Dealing with azoospermia?

cm - Thats wonderful that you finally have closure and feel great about moving on to DIUI.
Hello everyone :flower:

I hope you're all well. Thanks for the kind messages, you all understand this so well :hugs:

Arimas How did the ET go?

Sun.. you asked for it! :dust: :dust: :dust:

Deb Thank you for all the info and for sharing your experiences. I definitely got the feeling he was pushing for business, but I guess he has to! I spoke to DH and he's happy to see Mr Ramsay. Thanks again, darling :hugs: ... oh, and not long now!!

rdleela That's great news on the surgery, I hope DH is recovering well. Does this mean that when all's healed you'll be able to try naturally?

Stinas Are you preparing for the FET yet?

WANBMUM I saw in your siggie that you had an IUI in september... good luck!

CM Good luck for starting your IUI cycle!

DG :hugs: The bitterness creeps up on you, doesn't it? I'm exactly the same. One of the forums I've been on since joining BnB, women seem to join and then Bam! They're pregnant three months later and you can't help but feel envious. It's good that you have a plan you're working towards (focus is good!), but please don't work TOO hard now!

Rae Hope you and little appleseed are doing well.

Big :hi: to silverbell, SND, Mo, gloomy and anyone else I've managed to miss.

Nothing new here to report, we're just concentrating on getting the money together to pay for the treatment next year.. *gulp*

BIG :hugs: to all,

C xx
Hello ladies,

I posted on here about two weeks ago becuase I had a feeling my Hubbys SA would be a zero.

My husband has been on TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) for 5 years or so. We just found out that due to this we are unable to get preggo (basically a form of male Birth control).

He had a SA and first urology appt today, he saw a Dr that specializes in infertility. He has been off TRT for a month now and SA showed .05 million (normal is above 15 million). I was actually shocked to see there were any, from what I have read many times its zero. The Doctor said it was a great sign that there were even any there. He had him get more bloodwork done to see where his testosterone levels are and then will probably perscribe Clomid and/or Armidex. This will make his body start producing it naturally. The doctor said it will take a full 90 days for a full sperm cycle to occur but to keep trying to get pregnant in the mean time. He also said it may never come back :( and there is no way of knowing at this point. But for now I am keeping positive thoughts and hoping for the best!!
Hi girls :hugs:

I know I haven't been on here much, but I have been reading as much as I can. It just got to the point where I got so behind with personals that posting became really hard.

Anyway, I've spent some time this evening catching up ...

Bumphopes – wishing you all the best with your diui – how frustrating that the waiting list for an appt is so long

Snd – how are you doing sweetie? I’m so sorry to hear about the funding

Mrs C, StepMummy and MJ – hope the pregnancies are going well

CM – I’m so sorry you’ve been through so much but I’m hoping things are now on track for your diui. Keeping everything crossed for you! I’m sorry to hear that the latest SA showed nothing, but great news that it has given you both the closure you needed in order to be able to move on with the diui

SunUp – Great numbers. Keeping everything crossed for you!

Stinas – not long til your FET – hoping all goes well

Raelynn – such fantastic news – huge congrats to you both!

Mobaby – I’m so sorry about the chemical – I hope you’re doing ok. Good news on the frosties though.

Whlisa19 – I’m sorry you find yourself here. I have to be honest and say that the route you have taken doesn’t sit comfortably with me at all, but I do wish you all the best

CBergs – I’m so sorry about the mTESE – I hope you and dh are doing ok

BettiS – sorry you have had to join us, but welcome

Silverbell – I really have everything crossed that the dIVF will lead to your :bfp:

Wgreen – Welcome - I hope your upcoming appt gives you some answers

Shellvz – sorry you’ve had to join us, but welcome. I hope you’re doing ok

Rdleela – glad the surgery went well and that there is hope for a natural :bfp: Hope dh is healing well

DG – sorry you’ve been struggling lately. Good luck with the saving

Momofadane – ‘some’ sperm, no matter how low the number is always great news! Arimadex helped my dh

:hugs: to anyone I've missed

AFM - just over 4 weeks to go and all going well - it still all feels a bit surreal if I'm honest after waiting so long!
Heya girls

Haven't been able to post a lot lately but have been reading and searching for someone in the same kind of situation as I am (all of you are, but some more than others).

rdleela - you are giving me a glimmer of hope! REALLY and TRULY...good luck, I really hope things work out the way you hope they will!My situation is (I hope) similar to yours...

MoBaby - thanks for the info, still really hoping we won't have to resort to IVF or ICSI (it must be such a stressful thing to go through).

Just to recap:
DH had 3 surgeries in that area as a baby. Both his testes retracted independently and these had to be repaired, and (I think a bit later) he had testicular torsion on one side, which they also had to repair in an emergency operation. We don't know yet whether these surgeries caused the problem; we're only going to see the urologist on the 15th, but I'm silently hoping and praying that it's something they will be able to fix surgically and that we might be able to conceive the natural way. :flower:

I usually post on another site, and almost all of the ladies in my buddy group are now pregnant and constantly talking baby and morning sickness and blahblahblah and it's driving me INSANE!!! Not to mention the 22 (yes, TWENTY-TWO) friends and acquaintances around me in daily life, who have fallen pregnant since January this year, and are constantly talking pregnancy talk. I guess I'd be excited too if it were me...:wacko:

Sorry for venting...

Thanks for the welcoming messages, much appreciated.

Any other girls who have surgical causes of azoo?
Welcome BettiS. Sorry you find yourself here.

