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Cycle Buddies March 6 CD1 Going to get those Christmas Babies!!

gumb69 awwww no im so sorry :( isnt it pretty early to spot though? day 21? couldnt it be implantation

aHHHHHHHHHH. now i'm confused.
no i definately think:witch: is coming.
no sore boobs. no yellow lumpy CM or whatever it is. plus probably tmi but i always get a little spot on my chin around the time when :witch: comes, and this morning, yep, you guessed it a little spot on my chin. :hissy:
:hissy::hissy::hissy: :witch: is coming and there is no god damn stopping her.
Oh no! Stupid :witch: - its such a horrid thing when you just know shes on her way.

Claire... sounds like your timings perfect! Get it now and again in a couple of days and you'll be asking santa for pampers!!!

Conswayla - I'm lacking symptoms too - its annoying 'cos it makes the 2ww seem like forever!

Sorry I won't be joining you with your :bfp: this time round....
I've just updated my journal with a tonne of PMA for cycle 4.
I'm full of renewed vigour for TTC and can't wait to put CD1 in the diary... :yipee:
Claire - well at least you got some bd so if you did ovulate in the middle of the night that's great timing! I am still deeply suspicious of those OPKs.... but hope you work out where you are!

Gumb - sorry to hear of :witch: impending visit - if you're sure she's on her way then grab some of Caz' renewed vigour - that's what I'm doing! Still a bit sad and I think I will be until AF buggers off again - but it's kind of comforting to think yeah! CD2 already! Looking forward to feeling those ovary twinges again, hopefully at my usual time this month.
And Caz - if you're sure about the lack of BFP, then you've def got the right attitude for forthcoming CD1!

Conswayla - hope you're having fun this weekend and managing not to think about symptoms etc (in fact, I hope you're not reading this, for that very reason!)

Heavenly - hope all the bd pays off this month!

Found my thermometer! Was wrapped up in a heap of bedding, waiting to be washed. It's all drama in this house, don't you know.
thanks for all the kind words.

Cazd, you never know. do you have 10 days till testing, is your ticker correct?

Belle, glad you found your thermometer

Claire, i agree, i reckon you have covered yourself.

Irish Eyes where are you in your cycle?

Ok so it's PMA all the way. Roll on Cycle 11. xx
gumb69, do you normally spot so early hun?

Irish how u getting on with ya BDing

cazd i still think u have a great chance this month even if you dont want it lol

Conswayla hope ur having a nice wkend and keeping your mind of the symptoms xx

belle yea day 2 already it will go quickly before u know it, it will be time to get busy :sex:
Ladies my BDing is zlinch...had a massive arguement with DH last night and of course all this ttc was brought up too...he is not going for his SA...everything is so chemical...did I ask if he wanted a kid...blah blah. We are talking now but to be honest I am not holding my breath for bding or a xmas baby now. I am due to O on Tuesday and I have had zlinch :sex:.
Awww Irish im so sorry, men can be so stubborn and hurtful, it took me ages for my OH to get his SA i think they get scared that there could be a problem with there 'super sperm' im so sorry hope you work things out and manage to get sum before ov, remember you only need 1 xxx
Gumb, its early for :witch: isn't it? Maybe its implantation! I am sorry if it is :witch: though :cry:

Irish, sorry things are not going that great for you right now hopefully you will be able to have some make-up :sex:!

Cazd hun, your not out yet!

Well I snuck on here cause I can`t stay away....9dpo and my back is aching a bit,
( . ) ( . )`s are def sore now, and last night my moods starting swinging....all very normal for this time of the month! I think that I may just be out....CM has pretty much dried up some, there were loads of it up until 7dpo and then 8dpo it stopped. No cramping nothing out of the norm. Oh well....
Gumb, its early for :witch: isn't it? Maybe its implantation! I am sorry if it is :witch: though :cry:

Irish, sorry things are not going that great for you right now hopefully you will be able to have some make-up :sex:!

Cazd hun, your not out yet!

Well I snuck on here cause I can`t stay away....9dpo and my back is aching a bit,
( . ) ( . )`s are def sore now, and last night my moods starting swinging....all very normal for this time of the month! I think that I may just be out....CM has pretty much dried up some, there were loads of it up until 7dpo and then 8dpo it stopped. No cramping nothing out of the norm. Oh well....

:hissy: nooooo :( :( hey come on you never know, dont go giving up on us just yet xx
i've missed loads since i was gone

Irish Eyes sorry to hear about the argument. i'm sure you will make up. Are you any good at making yourself cry, i know that's bad,but it always works. Men are suckers for tears.

