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cycles after implant removal??

Oh wow, we'll done you! Sometimes us women have to kick our guys arse I to gear otherwise nothing would ever happen! Lol

That's awesome :)

What are your ladies names btw? You don't have to say if you would rather not but its sometimes easier than our user names. I'm Amy, mummyofone25 is Kirsty and kate_live is Kate xx
He admitted to me he would not have done it for a few years!! I nees at least 2 years to plan it all.

I dont want to say my name incase my employers find me on here. I work as a nanny,hence the username. You can call me Mary
Gotcha - not a problem 'Mary' ;-)

Aww well yes like you say you have time to plan heehee

I have been engaged for over 3 years...! Still no real plans we wanted kids first then we will think about the wedding...could be years away the amount of kids we want haha. We have said that we might 'just do it' when we are away on holiday at some point. Neither of us are ones for a 'big do' so somthing low key would suit us, it's just the thing of having the family there...we would both want our 'close family' there for sure.
Wow congrats Mary!

We are much the same as you Amy :)

Well some better news from me, I had my hcg tested today its gone from 116, to 315:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: and my progesterone is 56 so the midwife is hopeful that this is a normal pregnancy :happydance: she's happy with my bloods so don't need to have them done again, and have a scan booked for the 19th to make sure pip is where its meant to be :)
Oh Kirsty that's such fantastic news, I'm so pleased for you. That must be such a good thing to hear after last week! What an awful few days you had, take things easy hun xx
I've never felt so anxious in all my life, I'm going to stay off work until I know for sure what's going on, as I just can't face the questions, but fingers crossed pip is just snuggling in and will be happily growing in the right place xxx
Oh kirstie that's great! I'm over the moon for you!! Cross my fingers everything goes ok with your scan! Your going to get to see pip!!

Wow Mary your brave! Brilliant news!

Midwife went okay today. So peculiar that they don't test to see if you are pregnant! I could be lying! However I wouldn't want to after the butchering I got by the student midwife bless her. I have really small veins and they stuck needles in to no avail but in the end got lucky!! Really tempted by an early scan found one down my way for £40 very tempted. Can't wait till end of April!!

What du reckon waste of money or worthwhile?!
Glad things are looking better for you Kirsty & congrats on the engagement Mary

My name is Sarah.
I personally don't think early scans are necessary (unless there is a problem) but that's my opinion. Then again for £40...!?!?!? I guess I would do if if it was my first baby.

If you want reassurance that everything is ok though I would do it for £40. Just don't expect to see anything other than a blob at the moment...the earliest I have had a scan is 10weeks 1 day I think it was (as the dates weren't correct and they thought i was further along than I was) and to be honest it just looked like a shrimp, lol.
I'm Ellen. Wanted a different username for this baby stuff, just in case! But was pretty uninspired so I just flipped it round... Day 5 post removal. Had a shocker of a weekend- really lethargic with a headache, but woke up yesterday like a new person and seems to be continuing so fingers crossed I'm on the right track!

Glad things are looking more positive Kirsty :D

Good on you for getting him on the right track, Mary! Hubby proposed to me about 2 1/2 years ago when we were in Cambodia, but it was about 3 weeks after our 5th anniversary and I figured if he wasn't going to do it then it wasn't coming any time soon. So when he did ask I didn't believe him/it didn't really sink in and my reply was "Really??! Erm, I suppose so". Still haven't lived it down.
Hmmm £40 is a good price, but im not sure if i would. I had a sneaky one done in work with finley at about 8weeks and he just looked like a baked bean lol. Id prop be more tempted with a 3D scan later on x
In a bad place right now. I told my nan on Sunday she was over the moon for me and so excited. It is due on her birthday. She had a heart attack and died suddenly yesterday. I'm hurting so much but know she was so excited about the baby and I need to stay calm. My mum said yesterday 'a life for a life' and I feel guilty. I miss her so much.
Oh no! Such a hard time for you.
I'd try not to think of it as a life for a life- thats just added pressure.
But celebrate the life she had and the one thats coming.
Oh Kate that's awful news hun! I'm sorry to hear that. At least your nan went knowing that so many good things were happening in your life and she was excited for you. She would be so pleased for you, it's too easy to say stay clam and relaxed when you loose someone close, but be brave hun. Big hugs xx
oh Kate im so sorry!! dont think of it as a life for a life, think of how happy she was about the baby! thoughts are with you xxxx
Bit better today. More level head and trying to look at things positively at least I got chance to tell her. The funeral is next Friday and I'm speaking, I hope I hold it together.

How is everyone? I'm feeling ok still crampy in the evenings but hoping it passes soon. Xx
ended up back in hospital last night :( hcg hadnt doubled this time and progesterone had dropped...... its not looking good atm. need to go back in sunday x
Oh no Kirsty, so sorry to read this! Still keeping positive for you though xx

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