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Cycle buddies??

Look! Look!!

Now take THAT! to your dr hahahaha No denying those words!!!
if the test at the dr is still neg shove the test up their arse!
So I went to the bathroom earlier and there was blood. Nothing ever since. I put on a pad... it has been hours and there is nothing on it. I have peed since then, nothing. WTF :(
Just a bit in the toilet, bit when I wiped.... nothing since.
that is strange! did you end up taking your last clomid pill? what cycle day are you on?
I did end up taking it last night. I just went to the bathroom and not even a hint of pink on the toilet paper. As far as cycle day... I have NOOOOO clue! Lets go back here.... July 10 I got AF... ok. What appeared on cd23 I ovulated... temps went up. 3dpo I started to bleed.. like a flow not spotting. I needed a pad. But yet it was still light. Next day... still bleeding.. next day bled for half a day. So I marked it down as AF. Thinking I was on a new cycle after a 25 day cycle totally confused.. continued temping. Temps dropped right back down to normal pre-ov range on the second day of bleeding. I had a dr apt on what was what I though cd6 of my "new" cycle and got the clomid going cd6-10. However on cd 8-9-10 my temps kept going up up up back to post ov range again which confused me... there is no way I ov'd cd5... just no way! So I watched my temps... they are staying high... which made me think... maybe... just maybe that was NOT AF and this was still the same cycle... and I possibly ov'd on cd30 of my cycle meaning I took the clomid on cd 31-35... lovely hey!!! So now I am EITHER sitting at cd36 possibly 6dpo OR I am sitting at cd11. I have noooooo clue!!! My ov could have been cd23 or cd30 or I could have no ov. At least the 2 days for possible ov... we bd the day before and 2 days before lol
Oh and if you look at my chart you might be able to make out what I mean... where those 3 days of spotting are... thats where I marked a new cycle... but then changed it back to spotting thinking it was maybe still the same cycle. The two spots where my temp shot up are the two possible ov's.... but I also dont know what clomid does to temps so this most recent spike could be clomid induced!!! AHHHHH!!!!
so i'm thinking kiki that it was af. when you start taking your clomid it increases your temps! my temps went from 97.4 not on clomid to 98.6 while on it! so it really can mess with your temps. i'd stay with cd 11 and keep temping, and the clomid can delay your O too. It was weird with mine my first 5 months i O'd on cd 21 or later. but my last month on 150 i O'd on 17. GL hope you get it all figured out.
Glad she could answer your question. I'm new to all this and have never charted or temped, so I"m not of much use!

Well, I am at least on the road to answers. I went to the new place today and she sent me for a blood test. She said with all my tests, the most recent one being yesterday, I am more than likely pregnant. She said she didn't know what was wrong with the other place, and said when I get the results of the blood test, to go hit them over them head with them. She wants to confirm pregnancy before doing anything else. They are supposed to call me around 12 tomorrow with them

I know some of you may think I should have demanded a scan or beta's, but her plan sounds good to me. She said my spotting doesn't sound like anything serious, I have no fever or pain, so she's okay with waiting for the results before moving on.

If I'm not, then of course there will be lots more tests, and if I am, she's going to refer me to a good ob/gyn. I like that she cared, that she listened to me, and made a plan. I feel so relieved that I'm going to get somewhere with this.
Janelle, great to see the digi! I'm surprised it says 1-2 though? And great news that you're getting bloods done and finally being taken seriously. Good luck for tomorrow!

Shadra, I'm so jealous you've got a scan booked! At best my first scan won't be until around 8th October (3 months from lmp) and that feels like forever! I hope the next few weeks pass quickly for you!

AFM other than fatigue, I'm pretty darn good pregnancy wise! One of my best friends has turned into a complete bitch over the last few days and that's been really getting me down. With my potential health problems the last thing I need is more stress so I'm trying to distance myself from her as much as possible but she seems intent on stressing me out and destroying our friendship. I'm doing my best to just not talk to her now but it's very sad.
Thank you. I feel like the weight off the world has been lifted off my shoulders! And so of course, I feel the need for a nap! lol
sorry ellie! i'm considered "high risk" since it took me so long to get preg and i was on clomid so that's why i'm getting such an early scan. they call it a viability scan just to make sure there is a bean and it has a hb, and there's not more than one!
So got the call at 5 this evening. Results were negative. She wants to set up a beta. I am really confused now. If the qualitative was neg, how is a beta going to change anything?
quantitative counts how much HGC is exactly in your system, the other (qualitative) just say IF there is enough to be pregnant or not. So if your numbers are super low it just may not be catching it. so now they just want to see if you have any kind of numbers at all prolly
I think it's just to torture me. :cry: Obviously, if after all this time, there isn't enough hcg to detect by blood, then I'm not pregnant. Can I just ask for an ultrasound to make sure nothing is in the wrong place or I've had a missed m/c, then send me on my way?:shrug:
yeah an ultrasound I think at this stage wouldn't find anything, but you could try asking for it and seeing what they would say. yeah it is really bizzar that all this is happening, especially when even the electronic ones are giving you positive, I know exactly how you feel. I think its worse, being in this limbo of lack of knowledge, then just getting a negative and trying again next month *hugs*
Oh I thought an ultrasound would show an ectopic, or if I had m/c and not expelled, it would show that too. How do they know when people have those things then without an ultrasound?
hmmm that is true I honestly don't know on the endopic, but have you been having alot of pain? or alot of continuous bleeding?

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