Conswayla, it still sounds promising. Do you (.) (.)normally get sore this time of the month.

As for the spotting it's kinda stopped. way TMI so sorry, but it's like a brown discharge. i normally get a bit of a brown discharge about day 23-24 but this is my first proper :witch:since the op, so i'm not sure. i'm still trying to symptom spot, but NONE, i'm even trying to make them up, but nope nothing.

cazd, i'd say you are still in for the christmas bundle
gumb its hard to say since its the 1st after your op but it could still be implantation bleed

well ive decided im not going to get anything tonight my opk is still negative and i have no twinges or anything in my ovary i dont want to wear him out now incase i ovulate on day 16 or sumthing i doubt it will be tomorow or my opk would be dark by now, oh i dont know im totally baffled this has never happend to me before. My opk is always dark by now
Claire I hope you work out what's going on - but as you said you may have ovulated already and just missed your surge, or you may have got a duff batch of opks! In which case your timing would have been good anyway.

Well girls I think I'm going to take a break from bnb for a bit - I want to keep a clear head for this month and I think I'm becoming slightly obsessive! (it's in my nature anyway!) Plus I'm going to be super busy at work this week, so I don't want you girls thinking I'm rude for not checking in to find out how you're all doing.

Claire - i'll still sign in to the other wotsit every so often, and you're welcome to drop me an e-mail! In fact anyone is - and Claire has my details!

Wishing you all the very best of luck - for your Christmas babies or your New Year ones! Thanks for all the support and giggles

xxxx :hug:
hi ladies. no change for me yet and im due AF on tue/wed afaik.
Hello all. Just catching up with the goings-on 'till the F1 kicks off at 1.
Belle - I think we've all tried to step away from B&B but it always draws us back in the end... like some secret addiction !

Irish - its poo that you've argued so close to ov. Hope it helped bring stuff to the open..
Claire... I ovd on CD16 this month so Keep going!
Gumb - Sounds like implantation to me !!! :yipee:

Conswayla...I've got practically no new symptoms either - the same pre-AF stuff really....
except for the CM is back with vengence... creamy, blobby but still annoyingly white!

Well.. my new due date is January 14th... With my new plan of action I think that's my fate. I can just imagine being heavily PG at Xmas.
We've just bought tickets to see Omid Djalilis last performance as Fagin in Oliver - in December so being heavily PG for that could be fun!
Belle i totally understand what you mean sumtimes i think i need a break from B&B but i just love it so much haha but i do stick to this and my jouranl and thats it. Ill chat with you on msn when i see you online xxxxx

Ok so my drama continues i dont think i have ov yet....ha

My batch of opk are a duff pack i went shopping this morning and picked sum more expensive ones up from tesco and i used the same wee sample and put the tesco one and the IC one in for same amout of time The IC has no line on it and the tesco one as soon as it touched the wee has a super strong 2nd line darker than contol line. So im glad i BD last night after all it wasnt even for the baby making we were just in the mood haha. So Hollie is at a party all day so i think i might get sum afternoon :sex: in as well and then i can just be normal and go to sleep tonight haha

Hope everyone is doing ok, cazd i still have a niggly feeling this could be your month ;)
the forum is definately addictive.keep in touch Belle xx
Claire. good job you got new packs. you have def covered yourself and at least you were relaxed last night. this could be your month. x
Wow claire - that's an amazing difference!
oooh - so what... OV should happen in the next 12 hours is it?
If so - the soldiers should be ready and waiting for the egg to pop!

It is weird - 'cos I've just lost the buzz for TTC this month - but at the same time I'm super-relaxed and just getting on with it.
Hmmm - "don't try so hard and it'll happen" - where have I heard that before!!

Anyway... we dtd 2 days before OV so the chances are reduced... but part of me is still hoping that it happened and I'll have a nice surprise on the 6th April.
Cazd.two days before ov sounds good. Can't :spermy: live up to 5 days in the right env. plus you were relaxed and not in the crazy ttc mode that we are all in.
Well I thought that they could set-up camp for up to 5 days.
But then the great sperm race showed how old, dead sperm kills off new alive sperms.
Oh I don't know... 2 days pre OV isn't that bad really... There's a good chance that I've got a little bun growing. Hmm... when's implantation? 5 days after ov?
OK - I'll be checking for spotting tomorrow then!

SEE ! I am relaxed - the most relaxed I've been about TTC but I'm still obsessing about SS !

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