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Cycle Buddies March 6 CD1 Going to get those Christmas Babies!!

oh my god Conswayla, i'm getting v excited for you. Do you normally feel like this before :witch:
at least the trip took your mind off the dreaded 2ww. i'm sending you some good look dust just in case.:dust:

i'm kinda worried i think i might have done myself serious damage after :sex:
seeing as we dtd only 10 days after my op. I blame the smiley face on the clear blue digital stick. It felt like such a waste of a cycle not too dtd. We only dtd once as it was too sore, but :witch: is coming in 7 days, and i've a feeling i did damage. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:hissy:
enough about me. i've everything crossed for you.

Ladies that are getting ready to ov. best of luck making those christmas babies. xxxxx
I don't normally feel like this before :witch: but, I do think it has something to do with my trip and being tired as well. My stomach just feels like it is mad at me haha.
But the thick white/yellow cm is different. I usually have some CM in the 2ww...but it is never like this. It prob means nothing.

I hope you didn't hurt anything Gum!! Make sure you take it easy....my and my DH only got one :sex: session in this month too.......so we will see!
Hoorah for globular CM !!!!

I've got tonnes too - feels like the :witch: is here.
Oooh - I know you're so keen on having an Xmas baby so hope the 2ww stretches out to 3 and then a BFP!!!

Well... sounds like you had a 'minimal' month too - we only did it twice.
Irish and Claire - are you going to be rampant rabbits this time round? HA!!!
Gumb did it once 'cos itd be rude not to... but what about you other ladies?
I can't tell if this CM is normal or not. I know the white thick stuff isn't normal for me to get this much of. The yellowish is, and some snotty is.....but this is just different. Could be from traveling you never know. I just hope I can get it this month and you too Cazd!! I think tomorrow (after I get some rest) I will probably feel more normal and be able to symptom spot better! Hahaha, so much for not symptom spotting, thats what keeps me going month to month. And the months I didn't ss I was so bored LOL
OOOOO conswayla im very excited for you!!! and im glad your back :)

As for me, cp still very high soft and open (everything feels very soft and wet in there TMI i am sorry haha) and opk has got a line whoooo its not a positive though but its not very far of!! so im thinking i need to get sum :spermy: tonight what dya think girlies? also preeseed or no preeseed what do you think??
Does anyone ever look on the BFP announcements? i was looking on them. I'm delighted for all the ladies who get to post. But now i want throw a strop. i wanna post on that forum. i've decided i'm not going to look at it until i can post on it. boo hoo.
no gumb i never venture over there, it just annoys me to much lol xx
Looking good Claire, when did you :sex: last? maybe give it a day in between so that you aren't getting too much. I would do without preseed if you have a fair amount of ewcm. If not, then use it.

Gumb~ I was obsessed with the Pregnancy test gallery and the bfp announcment board for a while, and the more I read it, the more it made me sad that I wasn't getting it. So I have stopped until I get mine. I am so happy for all the ladies that are getting theirs, but its just hard when there are so many, and we are still left here.
ok well OH has gone in a stinking mood cos of the wine he either gets happy and silly are moody and a arsehole, well the arsehole has appeared and i dont feel like going anywhere near him, so i dont think ill be getting any :sex: tonight now, Monday was the last time which wont be still alive by now anyway.
That sucks Claire. You still have some time though, so maybe in the morning or tomorrow? Or offer OH a cup of coffee and a massage?

Thats too bad he is being a :devil: Hopefully you can get some :spermy: soon!
Well ladies nothing to report here...still waiting. I am going to started the POAS addiction tomorrow and I dread it! :laugh2: DH is not going to give his :spermy: until he goes to bed...thats his rules...:laugh2: But he got a few bevvies tonight so god only know when he plans to go to bed...I'll be well sleeping by then but not going to get too annoyed just catch up tomorrow....no rampant rabbit this month caz.

Also when to the docs tonight but you can have a look at my journal for the update on that.

