With as much support as I have seen going on on many message boards, I am shocked by this one. I know it's not as long as others but when we started TTC 2 1/2 years ago I joined.
I too have experienced miscarriages, spotting and unexplained infertility. I know there are MUCH worse experiences out there but I am blown away by the immense amount of judgement being placed on her.
If you find her post so offensive and her life so "spoiled and privelaged", why bother posting? My understanding was this was a place for support and positivity. Not degrading judgmental comments about how her worries aren't valid.
I find this so disappointing
I know I didn't call her spoiled. Someone else said "possibly spoiled." My sister always thought I was spoiled - based on how our parents treated us...in that case, it's pretty clear that her brother is the spoiled one lol.
I also don't think people excessively worrying about spotting after being told repeatedly that it's normal is necessarily more important. She shouldn't be scared into thinking her pregnancy is going to go bad - it's nice that she seems to not have irrational concerns about miscarrying.
I'm trying to show her from firsthand experience that her worries are excessive, not invalid. It's also important for people to hear that other people had very different lives and appreciated much different things. Perhaps if she didn't experience the same struggle, she might not realize that what she might perceive as bad was actually what others saw as good. Pointing out that we cherished our cheap vacations a lot more than our expensive ones seems like a perfectly valid way to ease her concerns.
I don't even think she struggled less. I'm a psychologist and it's obvious we just had DIFFERENT struggles. As kids though, we don' t really see them as struggles, they're just our lives...that's what I'm trying to get her to remember. We didn't have money - I didn't know it. I was a happy kid and didn't care. Her parents were a lot harder on her and mine were probably a little more warm and understanding. We both got different pros and cons and I know if we traded places, we'd appreciate what we DID have a lot more.
I'm only saying this because I do feel like maybe I've been the most blunt with her about the financial aspect. You may see it as judgment on my part but I could perceive almost everything she's said as judgmental and misguided on her part too. It's like she's saying if her kid gets anywhere close to having a childhood like mine then they're going to have a terrible life...and that's simply not the case.
I think commenters are just getting irritated because every time they offer support, or let her know that they had all the things she's worried about, she just brings up another example of how she's being given the world and having to face reality of paying her own way when most of us have been living that reality all our lives.
I honestly think her priorities are going to change drastically over time and she's going to realize that she has a better grasp on this than a lot of other people, possibly even better than her own parents and I'm rooting for her and for that to happen. I have friends who grew up in a similar culture with moms just like hers and it was always painful to watch. I also have "privileged" friends whose parents were also still financially supporting them despite their own financial stability.
Herding, no matter what you do, life is never going to go exactly as you plan it. You can't change the past either. It's about accepting what you've done, what you have, and always striving for better. Be forward focused. People in poverty have kids to go on and become millionaires so you never know what's going to happen.