:wave: Wishing you ladies lots of
this month and hoping this will be your cycle!
Im just dropping in cause I saw pips and a few people saying about testing the whole cycle with opks, and I got a positive opk smiley face on a cb digi last month at CD10, the box says not to test again after a positive but I did anyway and got another positive surge on CD18 which is definitely the day I did actually OV, not CD10 and you can see theres a huge gap between those surges, so it's worth keeping on testing opks through your cycle for sure I think!
Hope to see your bfps this month
Do you take temps and, if so, did you see a rise after your first surge or not until your second? I guess I am asking how you knew the second surge was the accurate one.
I didn't temp, so I guess I can't justify that I definitely didnt ovulate on CD10 but I think it's highly unlikely and don't believe that I did, this is why...
I have a 32 day cycle and though not impossible CD10 seemed too early for that. i got a smiley face in the afternoon, then i tested again a few hours later curious about how long the surge would last and got no smiley face, also had no ewcm but we did DTD around time though.
CD18( which would be the middle of my cycle like cd14 would be for 28day cycle) I got a smiley opk in the morning with ewcm, a smiley face in the afternoon and still a smiley face the next morning CD19 which went back negative that afternoon. So a much longer surge. We DTD the day before the first smiley, the day of first smiley and the day after first smiley and I got a positive test 10 days after that at 10dpo which was really faint, and was negative at 8 and 9 dpo.
If I had conceived at 10dpo the first time I would have been 19dpo when I got my positive test and I think if I had of conceived then I'd have got a positive on the days I tested and got a negative 8/9dpo after the second surge. Oh and I got a "pregnant 1-2" on a digi at 13dpo which would be accurate to ovulation Cd18
Hope I didn't write that stupid and you get me haha x