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Cycle Buddies March 6 CD1 Going to get those Christmas Babies!!

cazd i actually think 2 days before is a really good chance as well on everything i have read its the few days leading up to ovulation is the most fertile. And even on the great sperm race it said once they get to the tube its like :spermy: heavan and can live in there for days :) and yes the 'dont try and it will happen saying' how many times have i heard that one ha!

I still dont have any ov pain i think it will happen tomorow but got sum more today so deffo think im covered if i try get sum tomorow night as well, omg what happend to this 3 sessions thing...well if i knew when i would ovulate i would have done 3 but the days change round every month so its hard to time it right.

gumb any more spotting?
this is way tmi sorry.it's only after i pee. slight brownish. again TMI:blush: i feel wet, so i def think :witch: is coming. aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Claire, that sucks that you are having trouble finding O this month, I am sure you are covered though.

Belle, hope to see you on here again soon, take care!

Cazd, its a good sign that you got CM back!! I still think you are in this month too.

Everything with me is normal, not a thing out of place for :witch: to come. But I know it ain't over yet!
gumb - don't fret... I'm feeling like AF is here too and I'm only 4dpo.
My CM is white but there's lots of it and its quite blobby.
V jealous of your brown stuff.... I'll be checking for that in earnest from now on!
Oooh - what a fab distraction for the 2WW. I'm selling some stuff on ebay and its all a bit new to me but I love watching the bids go up. Got a brand new Jigsaw bag due to sell in 15 minutes with 29 watchers!!
Gonna scour the house for other stuff I can sell. That should be a nice distraction for the next week!
Ebay's fab!! I have just got my mother hooked!!!

Well, am sorry it has been long time no chat but though wuld try and catch up... so here goes (sorry if I miss anyone...)

Cazd and Conswayla, everything sound god so fx'ed for u both, I am on 8dpo today so shall be testing about the same time, but may try a sneaky test on 1st April as I quite fancy that!! :rofl: All my temps and symptoms seem quite good this month, with FF giving me quite good odds :happydance:

Sorry to hear about ur arguement Irish, hope it has all settled down over the weekend, my DH just gets incoherent after a few and then snores and then isn't very happy that i have to wake him so that I can get some sleep... MEN!!!:hissy:

Gumb, as many people have told me, it ain't over til the :witch: arrives full force :hugs:

Claire, it just goes to show that 'science' doesn't really help us understand our bodies. If :witch: arrives for me this month I think that I will onlty temp for a few months as f anything I am more aware of my body now, and am really not sure what the temps are telling me as am not convinced they are particularly accurate

Hope everyone has had a good weekend
:witch: is in full flow.:hissy::hissy::hissy: i'm holding out for Jan 09 now.
Ladies i'm holping all/one of you will get your christmas baby.
she is early ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i didn't even get to do a test.
i think i'm delirious i mean Jan 2010, or maybe 20never at this rate.
gumb so sorry :( i think its probs cos of your operation that things have got a bit messed up!! good luck for next month, i know it doesnt feel like it but after such a big operation its probs best your body gets a few more weeks healing anyway xxx
so sorry gum :hugs:

i am still feeling so shit! i really am. my nose is all red and sore now too :(:(
well i had a bit of brown cm this morn so think :witch: on her way :(
Oh no! You'll feel even worse if that :witch: is here to stay. So sorry about that :hugs:

Well... I feel a bad now 'cos I came online to share at bit of PMA (soz)

My BBT dipped this morning.... 5 dpo!

It dipped at the same time last month but not the month before.
(and I'm pretty sure I had a chemical last month judging by the sheer mahusive size of AF globs...mmm nice mental image for your monday morning!)

So... I'm now convinced that implantation is happening.
I've got a liner in place and I'll be checking for spotting today and tomorrow.
If I get any spotting at all then I'm PG - 'cos I don't get any kind of breakthrough whatsoever between AFs.

Symptom Spotting in its Truest Sense!!!

I'll take my baby asprin now and cross my fingers.

I've even changed my avatar to try and build my Xmas spirit !
well i went to the loo and its changed into slightly orange cm. what the :huh:
:happydance::happydance::happydance: cazd!!!! i knew it :rofl:

samzi that sounds good!! :) lets hope its your BFP!! :happydance:

Ok well im totally pissed of and im deffo temping next month :hissy:

Have another positive opk today darker than control line cp feels high open but not as soft feels like its hardening and my cm is white creamy and tons of it i also have horrid lower back pain what i get around a week before AF due, but i have had no ovulation pains (bearing in mind the past 2 years since i had my right ovary out i have never gone a month without ovulation pain) where is the frigging egg!! I am deffo temping next month. Im so sick of this.
I reckon ov happened the night you dreamed it ! What CD was that?
But you've been BDing right through so you were covered for that day right?

Well I've got a revolting totally TMI question for you...

I just went to the loo and guess what.... Yellow CM !!!
(Honestly - if I hadn't been on the loo already I defo would've wet myself :rofl:)
But... that was on my liner. I had a good old root around and could only find white blobs.
so does that mean that its just white cm that's gone off ?
Or is that what everyone gets... they think its yellow but its just old white stuff?

I do get blobby CM in my 2ww so maybe this isn't anything unusual - Maybe I'm only seeing it 'cos I've got a liner on...?
yea maybe its more visable cos of the liner, i think yellow CM is pretty common as long as it doesnt smell bad lol

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