Cystic Hygroma (large NT@12 weeks)--not a good scan--Updated :)

Thank you :D :D I love her so so much already and am even more anxious for her to get here now! I really do hope your little guy cooperates for you on Monday and you get to feel movement and see it, I was giggling and crying at the same time :haha:
I still have hard times, but I can't be shocked that he left.. he has a 2yr old son from a previous relationship that he has nothing to do with :growlmad: some guys just aren't meant to be daddy's I guess!
I will absolutely keep following you through :) I've been around since the beginning, no point in leaving now! That's so ironic, going by LMP I would be 19+6, but she's been measuring a day ahead at every scan :dohh: so I've quietly bumped us ahead and that makes my due date March 24, but typically when a stranger asks me.. I just say the end of March lol. I crossed over to halfway today actually.. please pinch me :cloud9:
Ah, I hate that first part of waking up, when you're super groggy and not all there :dohh: your mind can play some nasty tricks on you at that point. Give it a BIT longer (hopefully not much!) and you'll have good morning kicks, so even when you're in that stage, he'll be kicking you and telling you to get your bum outta bed :rofl: I'm quite confident you're gonna be so relieved at your appt :) He's been a fighter up until now, I don't think he's giving up! xx
less than 3 hours until my appointment. I am a ball of nerves!!! I didn't plan on coming online before the appointment but I have some time before heading off to work so I thought I'd just rant on here a little :haha: Sorry if this reads more like a journal entry... I originally was going to take off work in the morning but I'm glad I didn't decide to do that! I need all the distraction I can get. My brain is hopping back and forth between expecting the worst and be sure than everything will be fine. I just keep trying to reassure myself...for example, I think about how it's been 3.5 weeks since I've had my last scan, but the doctor was wanting to see me every two weeks, so it's good that he spread it out more right? But then why does he want me to see another geneticist today?

UGH, so many questions and I simply cannot bog my brain down with it all. I know I have to take it as it comes but I HATE anticipation! I'm the type of person who can deal much better with the diagnosis than the testing, you know what I mean?

Ok, have to get off to work now. I'll update as soon as the opportunity presents itself. :hugs: to everyone following my story and sending my little one well wishes and their prayers. It truly, truly means more to me.
just wanted to wish you good luck hun. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thinking of u hun! I'm currently waiting for my nt scan myself. Best of luck sweetie!
Oh it's finally here again :D definitely thinking of you and bun today and can't wait to hear yet another great update!!! :hugs: xx
Thank you so much everyone for all your positive energy! :happydance: Everything went great!!! Not only did our little Bun measure up perfectly, but the doctor said whatever abnormality he heard at our earlier scans has cleared up!!! I am in absolute shock. I don't think it's truly hit me yet. It's like my mind has prepared myself for the worst for so many weeks, to get a clean bill of health has just boggled my mind! I am so excited though! I will still be going for a detailed cardio appointment next week but this is strictly for a second opinion just to make sure that there isn't anything minor that we need to watch. But this is the best news we could have possibly hoped for! The doctor is comfortable spreading my appointments out to 4 weeks now which is right along with a normal pregnancy so I'm very please :thumbup: I'm waiting for hubby to get home so I can show him all the pictures I got today, but in the mean time I was thinking you ladies would like to look ;) Below we have a face shot, a potty shot (though it's dark and hard to see, but you'll have to use your imagination a little), a profile of him with his mouth open, and finally little Bun being a naughty boy!!!


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OMG yaaaaaaay!!! And look, he's pissed you guys thought he wasn't a strong boy LOL jk.
Think I felt a little flutter from my LO when I read your good news. Seems like my bubba wants to join me in saying YAY for you! So pleased for the three of you. x
AWWW YAAYYY :D :D :dance: :dance: :D :D so so so happy for you hun!!! That's the BEST thing I heard all day.. I knew he was gonna be ok.. but that's just even better than being ok!! I don't even have the words right now, I'm just so pleased that this thread has gone from such stressful and anxious to nothing but great news after great news! This really is gonna be a story to tell your little boy someday :)
Btw.. what a little bugger he is, giving you the finger already :rofl: I swear they have personalities in there! Mine flashed her vajayjay like it was going outta style, but refused to show her face! (I think that comes from me, stubborn and a crude sense of humor :haha: ) AND last but not least... congrats on being halfway now!!! Huge milestone, next is V day, woohoo! xx
Congratulations! That's wonderful! I can't believe everything is so perfect now, that is one strong willed and lucky boybun!

Thank you so much everyone! I'm in disbelief myself. He sure is proving himself to the medical field right now! I think we're going to have to start calling him Wonder Boy :haha:

I think you're right, that our little ones are already developing into their personalities somewhat. How can they not? It makes me wonder what they're thinking in there...or *how* they think, you know?

In any case I'm super excited to start working on the nursery. I think i'll be painting this weekend :happydance: I finally feel OK to start preparing for his arrival!

As always I'll keep updating as I get updates. You ladies have been the greatest support through all of this, and I mean that. Thank you.
Congratulations, what a top result!!! Hopefully, you can now start to enjoy and plan for the rest of your pregnancy xx
Yay for painting the nursery :D I'm going to pick out paint this weekend, but probably won't get around to starting just yet, although I'm anxious to get the crib, dresser and change table together :dance: Are you doing neutral or are you making him a proper boys room? I chose an animal theme very early on and decided to stay neutral, but part of me wants to reshop and go pink :haha: my budget won't allow me, so I'll wait til she's a tad older and let her decide if she wants a pink princess room or whatever! x
I have to admit, i'm a little jealous of your girly room already! lol --part of me just can't wrap my brain around having a little boy, but I guess I will soon! We have decided on a blue room (like a light slate blue) with a theme of owls. My MIL already bought me the perfect picture to go in his room of an owl. I keep looking around for owl stuff (nothing too "cartoony") but it's really turning out to be difficult. I keep finding owls but they're always pink! I'll have to do some online shopping when his due date gets closer.

what animal theme did you pick?
Congratulations! I'm so happy everything was fine.
That is SUCH wonderful news, congrats! Now it's time to shop and nest!!!
I was the same :blush: I couldn't quite see myself with a boy, so definitely thrilled that I don't have to try, but I bet you once you actually start his room, you'll warm up in a real hurry :) I like the idea of owls though, that's very cute! I've gone with any kind of zoo animals.. elephants, giraffes and monkeys are my main ones, but lions, hippos, etc also work. I was into Babies R Us today... oh my goodness.. that place is baby heaven! They have evvvverything, so if you don't have one close to you, pop on their site :) x
super congrats to you gigglebox and what a blooming relief!! now you can go and enjoy your pregnancy and get really excited. am very very pleased for you and your partner, and for bubs. i am so pleased for you all. as to decorating - have you thought about googling owl wall decals? i have seen some really fun ones that are not cartoony and would look good for lots of years. they end up like a painting on the wall. i got a banksy graffitti one of a girl letting go of a red heart balloon for my little girl and it looks really nice... enjoy your weekend and celebrate!

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