Cycle Buddies March 6 CD1 Going to get those Christmas Babies!!

Well, I haven't seen my sil since new years day and she still wasn't 12 weeks then. Well after trying to avoid her because I thought I'd be seething with the green eye monster because she was pg...I bumped into her in and hubby tonight and she is massive!!! Well bump very noticable...but since my sil is such a sweet girl...I couldn't be jealous of her. Her and hubby are so nice that we stood talking for ages. So got to get my ass over to hers next week as she is getting her 20 weeks scan.

Its great that you're happy for your SIL.
My friend and her now 7 week old baby are doing fine but everytime I see them a little bit of excitement dwindles.
Its like they're having all the 'moments' and there'll be none left for me.... they're experiencing it all... and my expereince won't be so special 'cos I've seen it all before with them.
I kind of want to shut the world out and not see any babies 'till its my own!
Is that weird?

Oh - and talking about being looney tune.... I cried in Sainsburys last night.
God it was so embarassing...
We walked past a mum and her very young baby in a buggy. The baby had a little sick on its chin and she rushed round to it saying "oh... have you been sick darling?"
I just burst into tears!

No hun your are not being weird...I think that was what I was doing with my sil and her friend (who is about 22-23 weeks), I just wanted to shut myself away from them until I can say "I'm pg" too. But of course I couldn't dodge both of them...and I am also more aware of pg women...I see loads of them now!!!!
will chat later of out to enjoy the sunshine, but can i just say im sooooooooooo bored of waiting for ovulation now :hissy:
Claire...I do think this is the hardest part of the cycle...I said this last month too. I know people hate the dreaded 2WW but I think you have something to keep you occupied...the symptoms spotting...the obsession of charting (well me anyway) and during the get down and dirty week before the fun of chatting about it and the laughs you all get when I break my DHs winkie...:laugh2:

Well, hope you have a nice time in the sunshine. xx
It is so hard seeing other pregnant women, or people with babies! Our friends that had a baby we visited once, and I feel bad but its hard! And I said to her.....Your lucky it didn't take you long to get pregnant, and you know what she said???
"Well, kinda. It took 4 long WEEKS!! Oh you poor girl! Right, thats gotta be rough.

2 dpo today, and last night I felt my luteal phase cyst, so i know I didn't miss O.....other then that, this is borning.
Hello everybody, haven't been around for a while as seem to have got out of cycle sync with you gals given my (increasingly) long cycles.

I'm completely confused today as I am now on CD35 (normal cycle 30 days, 32 last month) and up until today have felt completely and utterly pg - no PMT this month, nipples that have taken on their own life, aching (.)(.)s with stabby pains now and again, feeling sick, v thirsty - all convincingly like how I felt when pg in 2007.

So, with all this in mind I did a CB digi on Wednesday (CD31) which was -ve but I was still completely and utterly convinced. Have been having v mild cramps and funny sort of dragging abdo pain but again, was convinced this was all positive and that over the course of the next week or so I'd get my BFP.

Anyway, I go to the loo about an hour ago and there's pinkish sort of blood on the loo paper. Went back ten minutes later and there's more. Have rooted myself to sofa since for fear of going back again. Keep prodding (.)(.)s to check they're still sore as normally this pain vanishes minute AF arrives - think they are.

Does anyone have any clue as to what might be going on? Don't know whether I have just totally and utterly misread signs/gut instinct and am having a blip of a month or whether things were okay and are going wrong or whether I am right and this is just a little quirk of it all.

Feel like I'm going mad!!!
jmac, you may want to consider temping if you want to avoid the stress. I had this happen to me a few times this winter, where my cycle was delayed off my average of 29 days and I felt convincingly pregnant. After I started temping, I realized travel and stress could delay my ovulation and therefore, my AF. Temps show you when you ovulation, then count your luteal phase, and predict your AF. In this case your O may have been delayed this month - hence why you are late. The other options was you were very early pregnant, and if you were temping, your temps would have stayed high for two or three days past your luteal phase and then started dropping and then the :witch: which would show an early miscarriage.

Unfortunately we can't look back now. But I am VERY sorry the :witch: got you. It is the worst disappointment in the world.
Thanks Snugglebot. Think you're right about temping - I have purposefully tried to avoid temping and ov kits etc to try and keep things as 'natural' and relaxed as poss as I'm an obsessive when I start (but then you might have kind of guess that by now and I guess we're all the same hence why we're

Feel like time is marching on and I need to be doing more so I think I'll make my way to Boots tomorrow for a thermometer and a load of sticks to pee on.

Starting to feel less disappointed and upset now and get my head focussed on this being CD1...again...
Hi jmac I would recommed ordering opks on the net the ICs would be out of a fortune buying them from Boots...I did however get my thermo from Boots with a booklet to record my temps in...however I am using FF to record them so if you want a cheaper thermo why not visit BabyMad on ebay or they do have their own website. They probably have an offer on opks and thermo together. They also deliever quickly. However, the difference with the Boots and Babymad thermo is that Boots remembers you temp when you switch it off until the next temp you take. Quite hardy if you wake up sleepy and can't remember you temp. Babymad one does do that but I always seem to remember my temp even if I fall back to sleep. I had to get a new thermo because the batteries in my boots one was dying...and they say you can't replace the batteries.
jmac, sorry it sounds like :witch: on the way xx i would recommend getitng sum opk tests of ebay as sumtimes if i ovulate a day or 2 late i know not to get excited when my period is a day or 2 late as well and it helps me know when im 'late' or expected to be cos i havent ever been late haha but i hope u know what i mean lol x
Welcome back Jmac, sorry about the :witch: i wish it was easier then this but it isn't. I don't use opk's but I agree with the rest, if you are having some kind of irregular cycles, then they may be the best thing for you, or temping. Good Luck hun, start CD 1 and you can join us in getting those x-mas babies.
Hey the form tonight.

Well for those of you on this side of the world and who are already mums...Happy Mothers Day for tomorrow...are you doing anything nice?
Well i think i have breakfast in bed after my lie in!! and then will see what happens, Hope OH has bought a card for my daughter to give me :)

Aw lovely... My OH brought me coffee + toast in bed and I'm not even a mummy yet!

We didn't have :sex: last night 'cos we were so tired - so we did it this morning instead - and I didn't want to get up in-case any dribbled out!
cazd, so glad you got sum :sex: this morning instead wooooo!! nearly ovulation time for you!!

I got my card and breakfast in bed as well as flowers :)
holy s**t


im not sure but

i think i see a BFP! faint..but there.

Hi! Can I join in? My CD1 was march 7th, now CD16 of potentially erratic cycles, althou think am about to enter the dreaded 2WW from the OPK's I got today.
FX'ed to everyone
samzi really oh mi gosh WOOOOOO how many days past ov are you? we all knew you were preggers anyway lol ;)

mum2bewaiting course you can join, i hope the 2ww isnt to stressful for you xxx
how is everyone. hi mum2bewaiting.

had a college reunion last night and i drank water all last night, all everyone asked was why are you drinking water. i was dying to say well i'm on my 2ww. so that they would shut up and never ask another woman again, but my OH just said tell them about the op i had. which was nearly worse as they all looked at me like i was some poor little puppy. i could just see it in their eyes, oh there they are struggling to conceive. then one of the group told me that they conceived on the first month of trying, not something your really want to hear.although i'm delighted they have a baby.

my scar is pretty sore today, so i'm feeling kinda grumpy so sorry guys.
hope you are all well. fabulous sunshine here so hopefully it will last.

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