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Cycle buddies??

Thanks janelle! Just wish I has something to compare them to and make sure there rising......
Well, ladies, it was another negative. The doctor wasn't even in, but the nurse who did my test told me it was negative, and she's lucky I didn't have a pee stick to slap her with! I told her I'm sick of this, that it's impossible for me to have 18 false positives on 4 different brands, and 3 being digital. She asked if I had any symptoms....

I told her my symptoms, and she said, "Yeah, that does sound like you're pregnant." (Duh) So she set me up an appointment to get this resolved. I hate waiting another 5 days, but I'm glad they're finally listening to me now and not brushing me off! I'm still pretty hopeful about all this. IC's should be here tomorrow so I can poas myself and see!

And also, I've been eating like a freakin horse lately, so I figured I'd have gained some weight back, and I've lost another 2 pounds!!

what in the heck yeah sounds like what I was going through too. I am glad they are going to look into it I am curious on what is happening on your end
I know! It is beyond frustrating! Then the fact that I ran out of tests doesn't help. IC's better be here today! Then I've been thinking, if some how I'm really not pregnant, or I have miscarried, and AF keeps not showing up, am I even ovulating properly? Can I get pregnant? Grr...
Guess I'm just gonna be lurking around the next few days. lol :huh:
Ummm. What do yall think?

awe *hugs* yeah I know what you mean. it sucks the limbo and not being told what is up if you arn't pregnant why does it keep telling you are at home.

it looks like a positive to me hun
It does to me too! I was so expecting a full on negative, but I stood there watching it, and there it was! I really feel like choking some people right now. I'm not making this up, and I"m not crazy and they need to seriously stop treating me like I'm stupid!!!! (Sorry went into a rant there.)
Oh my god Janelle! How is that even slightly possible that you got a negative?? Did you ask what strength their tests are? I have absolutely no idea how theirs was negative with the billions of positives you've had. I'm really pleased they're taking you seriously but it's dreadful that you're back in bloody limbo again. Personally I don't think you should worry about miscarriage because that simply doesn't explain the test results. I hope you get your scan and some real answers as soon as possible. :hugs:
Congratulations Shadra! That's a lovely number after that 6! Time for you to relax and just enjoy being pregnant!

So 1 out of 3 had a good Friday - not much of a score so far! Hope Kiki can add to the good results tally soon!
Oh my god Janelle! How is that even slightly possible that you got a negative?? Did you ask what strength their tests are? I have absolutely no idea how theirs was negative with the billions of positives you've had. I'm really pleased they're taking you seriously but it's dreadful that you're back in bloody limbo again. Personally I don't think you should worry about miscarriage because that simply doesn't explain the test results. I hope you get your scan and some real answers as soon as possible. :hugs:

No, I didn't think to ask her what the strength of their tests are. Since it was a clinic, I jokingly told my husband they were probably donated to them 10 years ago and have been sitting in their storage garage or something. I"m calling around Monday to see what I can do with no insurance. Very frustrating indeed. I feel so peaceful about this though, I honest truly don't think there's anything wrong.
I actually know what you mean about being peaceful. The doctor scared the crap out of me yesterday but today I really believe that there's nothing serious wrong with me. She gave me a real fear that I may lose the baby and quite honestly I don't think that there is anything seriously wrong. I've looked into hyperthyroidism a lot now and I don't have ANY of the other symptoms, I've had lumps on my cervix before and they were completely harmless and heart murmurs in pregnancy are really common. So all in all, I'm back to being peaceful and focusing on my darling little beanie.

I don't really understand how the antenatal care in the USA works but it seems really shoddy and designed to make you as nervous as possible! If you were in the uk, you wouldn't have seen anyone yet - you'd be celebrating all your positive tests and waiting until around 8 weeks to see a midwife. I think even with your odd ov you'd be unlikely to see someone sooner than that and you'd have had a much less stressful time. What all this rambling means is that just something as silly as geography is causing this big problem. Id be tempted to do nothing if I was you. Keep doing your home tests and wait until your about 8 weeks when an embryo and heartbeat would definitely show on a scan. But at the same time I do totally understand your need for answers. :hugs:
I really agree with everything you've said. The only thing is I have no idea how far along I am, and that bothers me. I was around 6/7 weeks with all my others ones before I saw someone. Usually you get a positive test result and call for an appointment but they can't get you in for a few weeks. With my daughter, they didn't even do a test, because she said if I had a positive, then I was.

And I'm also sick of the other threads, when I tell people I feel peaceful, they still try to tell me to go the er or hurry up and find another doctor. I've been pregnant before, and I've had this peace about them as well, and everything was fine!!
That looks pretty dark to me! I can't believe that you test was negative at the clinic, idiots!
I think modern technology has a lot to answer for! Generally it's a brilliant thing that we can do all these tests and scans etc but until 50 years ago women got pregnant, waited 9 months then had a baby. It's brilliant that problems can be picked up early but people seem fixated on proof that everything is ok rather than assuming the best until there's good reason to worry. If you were still bleeding or in pain or had previous mmc I wouldn't be giving this advice but I really believe people over think and over analyse every little thing rather than just enjoying the miracle that we're all lucky enough to be experiencing.

Are there places you can go for an independent scan without referral? You can in the uk, for about $120, but you have to wait until you're at least 7/8 weeks which I presume you're still a couple of weeks away from (assuming you oved during AF).

I'm being very selective about which threads I read at the moment. The hormones flying around the place in first tri are a nightmare but everyone should have calmed down a bit once we get to second tri!
Shadra, how are you doing? Are you having many symptoms yet? Have you got a date for your scan?
Okay, I thought I was having breakthrough bleeding yesterday, and wasn't very concerned. I got up this morning to test, and there was dark red blood on my paper, and there were black spots! My cousin is a nurse and said it sounds like fibroids, and not to worry until I have pain, but what do yall think? Have you ever had this?
i've never heard of anything like than Janelle! it should still be ok as long as it isn't accompanied by heavier bleeding and cramping! sorry your hormones are out of control ellie, hopefully they get back to normal soon! I'm still feeling great with no symptoms....
Me either! I've certainly never had black polka dots with spotting at any time ever! :haha: I broke down and called the e.r.- big waste of time! I finally talked to a nurse, and explained to her what was going on. (Left out the clinic's test results. Just said I had been getting positive pregnancy tests since July 19th and about my weird spotting.) She said they're not allowed to give any medical advice over the phone, but could give me some information. She said that some spotting is normal, and that if it is a miscarriage, before 24 weeks, they can't do anything to stop it. She said based on that information, and whether or not I felt the bleeding was heavy or if I had pain, I could decide whether to go in or not, and they wouldn't turn me away.

Hubby's been telling me all morning that I'm fine and to quit worrying. I think it's finally worked. :shrug:
you can come in if you want? wow sounds like there full of a load of crap! glad it's stopped now and you won't have anymore. have you tested today?

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