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cycles after implant removal??

Ooo how exciting Kate, how do you 'feel' any symptoms? Feeling hopeful or not hopeful ?

My AF is due around the 4th march...!!
hope you get a bfp on saturday!
So its out!! It took a while as it had bent, nurse said this is common with weight gain since it was put in. I have put on 2 stone since it was fitted last april.
She also gave me a bag of condoms lol, I am going to avoid these next few months actually as we have booked to go to my family for Christmas this year and that is in Canada so I want to be able to go!

Yay it's out :)
How lovely going to Canada for Xmas! You will need to be careful then, those condoms will come in handy lol
Not feeling very confident really. No signs, my cervix is really high and firm, and no ib so reckon it's probs unlikely this month but we will wait till Sat and see what happens.

Canada for Christmas that would be very nice!

When are going to test Amy?! Your due pretty much the same day as me! I think you should do Sat morning as well then I've got someone to wait it out with lol! Xx
I just wasn't going to test this month unless period didn't show, but ok you talked me into it, haha

Saturday morning it is then.... :)
maryp0ppins- mine also bent :s i did put on a fair amount of weight though im down 7lbs now though :D

kate- isnt a high cervix a good sign?? and ib isnt actually that common so think positive :D:D

i may poas sat as well just so i can join in lol, not due until 6th though xxx
I am from Canada and miss it so much!,my partner is English and never wants to live anywhere but east london. I really think this might be the last year we go for xmas as its getting so expensive!!

Is anyone taking any tablets? Im taking one with folic acid and zinc in it. Nurse suggested taking something like this to help balance my hormones to bring period on and regular. Also incase i do fall pregnant its good to be taking folic acid.
Yay Kirsty testing too :)
Yes cervix high is good and deffo don't go on IB I didn't get with either of my two!

Must be hard you wanting to be in Canada and you OH wanting to be here, especially if you don't get to go home much anymore as its too expensive :-(

I'm taking pregnecare, think I have permanently been on them from when we were TTC my first son, lol!
Oh that's strange I looked it up and it said that cervix should be soft during pregnancy? Maybe that's later on.

I'm taking the equivalent of pregnacare but it's made by seven seas and is in a packet like the pill so that I can remember whether I've taken it or not as I'm rubbish! OH is also taking a multivitamin which he bought himself for helping with ttc. Bless!!

Yay Sat testing it is then! That means I will be less tempted to cheat and test before then!!

I really respect you for living so far from home. I would find that ridiculously difficult. I'm really close with my family and would hate being away from them. You're very brave and have more courage than I do! :)
Oh and did anyone crave milk?! I can't stop drinking the stuff but now I've noticed how much I'm drinking it just makes me want more!! I think it's in my head lol
Just looked it up apparently it's quite common! Oh I want to test now! Haha x
How sweet is your OH Kate! My OH wouldn't think like that, lol.

Never heard of milk craving personally but how interesting and it's a common symptom you read, oooo let's hope the little swimmers did catch that eggy, oh I want you to test now too, haha. No don't wait til Saturday - that's what you want to hear right ;-)
Im not going to lie its REALLY hard. I have a big family and extended family are very close too. Miss my mom terribly. My oh on the other hand has a grandad and 2 aunties here....thats it. His mother died when he was 7 and his father was never around. Grandparents raised him until his nan died when he was 14-15. I dont understand why the attraction of moving to Canada doesnt appeal to him. My family love him and would always be there for us. I feel sad sometimes thinking our child will grow up with just us and hardly any family close by.
I tested last night lol.... bfn. Trying to convince myself that it was too early and I didn't use fmu but think that realistically I'm prob not lucky this month. Will still wait and test Sat tho!

Hopefully one of us might get a sticky bean!! Xx
your not out kate fingers crossed for you BFP!!!!

i also caved this afternoon and had the most evil experience with a cheapie test, the dye ran over as it does and then as it was clearing there was a lovely second pink line, ran down stairs to grab my phone to take a pic to find a :bfn:staring me in the face :dohh: :( :( honestly could have :cry:
Ah man, why is everyone caving in lol! Does this mean I need to as well, haha. No I'm not no point as I am not feeling anything and I just know its not our month (which I'm totally cool with) so would only wind up :dohh:

I can't say I have ever had that experience with the dye Kirsty! Must be such a heart wrenching experience! Dam cheap tests ...!!

Are you sure absolutely nothing there afterwards though? Is it worth putting it up to get some more eyes on it? :hugs:
Ha ha kirstie your as weak as me! That's rubbish you had your hopes raised than dashed :( mine was neg straight away!! I'm still reading stuff into symptoms but I don't think it's realistic. Well done on being strong Amy!! Your better than us lol!!
well done amy! :thumbup: much stonger than us lol
it was just a grey line Amy :( throw the test away. stupid thing it was:growlmad:
i will test tomorrow and upload.
Kate im symptom spotting like mad atm, even though i dont stand much of a chance this month :cry: xxx

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