Cycle Buddies March 6 CD1 Going to get those Christmas Babies!!

Wow Claire, what a month! It sounds like you could h ave Ov'd early and perhaps you are already getting a + wouldn't that be fab?! You just never know. You can release 2 eggs in one cycle, but it will all be with in the 24-48 hour frame, I don't think it is possible to release them at different times. But you never know!
well ill just keep :sex: at least i dont know what day past ov i am! so i carnt obsess to much lol

Wont know when AF due either :(
Not knowing what day past O you are will be nice, but your right, not knowing when to expect AF will suck. Just go by your regular cycle + 2 days or so. I can't see it going much further then that......hopefully this will be a good month for you!! fx'd!
Ok, well still got a positive opk today at lunch time with 3rd wee of the day its actually stronger than any other test i have done, will do another this evening to see if it gets lighter as day goes on. My cervix is still fairly high but is now hard and feels closed so i dont think i have ovulated this month maybe the egg got stuck at the starting gate and couldnt get out and the opk has stayed positive. Who knows. I think im out for a xmas baby anyway i hope everyone gets there BFP this month but if anyone goes for there jan baby i will join them in that thread. I will still hang around here to see who gets there xmas pressies! xxx
Sounds like you have O'd to me. Maybe just a day or 2 ago perhaps? Since your cp os closed and was open then thats a good sign. Maybe this month you just didn't get the O pains, and who knows what is going on with the opk's. I wouldn't count yourself out yet!
my opk is about 80% positive tonight, so either my surge is on its way down or its just not showing as much cos ive drank a lot tonight. And my wee isnt very strong.
That was a long surge Claire!! Let's hope it stops now, so that you can move on to the 2ww!

Well I am feeling worse and worse. I am feeling very anxious, my lower back is KILLING me. ( . )( . )'s are so sore.....I am so emotional that all I can think about doing is crying and crawling into bed and staying there for a week. I wish :witch: would just get here so that she can go away........I haven't felt this terrible in a while, I think I am just fed up with all this....and the same PMS symptoms month after month.

Okay, that was my little vent...thank you! :rofl:
claire, you probably o'd early today and the surge was extra strong this cycle so you are still showing residual hormones... on my "ovulation day" my CP and CM showed infertile qualities in Feb. My travel screwed this up this cycle so I don't know what happened around O... hope it happened for you babe!
thanks snugle xxxx

conswayla awwww the pms is awful i hate it :hissy: i know its awful when it just happens month after month and especially when you get it so bad you just feel so shitty!! i really feel for you, i hate it even more when you can just tell its going to be a 'bad one' grrrr you are allowed to vent! hugs for you hun i wish we could just sleep thru our period and wake up feeling fresh as a daisy xxxx
Blimey girls... you're PG !

Conswayla - those twinges do sound different - and painful @@s isn't fun! It does all sound very positive though. You might just have done it!

And Claire.... yellow v snot! The mother of all symptoms.
Now does your CP stay high and hard when you're PG - where's it supposed to be?
If its plugged already then it should be hard shouldn't it?
Well I've got my fingers crossed for you!

I'm back on with TTC now - need to update my journal but just waiting for AF to hit on Monday. I've got sore @@s (normal pre-AF) and white CM but that's it for SS.
hope your feeling better Conswayla, hope AF stays away.

anyword from Samzi?
Cazd, your still in,
Claire your still in too.

i'm out but only a few more days till i'm back peeing on the stick and waiting for the smiley ov face. woo hoo. :happydance:
i was thinking of going home for a few days seeing as i've still got another two weeks off work, but then i decided against. I'm afraid if i go i will limit my chances this month. I normally get the smiley face on day 10 telling me i have my LH surge, so does that mean i will ov on day 11/12. so i need to be at home with my OH to :sex: on day 8,10,11,12,14 and 16. it's like a military task trying to conceive. Can someone let me know if i get the LH surge on day 10 is it 24-36 hours after the egg will release? Oh and should i start :sex:
on day 6. It's hard to tell with CM so soon after AF though. TMI sorry ladies.

i must start temping this month.still can't drive i'm hoping to get clearance from the doc today then i'm mobile again. :happydance:then it's off to the chemist to buy loads of ov kits and maybe a few early pg tests, it's hard to resist them.
well i've gone on and on sorry.
Gumb well i would have sex once on day 6 or 7 so you know you have a 'fresh' supply and then start BD when you get your smiley face either every day or every other day for about a week to cover it (thats just me though i know ppl have done it a lot less and got preg) you will ovulate 12-48 hours after you get ya smiley face i think!! lots of luck this month!!


Cazd the yellow snot has gone now its all dried up in there....i have horendous lower back pain and period cramps i always get this around 5/6 days past ovulation and its 5 days since when i should have ovulated so things are just going the way they always do. :( i know im not out yet but my body just seems to have a pattern it follows and its all the same this month. (apart from the crazy opk) also cervix was very low and hard last night, its high again now but it does as it pleases. Havent done a opk yet will do one when i need a wee, ha, im feeling like giving up with all of this. I was going to temp next month but now my OH said last night he thinks we should just stop trying as its just obviously not meant to be :(
ok well im sure our all bored of me saying this but opk still positive
ok well im sure our all bored of me saying this but opk still positive

WOW, still??!! I would ignore it now, I think you have O'd.

Cazd, glad you are back to it and maybe you will get that bfp this month!!

14 dpo today.....well I should start spotting sometime today or tonight, or maybe tomorrow. The day things happen for me are always diff. Really bad lower back pain yesterday (normal) and very sore bb's still (normal) the pain the back and bb's seems to be multipled by 100 this month.....but some months it is. I am pretty sure :witch: will show tomorrow. Then on to mext month I go!

I know what you mean Claire by wishing you could sleep through af. I wish I could sleep through from one O date to the next. Miss the 2ww, miss the af and just be awake when its :sex: time!!
af finally came properly, but shes being a b:witch: and killing :( her on top of a cold = not good!
samzi awww u poor thing i hope she buggers of soon!!

i wish i could just ovulate every week lol

i carnt find any info on internet about why the opk is still positive, im not bothered about it being positive cos i know i wont ovulate now im just worrying that this might be the reason why im not getting pregnant, i wonder of a high LH after ovulation would stop it working. I dunno it just seems weird.
keep your legs crossed Conswayla.

Claire- i'm sure you ovulated that night you had pains, oh and thanks for the info.I'm sure your OH just said about not trying anymore because he sees the effect it is having on you. Underneath all the tough exterior men are soft.

Samzi -sorry :witch: got you. Hopefully this month will be your month and Jan 2010 will bring you your bundle of joy. :hug:

Good news i'm back driving again :happydance:

i was in with my GP and i just asked her about the BBT and she said that they are a waste of money. She said that it puts too much pressure on women.

But, i'm also seeing a fertility doctor, he also did my last two operations, and in 2 weeks time he is going to show me how to start charting the way he wants. He said 6 months of trying this way, then afterwards we are going to use medical intervention, because of my previous medical history. So even doctors have conflicting ideas. so i'm all confuggled, do i buy the BBT or not. I'm going to get the opk kits though as i'd like to see when/if i ovulate this month. I love the smiley face.

also i'm loving the sunshine, it really lifts the spirits. :witch:nearly gone. life is good. well would be even better if i saw a:bfp: but life is good today.long may it last. xx
gumb thats good your driving again and that u feel so positive, the BBT is that the thermometer? i am going to chart my temps next cycle, arent u meant to start temping on day 1 though? i dont know much about it need to get clued up before AF starts i also need to buy a therometer cos my daughter kindly decided that her dolls were poorly

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