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Cycle buddies??

No, but someone else said they didn't start having pain until they were 12 weeks with one, so just want to rule it out. I don't want to just stop going to doctor in case there is something in there that might make me sick or kill me or something. But this has already been long and drawn out and I'd like to go back to my life. Guess I have to follow their procedures... lol
I had my MC at 7-8 weeks and trust me, it was painful. and kept being painful till I passed everything. only then did it stop hurting, and the bleeding continued for a week and some after that. But I think so early it would be more like period cramps. But I still would want to rule out endopic too if I were you, especially because if it does go unchecked it can rupture one of your tubes :( my doctor, when I had been getting positives at home, told me to test in a week and if it came out positive again they would test for it. (but mine came out negative at home sadface) so it could be a possibility. especially because an endopic can show signs of pregnancy in the urine test but never increases. which is maybe why the blood tests are coming out negative, because its just not producing that much.

So that is the route I would insist on, testing for endopic
That's what I"m thinking too. Especially considering that my lines haven't gotten very dark after all this time. I guess I just assumed that an ultrasound would show that if they did one? I don't know. I think I was more at peace ttc!
I know right, I had thought that TTC was the most agonizing time one could have, but this whole limbo was a whole new layer on the frustration cake. I had been really down about the whole thing for me. So this month I'm taking a me month and pampering myself and getting my self esteem back. My hubby booked a trip to disney world on the 6th of next month. and hopefully if I can just stop stressing SO much over all this I can get my body back in sync to make ttc easier for the months to come. I realized The limbo time really emotionally drained me
EXACTLY!!! Before all this happened, I thought getting AF was frustrating! I would LOVE to have AF right now! At least I would freakin know something! We're planning on visiting my family in Indiana this next week, and I am really looking forward to it. Hopefully it will help me relax as well, provided all this is cleared up by then. Guess we can keep being cycle buddies!
hehe yeah well even if it is under sadder reasons it is nice to have someone who can be a cycle buddy who can really relate to my frustrations and issues. honestly your issues have been lined up with mine, I just maybe have littler versions of yous LOL. but yeah you've really been kind and even when I was really down and avoiding forums really you still poped up to check in on me and I do want you to know that it did make me feel better that you cared. makes a difference especially for someone who lives in another country without family or friends...or really even a pet for comfort (husbands don't count because I don't lean on him about this stuff cuz it freaks him out the TMI. I love him but he wants as little knowledge as possible in the TTC department, just wants to know whens sexy time)
I'm glad I was able to help. We live 400 miles from any of my family, to be down here around hubby's family. I basically have no one myself. I was a little afraid you would be offended at the time because I was so sure I was pregnant, and I certainly didn't want to rub that in your face. But I do understand what it's like to have absolutely no one to talk to. I locked myself in the bathroom after she called earlier and just sobbed until I couldn't sob anymore. Not just the results, but the stress of all this over such a period of time, and still no answers. If you ever need to talk, I am here.
I had my MC at 7-8 weeks and trust me, it was painful. and kept being painful till I passed everything. only then did it stop hurting, and the bleeding continued for a week and some after that. But I think so early it would be more like period cramps. But I still would want to rule out endopic too if I were you, especially because if it does go unchecked it can rupture one of your tubes :( my doctor, when I had been getting positives at home, told me to test in a week and if it came out positive again they would test for it. (but mine came out negative at home sadface) so it could be a possibility. especially because an endopic can show signs of pregnancy in the urine test but never increases. which is maybe why the blood tests are coming out negative, because its just not producing that much.

