Cycle Buddy Central!

Your cycles are not actually too bad pink! I'd say you are pretty "normal" if there is such a thing as normal cycles lol. Mine used to be anywhere from 25-34 days but the last 5 months they have been 28 days. I think it's because I gained a little weight and changed my diet. I am pretty much at a healthy weight now for my size. Not really sure if that was the main factor or not, but I am pretty happy that they have evened put to 28 days
Sweetpea where are youuu? You haven't been chatting with us! Hehe

I'm off to the gym! :)

I'm here I'm here! Sorry I work mon- fri days so I am usually able to sneak on b&b to update :D we had a very busy day at the clinic today so no downtime.

Haus I know it is a pain in the rear but I would try to keep up with temping... You can do it! I know it give you more info on these crazy cycles you have been having. I feel so blessed to have 28 day cycles- I wish I could snap my fingers so you all could too. It must be so frustrating for you girls :( :(

I have to say that I only tried bc for 1 year and I HATED it so I just stopped taking it. It made me hormonal and crazy :wacko: my mom took it for like 20 something years because she had ovarian cysts and it helped prevent them. She is 53 and still takes it because her body freaked out on her when she tried getting off them. Now she is trying to wean herself off but it has been horrible :( I will never again take those damn things!

I'm back for a bit then LO has speech therapy in a bit then I can chat more. Hope everyone's Monday is going all right!

I used to have 28 day cycles :( I actually had them from the very start (age 12/13) which I've been told is rare lol. I hate birth control, it was DH's idea and I did it because I thought it would be easier. 5 years later and I am screwed. :wacko: I can't explain how angry I am for taking the pill, but I can't change the past and can only hope my Doc can fix my cycles somehow...:( I'm temping when I remember lol. Right now my chart looks like an 'N' on a slant lol

I've heard of older ladies taking bcp to help regulate their hormones, sorry that your mom is having a rough time :(
Sweetpea where are youuu? You haven't been chatting with us! Hehe

I'm off to the gym! :)

Have fun! I don't have a gym membership but I did go for a 3 mile run this morning :thumbup:

My gym is in our condo complex. Havng it there gets me motivated! Lol I didn't workout for too long though, half way through two guys came in with cameras (video camera and digital) and I had this really uneasy feeling (I was the only person there at the time. Probably nothing, but my instinct was telling me to go lol.

Really creepy though :wacko:
Sweetpea where are youuu? You haven't been chatting with us! Hehe

I'm off to the gym! :)

I'm here I'm here! Sorry I work mon- fri days so I am usually able to sneak on b&b to update :D we had a very busy day at the clinic today so no downtime.

Haus I know it is a pain in the rear but I would try to keep up with temping... You can do it! I know it give you more info on these crazy cycles you have been having. I feel so blessed to have 28 day cycles- I wish I could snap my fingers so you all could too. It must be so frustrating for you girls :( :(

I have to say that I only tried bc for 1 year and I HATED it so I just stopped taking it. It made me hormonal and crazy :wacko: my mom took it for like 20 something years because she had ovarian cysts and it helped prevent them. She is 53 and still takes it because her body freaked out on her when she tried getting off them. Now she is trying to wean herself off but it has been horrible :( I will never again take those damn things!

I'm back for a bit then LO has speech therapy in a bit then I can chat more. Hope everyone's Monday is going all right!

I used to have 28 day cycles :( I actually had them from the very start (age 12/13) which I've been told is rare lol. I hate birth control, it was DH's idea and I did it because I thought it would be easier. 5 years later and I am screwed. :wacko: I can't explain how angry I am for taking the pill, but I can't change the past and can only hope my Doc can fix my cycles somehow...:( I'm temping when I remember lol. Right now my chart looks like an 'N' on a slant lol

I've heard of older ladies taking bcp to help regulate their hormones, sorry that your mom is having a rough time :(

She will be ok. She has passed the worst part of it already thankfully! Yeah I'm sure you will get back on a normal cycle at some point. You know freakily what did it for me? Having a baby.. WEIRD, right? It took a few months after I stopped breastfeeding to get normal cycles again but crazily enough, they started to get more regular and more regular until they just hovered around 27-29 days. :thumbup:
Sweetpea where are youuu? You haven't been chatting with us! Hehe

I'm off to the gym! :)

I'm here I'm here! Sorry I work mon- fri days so I am usually able to sneak on b&b to update :D we had a very busy day at the clinic today so no downtime.

