mention it.

Helen - hope baby stays in there for a few more days so you feel more prepared. I am sure the cold coke will do it. I remember though last time at your stage I didnt feel Euan move much at all, he was engaged and there just is not a lot of room left. When I did feel him move I realy had to concentrate as it was small movements at the end. I am sure everything is totally fine.
It did work - still smaller movements but a few stronger ones this evening - until New Years Eve they were exceptionally strong - he has had quiet days the since I've felt regular movement but I'm prob more paranoid now....

Hi everyone,

happy new year. Sorry i haven't been on for ages. There really is no time to do anything these days. Mr "no name" is in my arms and Im trying to catch up before his next feed. We have to name him by Wednesday, I cant believe thats him 6 weeks.

Hope he comes when you are all sorted Helen but hemight have is own agenda!!

Keep an eye on the BH goddess, I never had any so have no idea what they feel like.

Rach I used to get that feeling all the time. Don't feel bad about it, just be sure to get it checked it.

Helen, if you're reading this and want to catch up let me know. I'm not sure how to message on this thing.

By the way girls, Im on facebook (Toni Gilmour) if anyone wants. Hope dee is managing, she must have had the wee one by now and Lauren hope you aren't having too many sleepless nights!
Toni! 6 weeks! Wow! And still no name!! Have you decided yet? Glad you're all doing well. I'll add you on Facebook today x
Toni, can't believe its nearly 6 weeks already, time really flies. So glad everything is going great for you 3, good luck picking your name!

H, glad the kick count was good. Any signs of labour yet?

Has everyone signed up for nct classes? I got my invite to sign up today. Its £200 for 4 sessions which seems a lot! Did people join nct or not bother? I don't know if there are any advantages of signing up.
I joined NCT and thought it was worth it. Its really nice to get to know a group of girls locally with babies all the same age. Im supposed to be meeting them today for a catch up so from that perspective I think its worth it. When I was struggling with feeding I was able to contact one of the local BF counsellors and have a chat which helped.

They have lots of info on labour and stuff which you probably know about but not a lot about after the birth when you get the baby home. I would certainly recommend it though..x
Hi Toni! Glad to hear you and your LO is doing well. 6 weeks already!!

Helen hope Ollie stays put for a few more days for you. Glad the cold coke worked and got him moving.

Em fxed that Ollie turns for you, any luck with the birthing ball so far?

Rachel i haven't joined up yet, DH doesn't want to go to them, so feel silly going alone. May just do NHS ones, then maybe join the NCT after birth classes if there is one at the right time. How are you feeling?

Jo glad the BH eased off for you. Any films you've watched over the weekend you would reconmend?? We went to see little fockers at the cinema.

AFM enjoying a day with DH, playing donkey kong on the wii. He is now making me proper chips and cajun chicken!! Dreading going back to work on Wednesday, going to put count down on my wall at work!
lou, cinema, we went to see The Way Back( good until half way through when it gets boring!! - wouldnt recommend) and also Megamind (great! - we were the only people in there without children :blush:). How was Fockers? I may go and see it later this week. DH wants to see 137 days - the one where the climber chops his own arm off - I'm not sure I can stomach it.

i signed up to the nct classes. I didn't bother joining the actual nct though as I'm not sure what you get for your membership. You seem to be abeel to go to all their events without being a member.

1st day back at work today and I'm sat at my desk looking on bnb. Oh dear.
Hi rachel! Fockers was good - not as many laughs as first two, but still good. Maybe might go and see megamind then! ooo not sure i could stomach arm being chopped off, i'd have to hide behind something! How are you today?

Last day off for me, back tomorrow - dreading it really, hope the term goes really fast. Got 4 parents evenings in a row each week starting next week so going to be shattered! Only in for a bit on thursday as got scan.

Need to help please - i'm buying my bedding and nursery stuff this week (just surfing and finding best places at mo) how many flat sheets, fitted sheets, blankets/fleeces should i get? I know for us we just have 2 sets, but would 2 sets be enough for baby?
I only had 2 sets of bedding for Euan and it seemed to be enough. However i had him next to me in my bedroom until he was about 5 months old so he was just in a little bassinet, so we had about 4-5 bassinet fitted sheets.

Toni will look for you on facebook too, tomorrow is the big day for naming looking forward to hearing all about it.

Has anyone heard from Dee?

Back at work and have been up and awake since 3.30 am, still having lots of BH but a few friends told me 2nd time around for them they had loads too and early on even though there babies never arrived for some time.

Lou - none of the dvd's I watched over the weekend were worth seeing really apart from one called Easy A, its a total girl trasher movie set in a high school but it was entertaining and babies was fab! The movie 139 days is supposed to be really good, its a Danny Boyle movie, I have not seen it but I read the book its a true life story and pretty amazing really.
Hey Ladies

Don't think I could cope with the cinema at the mo - I don't think I could handle that 127 hours either - cheerful stuff for me please!! I watched the new Alice in Wonderland on Sky and that was fab!!

I got 4 sheets and 6 cellular blankets - they advise against fleeces apparently - I got gro bags for the spring.

Sorry to everyone back in work :hugs:

AFM - have decided to sleep on the sofa from now - it is so painful in bed - I have been coming down in the middle of the night as I wake up in agony - the sofa for some reason is much more comfy - will have to sort a plastic sheet out for the sofa now....

I saw the first half of Alice too Helen, but turned it off as I got scared. That said, I can't watch Gremlins as its too scary (or Dumbo as too sad).

Sorry you are on the sofa now. At least you can get a last bit of all night telly watching in before he arrives. Any signs yet/show?

Work was ok today. I've got to set my objectives for the year this week. That will be interesting! My objective is to lay low and go on maternity leave in May!
Just the odd period style pain - not v painful tho. And I can feel pressure on my cervix occasionally. And getting the odd tightening. But no patterns or anything. Not going to stress - I know that I'll have him by the end of the month - obviously sooner rather than later but we still have bits to do so keeping distracted.

The only annoying thing is I am getting v immobile now - getting up is a chore!!! And I am very tired - but that may have been from being ill!!

I cry at Dumbo - I cry at most films - am a bit soppy!! But am cool with horror and scary films - when not pg tho - it's a bit too much for me at the mo :)


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