So that is the route I would insist on, testing for endopic

OK I am not sure if you are talking about an ECTOPIC or not.. but an ectopic pregnancy develops exactly the same as any other pg.. just in the wrong spot. The hcg levels continue to rise as every process has been the same except where it implanted. The hcg levels just rise slower then a normal pg so please be careful before giving misinformation. A close friend of mine went through this a year ago and at 7 weeks pg she needed an emergency surgery to remove the baby and her tube.
nah I do get happy for others, especially people I've joined a group with who get a positive, more of you that get one means more odds that maybe I will too :) don't know how logical that is but lol its how I feel. I get just as excited for friends to get positives as if it were my own. even when I wasn't replying to alot of posts I still lurked in here to see how you and cck were progressing

oh I know what you mean, when I opened that blood test and it said 1> for my HGC levels, I had my husband here and my cleaning lady. and I tried so hard to not cry but I broke down as soon as my husband left. Poor cleaning lady, doesn't speak english. tried to not but I just went into the bathroom and had a good cry till I remembered I hadn't paid her yet. so I washed my face real quick and got the money to pay her. and she pretended not to see my blotchy tear ridden face and I pretended I wasn't crying 2 seconds ago. and she left. Was the most awkward moment of my life. especially because I don't usually cry ever.

thank you and of course the same goes for you :)
I had my MC at 7-8 weeks and trust me, it was painful. and kept being painful till I passed everything. only then did it stop hurting, and the bleeding continued for a week and some after that. But I think so early it would be more like period cramps. But I still would want to rule out endopic too if I were you, especially because if it does go unchecked it can rupture one of your tubes :( my doctor, when I had been getting positives at home, told me to test in a week and if it came out positive again they would test for it. (but mine came out negative at home sadface) so it could be a possibility. especially because an endopic can show signs of pregnancy in the urine test but never increases. which is maybe why the blood tests are coming out negative, because its just not producing that much.

So that is the route I would insist on, testing for endopic

OK I am not sure if you are talking about an ECTOPIC or not.. but an ectopic pregnancy develops exactly the same as any other pg.. just in the wrong spot. The hcg levels continue to rise as every process has been the same except where it implanted. The hcg levels just rise slower then a normal pg so please be careful before giving misinformation. A close friend of mine went through this a year ago and at 7 weeks pg she needed an emergency surgery to remove the baby and her tube.

yeah that, it isn't particularly wrong info, the levels don't really rise all that much. which it could be harder to read her HGC levels rather then if it was a normal pregnancy or a miscarriage. its lower numbers. which is a sign of the "ectopic" pregnancy. which is why I was saying it is a good thing to get checked either way (wasn't sure how it was spelled just was kinda sounding it out from the way my indian doctor says it)
I knew what kass meant. I don't think she was really giving wrong information. She was just giving me her own experience, which is the best most of us on here can do! Other than the hcg levels not rising, I don't seem to have any more symptoms of ectopic, but I still want it ruled out before it does rupture and makes me lose a tube.
I was just making sure!!! I am just the kind of person who likes to make sure the facts are real as to not mislead someone... especially when it comes to the making of short people :rofl:

Didnt mean to come off rude so I hope you didnt take it that way :)
so i'm thinking kiki that it was af. when you start taking your clomid it increases your temps! my temps went from 97.4 not on clomid to 98.6 while on it! so it really can mess with your temps. i'd stay with cd 11 and keep temping, and the clomid can delay your O too. It was weird with mine my first 5 months i O'd on cd 21 or later. but my last month on 150 i O'd on 17. GL hope you get it all figured out.

Did your temps go back to normal when you were done your round of clomid?

Also I had no idea clomid babies are high risk pg.... is this a most case scenario?
i don't know if they consider those on clomid high risk or the fact it took me so long?? who knows but my dr said that's why were having the early scan, and my issues with my betas. Sorry sorry for the shitty news jcomb! when are you going to do the beta?
yay hopefully you'll get some sort of answer, any answer is better then no answer
Oh my good gosh, I can't believe I forgot to post here! Yes, well, I went to a ob/gyn who did a pelvic and u/s, and it turns out I had a chemical. He said the bleeding I'm having now I should count as my period, and he gave me the go ahead to start trying again and put me on pre natal's. It know it sounds weird, but I am so relieved! Thank God this is over with and I can move on!
FX you'll get a great surprise with a DARK bfp this month!

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