Haus I know it is a pain in the rear but I would try to keep up with temping... You can do it! I know it give you more info on these crazy cycles you have been having. I feel so blessed to have 28 day cycles- I wish I could snap my fingers so you all could too. It must be so frustrating for you girls :( :(

I have to say that I only tried bc for 1 year and I HATED it so I just stopped taking it. It made me hormonal and crazy :wacko: my mom took it for like 20 something years because she had ovarian cysts and it helped prevent them. She is 53 and still takes it because her body freaked out on her when she tried getting off them. Now she is trying to wean herself off but it has been horrible :( I will never again take those damn things!

I'm back for a bit then LO has speech therapy in a bit then I can chat more. Hope everyone's Monday is going all right!

I used to have 28 day cycles :( I actually had them from the very start (age 12/13) which I've been told is rare lol. I hate birth control, it was DH's idea and I did it because I thought it would be easier. 5 years later and I am screwed. :wacko: I can't explain how angry I am for taking the pill, but I can't change the past and can only hope my Doc can fix my cycles somehow...:( I'm temping when I remember lol. Right now my chart looks like an 'N' on a slant lol

I've heard of older ladies taking bcp to help regulate their hormones, sorry that your mom is having a rough time :(

She will be ok. She has passed the worst part of it already thankfully! Yeah I'm sure you will get back on a normal cycle at some point. You know freakily what did it for me? Having a baby.. WEIRD, right? It took a few months after I stopped breastfeeding to get normal cycles again but crazily enough, they started to get more regular and more regular until they just hovered around 27-29 days. :thumbup:

Really weird! What were your cycles like before pregnancy/breastfeeding??
Sweetpea where are youuu? You haven't been chatting with us! Hehe

I'm off to the gym! :)

I'm here I'm here! Sorry I work mon- fri days so I am usually able to sneak on b&b to update :D we had a very busy day at the clinic today so no downtime.

Haus I know it is a pain in the rear but I would try to keep up with temping... You can do it! I know it give you more info on these crazy cycles you have been having. I feel so blessed to have 28 day cycles- I wish I could snap my fingers so you all could too. It must be so frustrating for you girls :( :(

I have to say that I only tried bc for 1 year and I HATED it so I just stopped taking it. It made me hormonal and crazy :wacko: my mom took it for like 20 something years because she had ovarian cysts and it helped prevent them. She is 53 and still takes it because her body freaked out on her when she tried getting off them. Now she is trying to wean herself off but it has been horrible :( I will never again take those damn things!

I'm back for a bit then LO has speech therapy in a bit then I can chat more. Hope everyone's Monday is going all right!

I used to have 28 day cycles :( I actually had them from the very start (age 12/13) which I've been told is rare lol. I hate birth control, it was DH's idea and I did it because I thought it would be easier. 5 years later and I am screwed. :wacko: I can't explain how angry I am for taking the pill, but I can't change the past and can only hope my Doc can fix my cycles somehow...:( I'm temping when I remember lol. Right now my chart looks like an 'N' on a slant lol

I've heard of older ladies taking bcp to help regulate their hormones, sorry that your mom is having a rough time :(

She will be ok. She has passed the worst part of it already thankfully! Yeah I'm sure you will get back on a normal cycle at some point. You know freakily what did it for me? Having a baby.. WEIRD, right? It took a few months after I stopped breastfeeding to get normal cycles again but crazily enough, they started to get more regular and more regular until they just hovered around 27-29 days. :thumbup:

Really weird! What were your cycles like before pregnancy/breastfeeding??

