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Cycle Buddies March 6 CD1 Going to get those Christmas Babies!!

yeyyy samzi

cazd i dont know if i just dreamt the pain or not that night and if i did ov then wouldnt the opk be getting lighter? its twice as dark as control line.
Ok well im totally pissed of and im deffo temping next month :hissy:

Can't believe you've left temping for so long! Not only is it fun to track BBT - but it tells you when AFs due - so its less of a blow when she shows.
Oh - but it is sooo annoying when you forget!
yeyyy samzi

cazd i dont know if i just dreamt the pain or not that night and if i did ov then wouldnt the opk be getting lighter? its twice as dark as control line.

:dohh: Yeah... your bodys being weird !!! Is double OV possible?
felt really sick earlier. ooh is it wrong to be thinking :bfp: :bfp:?!
Cazd & Samzi, think loads of PMA, i've a feeling that you will both be getting :bfp: this month :happydance::happydance:

it all sounds very promising.

Claire i think i'm going to temp next month as well. i'll buy myself a basal thermometer.

one more thing,probably a dumb question. what is baby asprin? is that progesterone. i was on google, probably a stupid idea. it was saying that low progesterone causes most m/c, and that after ov all women should take progesterone. did i read it all wrong, if not can someone tell me. cos i'm going for my Jan 2010 baby big style now. This was a v short cycle for me so all being well i'll get my smiley face in 8 days time telling me i'm getting ready to ov again.

i hope :witch: stays away for you all. :hug:
samzi not wrong at all yeyy

cazd haha my body is being very weird! i was just afraid that if i did my temp it would push me over the edge of being obsessed also i get up at differnt times every day and sumtimes i dont sleep well if hollie playing up or whatever so i didnt know if it would be accurate. And when i went on the FF website i was baffeld by it all lol
Well I suppose I'm lucky that I get up between 7 and 8 (depending on how lazy we're feeling) and I don't get many disturbances during the night. But... if you get a digital thermom then you could take your temp at some ungodly hour and just leave it 'till your up to read it - they all have a memory so you can recall the last temp taken.
Got mine from superdrug for a fiver and its been fab. but I hear you can get 2 decimal point ones that come with little booklets to record your temps in.

I'd definitely recommend it - OK maybe it is a little obsessive but its just fab seeing your temp spike after ov!

Baby Asprin is just that... a smaller dose of Asprin - to slightly thin the blood. Excess clotting in the first few weeks can cause m/c. So I've been taking 1 tablet everyday post ov. Its the only thing I can think of to reduce risk of m/c. I didn't remember to take it every day last month but I've put the bottle with my other tablets - Pregnacare, Sanatogen and Omega3 so I don't forget in the evenings.

I'd be curious to find out more about the progesterone thing though?

I'm kicking myself for not being more insistent with myself and OH to eat more healthily this year. Its been 3 months and we could be in tip top nutritional health by now - with his :spermy: being made over the past 3 months from healthy foods - instead of chips, crisps, meat & chips, pizza and more crisps. Dammit. If we don't make it this month I'll insist on a new healthy diet!

Have you guys done anything to change your and OH's diet?
felt really sick earlier. ooh is it wrong to be thinking :bfp: :bfp:?!

Nope - that's exactly what I'm thinking and we're on pretty much the same CD !

I love this time... when you can relish the thought that you might be PG.
For me it tends to dissipate in the run up to AF but I'll enjoy it for now!!
im due af on wed and she better stay away or there will be :trouble:
Baby Asprin is just that... a smaller dose of Asprin - to slightly thin the blood. Excess clotting in the first few weeks can cause m/c.
Have you guys done anything to change your and OH's diet?

Thanks Cazd, think i'll try the asprin next month.i just did my calculations (well i used the website firstresponse.com)and if i get pregnant this cycle my due date would be 3rd Jan 2010. so can we extend the christmas baby until the end of Jan 2010. i know its very forward thinking that i'll get pregnant but it's PMA all the way.

Samzi - only 2 more sleeps till you find out :happydance:

Conswayla - are you holding out and not testing early.
cazd u have talked me into temping lol

havent changed my OH diet, its pretty shit though he is a typical plumber (at burger vans and greasy cafe's for dinner) i do make him have healthy tea oh and he dont eat breakie cos he would prefer the extra 10 min in bed! apart from a wed morning at his BNI meeting he gets a bacon sarny lol so its a bit rubbish i have got him taking a multi vitamin this month though.
Hey ladies - question!

First month of trying opks. Have been negative so far, how many days shall I keep trying them for? Cycle is usually 25 days. I am CD11. We have been :sex: since CD7 simply because I have no idea when I ovulate!
Hi Heavenly,

i'd keep on testing. when are you testing first thing in the morning or in the afternoon?
i'm on a 26 day cycle and on day 10 i get the smiley face telling me that i'm going to ov.
i use them first thing in the morning, i know your not supposed to, but they don't seem to work for me in the afternoon. well it's probably more to do with the fact that i can't follow the instructions, don't have excess fluids, hold urine for 4 hours. can't do it.
if you have been :sex: since day 7, maybe give your OH a rest tonight, and give his :spermy: a chance to build up again. then go it again tomorrow.
then again, i'm no expert. :witch: came 4 days early for this month.
sorry that is probably all riddles, i'd keep on testing. x
Hi Heavenly,

i'd keep on testing. when are you testing first thing in the morning or in the afternoon?
i'm on a 26 day cycle and on day 10 i get the smiley face telling me that i'm going to ov.
i use them first thing in the morning, i know your not supposed to, but they don't seem to work for me in the afternoon. well it's probably more to do with the fact that i can't follow the instructions, don't have excess fluids, hold urine for 4 hours. can't do it.
if you have been :sex: since day 7, maybe give your OH a rest tonight, and give his :spermy: a chance to build up again. then go it again tomorrow.
then again, i'm no expert. :witch: came 4 days early for this month.
sorry that is probably all riddles, i'd keep on testing. x

Thanks for the advice hun. I normally test about 5pm each day. I only have 3 tests left, so hope one of them shows a positive!!
Sorry about the :witch: gumb! But I hope you get it next month, I think your body is just recovering.

Claire, I just keep :sex: so that you know you are covered there.

I am not testing until I am at least 19-20 dpo. I am 11 dpo today, ( . )( . )'s are still sore, and just like last month I have this throbbing pain in one of them, and its really annpying. Lower back ach stopped, but I am still moody and emotional. Again all very normal for this time of the month. I felt more pulling and numbing sensations down in my tummy, I feel different ones every month so I know that isn't anything to get excited about. CM is a little creamy, but mainly non exisaitant unless I am checking for it. I feel so extremely exhausted the past few days....but again, I am usually v tired in the 2ww, probabnly from all the stress of ttc! It's hard to have PMA when I don't feel anything diif!
its stopped for now, ive still got tummy cramps though. and it is deff light brown cm rather than blood so am a bit confused :lol:

im being good and waiting untill i am late, poss test on thur not sure yet x
oh ive just updated my ff chart with this mornings temp cos i didnt have time to do it. i didnt do my temp over the weekend as i was at my bf's and didnt take the them with me

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