Nice to see you back Conswayla. :hugs:
Morning girls. Sorry that there hasn't been more action in the bedroom this time round. Beset of luck for an 'active' weekend xxx
Morning girls - :witch: got me first thing this morning, just as I was hopping into the bathroom about to succumb to a HPT - so maybe she has some compassion after all and didn't want me to waste it. It was a bit stupid of me to be thinking of testing on the day/day before I thought AF would come anyway.

But trying to look on the bright side - this is only 6 days after she would have been due had the m/c not messed up my cycle - so I feel quite lucky that my body is not messing me about too much.

Claire - hope his mood has calmed down a bit.
Irish - my dh has a :spermy: at bedtime only rule as well! I've managed to persuade him to break it a couple of times, but it just puts him in a bad mood which winds me up, so I've decided it's just not worth it! He gets his own version of pre-ovulation tension.

Conswayla and Gumb - I'm keeping away from the BFP section, and also from 1st tri as well - I did keep looking at it for a while to keep up with the other girls that went over about the same time as me - I was pleased for them but then it made me a bit sad too. They're all around 10 weeks now and that should have been me too ... :(
Conswayla - good luck with the symptom spotting!

Oh, a quick and purely hypothetical question... if one were to accidentally put one's bb thermometer through a 60 degree wash with with bedsheets, do you think it might still work afterwards??
Belle haha at the 'hypothetical question' hmmm no im thinking probs not, sorry :witch: got you now you can start a fresh new cycle where you know where your at! xxx

Well i got sum :spermy: last night i just made him a coffee and sobered him up didnt lie on my side to sleep though cos i want comfy and i didnt put my legs in the air either just fell asleep, oh and was at the loo having a wee a hour later but hoping that hour had enough time to get them swimming along. Session 2/3 tonight no rampant :sex: for me this month just the 3 sessions and thats it it works or it doesnt....i was up all night with my daughter last night she was just crying and whinging all night long this started at 3am so i just sat there at 4am and thought omg can i really do all this again, the sleep deprevation is just awful.
oh and i expect to ov tomorow not 2 days time like my ticker says but who knows what my body has in store for me this month it changes ov day every month lol
Claire - good you sobered him up and got some :spermy:! I'm sure an hour's enough for them to get well on their way.... any of them that hasn't made it in the right direction in an hour is one of those lazy arses anyway. Or too busy knitting.
Hope your little girl is feeling a bit happier this morning - or at least has worn herself out so you can get a good night's sleep tonight (after session number 3!)

OK mystery of the disappearing thermometer... The washing load finished and I shook it all out and nowhere to be seen. Can't find it anywhere in the bedroom either. Or in the quilt cover that I haven't washed yet. It was definitely in the bed this morning (I sleep with it when dh is away haha!)

My new bathroom is being delivered today! Woo! But dh can't install it until he has time off over easter - but i guess I can go in the garage and admire it wrapped in its plastic. xx
oooo your new bathroom eh! nice yes u can stand and admire it haha. You might have to get yourself a new bbt thermometer.

its session 2 tonight (monday was just for fun really ha)
Claire~ Glad you got some :spermy: last night, sorry that you ended up being up all night. It drains you thats for sure. Anytime DS is like that I think....can I really do this again?

Belle~ Sorry about the :witch:, the good thing is that you got her, and you know you are ovualting again and getting back on track. Best to stay away from the other posts. I am sorry about your mc. I have heard of many women getting pregnant very shortly after it, so hopefully!!

8dpo today. I had super painful stomach pains last night after dinner, I looked at my stomach and it was pertruding out! And mt stomach muscles were tightening so bad. But I think it was just from the food I have been eating, I do have IBS. Other then that nothing feels differents. ( . )( . )'s are sore a bit today, nips started last night. Got some :sex: this morning, so I am not sure what my CM is like :rofl:
:happydance: conswayla oooo carnt wait till u test, will u be a good girl and wait till :witch: late??
Belle - sorry to hear :witch: cane, but am glad your body is getting back to normal. hopefully next month is your month.

Claire- best of luck for tonight.

Conswayla, it's all sounding very promising for you, i can hardly wait for you.

i hope the missing thermometer turns up.!

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