They were irregular. I'd say anywhere from 28 to sometimes 40 something days. You know I didn't really keep track too much. They were definitely longer before though.
There is still hope for me then lol :)

I'm on cd 37 now with no sign of AF. My last two cycles were 34 and 33 days :wacko:
I'm sure she will be showing her face soon enough :wacko:

Or better yet... you end up preggo!! ;)
Last nights TMI ick factor lol. I went to the bathroom to pee and went to wipe and there was a long clear cm sticky string. It was icky!!!! It reminded me something out of some horror movie with alien slime lol. Never had that happen when I just pee just when I have to push when I poo. On the good news though, I went to my class last night and I fliped my 231lb instructor. I wont be able to do my classes if I become pregnant. To much risks with martial arts to be doing it while pregnant.
I'm sure she will be showing her face soon enough :wacko:

Or better yet... you end up preggo!! ;)

The longest cycle I've had was 60 days hopefully I'm not heading there again :wacko: I doubt I'm pregnant :(

How do you manage to temp each morning? Is it a habit now? I mean to do it every morning, but before I know it I'm awake and getting up lol :wacko:
Last nights TMI ick factor lol. I went to the bathroom to pee and went to wipe and there was a long clear cm sticky string. It was icky!!!! It reminded me something out of some horror movie with alien slime lol. Never had that happen when I just pee just when I have to push when I poo. On the good news though, I went to my class last night and I fliped my 231lb instructor. I wont be able to do my classes if I become pregnant. To much risks with martial arts to be doing it while pregnant.

I've never had that before, hopefully it's a sign you're ovulating now! :)

That's crazy! Probably a good idea to never piss you off LOL
ok so I am back from the dr. and she is going to run tests and see what is going on!

They took my blood while I was there and are going to check my hormone levels and she also wants me to come back in for an ultra sound to see if I have any cysts on my ovaries. My appointment for the ultra sound is april 27th. She said if there are cysts she will have me go on bcp for three months to shrink them? That seems crazy to me because I don't want to go back on those things ever, ugh. Then after the 3 months on bcp I could take clomid. If there are no cysts though I could just start the clomid if I like.

She wrote me an prescription for provera and wants me to take it for the 10 days and have a AF before I do the ultra sound. The thing is I am on CD 44 and I have been having some cramps down below and a lot of cm so I really think I may O soon, I know I have been saying that all cycle but I think it may happen this time. So I don't know what to do about the provera, what do you ladies think? I have no experience with this drug so I have no clue what to do.

I told her how my periods were pretty light and only lasted about 2.5 days, she thinks I havent had a proper bleed and the provera will help with that. I know I have ovulated in the past due to my charting but I didnt tell her that because she is really against temping (why are drs so against that??) Argg I don't know what to do but I am glad I am getting some help finally!
Thanks Rachel! :) Did you have to ask for tests or did she suggest them?? I'm so nervous about having a new Doc and having him think I'm crazy lol :wacko:

I'm glad you're getting tests run, hopefully everything is fine! I can't believe Doctors are against temping! Wouldn't they like that you are aware of your body before running extra tests?? Lol :wacko:

I have no experience with provera sorry. Maybe hold off and see if you are in fact ovulating soon? Ugh hope you never have to go back on bcp again. I told DH I'd have 10 kids before using it again! :rofl:
:rofl: I hear you on that! I don't ever want to go back on bcp. But I guess from what she is saying if I have cysts they need to go away before taking clomid because that could cause issues. I just pray there are no freakin cysts!! I would be so upset to have to stop TTC for 3 whole months :(

I think I am going to watch my temps for a few more days maybe start doing opks the next few days and if nothing happens by CD 48 or so I will just be done with this cycle and take the provera because lets face it if it has gone this long who knows if I will even O at that point.
Fingers crossed that there are cysts. When I was younger I had an awful sharp pain that made me scream (omg it was awful!) and my Doctor told me it was an ovarian cyst bursting...I'm kinda worried about cysts too. Have you had any pain like that?

I think that's a smart idea, then at least you've tried everything you can first. :)
I can't say I have had any severe pains but I do get the random mild cramping here and there throughout my cycle, no clue what that could mean. ??
Mine isn't until the 16th :( Since I'm seeing a new Doctor the first appointment is an interview appointment (do they do this in the US??) We'll go over my family medical history and I'll get a chance to ask questions. I'm planning on asking for bloodwork and giving him a brief overview of my cycles. I should be able to set up an appointment for a week later to get results and discuss things more.
My first appt with my gyno which was last year for my annual exam I had an interview with her before but then had the exam straight after, so it seems we do something similar here in the US. Your appt. will be here before you know it!

It was funny because I was telling the nurse I had long irregular cycles and then she asked when my LMP was and I said Feb 20th and she was like "whoa that is a long cycle!" And I'm like yea, I wasnt exagerrating! :rofl:

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