Hi girls
I know I haven't been on here much, but I have been reading as much as I can. It just got to the point where I got so behind with personals that posting became really hard.
Anyway, I've spent some time this evening catching up ...
Bumphopes – wishing you all the best with your diui – how frustrating that the waiting list for an appt is so long
Snd – how are you doing sweetie? I’m so sorry to hear about the funding
Mrs C, StepMummy and MJ – hope the pregnancies are going well
CM – I’m so sorry you’ve been through so much but I’m hoping things are now on track for your diui. Keeping everything crossed for you! I’m sorry to hear that the latest SA showed nothing, but great news that it has given you both the closure you needed in order to be able to move on with the diui
SunUp – Great numbers. Keeping everything crossed for you!
Stinas – not long til your FET – hoping all goes well
Raelynn – such fantastic news – huge congrats to you both!
Mobaby – I’m so sorry about the chemical – I hope you’re doing ok. Good news on the frosties though.
Whlisa19 – I’m sorry you find yourself here. I have to be honest and say that the route you have taken doesn’t sit comfortably with me at all, but I do wish you all the best
CBergs – I’m so sorry about the mTESE – I hope you and dh are doing ok
BettiS – sorry you have had to join us, but welcome
Silverbell – I really have everything crossed that the dIVF will lead to your
Wgreen – Welcome - I hope your upcoming appt gives you some answers
Shellvz – sorry you’ve had to join us, but welcome. I hope you’re doing ok
Rdleela – glad the surgery went well and that there is hope for a natural

Hope dh is healing well
DG – sorry you’ve been struggling lately. Good luck with the saving
Momofadane – ‘some’ sperm, no matter how low the number is always great news! Arimadex helped my dh

to anyone I've missed
AFM - just over 4 weeks to go and all going well - it still all feels a bit surreal if I'm honest after waiting so long!