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Cycle Buddies March 6 CD1 Going to get those Christmas Babies!!

heavanly i would keep going with the opk hun

gumb im sure this month will be better for you

samzi oooo how exciting brown CM ive never had that lol

conswayla i still have lots of PMA for you i will not give up :happydance:

as for me well my frigging opk is still bloody positive darker than control line, its getting stupid now and also no ov pains, so i just have to keep :sex: and my OH is getting worn out understandbly but i refuse to work so hard all month to miss it :hissy: what is going on with my body.....the only good thing i can think of is at least i carnt count days past ovulation cos i dont know when i ovulated or even if i did. GRRRRR
Remember those little guys will hang out in there for a while Claire. Do you still have ewcm? Maybe use some pre-seed if need be to keep it going, and once every 3 days should be enough. That is frusterating that you keep getting + opk's! Maybe you are releasing a bunch of eggies!! Wouldn't that be fab?

I feel like hell! My stomach just feels weird, and I am exhausted. I don't think it is related to anything other then pms.....boy I hate this.
oh gosh a bunch of eggies that doesnt sound good i dont want triplets or anything lol dont have ewcm havent for a couple of days its thick and creamy and today it was globs of yellow snot but cervix is still high soft and open,

hope its not pmt :( just remember that preg and pmt symptoms are very similar, i know you know your owne body though so dont want to patronise you but i still have sum PMA for you xxxx
Hello Ladies, sorry i rarely post but i pop in and read quite often....Conswayla M and the rest, we are testing around the same time, tho i tested today and it came out BFN... i had to test early cause i have wrist pain and was thinking to go for x-ray plus i think i have UTI (lots of bding), wanted to be sure before i take the antibiotics, im abit sad but still holding high my hopes..... wishing all the best for those hoping for christmass babies and all of you ladies. (where do i get the smiley faces?)
ah samzi i'm sorry. :hissy:i'm sure this cycle will be your month.

claire. not a clue what is happening with you, maybe you are super fertile this month. :happydance:

Conswayla. are you still holding out and not testing. only 3 days to go x

Irish Eyes. how are you?
Hi Henrica,

when you got to send a message there are two boxes (post quick reply) and (go advanced). Click on the go advanced box and there are loads of smiley's and icon's and all kind of symbols.
Gumb69, Thanks, let me try now:happydance: it works :happydance: :happydance:, thanks thanks, sorry that it didnt work for you this month, crossing fingers for you for next month.....:hug:
Samzi why are you out? sorry didnt follow the entire thread.
i forgot to say Henrica, still keep up the hopes, you have 4 more days to go. PMA.
İve just joined this site, so not sure how to do things. But here goes. İm on CD36 and approx 16DPO. Tested this morning and got a :bfn: . My periods are normal a 32-35 day cycle so i am late. İf i was pregnant wouldnt a HPT show up postive by now?

Thanks for any hope any body can give me.
Im not an expert on how long time past ovulation is HPT strong, i remember we tested with my friend, after missing periods for 3 days and it came out:bfn:, tested again after a week and it came out :bfp:, so dont giveup, it could be HPT concentration on your urine isnt enough to show, wishing you :dust:
Well Hello Ladies !!

K... some quick catching up.

Claire - maybe you're on track for trip-tuplets :rofl:
(I used to do BNI but a a fry-up every week at that stupid hour in the morning was horrid - I used to pay my £10 and only eat a slice of toast!)
No idea what your systems doing - unless you're buildng up to popping out a "SUPER EGG"

Gumb69 - I just love working out my Due Dates too. 3rd Jan 2010 sounds lovely !
Re extending the thread... Conswayla has been our leader since in the past she's been the first one GOT by the :witch: We tend to stick on this thread 'till most of us have been got and the lucky ones move out to 1st Tri while the rest of us set up camp in a Conswaylas new thread. But... Fingers crossed she gets a BFP this time round - she's been TTC long enough and deserves some good news.

Conswayla - I've got exactly the same crappy 'not-really' symptoms as you.
I had a bad ache in my leg all last night so I didn't sleep much - but that could be anything. I don't have AF or OV cramps anymore, I don't feel sick and my CM has disappeared. Unfortunately my PMA has gone with it!

Heavenly - Stick with the OPKS. Its very frustrating when they don't seem to work (and sounds like its equally frustrating when they work too much!) But... when you do catch a surge its great and you feel like your bodys doing what its supposed to.

And Henrica... You're very welcome to come and chat!

Well anyway... I've got a week 'till AFs due and my PMA has gone.
But that's not a bad thing at all.... I'm back to being happy that I've missed an Xmas DD and can't wait to get stuck into the next cycle.

OH and I had a proper strop at each other yesterday - We've been so busy with the business that its starting to stress us out and take its toll.
We kind of made up and we're just going about our day as normal but I still hate the fact that he takes his stress out on me.
(But maybe if I did some work instead of playing on BnB he might not be so annoyed!)
Well I was seething and didn't want his babies last night!
It made me wonder... how hard it must be to handle children when you have a fight.
I feel bad 'cos I got snappy yesterday and our dog wanted to go for a walk but we had to finish work - and she just licks and paws and nudges you when she wants to go out. I shouted at her to get in her bed. It must be so difficult to control that stress-temper when there are children around....
Just re-read my post. OH takes his stress out on me... and i take mine out on the dog. :(

Poor poodles - I'll give her some snuggles
İve just joined this site, so not sure how to do things. But here goes. İm on CD36 and approx 16DPO. Tested this morning and got a :bfn: . My periods are normal a 32-35 day cycle so i am late. İf i was pregnant wouldnt a HPT show up postive by now?

Thanks for any hope any body can give me.

Hello + thanks for making your first post here - we're honoured!

At 16dpo you've got a good chance of getting a BFP - but its true... some ladies don't get BFPs 'till 2 weeks after AF (Aunt Flow!) is due.
well i was sure AF was here but all im getting is brown blood. stomach cramps have died off too. so im really confused :huh:
wow lots of catching up to do

samzi ooooo this is intresting as long as u dont have ull flow :witch: you arent out!

Henrica sorry about your BFN its not over yet though

lisaaaa i didnt get my BFP with my aughter till i was 18dpo at 14dpo it was negative then 18dpo it was positive, hang in there chick.

cazd! haha! your avator has gone bk to bah humbug you meany haha. Well i do hope you get a little suprise but at the end of the day you want a jan baby more anyway so eithr way its not going to be to bad for you. Oh and i dont know how my OH eats greasy food at 6am!! makes me wanna puke. Oh and i dont want sex tuplets either haha!!

Ok and as for me.....my opk is still positive haha! i have to laugh or i will just cry its twice as dark as the control line again this morning, and cervix is still high and open although it doesn feel squidgy anymore its hard, there was also sum stretchy half clear half cremay CM up there. Ive never ovulated this late before, im totally confused. Im going to ring the doctors tomorow anyway see if i can make a appt as i never even went bk for my blood test results from cd3 yet and i will mention that my opk is positive every frigging day i dont think im super fertile i think it has sumthing to do with my PCOS :(
oooooooooooooook well i took a HPT cos i had one in the draw and i thought its weird how my opk is always darker in the morning than on the night although its positive all day.....and i think i see a faint line :shrug: so if i was confused before im even more confused now :hissy:
still no proper af here :happydance: cant help but feel excited but we will see how rest of today/tomorrow goes. last time i was preg(before i found out) i thought AF had come cos i was getting what im getting now..few days later it stopped..i tested..and :bfp:

so fx'd!!

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