I will post more when i'm not on my phone, but just wanted to say that small testicles is not necessarily a sign of ks. It is a sign of some degree of testicular failure, but not necessarily total failure. There are many causes of this failure - ks is just one of many x

Hey Deb

Could you please give more details on the above quote if you have the time? Wow, scanned through your journal, SUCH a touching story! And soon you'll be a mommy at last!! SO exciting!:hugs:
Hey girls! Sorry I have been awol for a minute, but thanks to those who have been checking in on me...

First, congrats are in order to a few! :happydance: And hello to the new girls popping in!

I don't have much time for personals at the moment, but will be back to catch up. Just wanted to update real quick that we have a $15,000 home improvement loan in the works to fund our one and only one IVF cycle! So this HAS to work! It's like a craps shoot... all or nothing!!! We are also conisdering doing embryo adoption, as it is 1/3 cheaper than the IVF... really depends on if my clinic has any available to adopt. We should know something by the end of next week if the loan goes through. If not, I guess we will try one last IUI and pray that it works. My hubby lost his side job last week and all his extra income is gone, so this is all we have. My clinic found another IVF finance group, but after his job loss, we couldn't afford another pmt at the moment. So all prayers are needed on our end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be back later. We are having our grand opening at my work's new location tomorrow and everything is hectic, so it might be the weekend.... But wanted to let you girls know I'm still here and cheering you all along!!! :hugs: to each of you!!!
Hi Ladies,

Wow this thread has grown! I havent had the chance to read everyones post since I last posted. I hope that everyone is doing well and is moving along with their plans/tests.

I am just in the 2ww. Going for beta on Monday. Not gonna POAS before then. Just hope that I dont spot or bleed before the test like last time.

Praying for all of us. *HUGS*
snd - Praying that this works out for you!! Hopefully everything will go perfectly for your IVF cycle! :dust:
snd - I hope everything works out soon!! Prayers your way!! xoxo

Tiger - AF finally showed her face!! I am going for CD2 bloods tom so I am guessing I will find out exactly when transfer will be. Hopefully!

Arimas - Good luck!!!!
Hey lovelies :flower:

Another step closer to the weekend... yay!

SND Hello gorgeous! That's FAB news about the loan, I'm hoping to so hard that this works or as you've said HAS to work :hugs:

BettiS :hi: It's so hard to deal with this situation when it feels like everyone around you is falling pregnant. Good luck with your appointment, hopefully you'll get some positive news.

Arimas Gosh, not long until your beta. How many did they transfer? Keeping everything crossed for you!

Deb Wow! 28 days to go! Have you started your maternity leave yet?

momofadane That's great news!

Stinas Not long now, lady!

Sending big :hugs: to everyone else.

AFM: Yesterday I went to sort out some temp work and guess where they're sending me?.... to a MATERNITY UNIT!!? I plan to hide behind my computer screen with a never-ending supply of chocolate :wacko:

C xx
Tiger- :hugs: wow yes lots of chocolates and hiding behind screens. Good time to learn skill of listening without glimpsing at their huge bumps.
I had 4 transferred =o Out of the 4, I only had one good one and the RE told me the rest would not make it to freeze. So out of 6 embies, transfered one good one and three others with it. The last two did not make the freeze.

Last time I only transfered the two good ones and nothing happened. So this time I though just transfer the max and see what happens.

I am just hoping that one good one sticks. :)

Sometimes I think its because the sperm is immature so they do not survive, but I have read that sperm from the testicles turn out to be healthy babies.

If this time doesnt work then i dont know what else to try other than a different RE.

Good luck ladies, my prayers are with you all and thanks for checking on me :) I will keep ya'll updated.
Arimas - Bubble is from an embryo that was behind the others in developing and i know loads of people who have had great embryos and :bfn: and rubbish embryos and :bfp:

Tiger - i finished work last friday and i have to say my first week of leave has flown!
Arimas - Good luck!

Deb - I agree.....I have seen more ladies get BFP from "low quality" embryos. We transfered a perfect hatching embryo and it was a BFN. I am hoping our "ok" frozen embryo makes it!

I started my estrogen today!! I go in for bloods and ultrasound on the 16th, which is when I will know exactly when we are doing the transfer! I am excited, but a bit overwhelmed. I couldnt wait to get there, but when I did this am I got really what if this does not work again, and we are stuck at square one, not to mention the 40k+ we lost and have to give again. Its just a lot to deal with right now, but I am hoping for the best.
I don't ever remember looking for our little group on page 2! It's been quiet in here.

How are you doing, Deb? What kind of mat leave do you get there?

Stinas- Good luck this time around! I can understand your fears. I'm really hoping this is it so you don't have to worry about everything else.

Tigerlily- That would be tough to go there. We were at the RE office and the women in the waiting room were talking about their IVF, one was talking about her donor and one was saying how such used to be a maternity nurse and had to take a transfer to palliative care because she couldn't handle it anymore. IF is so cruel.

AFM- I'm on CD4, day two of Clomid. They are checking my LH levels on Friday. Those were high in the past and really have to be 10 or lower in order to continue with the IUI cycle. It affects egg quality if it's higher. When they did the CD3 ultrasound, he saw 30 antral follies on my right side and 10 on my left. I hope the Clomid doesn't make too many of those wake up! So, we're still not out of the woods yet, could still be canceled, but we'll see how it goes... Crossing my fingers.
CM- fingers crossed this cycle still happens for you and that you get a bfp!

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